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Non-Human Radiants?


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Eshonai, for one, but axles is also a possibility, however I consider him less likely.


I'm not convinced this is in the cards. And if it is, there's a long way to go for her, first, as she's currently influenced by hatespren, or some other Spren of Odium, which would seem a really good way to block her from attracting a Spren.


For non-human Radiant candidates, I'd look more towards Rlain. (or Shen, if you prefer his slave name)

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Eshonai, for one, but axles is also a possibility, however I consider him less likely.



I'm not convinced this is in the cards. And if it is, there's a long way to go for her, first, as she's currently influenced by hatespren, or some other Spren of Odium, which would seem a really good way to block her from attracting a Spren.


For non-human Radiant candidates, I'd look more towards Rlain. (or Shen, if you prefer his slave name)

I too don't want or see Eshonai becoming a radiant, I'm hoping she becomes a PoV voidbinder. I really want Rlain to become a Radiant as well.

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Odd, one of the listener songs says they can't feed the spren in the same way a radiant does I thought.

I suspect the Parshendi relationship with the spren doesn't benefit the spren, though it doesn't harm them either, but the Radiant's offer Stormlight and perhaps other benefits to the spren (like possibly sentience in the physical realm, though I'm not sure if that's exclusive to Radiant-spren), which explains that particular line.



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Odd, one of the listener songs says they can't feed the spren in the same way a radiant does I thought.


Yeah, but we don't know for sure everything in that song is reliable, just because the stuff about forms is. I expect there might be difficulties to Parshendi Radiants, but if one is going to feature, I would expect Rlain to currently be the best candidate.


I suspect the Parshendi relationship with the spren doesn't benefit the spren, though it doesn't harm them either, but the Radiant's offer Stormlight and perhaps other benefits to the spren (like possibly sentience in the physical realm, though I'm not sure if that's exclusive to Radiant-spren), which explains that particular line.




I would imagine that if it's possible for Parshendi to become Radiants, they would actually need two Spren- one to give them access to the cognitive Realm and prevent them from being Parshmen, and the one they're actually bonding with which afterwards could feed on their personality. But it could be even more complicated than that.

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I'm personally partial to the Parshendi becoming the Voidbringer line, and not Radiants. We see from the world of Scadrial human subspecies each having access to the different metallic arts. Only after interbreeding did we see the magics cross. I would imagine this is consistent until proven otherwise across the Cosmere, that there may be at least some genetic link to the magics. I think Brandon may have been referencing the Horneater or Herdaz peoples, as they have Listener (non-human) blood. I am wondering now if he intended to reference one of them, as opposed to a true-blooded Listener.

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Everybody's forgetting one crucial fact:

"But it is not impossible to blend

"Their Surges to ours in the end

"It has been promise and it can come

"Or do we understand the sum?

"We question not if they can have us then

"But if we dare to have them again."


Sounds a whole lot like Parshendi can become Surgbinders. And I have evidence.


In the next POV for Eshonai, after she shows up with stormform, a comet-like spren follows her around. We don't get any mention of it after, but I have a theory that, during the Everstorm, Eshonai survives the fall into the chasm. Since Parshendi change forms during storms, I think that this comet spren forced out the stormspren and bonded internally with Eshonai, making her a Surgebinder.

Edited by The Potato
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I'm personally partial to the Parshendi becoming the Voidbringer line, and not Radiants. We see from the world of Scadrial human subspecies each having access to the different metallic arts. Only after interbreeding did we see the magics cross. I would imagine this is consistent until proven otherwise across the Cosmere, that there may be at least some genetic link to the magics. I think Brandon may have been referencing the Horneater or Herdaz peoples, as they have Listener (non-human) blood. I am wondering now if he intended to reference one of them, as opposed to a true-blooded Listener.


I agree to an extent- Parshendi absolutely default to being Voidbringers if the relevant hatespren get them. Words of Radiance is very clear on that.


But a listener who avoided hatespren or managed to get rid of theirs would indeed be a candidate as per...



Everybody's forgetting one crucial fact:

"But it is not impossible to blend

"Their Surges to ours in the end

"It has been promise and it can come

"Or do we understand the sum?

"We question not if they can have us then

"But if we dare to have them again."


Sounds a whole lot like Parshendi can become Surgbinders. And I have evidence.


In the next POV for Eshonai, after she shows up with stormform, a comet-like spren follows her around. We don't get any mention of it after, but I have a theory that, during the Everstorm, Eshonai survives the fall into the chasm. Since Parshendi change forms during storms, I think that this comet spren forced out the stormspren and bonded internally with Eshonai, making her a Surgebinder.


