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I guess I'm just a trustworthy guy; while I'll be happy to have people stop questioning my alignment since it only serves to distract us from our actual purpose of finding the Traitors, I'm a bit afraid that once I'm confirmed good that more players will start revealing to me, which brings us that much closer to this turning into a Mayor game. It's one thing when I gained a few player's trust and they revealed to me, as there is genuine risk to that if they turned out to be wrong about me, but in this case there's going to be little to no reason for people to want to not tell me anything...


Which is one reason why I won't have alignment scanning roles in any games I run.


Don't worry. I still won't fully trust you even if a Kandra scans you as loyal!

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The Night is over! Please do not reply to any more PMs.


I will not be opening the thread today, but at this time tomorrow. The reason for this is because we have a night-time release at work, so I'll be there potentially up to and (a little) beyond midnight. So, the Day will begin at 8 PM GMT on Tuesday.

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Day 4: Objects in Space


Captain's Journal, 01/02/513 AK, Day Shift


It's been a quiet night, tonight. Something I am rather glad for, considering the... events of the previous night. My body is still stiff and sore, and pricked with pain. Dying is never easy, even a temporary death. The pain is not just physical, but a wracking of the mind too. Death is not a pain the body is designed to withstand. I am having to be careful not to overdose on painkillers. But in any case, I am glad for the chance to rest.


But the silence of the darkness hides many things within it, and I am not so naïve as to believe it indicates that we are safe. Poor Dow has found that out for himself, as he sat and repaired a broken PDA last night, binding the wires together and linking it to the ship's core. I have previously found writing on the walls of the ship, left there by Surgebinders. Whatever message he had for us, however, I fear he has taken to his grave.


We found his computer in his room as well, patched into the CCTV feeds around the ship. Did he see something, perhaps, that made our enemies fear him? Our enemies have been smart, smart enough to avoid being watched by man or machine so far. Perhaps they made a mistake. Perhaps not. They smashed his computer to a smouldering wreck, and then dropped it in the shower to spark itself to oblivion. What he saw, we shall never know either.


But on the other hand, the night can also bring hope for a new day. My Head of Security informs me that one of his officers has, using their own initiative, struck down a traitorous element within my crew. James Slade, 'T' to his friends (or to our enemies), was found attempting to plant explosive material within the ship's engine room. At great risk to themselves, they managed to take down Slade, saving us from being adrift in the middle of nowhere, cosmologically speaking.


Unfortunately, this was tempered slightly as well. Kaid, one of my navigators, able to scout ahead on the river of time to spot hazards and potential planets to make a landing on, was so focused with his work that he did not see another of Heatherlocke's officers following him. They were both startled, and the Mistborn reacted strongly. Too strongly, perhaps. But so far, we are one-for-three with this, so I am minded to let them continue to use their own judgement.


...Hm. On reflection, perhaps it was not so quiet a night after all.


Captain Wurum Heron


The engine room was not a place he was used to. The thrum of the engines was a constant companion as he worked, a dark and disconcerting sound in a dark and lifeless room. Gently, carefully, he placed the fifth explosive down, next to the fuel tank. He had opened the valve, and it was slowly leaking fluid onto the floor, a brown stain on silver stainless steel. He smiled to himself, and then covered his mouth as the smell threatened to overpower him. He coughed and took a step back, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket to filter out the bad air from that which he was breathing.


Good,”, the voice said to him, an ethereal image of a man in a tassled-cloak sitting before him, on one of the drums. “That should be all that is needed, fuel-wise, James. An explosion this big should tear a hole in the ship completely. There will be no coming back from that.”


James nodded, mopping his brow a little with the handkerchief, and leaving particulates over his forehead. “But not for us, right? I mean... We'll get home safe.”


