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So queensteph is the Traitor Feruchemist. Either that or Wyrm gave us 3 Inno Feruchemists and 0 Traitor ones.


Is anyone role blocked?


Or there's a Traitor Feruchemist who hasn't claimed or who lied about their role to someone. That is a possibility, though I think I agree with you that there are only 3 since there hasn't been any vote changes that we don't know about I don't think. It could just be that the Traitor Feruchemist hasn't ever used their ability or they're kinda inactive though. There isn't really any "inactives." Elkanah was a bit inactive for a while, but I do think it was because of Thanksgiving and QF11. Biggoron has been quiet, but has posted every now and then. Now that we're moving into the final stages of the game, I'm hoping everyone will either keep their level of activity steady, or even become more active.


As I've stated multiple times in PM's with some people, I'm inclined to think Steph is Loyal. Just the tone of her posts and my PM's with her give me the feeling she's Loyal. I don't really have any hard facts, but she's been open with her role, and seemingly open with her thoughts throughout the game. Could be she's fooling me. It's possible, but it's not what I think. Also, as someone who was in her position(being the last surviving player with a role thought of as needed for the Eliminators. I was the last LO(protective role) in LG14.), I don't think that is a very good reason to doubt myself.


Also, I was not role-blocked.


Edit: ninja'd by Biggoron. I'd say it's not that unlikely. Feruchemist isn't really a necessary role for them to have. It could help in some situations certainly, but it's not set in stone that they have to have one.


Also, Wyrm informs you at the start of the night if you are role-blocked.

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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I also feel like steph is innocent, but I have no proof other than the tone of her posts. I do think a scan isn't without merit, though, so I will vote for Steph to be scanned.

I was not role blocked.

Definitely looking that way. queensteph it is then. Also how likely is it that there would be no evil feruchemists??

Seems unlikely, right?

Alsoalso how do you know if you're roleblocked?

I believe Wyrm PMs you.

Other than that, I don't have much to say. I haven't PMed anyone for a few days, so I don't have any extra information or suspicions that aren't from the thread. Nor do I particularly wish to mistvote anyone, because I don't know anyone so suspicious that I think they should be killed. That's about it, I guess...

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For the first time in over a week, Rae was finally getting some sleep. Granted, her desk might not be the most comfortable place to rest on, but paperwork made a surprisingly good pillow.




Rae jerked awake and clutched her right eye. A straw figure stood a few inches away from her face. Rae stared at it for a few seconds, and then reached out to smash it back into straw. It dodged, and the palm of her hand slammed into her desk.




If strawmen had faces, this one would be laughing at her. It wiggled her bag of spare change, which she'd been planning to use up at the corporation-approved vending machines, and then ran into the empty hallway, spare change and all.


"That's my money, you storming piece of rust!" Rae yelled. She dashed after the strawman, determined to shred its Harmony-forsaken body to pieces.

Closer... closer... she could almost reach it...


Rae tripped forwards, and threw her ams in front of her head. A moment later, she hit the ground. Something crunched and she skidded forwards on the hallway floor. Her palms burned from the impact and subsequent skidding.


"Ow..." Rae whimpered.


She looked up. The strawman, and her money, had disappeared.




Apparently, the ship's Elantrian couldn't be spared to heal her injuries right now, but they might be available to check her later. So, that meant that a Resealer had to be summoned to fix Rae's injuries.


Unfortunately, the Resealer had to study her injuries, inspect muscles system, x-ray her, and interrogate her on the circumstances of her fall before being able to do anything. And that was just to figure out a design for the stamp. Then, the Resealer had to get some Soulstone (it took forever for the Resealer to find the right-sized chunk of stone), get tools to carve it (why the Resealer couldn't use any of the multiple knives that were on hand was a mystery to Rae), and then get the right ink (bright red, made from Selian squid, because nothing else could do according to the Resealer).


