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I've felt something off from Kipper before, and I still feel it. (I called out Kipper for being friendly a while back.) However, I don't think that is a good enough reason to lynch him. Until I get something more concrete than "possibly unusual level of friendliness" from him, I won't vote for him.


I think that Araris, Adavantos, and STINK are probably innocent because they voted for BB D1. Somebody pointed out that Forging is a very important role, so if they wanted to pull off a WGG, I don't think they would use BB as the victim.


Bort, I still think that you're suspicious, but I'll take my vote off of you for now. I have other people to poke. 


Orlok, I think a vast majority of your posts have mostly been pointing out issues with Adavantos. Do you have any suggestions of what he can do instead of "mayoring the game"? Do you view anybody (besides Adavantos) as suspicious? We need you to post your suspicions of people (and as many people have said, if we all thought that Adavantos was sucking the all the fun out of this game, we could just lynch him).

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Somebody want a timestamp of Kandravotes/Mistvotes? I think I know what that is.



Adavantos-> BB (3:13) (connection to wilson)

Orlok-> Adavantos (3:30) (adavantos has power)

Kipper-> Adavantos (6:19) (No reason provided, none necessary)

Wilson-> Alvron (7:57) (to mess with people)

Hellscythe-> Kaid (9:42) (Kaid needs more attention)

Clanky-> Adavantos (10:23) (better safe than sorry)

Kaid-> Adavantos (12:37) (probably not guilty, might as well make sure)

Arraenae-> Adavantos (1:58) (Adavantos is someone to keep an eye on)

Queensteph-> Adavantos (7:42) (need to make sure he deserves all that trust)

Elbereth-> Kaid (8:41) (Adavantos can't be a traitor, no other suspects)

PK-> Kaid (6:51) (eh, why not?)

Stink-> Stink (6:56) (my vote doesn't really matter)

PK-> -Kaid- BB (7:40) (Adavantos showed me the light)

BB-> Adavantos (10:01) (Adavantos=Sith Lord)

Elbereth-> -Kaid- BB (1:44) (More info for the win!)

Lopen-> BB (4:31) (But Adavantos is suspicious, too)

Spaghetti-> BB (9:05) (BB is piling up the suspicion, adavantos seems trustworthy)

RippleGylf-> BB (6:44) (could be helpful)

Kaid-> -Adavantos- BB (11:02) (It's quiet tonight . . . Too quiet)

Araris-> argues against BB, Adavantos (11:21) (BB will be killed tomorrow, anyways.)

Adavantos-> -BB- Adavantos (3:36) (Just scan me and quit wasting time on suspicion)

Bort-> Adavantos (5:06) (Let's make it official)

Elkanah-> Adavantos (10:32) (Adavantos has too much info!)


Going through the names of the people who wanted Adavantos checked seems just as effective as killing the people who don't comment. Neither is very substantial evidence, but I guess it gives us some information. The difference is that those who voted on the Kandra check were at least participating.


I want to point out that the reason I wanted (and still want) to have Adavantos checked is so we can trust him with this information. I have revealed my role to a few people who I feel I can trust, but the more people we can clear, the further we can narrow down and single out the traitors. I think Bort put it perfectly. 


I agree that you should be scanned because like it or not, you are playing a fairly important part this game. But I don't think you are taking the fun out of the game.



I've noticed that with Adavantos encouraging so much discussion and obtaining information, that Orlock has become more and more uneasy. If he is a traitor, it makes sense that he would want to stop that flow as soon as possible.


I've been ninja'd but to the point where I'm writing this the votes stand at:


Alvron(1): Stink

Kaid(0): Kipper

Badger(1): Araris

Bort(1): Arraenae

Kipper(3): Clanky, Bort, Alfa,

Clanky(1): Kipper

Alfa(1): Lopen

Burnt(1): Hellscythe

Orlock(1): Elkanah


Edited to fix the vote (ninja'd by three of them)


Alvron(1): Stink

Kaid(0): Kipper

Badger(1): Araris

Bort(0): Arraenae

Kipper(2): Clanky, Bort, Alfa,

Clanky(1): Kipper

Alfa(3): Lopen, Ripple, Clanky

Burnt(1): Hellscythe

Orlock(2): Elkanah, Arraenae

Edited by Elkanah
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So after much debate and after looking through every interaction between Bridge Boy and other players and Wilson and other players this is the list I came up with.
Pink is bad, Green is good. Also this is a given, but as Alfa is on my green list I'd appreciate it if we didn't lynch Alfa.
Oh yeah and Black is averagely good could swing either way. 5

  1. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  2. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger)

  3. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  4. Bort (Bort)

  5. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  6. Steph (QueenSteph)

  7. Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  8. Rae Nova (Arraenae)

  9. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  10. Osmann (Zed)

  11. Gylf (RippleGylf)

  12. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  13. Cor Mordero (Alvron)

  14. Biggoron (Biggoron)

  15. John (IrulelikeSTINK)

  16. Bovinus (The Cow)

  17. Pork (Paranoid King)

  18. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  19. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  20. Elby (Elbereth)

  21. Tigger (Kipper)

  22. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

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Sorry for the delay.