Of course,” Spook smiled, and he knew it was a smile, despite the fact that he had no physical form, or even features. It was a grin, a flash of teeth in a playful and dangerous manner. But not to him. Spook had never hurt him before, only ever leading him towards his destiny, his fated purpose in life. “James, after this, we'll just go down to the Sharddrive and take a few more powers. Imagine that. You could be a Surgebinder too. And a Mistborn. And BioChromancer. Power that none have ever known before. The ship has it all, James. It's actually a Splinter, you know, all on its own. Splinters have power. Power enough to award us strength, and then to whisk us away, back to Elantris, and back to our more material reward.


James smiled and nodded again, a slightly vacant expression on his face. “It'll be good to get some actual food again, won't it? Instead of this horrible stuff they try and feed us. It'd be enough to make a man mutiny!” He laughed, the timbres of his madness and mirth reverberating throughout the halls of the ship, as he slowly started to back away, trailing wires behind him. In his hand, he held the detonator, one of his own devising. Well, he built it, at least. The designs were all thanks to his friend.


Hmm, no,” Spook shook his head. “On second thoughts, James, that's not quite enough. Get another barrel of fuel and place it there, under the primary converter. It might be enough to start a second, bigger explosion. A chain reaction.”


“Won't that kill me?” James asked. “I mean, if it's too big...”


Don't worry, James. The Survivor gave his life for his grand goal, but you don't have to. See? When we place it here,” he explained as James manoeuvred the fuel tank into place, “the force of the explosion is channelled outwards, into space. The engines will be ruined, but the ship will hardly feel a thing. It'll be painless.”


James snorted a little. “Painless? You'll be saying the ship's alive, next.”


But it is alive, James,” Spook said, a faintness to his voice. “Investiture creates sentience, creates life. We are killing this ship, murdering it. It's an evil act, but for a good cause. The Final Empire wasn't brought down by kind words, but by harsh action. Remember?


“Yeah,” James nodded. “I remember.” Long history lessons that had been drilled into his head, what now seemed a lifetime ago. But he had knowledge of a different sort now, more useful than the lessons of a world before this one. “Kelsier, all you guys, you committed evil in the sake of the greater good. I know that this must be done.” He placed the barrel on its bottom again, standing up with a puff of exertion. “Is this okay?”


It's perfect, James,” Spook smiled. “Now, we can begin.” Then, Spook vanished. There was no warning, no prelude. Just that one moment he was there, and the next he had gone. Then James realised there was another noise in his head. He looked up. A cloaked figure, shouting at him. Close to him, drawing a gun. Aiming at him. He thought about running, about fleeing somehow.


No, it didn't matter. Spook would protect him. He had a job to do. He leapt out of the Mistborn's line of fire, the gun tracking him as he moved towards the detonator. Spook had said this wouldn't kill him, but maybe it would save him, distract the Mistborn long enough for him to counter-attack, or to escape. The Mistborn's eyes widened as he realised what he was doing, what lay behind James and around the room.


The world slowed to a crawl as he fell. No, not the world. A sphere around the Mistborn. Blurs of yellow and orange entered the room, buzzing around at an impossible speed for him to truly perceive. The darted around like flies, hovering at each of the fuel tanks. Then, to his perception, they disappeared, one by one.


He hit the detonator then, and prepared himself for the explosion. One went off, as expected, but it was smaller than any of the ones he planted. A streak of pain shot through his gut, and he collapsed, curled around the detonator. He looked up to see his killer, the officer who had tried and succeeded in stopping him. For one brief moment, he saw the shadow of Spook around him, as though it was the spirit who had killed him, rather than the man. Perhaps it was.


“Why?” He asked, groaning as even that caused too much pain for him to follow up on. “Why...? You didn't stop me before... When we killed...”


I told you James,” Spook said, that grin back on his face. “I set the needs of the crew as a whole above those of the individuals that comprise it. Many evils, but one greater good. You understand, don't you?


James nodded a little, as though it all made sense to him, and then finally closed his eyes.


Crew Manifest


  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission.