Nice catch on the song, I had forgotten that detail. That said, I think you may be wrong about Eshonai if the in-universe dialog is reliable. If everstorms turn Parshmen into Voidbringers, they must be full of all sorts of hatespren. (in the generic sense, ie. "Spren of Odium") It's entirely possible that rather than saving her from becoming a Voidbringer, this "comet Spren", whatever type it is, may have simply transformed her into a new Voidbringer form, as she didn't really manage to take any action during her time as a Voidbringer that would seem to be enough to attract a Radiant spren.

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It is still early in the series, and I don't think we have much of any idea how the Voidbringers work. The world as it exits now calls them "Voidbringers" and malicious destructive forces, but I don't think we are deep enough to make great judgement. There haven't been any "evil" magics to date, so I believe for right now that the Voidbringers are misunderstood and the victims of history.

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It's entirely possible that rather than saving her from becoming a Voidbringer, this "comet Spren", whatever type it is, may have simply transformed her into a new Voidbringer form, as she didn't really manage to take any action during her time as a Voidbringer that would seem to be enough to attract a Radiant spren.

Chiming in to suggest that while there's a decent chance that if she bonded with a new spren Eshonai just got stuck with some new Voidbringer form, we don't know enough about the Radiant!Spren to be 100% certain it's not one of them. Like, there might be some type that could have been attracted to her because her original self was fighting Odium's influence from the inside, albeit unsuccessfully. If I had to pick one right now, that sounds like the kind of thing that might fit with the Stonewards. But we really know too little about so many orders and especially about their spren to say.


Also, I'm pegging Rlain as a future Radiant.

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Chiming in to suggest that while there's a decent chance that if she bonded with a new spren Eshonai just got stuck with some new Voidbringer form, we don't know enough about the Radiant!Spren to be 100% certain it's not one of them. Like, there might be some type that could have been attracted to her because her original self was fighting Odium's influence from the inside, albeit unsuccessfully. If I had to pick one right now, that sounds like the kind of thing that might fit with the Stonewards. But we really know too little about so many orders and especially about their spren to say.


Also, I'm pegging Rlain as a future Radiant.


Yeah I 100% agree with your qualifications, Weltall, and it was why I used "entirely possible," "may be" and so on. :) It's possible that if Eshonai was already practically a Radiant before volunteering to take the hatespren instead of Venli, and her Spren may have viewed that sacrifice as a reason to try to bond with her. We'll see if that works out in a later book, but don't be surprised if she comes back in a new Voidbringer form. :)


It is still early in the series, and I don't think we have much of any idea how the Voidbringers work. The world as it exits now calls them "Voidbringers" and malicious destructive forces, but I don't think we are deep enough to make great judgement. There haven't been any "evil" magics to date, so I believe for right now that the Voidbringers are misunderstood and the victims of history.


I view Parshendi as even more tragic than the Kandra under Ruin were, because at least they had a way to shuck his control. They are thinking people who due to this cognitive vulnerability have been taken over by Odium. He's ultimately the one responsible for anything they do as Voidbringers, and if any of them escape him, it's due to their own ingenuity and/or luck.


And we know enough to know all of their Rhythms, the things that drive their emotions, become tainted with hate, and that their previous personality is locked away into the Rhythm of Peace, which none of them attune under Odium's influence.


None of the magics are inherently evil, but controlling thinking beings like that, that's an evil use of magic. This isn't like: (sos Spoilers)

when Harmony disabled Paalm, but didn't make her do anything, and didn't try to stop her killing herself.

Edited by Ari
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I think its pretty obvious from the afore-mentioned Parshendi song that we'll eventually see one be at least something similar. I'm thinking it might come from the group that escaped Eshoni's forced bonding. Rlain I believe will become a Squire to Kaladin and that will open up the avenue that the other Parshendi will need.  


Also on a side note I find it very ironic that the form they were searching for before they found storm-form was artist form. They couldn't attract any at all. Meanwhile we are shown multiple times that Shallan can attract them in the hundreds. I'm thinking that with the help of humans attracting the right spren the parshendi can then capture them and find the old good forms. The whole thing with rebel Parshendi just seems too fishy to me for Brandon not use them to further world-building with a true Parshendi POV.

Edited by TwelfthOfSnackTime
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I also think thatEshonai is not dead, but I am quite sure that voidbinding is an evil magic, because of it's obvious association with ruin. I am with you that Thude could be a potential surgebinder, but I also have a theory of how he could have survived. Thude has a shard blade.

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I also think thatEshonai is not dead, but I am quite sure that voidbinding is an evil magic, because of it's obvious association with ruin. I am with you that Thude could be a potential surgebinder, but I also have a theory of how he could have survived. Thude has a shard blade.

I think you have the wrong suspect.

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