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Kasimir, just posting an image? You usually post more relevant items along with your memes, and I would be loath to lose Kas!Analysis.



For the less timezone savvy, it's 6AM and I haven't slept the whole night. Not going to say anything while I'm in this state, for obvious reasons...

Edit: You can keep my name burning red though :P I don't mind.

Edited by Kasimir
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Wilson, I agree with your comments on Alvron, but I don't think we should necessarily assume that he did it from an Eliminator perspective. A villager is just as likely to do something that might draw duspicion away from them.


Oh, I didn't mean to say that I think he would only do that from an eliminator perspective. He'd totally do it as a villager as well. But as he said, he'd do it regardless of alignment. To be completely honest, I think he's probably good. But then, I was leaning that direction in 15a, and.....he wasn't, so.... I'm not willing to write off my paranoia at this point. And I can be highly paranoid when it comes to Alv. :P

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The first—and biggest—difference that Sonder noticed about this new contract was that the Chief hardly seemed to be in the engine room at all. He hadn’t dared ask, but he’d heard Second talk to one of the other Fourths, and learned that the Chief was spending most of his time on the Bridge.

He thought about asking why; it had been a rule, back with his previous contract. If you didn’t know what anything did, or what procedure was, you asked and kept your hands to yourself until you knew, and prepared to get chewed out. Not that Arnkell had done as much chewing out as Second, who’d assumed the role of most senior engineering officer in Chief’s constant absence. By this point, Sonder figured he’d either get used to it, or he’d wash out.

He hoped it would be the former.

He had been considering if he could head out for a break—it wasn’t his shift to stand watch—when a tall haggard man swept into the engine room.

The effect he had was immediate: Second straightened up, even though he hadn’t been slouching in the first place. “Cap. Morning, Cap,” he said. The others echoed his greeting, following raggedly.

“You’re the one in charge here?”

“Yeah, Cap.”

“A member of the crew was killed this morning,” Wurum Heron said, crisply. “Medical’s looking into it. I’ve patched him into the Hemalurgic systems of the ship.”

Second said a word that Sonder would never have, especially with the Captain in front of him. “He can override us, then.”

The Captain nodded. “Had to be done,” he said, grim. “It was murder, and I won’t have murder on my ship.” Those haunted eyes flicked to the side, taking in the other engineers in the room. Sonder pretended to busy himself with the read-outs, but when he glanced up, it was into those dead, shattered eyes.

The Captain looked away first. “I need you to re-task some of your people on the Hemalurgic systems, especially the central one,” he said, to Second. “I don’t care who you pick, just pick the most competent out of the lot. If the HI goes down, so does control of our systems.”

“No kidding…” Second muttered. “Yeah, I’ll get right on it.”

“Good,” Wurum Heron said. He left.

“Well,” Second said. He eyed the engineers still in the room. “You heard the man. Which of you here are qualified to deal with Hemalurgic systems?”

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Wait a second. Am I the only one here who didn't consider doing the quick wyrm Lynch? Now I feel slightly awkward...

Also, really, Mr. HI? MY ship? Might want to go back and rewrite your post, or the captain might get mad.

Edited by Bridge Boy
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Hello everyone, I am here, and reading the thread. Anyways, I don't get too much from the Alvron thingy; as Wilson pointed out it was completely pointless. Likewise, I think that people that voted for Alvron were just joking along or didn't realize the rule change from last game. I'll be back later in the cycle and try to say some more.

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Wait a second. Am I the only one here who didn't consider doing the quick wyrm Lynch? Now I feel slightly awkward...

Also, really, Mr. HI? MY ship? Might want to go back and rewrite your post, or the captain might get mad.  

Bridge Boy seemed like he wasn't too interested in finding the murder, Rae thought. Why else would he be cracking jokes about the HI?

That Kasimir also seemed like he didn't care about the fact that Hellscythe had almost been murdered.

Rae would have to keep an eye on  both of them.




For the less timezone savvy, it's 6AM and I haven't slept the whole night. Not going to say anything while I'm in this state, for obvious reasons...

Then why post anything, Kas? Why not wait until you have some sleep, then post something? I understand your timezone issue, but why not hold off of the posting until you are properly awake and ready to analyze things?