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) - T-I-Double-Guh-Err

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook. - Forger

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities.

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  18. Kaid (Kaid) - Voidbringer

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx) - Surgebinder

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed)

  28. Bort (Bort)

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf)

  31. Bovinus (The Cow)

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


James T Slade was killed! He was a Forger.

Dow was killed! He was a Surgebinder

Kaid was killed! He was a Voidbringer.


Day 4 has begun! It will end on Thursday at 8PM GMT.


Shift Timer

Early to bed, early to rise//makes a man a valued member of Heron Industries Mining Concern.


Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well, it feels good that I was both right about Wilson and Bridge Boy. Knowing he was a Forger and that we already had one loyal dead, that was why I was both suspicious of him / cautious about having him killed. Seems another Mistborn took it into their own hands anyway. I know mine attacked Kaid; I asked them to in order to confirm if he was a Voidbringer or not instead of asking the HI to scan him. Though I have no idea why he didn't use his ability. He didn't tell me he was roleblocked when I told him I was going to have him attacked to confirm it, so that worries me. Wyrm, are you sure he didn't send in the order?


In regards to Bridge Boy being evil, this is why I instigated the Kandra vote. I find it extremely unlikely that a traitor would have voted for a Kandra to scan him, and instead would have asked for me to be checked as they knew it would waste another 96 hours of us finding an actual traitor. That means we need to examine all of the players who advocated the Kandra scan me. Specifically, it's likely that they will have spoken up at a time when he was ahead of me in votes or when we were tied.


The fact that they decided to kill Dowanx is very interesting to me. I am now more certain than ever that one of the players who were a traitor last round are this time as well. Just before last game Dowanx built a program that allowed him to track player activity; while I personally don't like idea of using something beyond your own capacity / wits (though I suppose building such a thing is technically that), Wyrm didn't seem to have a problem with it. It was with this program that we reasoned who the Hemalurgists might have been last time (Lopen, Hellscythe and Wilson) and how I managed to find one of the Feruchemists this game (because of a lead he gave me on players who used PMs within close proximity to the first day's turnover).


Now, Dowanx built this program in particular to root out the traitors, and was actually disappointed he was evil last round because he couldn't use it to that means. That is why I think he was killed; the traitors were aware of this program and decided that it was dangerous enough to deserve his death. It's possible that any of us could have told other players, but I explicitly kept this a secret because I didn't want the traitors to find out about it and murder him as a result. So to the living former-traitors (Kipper, Alvron, Stink, Honey) did any of you mention this program to anyone else?

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Wyrm, are you sure he didn't send in the order?


I can confirm that he was meant to die, if that's what you're asking.


Also, to clarify a point with what Adavantos has said, there were no problem within the rules of this subforum with regards to Dow using the program, as long as he kept it to himself and did not distribute it. We have precedent before with a program Sir Jerric made some time ago. The ruling then, as it was for this program, is that such things are allowed provided they are for personal use only. This was done to prevent an arms race amongst the players with a technologically-minded background.

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I've personally made allusions to it, but referred to it as "staking out" for his protection. I don't remember it being explicitly stated.


Kandra Vote Tally

(6) Bridge Boy: Adavantos (1), Paranoid King (2), Elbereth (2), Lopen (1), Spaghetii (1), Ripple (1), Kaid (2)

(10) Adavantos: Orlok (1), Kipper (1), Clanky (1), Kaid (1), Arraenae (1), Steph (1), Bridge Boy (1), Araris (1), Adavantos (2), Bort (1), Elkanah (1)

(1) Alvron: little wilson (1),

(1) Kaid: Hellscythe (1), Elbereth (1)Paranoid King (1),

(1) Stink: Stink (1)


Looking at this alone (will have to review the last two turns for exact time stamps; if someone else would take it upon themselves to gather these and post alongside them a summary of the accompanying explanation I would appreciate it greatly. If not I'll do so in about 16 hours), the players I am particularly suspicious of are Elkanah, Kipper, Araris, Steph, Bort and Stink, in order beginning with who I most suspect the most to the least.

