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WOR Secret Anagram - Hoid Gibberish


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I really like the idea that the anagram is out of all three words "Nonsense. Balderdash. Figgldygrak.", and not just "Figgldygrak".


Maybe someone can run a program to test out letters in all three words?  Would have to include all english words as well as cosmere words (at least those used in tWoK).

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what about WoR anything new in there?


Still filtering through i haven't found any new anagrams, read and reread it but i have have already picked up several new things like;

    • Tanavast bought Hoid drinks
    • Cultivation isn't his type
    • Moelach and Nergaoul are behind the Thrill and The Death Rattles
    • Shallans brothers are incompetent
    • There are more secret agendas and groups than a School PTA meeting.  
Edited by WEZ313
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm almost certain 'gibletish' is just a (rather gruesome*) pun.


Remember that Dalinar and Hoid are talking about putting back together someone who has been cut to pieces.


gib·lets /dʒɪbthinsp.pnglɪts/

plural noun
the heart, liver, gizzard, and the like, of a fowl, often cooked separately.


*this refers to both the quality of the pun and the imagery involved

Edited by eshonai
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You're missing the i and h though.  Maybe it means HI GIBLETS, and Hoid is hungry? :D

I don't think it's an anagram.  Just a silly portmanteau along the lines of 'errorgance'.


'Gibberish' is what you get when you cut a word into pieces and stitch it back together.

'Gibletish' (pronounced jib-let-ish) is what you get when you cut a person into pieces (i.e. giblets) and stitch them back together.

Edited by eshonai
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  • 2 weeks later...

You're missing the i and h though.  Maybe it means HI GIBLETS, and Hoid is hungry? :D

As Eshonai pointed out, if that is what it is, it is likely a pun upon the word and not the word itself. I suggest it's a combination of the words giblet and dish, which makes it an even more gruesome pun, I suppose.


On a completely unrelated note, I wonder what a Dysian Amian taste like.

Edited by Aether
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, a little research shows up that Balderdash is a board game of bluffing and trivia created by Laura Robinson and Paul Toyne. The game was first released in 1984, under Canada Games. It was later picked up by a U.S company, The Games Gang, and eventually became the property of Hasbro, and finally Mattel. The game is based on a classic parlor game called Fictionary. The game has sold over 15 million copies worldwide to date. It is aimed at fans of word games, such as Scrabble.


So, its a meta reference about wordgames and wordplay.

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Well, a little research shows up that Balderdash is a board game of bluffing and trivia created by Laura Robinson and Paul Toyne. The game was first released in 1984, under Canada Games. It was later picked up by a U.S company, The Games Gang, and eventually became the property of Hasbro, and finally Mattel. The game is based on a classic parlor game called Fictionary. The game has sold over 15 million copies worldwide to date. It is aimed at fans of word games, such as Scrabble.


So, its a meta reference about wordgames and wordplay.


Actually the term is considerably older than that, originating in the 1500-1600's and originally refered to a mixture of a number of different liquers.   Eventually it came to refer to nonsense words.

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  • 1 year later...

Apologies for the necro, but i only found out about the anagram(s) a few days ago. I think i may have found something interesting; I was playing around with Gibletish and came up with Light Sieb (Typed Sieb into google translate so if its wrong/out of context forgive me) Sieb translated to sieve, with synonyms including screen and filter. What do we know of that involves altering/filtering/distorting/screening a perception of Light


A bit of a stretch, but was an interesting thought. :) (I'll retreat back to my little corner of the Cosmere now)

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  • 2 years later...

I just finished re-reading secret history and was thinking about the gods and their names. Odiums name seemed to not fit with the others as well. I got to thinking about the letters and my mind accidentally realized something:


Odium - Hoid = um h

U is the 21st letter of the alphabet. M is the 13th. H is the 8th.

21 - 13 = 8


Are hoid and odium connected in some way? Hoid does refer to odium as an “old acquaintance” in stormlight archive which could be a cryptic way of saying he lost himself somehow.


Could there be a much deeper meaning to the quote “Isn't it odd that gibberish words are often the sounds of other words, cut up and dismembered, then stitched into something like them”.

Coincidence? Am I grasping at straws? The coincidence feels too perfect to me. 


Edited by tmg419
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Yeah, you're grasping at straws. There is a connection between Hoid and Odium but it's not what you're thinking.


Alaxel (Paraphrased)

He asked for "Something juicy about Odium that no one knows about yet."

Brandon Sanderson

Odium and Hoid were once friends.


While we don't have a firm timeline and nothing in the existing Liar of Partinel samples is canonical, we have confirmation from the Letter in WoR that the bit about Hoid taking that name from his old master is still true and Brandon has confirmed it as one of Hoid's oldest aliases. Meaning he was calling himself that before the Shattering and before Odium existed. Probably before Rayse was even born, assuming Brandon doesn't radically revise the things he's previously said about when the events of Liar take place vis a vis the main Dragonsteel sequence; Brandon has previously put the events centuries apart.

Also, Odium fits the 'pattern' of Shard names in the same way that Devotion does and was a name that originally had a more pedestrian version that Brandon changed, and Ruin originally appeared (in the unpublished/noncanonical Aether of Night) under the name Decay.


Questioner (paraphrased)

What spren types are Glys, Ivory, and Wyndle?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

RAFO, because I haven't decided yet. I know generally what they are, but I don't know how I am going to call them in the books. It happens with other things in my writing, Shards for example - Odium was originally Hatred; the idea was the same, but I decided to change the actual word.


Welcome to the Shard!

Edited by Weltall
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  • 1 month later...

Reading this thread has convinced me that it deserves to be necro posted every once in a while :P so more Sharders can read of this insanity. Talk about taking analysis to the extreme.

^not that I believe in any of this. But I would love to be proved wrong!


Edited by Pagerunner
OB spoilers outside of spoiler board.
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  • 2 years later...
21 hours ago, Frustration said:

Hey black shardblade worked out, as did hair shardblade lightweaver, so maybe they were on to something.


21 hours ago, Halyo_Alex said:

Okay, maybe there's something obscure. Black Shardblade definitely sounds like Nightblood.

Wait, what? Did they actually found that? I was thinking about the second gibberish, not about the Shardblade one...

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6 minutes ago, CephandriusTW said:


Wait, what? Did they actually found that? I was thinking about the second gibberish, not about the Shardblade one...

Yeah first mentioned here

On 12/5/2013 at 4:03 AM, Sart said:

noneness shardblade: dark glyph gig (a dark shardblade of some sort?)


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On 9.10.2020 at 9:18 PM, CephandriusTW said:

Hey, so I am late but I just discovered about all this thing. Has anybody made any progress or something?

"Beggar, Herald of Kings, saddens Lyn" was the best anagram of "Nonsense, Balderdash, Figgldygrak" I could come up with, but I hardly think it was what Brandon had in mind :) 

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  • 1 month later...

Rhythm of War spoilers:


Oh no, not again.


Well, let them waste their time trying to figure out a reason to the figgldygrak she wrote.

Sanderson, Brandon. Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive) (Kindle Locations 15348-15349). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.

I think Brandon's trolling us at this point. He has Navani use this word when she's talking about making ciphers that translate into total nonsense.


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