And then once the Resealer was finally done with the stamp, a strawman stole it, right out of Rae's hands.


Much to Rae's dismay, it looked like she would have to stay in the infirmary tonight.




tl;dr version: I was roleblocked.

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Okiedoke, so I'm not surprised that everyone's suspicious of me since that's the reason that I went after Kipper as well. I believed that there was a high chance that since he was a feruchemist he was probably bad since why did we need 3 loyal Feruchemists? 

Because I know that I'm loyal, it seems as though there's either a traitor Feruchemist in hiding or there are no traitor Feruchemists.

Last night cycle I asked Kipper if he knew my role and he didn't confirm or deny it, but he had said earlier that he knew who the other Feruchemist was. I then claimed to him that I was a Feruchemist because if there was someone else out there that was a Feruchemist as well then they would almost 100% be a traitor. He said he didn't see why there couldn't be a fourth. So either he knew who they were or he was just stating that he didn't rule out the possibility. Also, as you may know I am the one who changed Lopen's vote to Kipper because I wasn't sure of the vote tally and so kipper could've used his power to sway it away from him again or make it a tie if there had been 1(?) more vote on Araris. Anywho, I have no problem with being scanned (Who would oppose it, amiright?) and would actually prefer to be scanned so that I can be cleared of suspicions which are all solely based on my role. So I vote for me, queensteph, to be scanned. 

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Queensteph's post is making me even more sure that both she and the Kandra are evil. Of course a traitor would ask to be scanned when they know that the Kandra won't actually scan them. Another point I don't think people have realized: if the Kandra is evil, the longer they stay alive the more roles the traitors get. There's no reason for an evil!Kandra to scan for alignment. I'll put up a much more analytical post later, with all my suspicions.

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Well, I am personally of the opinion that queensteph hasn't done anything suspicious really the entire game, and I already mentioned that I am extremely uncomfortable with killing people solely based on our guesses of a role distribution. So I don't really see why all these people want steph scanned, and why you think she is evil, phatt. I don't really have time to say anything else right now though, so be back tomorrow probably. Also, we could mistborn someone that we are suspicious of that has been cleared by the Kandra, if people want that sort of confirmation.

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I think killing the kandra isn't a good idea. If they are loyal, then we will just lose a very valuable role. I think that if we really don't trust the kandra, we should kill someone with an unimportant role that the kandra said is loyal. This way,if the person we kill is loyal, that means we can probably trust the kandra.

However, if the kandra seems to have no luck finding a traitor for a few more cycles, we should scrutinize them further.

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The problem with ascertaining the kandra's loyalty by killing someone they've scanned is there is a high chance they'll deliver true results a fair bit of the time, meaning we would have to get lucky to discover one they may have lied about...

Edit: Syntax and spelling

Edited by OrlokTsubodai
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I think killing the kandra isn't a good idea. If they are loyal, then we will just lose a very valuable role. I think that if we really don't trust the kandra, we should kill someone with an unimportant role that the kandra said is loyal. This way,if the person we kill is loyal, that means we can probably trust the kandra.


Kill someone with an unimportant role, who has been scanned as Loyal, hmmmmm.............so, Adavantos?  :P


Seriously though, I still think killing the Kandra is the best way to go.

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The infirmary was not designed with the patients in mind, Rae decided. It was too white, too sterile, and way too loud. The air rushing in from the grates hissed loudly as it slid into the room, and the bed she was confined creaked under her weight.


Somewhere far away, a door slammed. Indistinct voices murmured to one another, but their conversation was drowned out by the sound of footsteps.


Rae heard louder footsteps, closer ones. Then the door to her ward creaked open a few millimeters and she flinched. Through the door’s curtained window, she saw a body dressed in white -- an Elantrian? A nurse? An assassin?


The door slammed shut with a bang..


Light began pouring into the window. It poured through strange lines and dots, with a wavy vertical line crossed by a horizontal one in the center.