Edited by Adavantos
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Alvron how are ya? Little is known except for the fact that you have a Kandra supposedly sending information through you but I had the same with a Forger and we know how that turned out :P

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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Have some good news! Even though BB was evil, I did get him to give me a role for one night so at least one of his traitor buddies didn't get a role :P

Really? That's...interesting.


I feel like a traitor wouldn't give a loyal crewmember a role unless all the traitors already had a role. So that means that either every active traitor has a role, or STINK is a traitor.


How did you convince BB to give you a role, STINK?

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@PK: My headcannon is that Bridge Boy did it to confirm his role / gain Stink's trust. It is very possible he is using reverse psychology on us, but I'm more inclined to believe he wouldn't have announced it in thread, let alone to me in PM last turn, if he wasn't actually good. Seems like something a traitor would definitely keep a secret for the sheer fact that it would implicate them in case Bridge Boy was found out, especially given how hardcore I was advocating that Bridge Boy get scanned. Also given how quickly Wilson and Kipper jumped on the "let's kill Stink!" campaign after Mail's death, I am pretty sure it's just the traitors trying to turn him into an easy scapegoat.

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Well, it feels good that I was both right about Wilson and Bridge Boy. Knowing he was a Forger and that we already had one loyal dead, that was why I was both suspicious of him / cautious about having him killed. Seems another Mistborn took it into their own hands anyway. I know mine attacked Kaid; I asked them to in order to confirm if he was a Voidbringer or not instead of asking the HI to scan him. Though I have no idea why he didn't use his ability. He didn't tell me he was roleblocked when I told him I was going to have him attacked to confirm it, so that worries me. Wyrm, are you sure he didn't send in the order?

In regards to Bridge Boy being evil, this is why I instigated the Kandra vote. I find it extremely unlikely that a traitor would have voted for a Kandra to scan him, and instead would have asked for me to be checked as they knew it would waste another 96 hours of us finding an actual traitor. That means we need to examine all of the players who advocated the Kandra scan me. Specifically, it's likely that they will have spoken up at a time when he was ahead of me in votes or when we were tied.

The fact that they decided to kill Dowanx is very interesting to me. I am now more certain than ever that one of the players who were a traitor last round are this time as well. Just before last game Dowanx built a program that allowed him to track player activity; while I personally don't like idea of using something beyond your own capacity / wits (though I suppose building such a thing is technically that), Wyrm didn't seem to have a problem with it. It was with this program that we reasoned who the Hemalurgists might have been last time (Lopen, Hellscythe and Wilson) and how I managed to find one of the Feruchemists this game (because of a lead he gave me on players who used PMs within close proximity to the first day's turnover).

Now, Dowanx built this program in particular to root out the traitors, and was actually disappointed he was evil last round because he couldn't use it to that means. That is why I think he was killed; the traitors were aware of this program and decided that it was dangerous enough to deserve his death. It's possible that any of us could have told other players, but I explicitly kept this a secret because I didn't want the traitors to find out about it and murder him as a result. So to the living former-traitors (Kipper, Alvron, Stink, Honey) did any of you mention this program to anyone else?

That's not the only reason Dow could have been killed. He was also a Surgebinder, so if a traitor found that out, that would be an adequate reason to kill him. Also, Wyrm, can we still PM? I mean, I assume so, but confirmation would be good.

May post more later.

EDIT: Ninja'd by 5 that I can't read right now.

Edited by Elbereth
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That's not the only reason Dow could have been killed. He was also a Surgebinder, so if a traitor found that out, that would be an adequate reason to kill him. Also, Wyrm, can we still PM? I mean, I assume so, but confirmation would be good.

May post more later.

EDIT: Ninja'd by 5 that I can't read right now.


