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@Stink; I don't think it should be run at all. I don't deserve a fan club. Also, I'm not fond of irrelevant conversations like this.


Wilson, I'm demanding a response.


Everyone else, please participate in this discussion. I'm sure a lot more people have interacted with both Stink and Wilson and might have some evidence of their own to affect the rest of us' view on those two.

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Also, Wilson, I know you've been on the thread since I called you out. Can you please respond?


Yes, I was online. It was 5:30 AM, my phone had just woken me up from a facebook chat, and I decided to check the site briefly before going back to sleep. I occasionally do that when it's the middle of the night. It takes something rather large to get me to actually bring out my laptop and post though. I didn't view calling me out like that as being large enough to sacrifice my sleep. Sorry, not sorry.


I don't really have much to say about either of yours or Kipper's posts, because I know my alignment and I'm perfectly willing to submit to a kandra scan. You mentioned my deviousness and manipulation though, concerning Maill's role and giving it to Stink. I don't have as much time to devote to this game as I usually do. I've mentioned this in part already, both in thread and in some PMs, but I've got car insurance issues I'm dealing with concerning an accident I got in almost a month ago that hasn't been sorted out yet. On top of that, I'm also working on some health/medical things with my thyroid and my back. Most of my free time comes on the weekend, and I try to make as much of that as I can. Subtracting sleep, I had about 12 hours to PM people freely after I got off work at 5 PM on Friday. I nearly forgot about giving Stink Maill's name (which is why there was a 2 hour gap between my PM to Maill and my PM to Stink). When I remembered, I wasn't trying to do anything malicious. I was telling Stink Maill's name and the reason that I believed that Maill could be trusted with a stamp. Yes, I'd had minor suspicions of Stink before I told him this, but I knew there was a good chance that that was paranoia. Yes, he had opportunity to be evil, but there wasn't really anything incriminating beyond that. When it comes to these games, I have no problem sharing my reasoning, even with people that I suspect, particularly if it's tying them down into doing something specific. If something gets messed up, that gives me information and a lead. Now, do I usually give roles? No. I don't. Not sensitive roles like a Hemalurgist. But at that point in time, I wasn't thinking about what my reasoning for trusting Maill would tell Stink. I was reasoning about why Maill would be a good person to give a stamp to and why I didn't think he was a traitor trying to get a role. Simple as that. It wasn't until Stink asked if Maill was a Hemalurgist that I realized what I'd done. Even then, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When he reacted the way he did.....not so much.


I still think something is off with Stink, but I'm not certain about that at all. I am certain about what he said versus what I said and that there are discrepancies there. I think those discrepancies warrant more looking into, but if you guys want to look past those and trust him, fine.  Stink.


I do not agree with calling for a no lynch today, because it's under threat of lynch and death that we learn things. Yes, we can discuss during the day and during PMs and all of that and we can rely on the kandra scans to solve the mystery for us, but where's the fun in that? Relying on the kandra is a follow the cop strategy, and those are lame. I would rather be killed right now in this lynch than spend the rest of the game following around after the kandra. "Oh, this person is evil!" says Adavantos. "Let's kill them!" And everyone blindly follows suit. That's no fun.


But since people don't want to go for Stink, I'm willing to look elsewhere. Ripple. You seem a little too certain about me. You're also reading a little over-much into my words to try to twist them to come back on me. I wasn't confident in Stink's role. I admitted that he hadn't fully claimed Forger, so I knew there was a small chance that he wasn't when I first mentioned him being a Forger. I acknowledged this. My questions to him were to figure out the reasons for the discrepancies I had noted. That post was willing to accept that he was being honest about being in contact with a Forger, but since his being in contact with a Forger contradicted something else he'd said, I was trying to sort out what was truth from what was lie.


Yet you're saying that I'm "confident concerning [his] role". Why? Perhaps because you want to make people think that I know more than I do? That I'm "confident" about more than I should be? I wasn't any more certain than I should've been based on the way that Stink had acted in my PM with him, and I made that very clear. All of the information from my PM with Stink is here, in the thread. My reason for believing he was Forger, my reason for telling him about Maill. All of it. I made logical assumptions with the information I had. Those were partly wrong, but I still think it was logical.