Rae squinted at the Aon -- it was an Aon, right? If her memories of grade 12 Multiworld Studies served her right, that was… Dao. No, Edo. Sleep.


It must be the Elantrian. Well, whatever they were doing, it didn’t seem to be working. Rae wasn’t any sleepier than she had been before.


Rae spent the next few minutes watching the Elantrian’s silhouette, but it was pointless. She couldn’t tell who they were, or what they were doing, or even their gender. All she could find was that they were wearing white.


Rae yawned. Maybe she should sleep, the way the Resealer had recommended. She’d had a long day. No, more like a long, sleep-deprived week



Unfortunately, I have less time this week than I thought I did, so I'm probably going to be more inactive. Why teachers think they can assign more homework right around finals, I have no idea. Hopefully, I can come back around Monday-ish, but until then I'm going to be mostly lurking.
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Well, I suppose I'll put my votes in now. 


Kandra scan: Alfa because he claimed Hemalurgist.

Mistborn kill: Araris or no one at all. With the lower amount of players, I don't think we should be too hasty in condemning players. I think we gain more information from the lynch anyways, since people's votes are actually the things that kill someone in that.


I would be fine with queensteph being scanned as well though, since then we could team up if she turns out Loyal(like I think she will)!  :lol: Also, I've already stated suspicion of Araris, so I figured I'd just throw that out there now as well. He was kinda saved from the lynch last Turn, but Kipper was also under suspicion from a few people, so I can't say I've gleaned too much from that lynch atm.

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Day 8: Breakfast of Slivers


In the middle of nowhere-in-particular aboard the Shardship, three of the crew got up from their bunks in a manner suggesting they each had great purpose.


The first shrugged off his ship-issue night clothes and dressed in silence. He adorned his torso with a shirt and shoved both of his legs through those of his trousers. Next came the belt, oh so useful to one such as him. He thumbed through the loops almost absent-mindedly as he selected a vial of metals from the rack beside his bed, carelessly slotting them each into place around his waist. Finally came the hooded cloak, the symbol of office. Mistborn may not be so special these days, but the cloak was still a mythical object, one that few were allowed to wear. Those Mistborn in the employ of House Heron, for example, were just a few of them.


The second sighed to himself as he lent under his bed and pulled out a long, polished, wooden box. He placed it on the sheets and flipped open the latches. He smiled slightly to himself – None of the others had realised quite what this was. And why would they? There was nothing odd about him having a Hemalurgic spike. He took the metal out of the box, almost reverently, and placed it to his bare chest. He grimaced and closed his eyes, and stabbed.


The third stumbled out of bed, almost tripped on his tangled duvet, yawned, and went to find something to eat. Hunger was the true enemy on this ship, and even the Feruchemist cooks that the Heron family employed could only do so much with dried and preserved foods. The problem was that he never felt hungry for the offerings at set meal times, and so he always ended up sneaking into the kitchens and pilfering the stocks.


As though they were to all converge upon a single point, as though they all knew where the others were headed and hoped to meet in the centre, they converged at a single point. Though it was often a rowdy and disordered place, at night the kitchens were empty, and silent as the grave.


The first figure noticed the other two first, and the second noticed them second. The third remained mostly oblivious, until the shouting began with him in between them.


The first waved a pistol around in the air, demanding to know why the other two were there. The second responded by drawing a hand back, and calling a Shardblade to his side, his other hand clutching his chest as though he bore a great pain there. The third dove for the floor, hands covering his head in a hopeless attempt to protect himself from stray shots.


The second leapt over him, charging his opponent down in a half-run, half-shambling gait. The first took a quick shot, but did not aim it fully, the bullet veering wildly off-course. The Shardblade rent a great tear in the ship's support beam, as non-living metal split aside from its mere touch. The ship creaked and groaned, a wordless, inhuman shout of pain, as the pillar fell aside and clattered to the floor with a loud thud.


