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Feathertips and Featherblades

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Ah, I went and made three banner variations, because the tall thing was crazy, so here they are then:














The first one is larger than 500x100, though :| . They are all png8 and very small filesize though. B&W for the win.

Edited by Tempus
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The Wafflesworn's offering to our Most Glorious Brightlady Feather: *drum roll please*


The Feather Light Waffle

The waffle for the gracious lady of the Featherblades and Feathertips. Light as a feather, this crisp buckwheat waffle melts in your mouth. Topped with a blueberry maple syrup, whipped cream and sprinkled with cinnamon, this waffle packs a ton of flavor in its featherlight crust.

Inside the waffle crust is a vein of pure Belgian chocolate, which delights anyone who likes surprises. After all, there's always another secret.

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Hey feather, could you write a fanfic of modern Mistborn where there is a Gold Compounder spiking his powers to heal people, and then healing them back? He or she stores some Feruchemical gold into pills, and then gives them to someone with an Nicrosil spike charged with Allomantic gold, and a Duralumin spike charged with Feruchemical aluminum to have access to the Feruchemical gold. Be creative with how they use the needles and reuse tham, and maybe have some side effects.


Thanks, I don't know why I'm really obsessed with this idea recently.

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Here's my advice to you Khryindor, if you get obsessed with an idea, you should try writing it! Trust me, you're going to be able to do a much better job with your own idea than I am. For one thing, I am... not terribly metalic arts savvy and I am kind of only vaguely understanding what all is going on in that idea. I don't really understand tricky magic system stuff very well. I tend to leave the heavy realmatics and "game breaking combo" things to people who are much better at understanding those.


For another thing, I usually don't take requests for a reason: I'm not good at writing other people's ideas. When I write fanfics it's because an idea has hooked me, it's sunk its claws into my brain and I just keep thinking of more and more things and it won't leave me alone until I put them down on paper. Now, occasionally, someone will say something around me that sparks an idea, but it's often more of my ideas than the original spark. 


The one time I had written a direct request was because I signed up for a secret santa gift exchange and got a very specific prompt: Thor and Loki visit Scadrial. Now, those are two fandoms that I care about a lot but try as I might I couldn't come up with fun situations that really intrigued me. I mean, I tried really hard to live up to what the requester wanted, but I still think it's one of my weaker pieces and it's for that reason that I don't do direct requests pretty much ever. 


And, on top of that, I also have a lot of my own projects that I'm working on. I'm currently working on a Stormlight fic that's stretching longer and longer as I keep having more ideas for it. Currently it's mapped out at four acts with an interlude, and I've just finished the rough draft of act one. I've also got tons of small stories I've been cranking out for my original story Called Forth that I'm working on. And editing Splintercast. And transcribing Scroungers. And there's that Renarin wine tasting fic I could do, or some bickery Kadolin, or perhaps the Vin and Elend reincarnation fic that I've had an idea forever, or perhaps the sequel to The Fangirl: Weaponized that people keep begging me for and that I started plotting for...


Yeah... basically I have so many ideas that I'm already committed to and invested in plus the fact that I don't understand your idea as well as you means that any fic I even tried to write of it would be really terrible because I wouldn't know how to write it. I wouldn't even know where to start. Which is why I usually don't write requests pretty much ever.


If you really like this idea, seriously you should try writing it! For one thing, the cosmere fandom needs more fic writers, and on the other hand, you know exactly what you want from this idea! It'd be good practice! Even if you've never written fanfic or any kind of writing before, I'd really encourage you to give it a go!

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