You also reinforce the idea that the Surgebinder's purpose was reverse psychology. If I were a traitor, I'd have no reason to use reverse psychology like that. In fact, I would avoid having my name mentioned in that kind of a note, since it just throws me back into the spotlight--somewhere that I don't particularly like being when I'm evil. I much prefer the sidelines and one-on-one communication. I was already suspected due to the Shallan-lynch and while a note like that could reduce suspicion on me, that gets into the realm of I Know You Knows, and I avoid those like the plague. I would not do that. Go ahead and spin your paranoid webs saying that "well, that's precisely the reason why she would," but the fact remains that I would not and did not. So someone who already seems so certain about me pushing the idea that I did makes me even more wary. Why would you be suggesting that, unless it's part of the plan to get me lynched?




Wilson, I'm demanding a response.


Patience, young one. It's a virtue.

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I thought he was pretty convincing, and I don't 'revel' in unpredictability, it's more like I don't want everyone to be able to read me, which everyone is saying is evil but I've done that in all my games.

Ok Traitor. "I do that in all my games I swear mom pls"


In other news, I had three loyal hemalurgists claim to me last night. One of them died. I thought about the reasons against and for telling you the truth. I decided to tell you the truth. After tonight we may have another Hemlurgist for 2 days but other than that we now only have 2 Hemalurgists unless there's another one out there that didn't feel like confiding in me.



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Hah. Like they're going to come out and defend you or even vote for someone else to save you. That would be Inefficient. They're not your real allies. Real allies would save each other like my Loyal crew. They just choose not to kill you every night because you're on their team.



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Your defense has been inadequate. I was merely stating that in my first post. I want to see the defenses of my other suspicions before I condemn you. The others may give me better signs of being traitors and will at that point be a better lynch than you.



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I thought Kipper's conspiracy theory was fairly funny. I laughed as much as a computer can laugh.
Also you're welcome. I realized that by the time three hemalurgists die many of you will not trust me anyways and I will be nothing more than a vote. There was no point in lying to all of you except to make some of you suspect me even more when only two hemalurgists die.



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Two things that I feel I need to remind you all of:


Firstly, this is a game, and we play to have fun. Remember that, even if you are of the opinion that someone is your enemy, they are still a person at the end of the day and may take things differently to how you intend. People should never be bringing personal attacks or condescension into their posts. There is a big difference between aggressive play and offensive play. Always consider your posts from other peoples' perspectives. There is no excuse for being rude in a game like this.


Secondly, you are not meant to be sending PMs right now. I have only had one player do so, but I want to nip this in the bud globally before anyone else forgets. I do not want to have to take action against anyone because they forgot this twice.

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As Meta is not around right now to make an announcement, I will do so.


This forum operates on the rules of the site, found here. We also have our own Etiquette Policy, found here. Two things I want to quote from the Etiquette Policy:


Remember that this is a game. Though this is difficult at times, as things can get quite heated, please try to remember that it's just a game. If you're having difficulties, try taking a step back and breathe for a moment. You might just realize that it's not the end of the world and that win or lose, there will be another game in the future.


Your RP and Character are not an excuse to be unsportsmanlike. You’re still the one writing it. This doesn’t mean that there isn’t a little leeway here, but if you’re being rude and your excuse is that it was all in character, that isn’t appropriate. Keep these guidelines in mind when doing your RP.


This forum is not like other mafia/werewolves/elimination games forums some of you may have played at. We are all for differing playstyles and there is no one "right" way to play. That said, aggressive behavior is contrary to the Etiquette Policy. These are games. They will always be games. Everyone is expected to treat everyone else with respect.


Thank you.

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I would like to request that all of our mistborn, unless they have solid suspicions, target the inactive players tonight. And by that I mean people that have posted none at all. There is not really a reason for having that sort of behavior and not explaining in the thread at all. It only takes a minute or two to post that you are busy IRL.


I would like to clarify something with STINK, which will (most likely) decide whether I vote for him (which I am leaning against right now). STINK, you explained why you left your vote on BB. But why did you vote on him the first place? Or in other words, if you voted because you were afraid of feruchemists, why do you think that is an action that benefits the village? (This is me wanting to hear an opinion, not trying to be aggressive) Also, did you have any other reasons for placing that vote that you are willing to share? And who else were you suspicious of at that point?