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Well. I have no suspicions really. The only people who could seem suspicious to me are those who wanted to vote for Wyrm but their obviously just joking around (right?) so I kinda don't know if it's fair to lynch someone for having a sense of humour... So I don't know if I'll place a vote on anyone this cycle, unless something really suspicious turns up, which I doubt. If someone does get lynched we would gain information (hopefully) and if nobody gets lynched, then maybe next cycle we will have information anyway thanks to Kandras right? 

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My circuit boards tingle when I type the name Burnt Spaghetti. It is possible that the username is out-of-this-ship amazing, but I believe my old bodies' emotions are trying to tell me something. What it is? Indiscernible.


Edited by DeathClutch19
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My circuit boards tingle when I type the name Burnt Spaghetti. It is possible that the username is out-of-this-ship amazing, but I believe my old bodies' emotions are trying to tell me something. What it is? Indiscernible.



Must be the username.


Seriously though. Why? I am confused.

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Here's my thoughts so far.


Alvron put Wyrm's name in red. A few people voted for him, but only one was actually suspicious of him for it. Bridge Boy, why is a joke suspicious? And do you really think the Eliminators would do a last second lynch? That just seems foolish to try. 


As for the HI. Having the Hemalurgists contact him still seems like a good idea to me. I don't know how helpful this is now that the roles have been changed but I was a Hemalurgist last game, so with me, Wilson, and Deathclutch, that made 3 good Hemalurgists. With the increased players I don't think Wyrm would lower that amount, so if it's changed at all, I would think there would be another one. Good or Evil is hard to say. In my role guesses last game, I guessed they had one, and even though they didn't, the possibility exists.


One thing I was thinking about concerning the roles is the possibility of 2 Mistborns. I think this could allow for more roles(protection ones especially) since there is a significant increase of players and I don't think Wyrm would just make a lot of roleless players. With the Forgers I can understand why there were as many as there were last game. But with 6? new players, that makes for a different game since it will no doubt last longer. One way to keep it from dragging on too long in the case of a Mistborn dying early would be for there to be 2. Which would undoubtedly cause a need for more protective roles. There could just be more Feruchemists or something, but if I was a GM, I would've made 2 Mistborn.


If there is indeed 2 Mistborn I would say that the Eliminators do have a protective role. Picking between Voidbringer or Elantrian, I would say Elantrian because of the flexibility it gives. My role guesses for last game wasn't particularly great, but I still like to do them.  :D


I'll just say my Eliminator team guesses:







2 Roleless


I was surprised that the Eliminators had a Surgebinder last game because that means that if they had wanted to knock out PMs they would've had to wait until there team member was dead. I actually wrote Kandra in there instead of Surgebinder, but that role seems a bit OP for them to have. Maybe not, but I do think they have a Forger and that will allow them to have a variety of roles throughout the game. Giving them something that can scan for roles seems dangerous.


As for my suspicions, well, not much to say on that front since it's Day 1 and all. I could just vote for Wilson again and see how that works, but I don't really feel like it. That's about all I can think of to say for now. Bye.

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Then why post anything, Kas? Why not wait until you have some sleep, then post something? I understand your timezone issue, but why not hold off of the posting until you are properly awake and ready to analyze things?

That's a fair question, Arraenae. Here's my answer: I signed up to play this game because I thought it would be fun, and so a bit of mischief by posting pictures appealed to me, particularly in response to Wyrm.

I also signed up because I liked the setting: I mean, spaceship, right? Awesome!

So really, the main thing is that I don't regard the only function of posting to be always directed towards putting down analysis to help everyone find the Traitors. Sure, that's our goal, and I'm always ready to do my bit, but I don't see why that precludes having fun, whether with a bit of mild trolling/mischief or with RP, really. (And I am having fun RPing! Even if everyone else is really sick of The Adventures of Sonder The Doormat! :P)


To be fair, I will grant it's a bit of a switch from Srs!Bsns!Kas, so a further question might be asked about why I'm not being as aggressive as I usually am. Well, I've been trying to get a bit of distance and perspective when playing SE to endorse the principle [Maxifun]: Maximising the most fun for the most number of people! To go with that, I have been trying to change my playstyle since I got called out for excessive aggression in LG12 :) Being at the receiving end of it isn't fun, and that just increases my desire to play in a way that is more friendly, ethically okay and encourages fun. [No worries, if this experiment doesn't work out, 'No Prisoners'!Kas is coming right back :P ]




