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@Kipper, it's only because you're a reoccurring factor in basically everything that's gone down, so of course I'm going to have my reservations. For the record though, that's just of the people who voted I be scanned, though I didn't include Orlok in there who is also a bit high up. While I don't expect all traitors to try to ignore it like Bridge Boy was, I'm sure more of the manipulation inclined players would ask to be scanned to make people feel less inclined to do so.

Anyway, I'm significantly more suspicious of Alvron and Honey than you, but I just find it interesting that Wilson chose to go after Stink instead of you, given your more of a threat in most players eyes. Also, Kaid is dead, so I'm not sure how much good that vote will do.

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I don't like that I feel I have to do this, as it's not related to finding the traitors, but I feel that the situation has got to the point where I cannot, in good conscience, not speak out.

Adavantos. It is fantastic that you have proven instrumental in rooting out Bridge boy.

However, there comes a point where winning is no longer worth it. In my mind, we cross that Rubicon when we sacrifice the fun of players as a whole to win the game.

Now, I'm not necessarily saying you have done this deliberately, but it is indisputable that you have become a mayor within this game, holding a significant amount of information, are trusted, have protection, and it seems killers to do your bidding.

This game is no longer ‘The Crew’ vs ‘The Traitors’. It has become ‘Adavantos’ vs ‘The Traitors’. There seems little point in our involvement if everything is orchestrated from above, with scans, kills and protections centrally planned. There exists a partition between those villagers you seem fit to be part of your inner circle, and the rest of us.

And it hurts the game as a whole.

How valued will new players feel, if they can have no impact on a game? What motivation is there for inactive players to return, when their involvement will have little impact?

Instead of everyone having to pull their weight, there is a sense that one can just lay back, and have everything sorted. And that is not why I play SE.

Our meta isn't perfect, by any means. But centralising information and creating barriers to full involvement just makes it worse.

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The first thing I would like to say is props to the Mistborn that shot BB! Now the lynch isn't tied up today like it was with Wilson's reveal, so we can have some actual discussion.


Adavantos, the thing about your plan with the Kandra scan is that some people (or at least me) viewed scanning BB as objectively worse than scanning you. Look at it like this: scan an evil person and you still have to lynch them, scan a good person and you can use the lynch to gain more information. So it makes sense to scan a more trustworthy player to (most likely) gain the informational value of the lynch as well.


On that topic, do we have a reading from our Kandra on Adavantos? Should we lynch him?


Also, Orlok, I feel like I have plenty of freedom in this game, regardless of what Ada's role is going to be. If people get fed up with him then they can just stop Elantrianing him (which I assume is happening). We could even lynch him haha. Part of this game is the roles, yes. We can find eliminators by scanning people. But what if the Kandra dies, or if Alvron dies and the next person the Kandra contacts is evil? Or what if the Kandra is evil and just leading us all along? What if the mistborn shoot each other? (this would be rather funny) What if the eliminators have a roleblock and figure who the Kandra is, and then target them for the rest of the game?


I haven't even been paying too much attention to Ada. I voted for the Kandra (because I felt scanning BB was a waste) and for the Mistborn (because I felt that inactive players should die), but I haven't been following his schemes too much. If we wanted to, some people could (probably) go to Alvron instead of Ada for advice, to decentralize stuff. Basically, this game is nowhere near as bad as LG Shard Catastrophe, which still was fun because I as an eliminator tried to get a group of villagers together to lynch Cultivation haha.


I want to vote for Kipper since his vote is on a dead player, but yeah...


On the topic of Dowanx's kill, it is possible that some of the eliminators are members of the Contribution Crusade, and decided to clean up a player that they couldn't really get a read on.


It is interesting that Stink got a role. I doubt that BB would be trying to build trust since he was pretty close to dying anyways. I suspect that the eliminators were trying to get rid of a role from the forger pool so that it wouldn't come back to bite them later. They know what role Stink has and they (and now all of us) know when it will go away.


I'm going to vote for Honey Badger. If she has been viewing the thread then there is no reason to not post.

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Based on this new information, I think it's safe to conclude that on D1 the Shallan lynch was created purely to get suspicion off of Bridge Boy, who had his own bandwagon. I don't know if this is useful information or not, but it might shed some light on the actions of others.


On D1 4 people voted for Bridge Boy: Araris, Adavantos, Mailliw, and STINK.

5 people voted for Shallan: Wilson, Kipper, Phatt, Bort, and the HI. One vote was added by a Feruchemist.


I think that the people who voted for Bridge Boy are probably loyal, because the BB bandwagon happened relatively early in the thread. If the Traitors had wanted to sacrifice BB to gain trust, they probably would have piled all of their votes onto him to ensure a lynch. Instead, Wilson created a new bandwagon on Shallan.


D2 we have 2 opposing bandwagons on Wilson and Creccio. As we know, Wilson was a Traitor and Creccio wasn't.


On D2 6 people voted for Creccio: Adavantos, STINK, Paranoid King, Bort, Kasimir, and Steph.

4 people voted for Wilson: Creccio, Kipper, Phatt, and Ripple.


Note that Bort's name appears twice on the lynches for confirmed innocents. I think that this is suspicious, at the very least.