Something I would like to point out about the HI is that I don't think we need to worry about when it changes alignment. (except for massive info leaks) Because as long as we have a forger still alive, every time a hemalurgist dies we can forge a new one to check the HI's alignment. I mentioned this before, during day 1.

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Voting because of feruchemists, gives you a tiny insight into the feruchemists mind, will they continue to manipulate votes or will they back off? What target do they decide to go for? If they shift a vote onto someone (which they did with Shallan) then maybe one of the people that voted for Shallan was a feruchemist and thought they needed a higher chance of getting rid of Shallan. 


Talking about Eliminator Feruchemists was pointless at that point as Loyal and Traitor for Feruchemists couldn't be decided based on who they switched to when we had the last hour of the cycle that happened. 


Who am I suspicious of? To be frank, don't know. I told some people this in a PM but when it comes to suspicions I'm not someone who takes notes and does this and that but instead I play the game as I do, trying to get info and then when I feel like it needs to happen, I collect all the information and put it on one Doc and work with that, as (like Kas said) some people tunnel and will look for info that suits their need, be it getting info which you twist into saying 'STINK is evil and could've done x,y or z' or just simply going 'I trust this person lots, so will ignore this info about him'. Kas called this 'keeping suspicions fluid' I think, though I think he also got it from someone else. 


Also, one problem Araris is that the Eliminators probably have a Forger who will contend with our Forgers bids to make Hemalurgists, and even if there are no Evil Forgers we still might have a Forger make an Eliminator into a Hemalurgist who then lies and says we should all continue with the HI, whereas in reality the HI would be subverted. 


Also, I don't know why you added that your question wasn't being aggressive, it was only a question after all :P

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1. Alvron: Don't you have anything to say, Alv? 

Not really.


Sorry for my silence folks but I have been waiting on some Words of Wyrm.  Followed by clarifications on said Words of Wyrm.  Which were needed before I could say anything due to codes that had been set up during the night cycle.


To the newly Forged Kandra assuming one was made, whoever you are, please scan only for alliances rather than roles.  You have at best two shots of finding an eliminator so please don't waste them.

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Yes, I was online. It was 5:30 AM, my phone had just woken me up from a facebook chat, and I decided to check the site briefly before going back to sleep. I occasionally do that when it's the middle of the night. It takes something rather large to get me to actually bring out my laptop and post though. I didn't view calling me out like that as being large enough to sacrifice my sleep. Sorry, not sorry.


Given how often I change time zones and that I don't know you well enough to know yours, it's easy for me to lose track of when a player is usually active. Add that to the fact that I saw you viewing, I assumed it was because you were available to speak. I try to make a habit of not reading the thread when I can't talk as that always seems suspect to me and extended that practice to you, so sorry about that. Either way it was not my intention to get you to sacrifice your sleep.


I don't really have much to say about either of yours or Kipper's posts, because I know my alignment and I'm perfectly willing to submit to a kandra scan. You mentioned my deviousness and manipulation though, concerning Maill's role and giving it to Stink. I don't have as much time to devote to this game as I usually do. I've mentioned this in part already, both in thread and in some PMs, but I've got car insurance issues I'm dealing with concerning an accident I got in almost a month ago that hasn't been sorted out yet. On top of that, I'm also working on some health/medical things with my thyroid and my back. Most of my free time comes on the weekend, and I try to make as much of that as I can. Subtracting sleep, I had about 12 hours to PM people freely after I got off work at 5 PM on Friday. I nearly forgot about giving Stink Maill's name (which is why there was a 2 hour gap between my PM to Maill and my PM to Stink). When I remembered, I wasn't trying to do anything malicious. I was telling Stink Maill's name and the reason that I believed that Maill could be trusted with a stamp. Yes, I'd had minor suspicions of Stink before I told him this, but I knew there was a good chance that that was paranoia. Yes, he had opportunity to be evil, but there wasn't really anything incriminating beyond that. When it comes to these games, I have no problem sharing my reasoning, even with people that I suspect, particularly if it's tying them down into doing something specific. If something gets messed up, that gives me information and a lead. Now, do I usually give roles? No. I don't. Not sensitive roles like a Hemalurgist. But at that point in time, I wasn't thinking about what my reasoning for trusting Maill would tell Stink. I was reasoning about why Maill would be a good person to give a stamp to and why I didn't think he was a traitor trying to get a role. Simple as that. It wasn't until Stink asked if Maill was a Hemalurgist that I realized what I'd done. Even then, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. When he reacted the way he did.....not so much.