I'm just going to echo what Adavantos said about sharing roles. Cease and desist! (I have not yet formulated my position on the Hemalurgists visiting the HI, and I suspect I will need to go through the arguments from the first round of this game in order to better weigh the issues.) This one goes to everyone else who's not the special case of a Hemalurgist approaching the HI. Don't do it! It doesn't matter if you're a regular or you have a role, we don't want to make it easier for an Eliminator to figure out who they ought to be taking down and who they oughtn't, alright?


This doesn't just cover in-thread, it covers PM safety. Practice safe PM use, people! Role reveals even over PMs can come back to haunt you later.


tldr; loose lips sink ships, plus, everyone on this ship has a part to play, if you have no role, then it's all the more important you vote, your vote is your voice and your power, etcetera.

Alas, at this point, I am going to have to do a poke vote. Sonder, what do you have to say for yourself? :P


More seriously: Orlok, I'd like to know your views on what's going on so far. Oh, and Maili--so, I noticed you commented you shared Wilson's views on Bridge Boy. What about on Alv? My personal take is that I think it a bit of a stretch to read heavy suspicion into Alv's joke (to be fair, I did spend my entry into this game messing around myself), but for obvious reasons (Urbain Paranoia!), I shan't bring myself to trust anyone just yet. Except Deathclutch, since at this point, he's the only confirmed Loyalist.


I do have a final thought though. Is there anything wrong with asking the HI now to reveal the number of Hemalurgists, if Plan Reveal H. to HI is a go? My immediate impression is that it really doesn't hurt giving us a countdown as to when Clutch is gonna turn on us. (After all, we just have to check the dead for the number of dead Hemalurgists!) On the other hand, it's not super helpful to the Eliminators if they don't know who the Hemalurgists are (and obviously, that's information that should be kept secret.) Because the moment our last Hemalurgist dies, Clutch gets added to their doc anyway. So I don't actually see all of us knowing the number of Hemalurgists as something that helps the Eliminators--or at least it helps us far more than it helps them, since it's information they would have eventually received anyway.


I should also add that while I trust the HI for now, I'm against trying to make the HI a nexus of information, for the obvious reason that if he goes over, so does all that delicious intel. But my impression is that that much has also been previously said.

Edited by Kasimir
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Wonderful timing Kas!

I'm about to have to head off, but before doing so will firstly reiterate my thoughts on the HI. I'm worried that we are putting too much trust in the HI playing to its initial win condition, rather than it's ultimate win condition.

By giving the HI knowledge of the identities of the Henalurgists, we allow a less scrupulous HI to give the information to a traitor, and allow them to gain an additional player, and vote, at an earlier point in the game than would otherwise occur.

I'm not as suspicious of Bridgeboy as others have appeared. Were he to be a traitor, I'd have thought that some more experienced member of his team would have pointed out that he was misinterpreting the joke, and stop him drawing so much attention to himself.

I have a very slight suspicion of Kipper - his posts are coming across as ever so slightly different from normal, but I couldn't put my finger on how, and even so, don't want him dead - he's rather good at spotting Evil!Orlok, so his staying alive should hopefully provide a degree of reassurance! :P

More seriously, though, I don't yet have any solid suspicions, but will continue to read through the thread throughout the day, and ensure that I do place a vote this evening.

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More seriously: Orlok, I'd like to know your views on what's going on so far. Oh, and Maili--so, I noticed you commented you shared Wilson's views on Bridge Boy. What about on Alv? My personal take is that I think it a bit of a stretch to read heavy suspicion into Alv's joke (to be fair, I did spend my entry into this game messing around myself), but for obvious reasons (Urbain Paranoia!), I shan't bring myself to trust anyone just yet. Except Deathclutch, since at this point, he's the only confirmed Loyalist.

I already said that I just thought it was a joke he'd pull regardless of his alignment, so I've got no read on him yet.