That is very true. I am more certain than not that the Traitors successfully Forged a Kandra Night 1, so it's possible they chose to scan Dow and found out he was a Surgebinder. Given that Dow told me I was the player he trusted the most and that he never revealed me his role, and that he had been inactive the last cycle, I doubt he told anyone else, so really that could be the only other explanation unless someone wants to come clean about being in contact with him. Personally, given how many more high priority targets there were (such as Alvron, Kipper, or even myself given all the momentum I had gained by N2) I am unsure why they would have chosen him. It's possible, but unless someone knew about Dow's program I don't think they would have chosen him, especially given his inactivity.

Edited by Adavantos
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That's not the only reason Dow could have been killed. He was also a Surgebinder, so if a traitor found that out, that would be an adequate reason to kill him. Also, Wyrm, can we still PM? I mean, I assume so, but confirmation would be good.


It's a Day Turn, so PMs are disallowed.

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Somebody want a timestamp of Kandravotes/Mistvotes? I think I know what that is.


Adavantos-> BB (3:13) (connection to wilson)
Orlok-> Adavantos (3:30) (adavantos has power)
Kipper-> Adavantos (6:19) (No reason provided, none necessary)
Wilson-> Alvron (7:57) (to mess with people)
Hellscythe-> Kaid (9:42) (Kaid needs more attention)
Clanky-> Adavantos (10:23) (better safe than sorry)
Kaid-> Adavantos (12:37) (probably not guilty, might as well make sure)
Arraenae-> Adavantos (1:58) (Adavantos is someone to keep an eye on)
Queensteph-> Adavantos (7:42) (need to make sure he deserves all that trust)
Elbereth-> Kaid (8:41) (Adavantos can't be a traitor, no other suspects)
PK-> Kaid (6:51) (eh, why not?)
Stink-> Stink (6:56) (my vote doesn't really matter)
PK-> -Kaid- BB (7:40) (Adavantos showed me the light)
BB-> Adavantos (10:01) (Adavantos=Sith Lord)
Elbereth-> -Kaid- BB (1:44) (More info for the win!)
Lopen-> BB (4:31) (But Adavantos is suspicious, too)
Spaghetti-> BB (9:05) (BB is piling up the suspicion, adavantos seems trustworthy)
RippleGylf-> BB (6:44) (could be helpful)
Kaid-> -Adavantos- BB (11:02) (It's quiet tonight . . . Too quiet)
Araris-> argues against BB, Adavantos (11:21) (BB will be killed tomorrow, anyways.)
Adavantos-> -BB- Adavantos (3:36) (Just scan me and quit wasting time on suspicion)
Bort-> Adavantos (5:06) (Let's make it official)
Elkanah-> Adavantos (10:32) (Adavantos has too much info!)

Adavantos-> Nobody (3:13) (blindly attacking doesn't help)
Orlok-> Phatt (3:30) (Wilson tried to divert suspicion)
Wilson-> Adavantos (7:57) (because I'm evil)
Hellscythe-> Kaid (9:42) (Kaid is getting a lynch vote, too)
Phatterner-> Nobody (10:03) (don't shoot without aiming)
Clanky-> Nobody (10:23) (No concrete suspicions)
Araris-> Inactive (10:43) (Inactivity IS suspicious)
PK-> Wilson (6:51) (A Plan B is always nice)
Adavantos-> -Nobody- Honey Badger (3:37) (Online, but no posts)
Spaghetti-> Honey Badger (9:05) (Yeah. Start contributing, HB!)
Adavantos-> -HB- Dowanx (4:31) ( You tried to get me to kill so-and-so!)
RippleGylf-> Nobody (6:44) (publicly voting can't be good)
Burnt Spaghetti-> -Honey Badger- (4:46) (I guess a PM counts as a post)
Arraenae-> Honey Badger (6:27) (Only public posts count)
Arraenae-> -Honey Badger- (9:10) (Thanks for the public post)
Adavantos-> -Dowanx- Kaid (4:52) (My reasons are my own)
Elkanah-> Phatterner (10:32) (Phatterner is hiding in the bandwagon)

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I meant when night comes around. Will we be able to PM then?