The results from the Kandra are........












Adavantos is loyal.*




*Please remember that we also don't know the allegiance of the Kandra so any readings should be taken with a grain of salt.  Or a spoonful of sugar if you prefer.

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I scanned mail. He/She was a loyal hemalurgist.

I scanned bridge boy. He/She was a forger.

I scanned lllllllllllllll. He/She was a Feruchemist


Hoooray for information.


What I would have liked

I scanned X they were a Kandra. (yay double scan power)

I scanned Y they were an Elantrian. (yay protect db scan)

I scanned Z they were a Mistborn. (yay shoot badguy scan)

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So after much debate and after looking through every interaction between Bridge Boy and other players and Wilson and other players this is the list I came up with.


Pink is bad, Green is good. Also this is a given, but as Alfa is on my green list I'd appreciate it if we didn't lynch Alfa.

Oh yeah and Black is averagely good could swing either way. 5

  • Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  • Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger)

  • Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  • Bort (Bort)

  • Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  • Steph (QueenSteph)

  • Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  • Rae Nova (Arraenae)

  • Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  • Osmann (Zed)

  • Gylf (RippleGylf)

  • The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  • Cor Mordero (Alvron)

  • Biggoron (Biggoron)

  • John (IrulelikeSTINK)

  • Bovinus (The Cow)

  • Pork (Paranoid King)

  • Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  • Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  • Elby (Elbereth)

  • Tigger (Kipper)

  • Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)


Is there a particular order within each section? So, is Alfa the best and and Burnt Spaghetti the worst, or are Biggoron and Alfa equally good?

No, that's misinterpreting things. On Night One, Adavantos said that he had a Kandra that was going to Scan me. This later turned out to not happen, or was a lie in the first place. Point is, all throughout the day, I wanted that Kandra to reveal my alignment, because I wasn't worried. If I was evil and a Kandra was going to Scan me, I wouldn't have mentioned it multiple times the next day. Just sayin'

 If that's not an OMGUS, I don't know what is. Two can play at that game, Clanky.

I meant to ask this a while ago, but I forgot. What's an OMGUS?
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I don't think this has been mentioned yet, and I think it's something worth noting. Now that we know that Wilson was trying to save Bridge Boy by voting on Shallan, what does that mean for the Feruchemist that moved another vote onto Shallan, thereby extending the gap between her and BB? The lynch could have hit Bridge Boy even with the voting leaning towards Shallan at the end. If the Traitors wanted to make sure their Forger survived, they would definitely do all they could to keep him alive. Losing their Forger is a huge loss for them, so it's understandable why Wilson would risk drawing attention to herself by steering the lynch away from him. It's just as understandable to use their Feruchemist to make extra sure nothing happens. I don't know who that Feruchemist is, but if anyone does, I would suggest looking at them and their actions very closely.


@Hellscythe, Could we get some reasoning to go with your list? (Obviously you're right about one player in your list!  ;)

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I scanned mail. He/She was a loyal hemalurgist.

I scanned bridge boy. He/She was a forger.

I scanned lllllllllllllll. He/She was a Feruchemist

Hoooray for information!

Wait, what? ||||||||||||||| joined this game? I think he/she's been slipping under the radar. May as well put a vote on ||||||||||||||| until he/she/it makes a post.

#sarcasm, #honeybadgerneedstopostmore, #|||||||||||||||maybeinnocent

Edited by Paranoid King
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Oh, okay. That makes sense, I guess.

Yeah, sorry. I picked that up from EpicMafia and just assumed everyone knew it. My bad. The joke clearly missed most everyone's heads.

An omgus is usually used when Person A votes Person B simply because Person B voted Person A. You can also call a vote an omgus if you want to delegitimize the reasoning behind it, as I just did with Clanky. The joke was that I did an omgus myself, by immediately voting Clanky back.





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Based on this new information, I think it's safe to conclude that on D1 the Shallan lynch was created purely to get suspicion off of Bridge Boy, who had his own bandwagon. I don't know if this is useful information or not, but it might shed some light on the actions of others.


On D1 4 people voted for Bridge Boy: Araris, Adavantos, Mailliw, and STINK.