I understand that events in real life can have significant effects on how a player behaves in a game. However, since information like this is not relevant to the game itself, I think in the future it would be better if anyone whose going through a situation like this, they should keep the specifics to themselves and simply say, in blue text, I got things going on in real life that have impacted by ability to play, then explain only what's relevant to the game / discussion. Otherwise I find myself having to analyze this as "is she being genuine or using true events in her life to cover up for something she did while appealing for empathy?" I don't like that I have to consider that. As for Stink reacting the way he did, I highly doubt that he would share his excitement with anyone but the traitors in his doc if he were evil. I believe he would be smart enough to keep that to himself knowing full well that they're about to kill that person and it could be used as evidence against him.


I still think something is off with Stink, but I'm not certain about that at all. I am certain about what he said versus what I said and that there are discrepancies there. I think those discrepancies warrant more looking into, but if you guys want to look past those and trust him, fine.  Stink.


I can't remember when, where or who said it, but I remember someone recently made a comment that said something along the lines that once Wilson decides a person is evil then she will not back down, so its best not to get on her bad side. Even if it wasn't you specifically, this retraction comes off suspicious to me. As for these discrepancies, can you please point out what you are referring to for people who may have missed it or had them go over their head. I am not willing to look past any information, let alone advocate that we do.


I do not agree with calling for a no lynch today, because it's under threat of lynch and death that we learn things. Yes, we can discuss during the day and during PMs and all of that and we can rely on the kandra scans to solve the mystery for us, but where's the fun in that? Relying on the kandra is a follow the cop strategy, and those are lame. I would rather be killed right now in this lynch than spend the rest of the game following around after the kandra. "Oh, this person is evil!" says Adavantos. "Let's kill them!" And everyone blindly follows suit. That's no fun.


I'm not saying we rely on the Kandra to solve the mystery. I am saying that before we condemn a potential ally to death we verify that they are actually evil. Any of the leads we currently have stems entirely from player interactions. The only difference between waiting a cycle to scan someone before killing them is making sure we don't make a critical mistake. Especially if it turns out that Stink is the only loyalist Forger than we would been handing them guaranteed forges the rest of the game. Either way, the players as a collective still do all the leg work involved in solving the mystery and deciding who might be evil. What I'm suggesting is the same thing, it just has an extra step and is dramatically more efficient. Whether we as a whole want to play it that way is for us to decide. All I'm doing is making a logical suggestion, not ordering people to do as I say. I apologize if anyone thinks I have come off that way this game.


But since people don't want to go for Stink, I'm willing to look elsewhere. Ripple. You seem a little too certain about me. You're also reading a little over-much into my words to try to twist them to come back on me. I wasn't confident in Stink's role. I admitted that he hadn't fully claimed Forger, so I knew there was a small chance that he wasn't when I first mentioned him being a Forger. I acknowledged this. My questions to him were to figure out the reasons for the discrepancies I had noted. That post was willing to accept that he was being honest about being in contact with a Forger, but since his being in contact with a Forger contradicted something else he'd said, I was trying to sort out what was truth from what was lie.


Yet you're saying that I'm "confident concerning [his] role". Why? Perhaps because you want to make people think that I know more than I do? That I'm "confident" about more than I should be? I wasn't any more certain than I should've been based on the way that Stink had acted in my PM with him, and I made that very clear. All of the information from my PM with Stink is here, in the thread. My reason for believing he was Forger, my reason for telling him about Maill. All of it. I made logical assumptions with the information I had. Those were partly wrong, but I still think it was logical.


