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Allomantic Superheroes


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I don't know how this came to me, but I feel like Allomantic abilities could equate to some pretty good superhero powers.


Iron- With the ability to pull on any source of metal, you could become like Spiderman, pulling yourself from building to building.

Steel- Pushing off buildings and flicking small metals, you could be a terror from above, flying about and raining down death.

Pewter- Forget Hulk, Pewterarm is the strongest of them all

Tin- Enhanced senses allow you to become a next- level Batman, hearing all, seeing all


I feel like the other metals could be used well (excluding God Metals), but these are all i can think of right now

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This reminds me of the time my friends and I binge-watched the entire DCAU and tried to reimagine various heroes and villains in the Alloy of Law Era:

Batman: Allomantic Iron, Feruchemic Duralumin

-When not in the Batmobile, Batman gets around by climbing buildings and jumping across rooftops, hence the Allomantic iron. He's also good at blending into the shadows as Batman, and always has the limelight as Bruce Wayne, hence the Feruchemical duralumin. However, he wears a gold bracer that looks like a metalmind, just to confuse and inspire fear in his enemies.

Robin (Dick Grayson) - Allomantic Steel, Feruchemic Iron

-Yeah, same powers as Wax, but used a bit differently. Robin was a circus acrobat, so he's very nimble and light, also able to jump across rooftops like Batman, but with a much different style.

The Joker - Allomantic Zinc, Feruchemic Duralumin via Hemalurgy

-Allomantic zinc is a pretty obvious choice with the Joker's laughing gas and tendency to use fatal hilarity to attack people. The Joker also came from NOWHERE and yet always has a huge group of henchmen, which is where the Feruchemical duralumin comes in. Hemalurgic source because, well, the Joker is insane.

Also I think Aquaman would have Allomantic Zinc in addition to the Feruchemic Cadmium, but for some reason it only works on fish :P

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Glorious counter to the Aquaman is Useless argument. Anyhow, I think that Feruchemical Pewter would be even better for a Hulk-esque superhero if Sazed's use of large amounts of stored strength is any indication. And Freuchemical Steel for any superhero who needs to move fast a la The Flash.


Now I'm trying to imagine the Fantastic Four as metalborn since I loved them growing up. Kind of tricky given that most of their powers have no good analogue. So I'll say Reed Richards gets to be a Sparker to reflect his brainpower, Susan Storm gets to be a Slider/Connecter (if storing Connection makes it harder to notice someone) since that's the next best thing to invisibility I can think of. Johnny Storm gets to be a Coinshot for flight and a Firesoul just for the thematic connection. And of course Ben Grimm gets to be a Pewter Twinborn.

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Because no discussion about Aquaman is complete without this picture:



Not to be that guy, but the reason Cthulhu is trapped under the sea is because the sea traps Cthulhu.



Anyway, Superman... Mistborn, definitely Mistborn.


Spiderman Lurcher, obviously, then either Sparker or Windwhisperer for his spider sense.

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To me Wolverine is a Pewter-Gold twinborn probably Pewter Savant.

I think Gold compounder at birth, then Allomantic pewter added by Hemalurgy and pushed to savant levels. Weapon X project.

Ra's al Ghul - Atium twinborn (if there ever was such a thing)

-Nigh unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat and immortal.

Edited by Tellingdwar
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I think Gold compounder at birth, then Allomantic pewter added by Hemalurgy and pushed to savant levels. Weapon X project.

Ra's al Ghul - Atium twinborn (if there ever was such a thing)

-Nigh unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat and immortal.

I agree with Ras'al ghul.

But with Wolverine I didn't want create something strange using the Hemalurgy. By the way your solution very good ;-)

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Quicksilver is double-steel, but for some reason he can't shot coins-

What about a Bendalloy-Steel ? (He could be fast enough using them together but without the coinshot power)

And some top tier-speedster like Barry Allen double steel with Feruchemical Zinc Spike ? (I don't like to use the Spike but it's the only way)


New heroes:

Gambit: Double Brass is perfect

Colossus: Pewter-Iron twinborn, pewter savant

Hulk: Double Pewter and a Feruchemical Electrum Spike.

Again I don't like to put Spike.

Edited by Yata
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Thor → A native Taldainian (with the magical talents of that planet) world hopped to Scadrial and learned hemalurgy. Then he augments himself with a Steel spike (coinshot), and Iron spike (lurcher) and a Pewter (thug) spike. Finally, he worldhops again to Roshar where he obtains a shardhammer.


After his trip to Scadrial, he is now a worldhopper who can fly with any of his allomantic abilities (pushing. pulling, or just throwing the freakin' shardhammer and holding on). Using his talents from his homeworld on Roshar, he should presumably be able to use his Taldainian magic to control invested elements (e.g. highstorms) making him able to throw lightning.


... and that's how we get a THOR in the cosmere, folks. *takes a bow*

Edited by KidWayne
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Thor → A native Rosharan with an honor spren bond who world hopped to scadrial and learned hemalurgy. Then he augments himself with a Steel spike (coinshot), and Iron spike (lurcher) and a Pewter (thug) spike. Then, he returns home to Roshar.


You started with a guy who can fly and lash his shardhammer back and forth or to the ground. After his trip to scadrial, he is now a worldhopper who can now also fly with any of his allomantic abilities (pushing. pulling, or just throwing the freakin' shardhammer and holding on) and use those for greater hammer control.


Now suppose he later our almost but not quite THOR visited Taldain. He puts his knowledge of hemlurgy to work to obtain certain talents from that world. He should now be able to returns home to Roshar where he can presumably use his Taldainian magic to control invested elements (e.g. highstorms) making him able to throw lightning.


... and that's how we get a THOR in the cosmere, folks. *takes a bow*


(I'm fully aware that an honor spren would likely take issue with hemalurgically spiking folks to gain power since it violates all of the 1st oath of the KR except maybe 'strength before weakness')




There is a dachshund in your avatar!  Eee!  :)




Iron Man would clearly be a Steel Inquisitor with a fancy suit.  Natural Rioter, he's got spikes for steel, iron, and pewter at the very least.

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Tony Stark may come very well as Radiant Knight from the Skybreaker (in shardplate of course).


Radiant + Flight equals Surge of Gravitation though, and I don't think Tony's a good fit for the Windrunners (That's more Cap's bailiwick) or the Skybreakers (He bends and breaks too many rules without fear for the consequences).  

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Yeah I know but I matched only the powers. The Division Surge Probably is quite offensive and therefore may fit well the hero.


The alternative (but it too complex) is a Dustbringer with a Gravitation Fabrial

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