5 people voted for Shallan: Wilson, Kipper, Phatt, Bort, and the HI. One vote was added by a Feruchemist.


I think that the people who voted for Bridge Boy are probably loyal, because the BB bandwagon happened relatively early in the thread. If the Traitors had wanted to sacrifice BB to gain trust, they probably would have piled all of their votes onto him to ensure a lynch. Instead, Wilson created a new bandwagon on Shallan.


D2 we have 2 opposing bandwagons on Wilson and Creccio. As we know, Wilson was a Traitor and Creccio wasn't.


On D2 6 people voted for Creccio: Adavantos, STINK, Paranoid King, Bort, Kasimir, and Steph.

4 people voted for Wilson: Creccio, Kipper, Phatt, and Ripple.


Note that Bort's name appears twice on the lynches for confirmed innocents. I think that this is suspicious, at the very least.


Does anybody know how Burnt Spaghetti and The Cow have been voting? I have a few unfortunate gaps in my data.


EDIT: Greened Bort's name.

Since a feruchemist changed a vote to Shallan, does that mean that they're possibly evil? 


My thoughts on the kandra vote:  I agree that it seems likely that some traitors voted for Adavantos to be scanned, but I doubt too many of them would have- too obvious.  So my thoughts are that if any did vote for Adavantos, then they would have more likely been the ones who voted for him after BB starting picking up the votes ( so BB (who we now know was a traitor so was trying to save his own skin), Araris, Adavantos, Bort and Elkanah) but a traitor could have also been lurking in the earlier votes on Adavantos but not the first few I don't think, but possibly some of the later ones when it could seem like you're hiding in a bandwagon  (Kaid (well, we know he's good now),Arraenae and Queensteph) but I don't really know. I think that there would probably be only one other traitor in the vote count other than BB but likely not many more.


Concerning Dow's program: It does seem likely that he would have been targeted because of his program which does imply a previous traitor could be a traitor again as Adavantos said. Although, is it the kind of thing that would be mentioned on spectator docs? Because there's some players this time who were spectators last time right? I just did a search of the thread and couldn't find it mentioned directly anywhere (although I could be just not looking in the right places), so if it was mentioned, I'm thinking doc's or PM's. But idk, it could have equally been just a random kill as Araris mentioned.




Well, I do admit to having not actually really voted (apart from kandra/mistborn votes last night). The first cycle, I was just baffled that anyone could have enough information already to solidly attempt to lynch anyone. Cycle two I don't know why I didn't vote. I'll go back and reread the thread and come back if I remember why :/


Edit 2: Found out why. I was offline and sleeping for basically all of the discussion about Creccio (Yay for time-zones- Roll-over is at ~ 6am for me so I always miss a lot of the end discussion). And before hand I don't know if I had decided that I felt that any one person was more suspicious then the rest.


Edit 3: Day 3 was the Wilson lynch. I had honestly planned to vote for her, but legitimately forgot as I had a reasonably busy day

Ok, so, several people (Adavantos, Burnt Spaghetti, and Hellscythe) have all voiced their suspicions toward me and I don't understand why. If it's because I voted for Adavantos to be scanned, I wasn't trying to jump on the bandwagon. I would have voted on him whether anyone else had or not. I have already trusted him with my role in PMs and I really just want him confirmed good so I know I can have someone to trust. If you've any other reason to distrust me go ahead and ask me and I'll try to explain any action you may have found suspicious. and Also, on the note about Adavantos being a Mayor, I really don't see how he has been that way at all. Sure he's been a leader since several people trusted him, but I see nothing wrong with that. If anything he's been extremely helpful to me as a new player and has also increased the fun for me since he's helped me understand how to play the game better. I'm going to vote for Orlok because it seems strange that he'd keep trying to turn people against Ada, when Ada has done nothing but analyze, state his own thoughts, and propose ideas which he never forced on anyone. 

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So, if Ada is confirmed good, who else is?


Also, Ada, I said I would analyse Orlok's posts last night but never got round to it. Going to go do it now.



I've been through Orlok's posts (your search parameters worked perfectly, thanks, PK), and there are a couple of minor points that I'd be concerned about, but nothing major.


He argued pretty much constantly for Wilson's death, posting several times that he was suspicious of her, mostly from PMs though, so he didn't provide any proof as to why. That's fair enough though, a lot of people post votes without giving detailed reasoning, myself included.


He did defend BB from being scanned, but then, so did I, and for the same reason - Confirming Ada is friendly seemed more important.


The rest of his posts are mostly arguing that Ada is taking on too much power and controlling the game, which I disagree with. I think the main point Orlok was missing is that Ada wasn't trying to control the game, but he was trying to keep us moving. All of Ada's "orders" were suggestions, nothing more.