Also, more comments.

That is very true. I am more certain than not that the Traitors successfully Forged a Kandra Night 1, so it's possible they chose to scan Dow and found out he was a Surgebinder. Given that Dow told me I was the player he trusted the most and that he never revealed me his role, and that he had been inactive the last cycle, I doubt he told anyone else, so really that could be the only other explanation unless someone wants to come clean about being in contact with him. Personally, given how many more high priority targets there were (such as Alvron, Kipper, or even myself given all the momentum I had gained by N2) I am unsure why they would have chosen him. It's possible, but unless someone knew about Dow's program I don't think they would have chosen him, especially given his inactivity.

Okay. I mean, I still think it's possible that they killed him simiply because he was a Surgebinder, but for all I know it's both. At the very least, I think it's fairly likely that they knew.

Hmm. It may have just been to change you from a hemallurgist to something else. Even if you weren't a hemallurgist earlier, your reaction would make him think you were one.

I'm confused by what you mean. You think the reason he forged Stink was to make Stink not a Hemalurgist? But first of all, Stink's actions (looking for someone else to be forged) doesn't imply a Hemalurgist. A Hemalurgist would want to be Forged, because a couple days later when they reverted back to being a Hemalurgist, they would be able to know if the HI had turned or not. And thus BB wouldn't want to Forge Hemalurgists either, because when they reverted, they would out the HI.

Though that wouldn't matter too much at this point from what I've seen, given how little Hellscythe has been talking.

I'm glad Bridge Boy is dead. Unless the eliminators have another Forger (which seems unlikely), that means they can't Forge any other roles onto eliminators. That's encouraging. We'll have to be very careful who we Forge the new Forger's role onto, though, even though I know it's not permanent. Maybe we could vote for that?

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I'm confused by what you mean. You think the reason he forged Stink was to make Stink not a Hemalurgist? But first of all, Stink's actions (looking for someone else to be forged) doesn't imply a Hemalurgist. A Hemalurgist would want to be Forged, because a couple days later when they reverted back to being a Hemalurgist, they would be able to know if the HI had turned or not. And thus BB wouldn't want to Forge Hemalurgists either, because when they reverted, they would out the HI.

Though that wouldn't matter too much at this point from what I've seen, given how little Hellscythe has been talking.

Based on my understanding of forging and hemallurgy, I thought that being forged away counted as if that person was no longer a hemallurgist, and then that person could be killed while forged so that people would never suspect.


Although now I think about it, that idea's probably flawed.

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Wyrm has said that even if you're killed while Forged, the original role will still show up. So that wouldn't work. I understand mostly where you're coming from, though.

EDIT: But it does count towards the HI if you're the last Hemalurgist and you're Forged into not being one, the HI turns. So I guess you wouldn't want to be Forged if you're the last one. As far as we know, there are still two left. Unless one of them was a traitor lying about his/her role, which is possible but unlikely given the HI's abilities.

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Damnation, how did I get to second place on your list, Ada? What have I possibly done? Recall that I was eager to have my alignment revealed by the Kandra, so unless you want to call both of us evil, I'm not sure why you suspect me for that.

Also, when I immediately voted for STINK, that was because I still had some trust of Wilson. I hadn't really thought through the implications of that Surgebinder message yet, and she had told me that STINK was suspicious. Thus, when Mailliw died, my immediate thought was "Stink is evil." In hindsight, it's extremely convenient that I'm tied to Wilson's vote in two separate places, and for that small bit of manipulation, Wilson, I applaud you.

I still do have some small suspicion of STINK, but for now, I'll be voting for Kaid. Bad vibes, y'know?

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