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If you're talking about EU vs America, then everyone knows that EU would win.

FYI, to everyone reading this, STINK and I have had this battle on multiple occasions, but a clear winner has never been decided, because the EU is consistently too hoity-toity and egalitarian to ever concede defeat to America. That is all I shall say on the subject.
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So, Lopen and I have been chatting via PM and while coming up with tonight's lotto numbers, we've also come up with a great idea to identify the traitors. Basically, we ask really nicely.


So, would any traitors amongst the crew please identify yourselves? If you do so, I can offer you a tasty beardnut as a reward.


Both Lopen and I have used this very scientific method to confirm that neither of us are traitors, but are in fact loyal crewmen.

Careful Bort.  I've used the same method a couple of times when I was evil to make it look like I'm not.



Also known as American being too stubborn to realise they lost from the beginning and that EU most certainly won. 


It isn't a battle, it's a slaughter by the EU

More likely they both fight to mutual extinction before Australasia mops up the remnants and takes over the world. :ph34r:

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What is the world, if not in our minds?

Well, first, it depends on whether you want to plump for a phenomenological conception of the world, a phenomenal conception of the world, a semantic conception of the world, a fundamental realist conception of the world, and/or an intersubjective conception of the world.

To do that, we need to get clear on this implied mind/body distinction, for if experience is itself nothing more than instantiations of particular states in the brain, then it implies that these states must be triggered by external stimuli. These stimuli cause groups of ordered experiences "qualia packets", if you will, that we will refer to as, respectively, "green experiences", "blue experiences", and so on.

But there's another complication, for this already presumes that you assume that the relationship between the world and our minds is one of constitution, rather than, perhaps, of representation, for instance. And even then, we need to consider if it is, in fact, neither...


EDIT: In clearer terms, any discourse about the relationship between the world and our minds must take into account three separate axes: SEMANTIC, EPISTEMOLOGICAL, and METAPHYSICAL. If we do not distinguish between them and get clear on what kind of relationship we are interested in, philosophical discussion on this issue tends to flounder.

Edited by Kasimir
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What is the world, if not in our minds?

I actually don't know, but I'm sure the Philosopher-analyst of the Inquisition has a good term for you!

Edit: Ninja'd. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

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I actually don't know, but I'm sure the Philosopher-analyst of the Inquisition has a good term for you!

Edit: Ninja'd. Speak of the devil, and he shall appear.

For the record, a classmate of mine once took an advanced science and metaphysics exam in which there was only one question, and it was this:

"What is the world made of?"

After spending the first minute or so swearing quietly at the prof, my friend took up his pen and wrote,

"Ideally, of whiskey and chocolate, but..."


He got an A.

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In all actuality though, I think also that it could be hard to contribute as a loyal crewmember without an ability. I mean, you can feel inconsequential so I don't think we should assume those with little to say are in fact evil. Instead, they could just not know what to say. Or maybe those with roles that can't contribute directly to the conversation. A mistborn can read and kill people they find suspicious, but if they voice those suspicions and then kill those people in the night, they can implicate themselves. Also, those that are evil are trying to convince us that they are good obviously, so I feel like they'd feel the need to 'contribute' more.


Edit: The night ends in 1 hour btw. I suggest making your last PM's before the night is over.

Edited by Kaid
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Sorry friends, my midterms are finally almost over so I'll have time more time to post. As for the abruptness of that vote I was really surprised at how quickly that switched to someone who wasn't even on the voting block. I'll need to be more vigilant in the future.


I don't know about any of the people voted for but the only information we really have to go on right now is who voted for whom and whatever people learn in their PM's. Judging from the nature of the vote as far as I can tell the swing began with Wilson, but the tipping point was Bort. I wasn't willing to put a whole lot of suspicion on either, because they have both given defenses for their actions and they sound decently plausible, until Bort said this


So, Lopen and I have been chatting via PM and while coming up with tonight's lotto numbers, we've also come up with a great idea to identify the traitors. Basically, we ask really nicely.


So, would any traitors amongst the crew please identify yourselves? If you do so, I can offer you a tasty beardnut as a reward.


Both Lopen and I have used this very scientific method to confirm that neither of us are traitors, but are in fact loyal crewmen.


As additional notes go:

I also received a PM from STINK. Nothing special.


Creccio, sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday. Too much stuff to do IRL and when I got back to my PC I didn't have the bothereds to go back and analyze your posts to pick out the parts that made me suspicious. I'll try to get to it today.


Yeah, I can understand why people are suspicious of me after that lynch. If it'll make anyone feel better, go ahead and kill me, scan me, whatever you need to do.


Kas, the guest thing wasn't an eliminator tactic, just something that I'd never really paid much attention to before that game. It struck me as amusing how many people visited the thread as guests instead of logging in. I assume to hide their presence here. Like right now (or rather, about half an hour ago when I started typing this post), there is only one guest. So far this game, I think I've seen it up to 5. Maybe 6.


I've already made one comment about it earlier in the game. I probably will do so again if I spot a high number. Doesn't mean anything though.


Someone, Ada, I think, said something about a comment I made towards the end of the cycle, about being excited. That was just for entertainment value. I realised about two minutes after posting it that it wasn't my first cycle end ever (I've not seen many, since most games are set to a US time frame, but there have been a few). But, I thought it was funny, so left it up.


Edit: Oh, I almost forgot. I also received a message from Thoreaux offering to sell me some beard butter to help me grow a long and luxurious beard. It's a great deal, and I suggest you all take it up immediately.

I added the bold


when people asked to be killed, it sends red flags for me because of the reverse psychology that gets involved. The thought process that only a crew member would be okay with dying because they are expendable is thoroughly flawed and sounds to me like a traitor trying to get cleared.


The second bold part feels like a weak defense after being called out. Saying "I was joking" doesn't quite make it go away for me.


I've also heard a lot of the same through PM's.


On another note: US for the Win!

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Given I identify myself as a patriot, it seems I'll have to vote for America too



EDIT: Geez, Kaid loves to implicate me. But there's a method to my madness, as everyone should hopefully learn in T-Minus 20 minutes

Edited by Adavantos
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Why not, lets have a 


Vote Tally:

America (4) : Kipper, Elkanah, Kaid, Adavantos

EU: (2?) : Stink, Kas?

Australasia (2?) : Alvron, Kas?

Put me down next to you, Sarge. I guess my ancestors would have a fit if I defected so fast to placing a vote for our ex-colonial masters :P

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Adavantos, idk what it is man. You could very well be innocent but idk, its something. I don't like when people say kill me as well. I have no firm suspicions on anyone yet, I was just adding that you said you'd like to be killed haha. Just adding to the convo ;)

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Nah it's fine, I was just commenting in a PM about your last post and we brought up how much you mentioned me, and then you did that and I felt the need to respond :P but it's fine, people should question me. This is a mafia game after all. I'm actually afraid of how much I am trusted because if I really were evil a lot of people would be screwed already

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when people asked to be killed, it sends red flags for me because of the reverse psychology that gets involved. The thought process that only a crew member would be okay with dying because they are expendable is thoroughly flawed and sounds to me like a traitor trying to get cleared.

In LG5, our Artifabrian asked us to lynch him in order to instigate discussion. It worked somewhat well for him, not very well for the first guy to put a vote on him. Both were innocent.


I also want to add that Adavantos also said he was ok with being killed.

Wash the spears — while the sun climbs high.

Wash the spears — while the sun falls low.

Wash the spears — Who fears to die?

Wash the spears — No one I know!

Valar morghulis, valar dohaeris.

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