He did seem to keep swinging from "We don't know if Ada is trustworthy" to "Ada is spoiling the game by being mayor."


It's these last two points that have me most concerned. Was he deliberately trying to cast Ada into an 'untrusted leader' role so we would lynch him, or did he really misunderstand Ada's posts so much? If it was the latter, he did have reason to mistrust Ada. There was an incident in an earlier cycle where Ada seemed to contradict himself, but again, this seemed to be Orlok taking Ada's suggestions as commands.


In conclusion, I believe he is innocent (which probably means he is not).

Edited by Bort
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Since a feruchemist changed a vote to Shallan, does that mean that they're possibly evil? 


Ok, so, several people (Adavantos, Burnt Spaghetti, and Hellscythe) have all voiced their suspicions toward me and I don't understand why. If it's because I voted for Adavantos to be scanned, I wasn't trying to jump on the bandwagon. I would have voted on him whether anyone else had or not. I have already trusted him with my role in PMs and I really just want him confirmed good so I know I can have someone to trust. If you've any other reason to distrust me go ahead and ask me and I'll try to explain any action you may have found suspicious. and Also, on the note about Adavantos being a Mayor, I really don't see how he has been that way at all. Sure he's been a leader since several people trusted him, but I see nothing wrong with that. If anything he's been extremely helpful to me as a new player and has also increased the fun for me since he's helped me understand how to play the game better. I'm going to vote for Orlok because it seems strange that he'd keep trying to turn people against Ada, when Ada has done nothing but analyze, state his own thoughts, and propose ideas which he never forced on anyone. 

It does make it more likely, yes, but it's not a certainty; could've still been an innocent crew member who may have believed it was more useful to get rid of a less talkative player first, but yes, I do think it makes the feruchemist more suspicious.


When I posted my thoughts on the Kandra tally, I was discussing where I thought a traitor was most likely to be- Some traitors may have tried to draw attention away from BB by voting for Adavantos right after BB began collecting votes, or some may have tried to hide in a bandwagon, attempting to make sure that it was definitely a crew member who got scanned. I wasn't actually that suspicious of you, if anything I would be more suspicious of Araris, Bort and Elkanah who I think voted for Adavantos soon after BB started gaining votes, it just happened that your name was in the regions I was examining. I also get that sometimes that when people vote, the intent is genuine but the timing can sometimes be unfortunate and can seem suspicious so I was expecting that some of the people I listed would fall into that category (as you are claiming was the case for you- would have voted for him anyway, but when you did, did a a time that made it seem like you're jumping on a bandwagon)



Been thinking about it, and I'm going to put my vote on Araris who put his kandra vote on Adavantos very soon after BB started picking up votes, and then this cycle, I feel like you may have tried to draw attention away from that by saying it's more likely that the traitors would have voted for BB not Adavantos, and I find this suspicious. While I acknowledge that you do have a point that the traitors may have thought trying to prolong BB's life was a lost cause, he was still their forger so I do believe that some may have tried to protect him. 

Edited by Burnt Spaghetti
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This is the vote tally for the lynch, as it currently stands.


(1) Alvron: Stink (1), 

(0) Kaid: Kipper (1)

(2) Honey Badger: Araris (1), Paranoid King (1),

(0) Bort: Arraenae (1)

(2) Kipper: Clanky (1), Bort (1), Alfa (1),

(1) Clanky: Kipper (2),

(3) Alfa: Lopen (1), Ripple (1), Clanky (2),

(1) Spaghetti: Hellscythe (1),

(3) Orlok: Arraenae (2), Elkanah (1), Steph (1)


I still need to some heavy duty analysis, knowing that Bridge Boy was in fact evil, so until I do I will not be weighing in on who dies. Unless something crazy happens at work I should be able to get it up for everyone's review before the turn ends.


I wish I could say I'm happy about getting confirmed good, but deep down I'm not. I would have preferred it if anyone else was so that we might be closer to finding another traitor, as we could probably divine a lot of information from their posts and PMs to help progress the game. Instead we now know that I've been on the crews side this entire time, which really doesn't help us at all. I was trying to avoid this for the very fact that it actually harms the game instead. So, for fairness, I am going to come clean about a couple things in light of this reveal. Feel free to judge me for this whatever way you wish.