You also reinforce the idea that the Surgebinder's purpose was reverse psychology. If I were a traitor, I'd have no reason to use reverse psychology like that. In fact, I would avoid having my name mentioned in that kind of a note, since it just throws me back into the spotlight--somewhere that I don't particularly like being when I'm evil. I much prefer the sidelines and one-on-one communication. I was already suspected due to the Shallan-lynch and while a note like that could reduce suspicion on me, that gets into the realm of I Know You Knows, and I avoid those like the plague. I would not do that. Go ahead and spin your paranoid webs saying that "well, that's precisely the reason why she would," but the fact remains that I would not and did not. So someone who already seems so certain about me pushing the idea that I did makes me even more wary. Why would you be suggesting that, unless it's part of the plan to get me lynched?


There's a few ways I can take this vote and the following three paragraphs.

  1. I am right about you being a traitor and you're trying to deflect suspicion to another innocent.

  2. I am right about you being a traitor and you're placing a vote on an ally just in case you end up dying to soft clear them.

  3. I am wrong about you being a traitor and you're placing a vote on a player to genuinely think might be another traitor.

Given the tone of your post, and the fact that in my mind you're doing the same thing to my words that you're accusing Ripple of doing to yours, I am leaning towards the direction of the first two. But of course I'm biased because I would love to be right about catching a traitor Wilson on D2. So I would like to hear every other player's thoughts on this.


I will have to do some analyzing of Ripple on my own before I weigh in on anything you've said beyond that, however.


Patience, young one. It's a virtue.


It is indeed. Difficult to be patient in a game with time limits and a potential Loyal Forger's life on the line, however.





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I understand that events in real life can have significant effects on how a player behaves in a game. However, since information like this is not relevant to the game itself, I think in the future it would be better if anyone whose going through a situation like this, they should keep the specifics to themselves and simply say, in blue text, I got things going on in real life that have impacted by ability to play, then explain only what's relevant to the game / discussion. Otherwise I find myself having to analyze this as "is she being genuine or using true events in her life to cover up for something she did while appealing for empathy?" I don't like that I have to consider that. 


See, usually, I do that too, because I don't like getting into specifics in the thread. But it seems that people are really listening to me when I say that real life is busy and I can't devote as much time to this game as I have to past games. Your aggression and demanding a response from me right then is clear proof of that. I've tried to keep details out, but if people aren't actually going to listen to the vague stuff about car insurance and medical/health things, then, yes. I'm going to get more specific. And you can wonder if I'm trying to appeal to empathy, but I'm not. I'm simply being truthful. My time is severely limited and this is why. As for why it was relevant right then, well that's because good deception and manipulation takes time, as any good deceiver and manipulator knows. I do not have the time for that. You said that you had heard about my great deviousness and manipulation skills. Most times, that's accurate. Most times, I have far more time at my disposal. Right now, I do not. As I have said since the game started.



I can't remember when, where or who said it, but I remember someone recently made a comment that said something along the lines that once Wilson decides a person is evil then she will not back down, so its best not to get on her bad side. Even if it wasn't you specifically, this retraction comes off suspicious to me. As for these discrepancies, can you please point out what you are referring to for people who may have missed it or had them go over their head. I am not willing to look past any information, let alone advocate that we do.


One, don't believe everything you hear. My reputation is greatly exaggerated, and is usually boosted by those who know that it's greatly exaggerated. Two, this situation with Stink is not the same. Usually, I have far more information at my disposal and am able to better ascertain the guilt/innocence of someone. I have no information outside of my PM with Stink on this. I have never said that I was certain that Stink was a Traitor. I said that I believed he could be. I think he is. Granted, I've been known to stay gunning for someone when I just think that a person is evil. This is when I am the person with pretty much all of the information. Or one of those people. I am not in that position right now. That's you. If you're saying you want to back off Stink, and Kipper is agreeing that Stink probably isn't evil, then I'm willing to retract my vote in favor of the people who have more information. Note that I did not say that I was going to forget about Stink. I'm still going to watch him, because I still don't trust him.


As for the discrepancies, he implied to me that no one had told him their role. This comment was made directly after I confirmed his guess about Maill. He basically say "Yay, someone finally told me a role and it's not even theirs." Nowhere in that statement is there even an indication that someone had roleclaimed to him prior. Yet he is saying he had a roleclaim in the first 24 hours of the game. This seems like some pretty severe backpedaling to me. Now, I'm not saying that he should've said in my PM that he'd had a Forger roleclaim to him. I'm the one who took his statements as him being a Forger, so that's on me. I'm saying that his comment in his show of joy is contradictory to what he's claiming is true now. Either he was lying when he was joyous (which is a somewhat difficult time to really lie, if it's genuine), or he's made up a Forger to cover himself.