The third figure scrambled away as the first two fought and danced across the kitchen, stumbling over the tables and chairs, climbing on the counter in an effort to outflank the other. The first attempted to put a gap between him and his opponent to get a decent shot off, but the second knew that doing that would be a death-sentence for him. The greatsword became a shortsword and finally a dagger as the second slashed and ducked and weaved around his opponent's guard, all the while his other hand remained clamped where it was.


The third figure finally stood up, hauling himself over a few broken wooden chairs and metal tables to observe the fight, though still mostly hiding in case the others noticed him again. At this point, as though planning something in his head, the second forced back the first, pushing him towards his hiding place. The gun fell to the floor, clattering away and discharging its shot into a table.


The second figure then drew closer, drawing his arm back in a grand, exaggerated arc as the Shardblade reformed itself into a terrifying large blade to cut down his foe. The first fell back, using any means necessary, even falling, to attempt to avoid the blow. The third took this opportunity and pushed forwards, shoulder-barging their foe and knocking him back.


Three figures fell to the floor. The third fell to the floor clutching his side, an impossibly perfect shear cut through his stomach, leaking blood and stomach acid and worse onto the floor. The second flung himself madly in the direction of his Shardblade, hand grasping at the hilt. The first reached out behind the first for one of the broken tables, and gave a sharp pull with his Allomancy.


The table flew towards the three, and struck the second man on the back of the head, bringing him crashing to the ground with a sickening thud. The first then pulled on his dropped weapon, pulling it towards his body. He groped around for it and stood up, slightly woozy. He closed one eye and took careful aim at the second figure, and fired.


He took a few deep breaths, to attempt to steady himself, and looked over at the third figure. He assessed whether or not there was anything he could do for the man who had probably saved his life. He came to the conclusion that there was not, and then gave up on trying to keep himself together, and threw up at the sight.


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission. - Hemalurgist

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) – T-I-Double-Guh-Err - Feruchemist

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook. - Forger

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic - Feruchemist

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian) - Hemalurgist

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities - BioChromancer

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos) - Uninvested

  18. Kaid (Kaid) - Voidbringer

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx) - Surgebinder

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed) - Uninvested

  28. Bort (Bort) - Uninvested

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf) - Uninvested

  31. Bovinus (The Cow) - Uninvested

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Adavantos was a loyal crewmember!

Arandar was a Hemalurgist!


Day 8 has begun! PMs may not be sent.


Shift Clock

The cafeteria is off-limits due to an accident, but you can eat on-shift, I'm sure.



Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well done! I would've called Araris out because I scanned him last night and him being a hemalurgist and not saying anything is off.

Poor Adavantos has finally been attacked. :(

So did the kandra find anything out last night?

Edited by Hellscythe
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Love the write-up, Wyrm. All of them, really, but this one was especially awesome. I'll start off with a vote for Lopen. I think he is trying to distance himself from the Kandra and was from Araris, so as to wind up as the trusted eliminator at the end. (Example: Shallan goes after hero in mr9, survives, and wins)

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Ok cool! I was actually right about one of my suspicions. It's nice to have a traitor who posted enough to do some analysis on. Here are a few initial thoughts on Araris  posts:


  1. He brought up the possibility of killing one of the people the kandra scanned to test the kandras alignment. This makes me even more certain that the kandra actually is good.
  2. As queesnsteph pointed out he was defending her. There wasn't really any reasons behind his defence of her besides her not doing anything suspicious
  3. He focused a lot on the inactive players in his posts.
  4. He doesn't want us to lynch based on role distributions. Maybe this means that we should be lynching our last feruchemist then? 
  5. Considered Alfa to be soft confirmed because of his scan on STINK being correct. I would normally look at Alfa as mre suspicious for this but I doubt the traitors would get two hemalurgists. Unless they were given hemalurgists instead of uninvested players as a way to confuse us? 
  6. He pushed for the coinshot on Cow who we now know is good. So perhaps we can look for other people who wanted to coinshot cow since we know the eliminators were for it?
  7. "If we assume that there are 7 eliminators, then 2 uninvested and a hemalurgist seems pretty balanced. But that seems a little boring. In my experience team evil tends to have more roles and less people, which gives them more room for strategy and less of error. Although, having 2 uninvested players with the forger role might make a 7 person team a little overpowered, though fortunately we don't have to deal with that. The game could practically have ended upon the death of a mistborn if there was still an evil forger." His thoughts on traitor role distribution. Take from this what you will but I'm not sure what to make of it yet. 