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So here's what I think, given the changes in the rules.


Nothing against Deathclutch, but I do not think that he should be trusted with the identities of the Hemalurgists. Without the ability to permanently forge replacements, it is far more likely this game than the last that he will turn. I didn't agree it was a guarantee then, but unless fate works very much in our favor this game, I'm convinced it is inevitable. He could easily lie to us by saying there's more than there actually are, and over the course of 12 cycles or so direct the traitors hit all but one to make it look like random luck while feeding them all the information he has, guaranteeing his change over and their end victory even if his win condition remains on our side for most of the game. I'm not saying he would do it, but what do we really gain by having a count down, which only he would know is accurate or not? The fact of the matter is it doesn't help us. Once the HI turns we can't do anything about him. He's immune to death and all actions. He is part of the game, good or bad. We need to focus on other aspects of the game.


@Everyone: No matter what your role is, I think an overall good strategy for this game is to keep it an absolute secret from anyone. Do not reveal it until the HI or Kandra approach you via PM with an accurate deduction. And just because a player approaches you in PM claiming to be a Kandra who scanned you good, it could easily be a traitor - who knows everyone's alignments - just trying to get you to trust them and give your role up. If someone PMs you saying they're the Kandra and you're good, tell them to scan your role themselves and message you the next night. Whether or not they get it right, deny it. If they are a Kandra they will know the truth anyway. If they are a traitor they will think they just guessed wrong and will probably act very erratically after that. Hopefully me just mentioning this will keep them from even attempting it, but still. Be wary. Trust no one until you have a legitimate reason to.


Also, @Kandra, I should have to say this but just in case, make sure you test a player's alignments before their role. Never reveal yourself to a player before you know they are good for sure. If you end up finding a Loyalist Elantrian, tell him both at once and ask him to protect you. At the very least it'll buy you an extra cycle to weed out the traitors. I would also recommend using a Loyalist Crewmember as an intermediary, that way if you find a traitor you can announce it to the crew without implicating yourself.


One more thing. I believe it was Lopen who referenced the numbers and alignments of LG15a's Hemalurgists. What I want to point out is that this game is not the last one. If you try to use knowledge of LG15a to determine role/alignment distribution this one, you are doomed for failure. If you think any GM, especially Wyrm, isn't going to use that thought process against us by changing things up completely, you're wrong. Until we have evidence in this game that suggests anything like that, don't assume. I'm sure you've all heard the saying of what assuming makes out of u and me.


That is all, for now.

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So far I haven't really had any major suspicions since the only ones who most peopled deemed 'suspicious' just seemed to be having a bit of fun. I don't know who to place my vote on just yet, but I am planning to later in the day once I find someone I think could possibly be an eliminator (or I might just vote at random, you never know, it just depends on what people post later on). @Adavantos Your advice seems sound and I thank you for it since this is basically my first game! (Not sure if I should count the last game since it was so short! :P ) 

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@queensteph: No problem, that's what I'm here for. Will try to be as helpful as I can be so long as I'm alive. Though I expect to be murdered very soon. Would not put it past the current traitors to start killing off the ones from last round, especially Alvron / Kipper / Stink / me as revenge for ending it so soon.


Also, something else to keep in mind. Kandra were made to be able to scan both alignment and role this game. While Kandra were basically roleless for the traitors last game, this time they actually have a purpose: to find loyal players who are dangerous to them. I would not put it past Wyrm to give them one now that he made them useful. I also would not put it past him to still not give them one regardless of the changes so that we might suspect them to have one, and thus not even trust the good ones. In summary, trust no one unless you have a very good reason too.

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@Adavantos I don't think people would kill you out of revenge. You guys were clever and deserved the win. Plus it'd be dumb if our allies killed one of you just out of spite since 1. We don't know what your abilities are. and 2. This is a new game and you shouldn't have suspicion held over you from the last one. It wouldn't surprise me though if the eliminators killed a few of you to make it look like revenge.

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Sweet cream on a baby llama!


Gotta love this line Kipper.


While I did expect someone to try to lynch Wyrm, I did also expect it to be a joke (come on, after the last attempt at this game, I'd be suspicious of anyone who didn't expect this joke). However, I don't think we can take anything away from Alvron doing this apart from he was the first one to get there. Bridge Boy, on the other hand, reacted far too strongly to Alv's joke.

