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I'd also like to remind people who have siblings in this game to please be careful and not use your position to your advantage. While you can speak to each other about the game off-forum while a Surgebinder is alive (though I'd prefer through PM), remember that you should not be showing or reading each other messages from the GM, and you should not be trying to see if they are in a Google doc.

PSA: If you're in the same house, please give your sibling ample notice before coming in viewing range of their screen, to avoid awkward accidents.

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Me and PK are siblings. It's led to some interesting mistakes. Such as MR7, where he spent 2 hours pretending to break a secret code he already that he knew what it said. That's dedication. And me, knowing that he had spent two hours, proceeded to tell everyone that I believed he actually solved it. So he didn't get caught. Things like that is what makes SE so fun.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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For clarification- I'm assuming no one is informed when the Feruchemist changes a vote?

Also, I'm wondering why the Voidbringer would ever not use his or her power. Unless there's a limited number of times that it can be used (which doesn't seem to be the case), that player is basically invincible from Eliminators unless Forged. I guess that means you only have a cycle more than you would usually (as well as wasting an Eliminator kill), unless you're somehow found out ahead of time (say, if the HI is already subverted).

If the HI is subverted, then it seems like the only way to find out is either through analysis, or for a Forger to create a new Hemalurgist, who is as close as possible to confirmed innocence. That could potentially get tricky.

One last question. I've read through a couple of games to get a feel for how this sort of thing works, but the ones I read didn't allow PMs. How does that affect gameplay?

Edited for idiotically using "also" to start two paragraphs in a row.

Edited by Elbereth (Limelleth)
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For clarification- I'm assuming no one is informed when the Feruchemist changes a vote?

Also, I'm wondering why the Voidbringer would ever not use his or her power. Unless there's a limited number of times that it can be used (which doesn't seem to be the case), that player is basically invincible from Eliminators unless Forged. I guess that means you only have a cycle more than you would usually (as well as wasting an Eliminator kill), unless you're somehow found out ahead of time (say, if the HI is already subverted).

If the HI is subverted, then it seems like the only way to find out is either through analysis, or for a Forger to create a new Hemalurgist, who is as close as possible to confirmed innocence. That could potentially get tricky.

One last question. I've read through a couple of games to get a feel for how this sort of thing works, but the ones I read didn't allow PMs. How does that affect gameplay?

Edited for idiotically using "also" to start two paragraphs in a row.

We learn if a Feruchemist  changes a vote by the vote tally in the write up.


Depending on the order of actions the Voidbringer can be forged then killed to bypass their protection or a BioChromancer can roleblock the voidbringer leaving them open to attack.


A Kandra or newly Forged Hemalurgist would be the only ways to 100% confirm that the HI has turned.


Open PMs tend to be used for information gathering and manipulation over the thread as it's easier to gain the trust of another when it's only the two of you.  Expect the thread to be quieter during the night phase.  Of course the night phases are normally quiet anyway so there will be little change from normal.

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We learn if a Feruchemist  changes a vote by the vote tally in the write up.


Depending on the order of actions the Voidbringer can be forged then killed to bypass their protection or a BioChromancer can roleblock the voidbringer leaving them open to attack.


A Kandra or newly Forged Hemalurgist would be the only ways to 100% confirm that the HI has turned.


Open PMs tend to be used for information gathering and manipulation over the thread as it's easier to gain the trust of another when it's only the two of you.  Expect the thread to be quieter during the night phase.  Of course the night phases are normally quiet anyway so there will be little change from normal.


  • Feruchemist vote-changes will be shown in the write-up.
  • Voidbringers can be prevented from using their action by a BioChromancer, or if they were an Eliminator they cannot use their Role and the kill, or they could just not want to use it for other reasons.
  • Kandra cannot discover the HI's conversion, as the HI cannot be targeted by Actions. The only way to 100% confirm this to a single player is if a Hemalurgist is Forged afterwards.
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  • Kandra cannot discover the HI's conversion, as the HI cannot be targeted by Actions. The only way to 100% confirm this to a single player is if a Hemalurgist is Forged afterwards.




  • Hemalurgic Intelligence - At the beginning of the game, after Roles have been distributed, a player at random will be killed off and made into the HI. The HI is a publicly known Role, and starts off as a loyal crew member. Hemalurgically bound to the computer systems aboard the ship, the HI is in full control of the ship's functions. But while the HI is mechanical, it still possesses a human's psyche, and cannot devote its mind totally to any one task. Each Night, it may watch a player as they carry out their shift, and discover that player’s Role. Without a physical presence, the HI cannot be killed or affected by Roles, and its vote cannot be used to overpower the Captain. When all the loyal Hemalurgists on the station are dead, the AI is subverted to the side of the Traitors and will join their doc. The crew will not be informed of this.


Point of order: The HI cannot be affected by Roles not that they can't be targeted.  Therefore the Kandra can check on the HI alignment as it doesn't affect the HI or it's actions.

Edited by Alvron
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You include the GM in PMs, so that they can see what you're talking about to see if you might be cheating but also so that they can laugh at what you think is going on. 


And to make a PM, you click the letter at the top of the screen and click compose new message, then from there it's pretty self-explanatory.

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Point of order: The HI cannot be affected by Roles not that they can't be targeted.  Therefore the Kandra can check on the HI alignment as it doesn't affect the HI or it's actions.


That is erroneous then. It should be that the HI cannot be targeted by Roles either. I will fix that in the rules. If you want to know if the HI is Loyal or Traitor, become a Hemalurgist :P


You include the GM in PMs, so that they can see what you're talking about to see if you might be cheating but also so that they can laugh at what you think is going on. 


And to make a PM, you click the letter at the top of the screen and click compose new message, then from there it's pretty self-explanatory.

It's more the former than the latter, but also so I kind of have an idea what's going on. Besides, I don't need to be in PMs to laugh at you lot >>


Joe, I will add you to the Spec doc as soon as it's been made (which will be when the game starts) :P.

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You include the GM in PMs, so that they can see what you're talking about to see if you might be cheating but also so that they can laugh at what you think is going on. 


And to make a PM, you click the letter at the top of the screen and click compose new message, then from there it's pretty self-explanatory.

Thank you! Sorry for the kind of dumb question.
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Thank you! Sorry for the kind of dumb question.


No worries. For what it's worth, for the newer players who aren't familiar with my GMing-style, if any questions get asked about the game Rules, even in the Traitor doc, I will be posting public clarifications, though I will not be saying who asked about them.


Also, there are just about 24 hours before the mission begins, so if you're on the fence about signing up, you've got that long to decide :P.

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Every time you come to this page, the time will be accurate. If Wyrm wants to give me a better time, that would be great. :P

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Why thank you! Of course, the credit goes to the developers. Click on the clock, and you will be directed to a website where you can make your own!

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That's three sets of siblings in this game! I don't think we've ever had this many. :P If Zeph and Seonid/Eol and Twei joined, I think that'd be all the siblings we have playing. :P

You forgot BurntSpaghetti and myself.

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