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I am theFallGuy

Guest theFallGuy

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It's not me, honest   :ph34r:theFallGuy even insults me.  (Feel free to distribute any upvotes you might have liked to have given theFallGuy to any of my posts in this thread).

Edited by Shardlet
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Sounds like you are helpless before me you withering husk!

You stupid GOB!  Didn't you read the previous posts where they said that the quota was 10.  I bet you read them and thought the quota was three downvotes per day.  You moron! 

And yes, I triple posted.  And now I've made it four!  Go and boil your bottoms! You empty-headed animal food-trough wipers!

If you like, I can provide you with 10 right now for your petty and futile efforts!

Not only does he double-post - he quadruple-posts!!!! The profanity! Down-vote the base-born bastard!


EDIT: Forgive me, Shardlet, but I'm going to copy-paste your banner into my own signature. All in the spirit of recruiting more down-votes against that flaming, addle-brained Silverpike.

Edited by Aether
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Can we make a new account just to downvote TheFallGuy, or is there any point to it. It looks like zucchini is the lowest we can go. I'd imagine doing this on a normal basis would get you banned if you were discovered, but as long as we are just downvoting TheFallGuy, who cares? More downvotes for science's sake!

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Rubix has claimed that there are more levels.  We have little choice but to proceed to at least -500.  I figure that if we haven't reached another level by then, then there likely is not another level.  Although it would be fun to create an anti-Brandon.




EDIT: Forgive me, Shardlet, but I'm going to copy-paste your banner into my own signature. All in the spirit of recruiting more down-votes against that flaming, addle-brained Silverpike.


No problem.  It confused me at first, though.

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Guest theFallGuy

I think we should at least go to 512, though 1,024 is the real "max" in my mind. ;)


I don't care to know what is in your mind, you wiper of other people's bottoms!

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I am glad he went for Gilbert Gottfried.  I thought at first he might go for Lee Majors, but that is a little too on the nose (besides, Lee Majors is a nice guy).  Then I thought the easy target would be political figures, but that might upset too many apple carts (although, Kucinich would have been fun).  Naturally, pop culture was the next place to go.  I think his choice of Gottfried is well-reasoned and will likely be near-universally approved of.

Edited by Shardlet
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Come back tomorrow to downvote the posts you weren't able to today.


 I wonder if this is creating a bit of a headache for the admins who watch for malicious downvoting.


Edit:  Oh my, theFallGuy has just passed my positive rep level with his negative rep level.  420 v. -421.  :P

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Guest theFallGuy

Most loathsome of curses! While my quota has been replenished, I have run out of nefarious posts in need of downvotes! Does theFallGuy run from conflict? I demand he own up to his crimes!


I'll have your arm for that!  

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