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Gylf listened to the conversation. There wasn't anything really obvious that she could point out.


I do have a final thought though. Is there anything wrong with asking the HI now to reveal the number of Hemalurgists, if Plan Reveal H. to HI is a go? My immediate impression is that it really doesn't hurt giving us a countdown as to when Clutch is gonna turn on us. (After all, we just have to check the dead for the number of dead Hemalurgists!) On the other hand, it's not super helpful to the Eliminators if they don't know who the Hemalurgists are (and obviously, that's information that should be kept secret.) Because the moment our last Hemalurgist dies, Clutch gets added to their doc anyway. So I don't actually see all of us knowing the number of Hemalurgists as something that helps the Eliminators--or at least it helps us far more than it helps them, since it's information they would have eventually received anyway.


Gylf thought this sounded sensible enough. Of course, difficulties may arise if HI assumed from the beginning that he would eventually become traitorous, and simply act that way from the beginning to save time.

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@Adavantos I don't think people would kill you out of revenge. You guys were clever and deserved the win. Plus it'd be dumb if our allies killed one of you just out of spite since 1. We don't know what your abilities are. and 2. This is a new game and you shouldn't have suspicion held over you from the last one. It wouldn't surprise me though if the eliminators killed a few of you to make it look like revenge.


The latter was what I meant; that the eliminators would sweep us out early to stagnate discussion, as everyone who were a part of LG15a would have a reason to want us dead, so in killing us suspects wouldn't narrow down that much. Hell, Wyrm could have just decided to make the 7 players who weren't a part of LG15a but joined this round the traitors just for this reason and the lols. Point is I expect us to be murdered because really it's the next best option after fear kills for keeping us off their track; even better, in fact, unless a traitor or two from last game ended up one again.


Gylf thought this sounded sensible enough. Of course, difficulties may arise if HI assumed from the beginning that he would eventually become traitorous, and simply act that way from the beginning to save time.


Let's do a little math quick. Assuming that there are 2 Mistborn and that they both, plus the traitors, make a kill every night, that's a possible 4 deaths per cycle (including the lynch). There are a total of 31 players excluding the HI. The chances of an Elantrian blindly healing a Hemalurgist is 3/31 while the traitors have about a 3/26 chance of hitting a Hemalurgist. Plus the 3/31 chance that a Mistborn will hit one for each. As more people die, the resulting percentages will only increase, with more possibilities of deaths than saves. The HI could turn as soon as next turn and as late as the last, but probability says it'll be on or in between Cycles 4 and 7. The chances of us lasting 10 cycles without the HI turning is so low that if I were him, I would just go ahead and accept my fate of turning now. This is why I think it's better that he just discover who the Hemalurgists are using his own ability rather than having them serve their lives on a silver platter now. If a Loyalist Kandra, however, manages to find a Loyalist Elantrian and a Loyalist Hemalurgist, feel free to exchange their info with one another. I do not believe the net gain in giving the HI this information is greater than the net loss. I hope this makes sense.




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Bort read the Captain's decree and shrugged. After a moment, he smiled. He had been expecting a long and busy trip, refining all kinds of metals for the allomancers, feruchemists and hemalurgists.


Now, the number of people who had access to such powers had been considerably cut, which meant that most of the journey could be covered by the metals Bort had already prepared. He went and locked the door to his metals storeroom, popped a chair up against it (he couldn't go too far, in case one of the 'allowed' metalborn needed metals), and pulled out his copy of Way of Kings. He always did like historical fiction.



I'd also like to prod IRuleLikeSTINK, Creccio, and Haelbarde. All have been seen hanging around the thread this morning, but none have contributed.

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I'd also like to prod IRuleLikeSTINK, Creccio, and Halebarde. All have been seen hanging around the thread this morning, but none have contributed.

It would be Haelbarde, but as the Comms Officer on the bridge, you will will refer to me as Officer Haede. 


Furthermore, you should sort out your own troubles while I spend my time making sure this ship continues to run smoothly while you all point fingers at each other.


(I'm spectating, is what I'm trying to say)

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