Traitors, I am not a Voidbringer. I am an Uninvested Crewmember, like Kas. From the game's beginning I expected to be killed early on, so my D1 strategy was to lure you into attacking me so that no valuable role would die, not so they would waste a night turn killing no one. Thing is, once people began to role claim to me I realized that I had to at least had to try to use the information I had to help the crew rather than end up a martyr again. I told a few of the players that I suspected of being evil that I was a Voidbringer - hoping that it would reach your doc - to selfishly keep me from being taken out. I also lied about having protection the night I was roleblocked. In other words, if you had called my bluff any of these nights I would currently be dead.


Why am I telling you this? Because I really do feel guilty about my role in this game so far, and knowing that my actions have upset a few players I feel it's best to be honest from here on out. I will no longer be lying to anyone this game, whether I think them evil or not. In the words of Orlok, victory should not come at the cost of fun or friendship. With that said, I also want to apologize to everyone, including the mods. I know that I have unintentionally caused a bit of strife among the community, which is the last thing I want. I hope this post helps alleviate any problems I have caused.


If an Elantrian decides to contact me now that I have been confirmed good, just know that I will ask them not to protect me, but another player who has a role that is actually vital. In other words I will be susceptible to death, so if you want to take me out of the picture, feel free. I have already passed on everything I know to the Mistborn, whose identity still remains a secret and whose alignment has not been confirmed. In the bottom of my heart I believe this is the right thing for me to do. Note that this is not me giving up. This is me giving you a chance. Until you do have me killed, however, I promise to dedicate 100% of my effort to finding you, for the sake of the crew.



EDIT: Unfortunately I will not have enough time before turn over to do an in depth analysis on every player so far, but just in case the traitors decide to kill me tonight I will make sure I put it up before the cycle's end. I do, however, have enough time to gather some evidence to support a few theories I have. It is likely I'm going to abstain from voting as while I find it suspicious that Alfa hasn't participated much - if at all this game - until he began to collect votes I do not think that warrants a lynch just yet. Of the three, he is the least I would mind dying because with his vote on Kipper it doesn't even seem like he cares about the game, followed by Honey for similar reasoning (lack of contribution). As for Orlok, it seems I've already ruined his fun so far this game, and I would hate for his time to end on a bad note. While it's possible he is a traitor I still have my doubts, and I hate that the main reason why he's being targeted is because he spoke out against me. 

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I haven't ordered anyone to do anything this game yet. Won't start now, even if I think it's best that the traitors spend their kill on me instead of a valuable player.


Also, Hellscythe. Did you scan the first player that I asked you to, or the second? 

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Been thinking about it, and I'm going to put my vote on Araris who put his kandra vote on Adavantos very soon after BB started picking up votes, and then this cycle, I feel like you may have tried to draw attention away from that by saying it's more likely that the traitors would have voted for BB not Adavantos, and I find this suspicious. While I acknowledge that you do have a point that the traitors may have thought trying to prolong BB's life was a lost cause, he was still their forger so I do believe that some may have tried to protect him. 



(1) Alvron: Stink (1), 

(0) Kaid: Kipper (1)

(2) Honey Badger: Araris (1), Paranoid King (1),

(0) Bort: Arraenae (1)

(2) Kipper: Clanky (1), Bort (1), Alfa (1),

(1) Clanky: Kipper (2),

(3) Alfa: Lopen (1), Ripple (1), Clanky (2),

(1) Spaghetti: Hellscythe (1),

(3) Orlok: Arraenae (2), Elkanah (1), Steph (1)

(2) Araris: Spaghetti (1), Adavantos (1)


I know not too long ago I said I was going to abstain from voting, but Spaghetti's vote has encouraged me that there's still a chance to kill a player who I am genuinely suspicious of. Personally, of all the players on the board right now, I believe Araris is the one who is most likely a traitor. He's currently sharing the top slot with Elkanah on my maybe a traitor list.


EDIT: For those who have voted for Alfa or are considering to, it seems wise for me to advise that you do not. If I could say why I would, but it's best that you figure it out yourself. You can do so by analyzing page four.

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Darnit Ninjaed. @Adavantos 2nd.

And Honey Badger because my reasoning against Spaghetti is faulty but I still think they are bad.


Also no, my list has no particular super good or super bad. If you're green you're on the same level as everyone else who is green.


Edit TO THE MIGHTY LOPEN: As for reasoning to my list. I kinda just looked at the interactions between Bridge Boy and other players and Wilson and other players like the ones who interacted in a suspicious way (Jumped late on the wagon against wilson or tried to avoid talking with either player) and the ones who interacted in a good way (Debated with Wilson, started everyone being suspicious of Wilson and Bridge Boy).

I however did not look too much at what Wilson said about people. Namely because she said Bridge Boy was her 2nd top suspicion. I looked more at what people said about Wilson/BB.

I didn't take notes of everything I saw(I should've) but everything I read made up my list little by little.

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