That's all I've got for now. Nothing groundbreaking but I had some time so I thought I would share. I won't be posting a vote until I do a more thorough analysis on Araris and all his interactions.

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Obligatory "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!2!!". Cuz Ada's gone. We weep for you, we really do. ;(
But also I'm more worried about there not being any food served. I don't wanna get my own food!
(and my suspectometer was at like, 5 or 6 for Araris...so...wow.)
Ok, but yeah! @phat!! I think you're evil. Mostly just for trying to pry my role from me, even though you didn't try that hard. But I think Lopen is more evil-er. Since almost everything he's said has struck me as a bit...off? But, again, that's mostly my gut talking. I have no real proof.
So convince me otherwise, brother!

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So did the kandra find anything out last night?

Lopen was scanned and found to be loyal.


However we have no way of knowing if it's true due to lingering doubt as to the Kandras allegiance.  It is the same with the others that have been scanned.

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I think the HI was talking about the current scan, Alv.


Great work Mistborn! One more down, only a few left now. I'd say either 2 or 3. My suspicions as of right now:

1. Biggoron- I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind explaining something about yourself so we can talk about it in the open. I'm suspicious of you for your "suspicion" of Wilson, and now you're "suspicion" against Araris, and that you've been playing the "newbie card" quite a lot. Also add to that that you just voted for me, and I'm a lot more suspicious of you now than I was before this Turn.

2. Phattemer- Now before anyone goes and says my top two suspicions are those who have voted on me, I would like to say that I have already voiced concerns about these two earlier, in PM's and even a little in thread as well. Phat, with Biggoron saying that stuff about you prodding him for his role, and my suspicion of him, it makes me less suspicious of you. However, you voting for me does make me suspicious of you.

3. Alfa- Claimed Hemalurgist. Also claimed to be Forged into a Kandra on N2, the same night that STINK was Forged. He then said he scanned BB with his first scan, but BB was killed that night so it was wasted. His next scan was on STINK and came up Loyal. STINK was killed shortly thereafter by a Mistborn. Like I said earlier, if STINK had been offed by the Traitors I would have been suspicious that his scan on STINK was true just to make us trust him a little. As it stands though, I'm inclined to think that both Mistborn are Loyal, so I am unsure about Alfa. Which is why I want him scanned.

4. Elkanah- lack of information on him makes me suspicious of him. Pretty much the only thing I've got about him. I'll look through his posts to try to get a better read on him. Elkanah, it would help if you could try to add some more opinions on more players. Anything really. Gut feelings, paranoid theories, it's all helpful to know, imo.


I believe the remaining Traitors are in this group. I'm not sure about that, but it's my opinion. 


@Biggoron, as for convincing you I am Loyal, well, I think you should look over everything I've said and done up until this point and try to figure it out yourself if you have yet to do so. I've been scanned as Loyal, and have been suspicious of Araris for a while now. If anyone has any questions, go right ahead. I'm roleless as you all probably know.

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I think the HI was talking about the current scan, Alv.

I know. :D  Just like the HI knows full well that asking that early will not help as they will still have to wait until plenty of people have posted to insure that any code used isn't easily picked up.  With the lessening numbers it may be better if the Kandra doesn't use the code phase at all as the eliminators have probably narrowed it down to a handful of players and there is no reason to make it any easier.

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