There's a few ways I can take this vote and the following three paragraphs.

  1. I am right about you being a traitor and you're trying to deflect suspicion to another innocent.

  2. I am right about you being a traitor and you're placing a vote on an ally just in case you end up dying to soft clear them.

  3. I am wrong about you being a traitor and you're placing a vote on a player to genuinely think might be another traitor.

Given the tone of your post, and the fact that in my mind you're doing the same thing to my words that you're accusing Ripple of doing to yours, I am leaning towards the direction of the first two. But of course I'm biased because I would love to be right about catching a traitor Wilson on D2. So I would like to hear every other player's thoughts on this.


I'm confused about where I twisted your words to make you sound more certain than you were. And yes, I'm sure a lot of people would love to catch a Traitor Wilson on D2. 



It is indeed. Difficult to be patient in a game with time limits and a potential Loyal Forger on our side, however.


Difficult, but not impossible. Demanding someone respond to you is an act of so complete aggression that it immediately raises a person's hackles. Not to mention that it sucks the fun right of a game. My time is not yours to demand. It is mine. Request next time.

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I'll admit that demand was a really poor choice in wording. Usually I am very conscious when it comes to the tone of my posts and that was a slip. I try very hard to keep how I have to behave at work and how I want to behave during leisure separate, but sometimes the Marine side of me leaks out. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again.


Also, Wilson.

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Hey there guys. I apologize,I was really busy with school yesterday, and totally missed the cycle ending. And then I don't usually part much on Sundays, so I'm not trying to fly under the radar.

My apologies Adavantos

I do trust STINK though. I mentioned in the night phase that he'd sent me some PMs, and I talked to him quite a bit with those. I don't think he is a traitor, or at least that's the feeling I get from him, but if I had to say, I wouldn't really be able to pin down an exact reason why.

This'll probably be all I'll be posting for today, but I'll try and keep up to date on the thread.

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A few words:


Orlok, it's interesting that you would bring that up. To the best of my knowledge, Wilson did NOT start any PMs herself. The reasoning that she provided, was, of course, the RL stuff that she has going on.


Deathclutch, I'm glad you consider my post amusing. I'm truly glad that I was able to bring a spark of good humor into your life. :P I agree that some of it was indeed comical, but if you cut out all the useless asides, I think that there are some useful ideas in there. I also want to caution you against addressing people as "Traitors." We all want to be as open-minded as possible, and the act of writing something down rather cements it in one's brain, so the more you say, "Okay Traitor. That was an excellently-crafted post to not be suspicious," or some such thing, the more you believe that person is a Traitor, regardless of other information to the contrary. (Note that Salty!Kipper is speaking here) 'S called "confirmation bias."


My updated thoughts on Mailliw's death: I'm growing more and more suspicious that the evil one in this case is, in fact, Wilson, with a possibility of it being STINK. Based on that assumption, I will retract my vote and place a new one on Wilson. Most of my case file is found in my earlier post, but if anyone has specific questions for me, I'd be happy to answer them. Will be online for about another hour, then I have to go to a play practice.


Wilson: I want to be clear that this vote is NOT based on distrusting your RL things. You've mentioned these to me several times in other places, so I believe. This is also not because I have a burning desire to lynch you. It's just a number of small things that have piled up, and have made me suspicious. I could be misinterpreting the data, sure, but it's not because of your rep or anything. I'm being VERY strict with myself about confirmation bias here, and I genuinely do suspect you.


I have quite a few other suspicions, but they're mostly based on vibes from PMs, and I know how much you guys like vibes...>.<


Again, if anyone has questions, please say so.


Edit: I'm about to go through and list some people who gave a bad vibe to me based off of the Cycle so far.


Edit2: Araris was one standout to me because of how he's advocating we don't lynch anyone, and generally posting statements without pointing out suspicions. We definitely do need to lynch someone today, imo. Why would we not?

Paranoid King was the other (not just because he voted for me). He's basically lying, because I never asked him for information. 

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