Does anybody know how Burnt Spaghetti and The Cow have been voting? I have a few unfortunate gaps in my data.


EDIT: Greened Bort's name.

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My thoughts on the kandra vote:  I agree that it seems likely that some traitors voted for Adavantos to be scanned, but I doubt too many of them would have- too obvious.  So my thoughts are that if any did vote for Adavantos, then they would have more likely been the ones who voted for him after BB starting picking up the votes ( so BB (who we now know was a traitor so was trying to save his own skin), Araris, Adavantos, Bort and Elkanah) but a traitor could have also been lurking in the earlier votes on Adavantos but not the first few I don't think, but possibly some of the later ones when it could seem like you're hiding in a bandwagon  (Kaid (well, we know he's good now),Arraenae and Queensteph) but I don't really know. I think that there would probably be only one other traitor in the vote count other than BB but likely not many more.


Concerning Dow's program: It does seem likely that he would have been targeted because of his program which does imply a previous traitor could be a traitor again as Adavantos said. Although, is it the kind of thing that would be mentioned on spectator docs? Because there's some players this time who were spectators last time right? I just did a search of the thread and couldn't find it mentioned directly anywhere (although I could be just not looking in the right places), so if it was mentioned, I'm thinking doc's or PM's. But idk, it could have equally been just a random kill as Araris mentioned.





Does anybody know how Burnt Spaghetti and The Cow have been voting? I have a few unfortunate gaps in my data.


Well, I do admit to having not actually really voted (apart from kandra/mistborn votes last night). The first cycle, I was just baffled that anyone could have enough information already to solidly attempt to lynch anyone. Cycle two I don't know why I didn't vote. I'll go back and reread the thread and come back if I remember why :/


Edit 2: Found out why. I was offline and sleeping for basically all of the discussion about Creccio (Yay for time-zones- Roll-over is at ~ 6am for me so I always miss a lot of the end discussion). And before hand I don't know if I had decided that I felt that any one person was more suspicious then the rest.


Edit 3: Day 3 was the Wilson lynch. I had honestly planned to vote for her, but legitimately forgot as I had a reasonably busy day

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@Burnt Spaghetti: Think of it this way: I highly doubt the eliminators would have risked themselves to save BB at that point. He was basically dead (I thought from the next day lynch, turns out it was sooner), and I would think that the eliminators would use that as an opportunity to throw him under the bus and gain credibility as a result, while wasting a Kandra scan to seal the deal. If there is anyone to be suspected from the Kandra vote then I would look at the people who voted for BB early on. The early ones were Adavantos (who we will hopefully have confirmation on soon), PK, Elbereth and Lopen.

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I guess that's fair. BB had been under suspicion since day 1 so I guess it would make sense to just avoid defending him further as that would likely get anyone defending him put under suspicion. Even still, I think both of our points are valid and there could easily be traitors spread across both vote trains.

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Damnation, how did I get to second place on your list, Ada? What have I possibly done? Recall that I was eager to have my alignment revealed by the Kandra, so unless you want to call both of us evil, I'm not sure why you suspect me for that.

Does this mean that the Kandra has already scanned you? If so I believe that no one would be suspicious of you. However if you are just saying that you would not be against being scanned by a Kandra then that does absolutely nothing to prove anything. I don't think that anyone would say they don't want to be scanned by the Kandra.



Kaid. This is how player names mess Kipper up. And now y'all know just how good my suspicons are.

So you voted for a dead guy cause of "bad vibes" but there was no one else who even gives you a bad vibe since that is all that's required for a vote from you kipper?


EDIT: Recoloured vote

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Does this mean that the Kandra has already scanned you? If so I believe that no one would be suspicious of you. However if you are just saying that you would not be against being scanned by a Kandra then that does absolutely nothing to prove anything. I don't think that anyone would say they don't want to be scanned by the Kandra.

No, that's misinterpreting things. On Night One, Adavantos said that he had a Kandra that was going to Scan me. This later turned out to not happen, or was a lie in the first place. Point is, all throughout the day, I wanted that Kandra to reveal my alignment, because I wasn't worried. If I was evil and a Kandra was going to Scan me, I wouldn't have mentioned it multiple times the next day. Just sayin'


So you voted for a dead guy cause of "bad vibes" but there was no one else who even gives you a bad vibe since that is all that's required for a vote from you kipper?

If that's not an OMGUS, I don't know what is. Two can play at that game, Clanky.
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It wasn't an OMGUS. I gave one reason above my vote as to how saying that you are open to a kandra scanning you is silly as nobody would tell people they don't want to be scanned. Also if you are a traitor and you are told that you are getting scanned it isn't like you remarking on it is any less likely for you to be revealed. Is the kandra going to forget that they scanned you and let you live if you didn't remind them?


I was also pointing out that you voted for someone with no reasoning which isn't necessarily a bad thing at this point since voting helps discussion. Also I can understand the "forgot he was dead" but given how devoid of reason your original vote was why not place another? 


Also in an odd chain of events you went from fully supporting wilson in going after Stink and then turning to Wilson after. This fits with Wilson knowing that she would soon be found out. I feel that at least one of the people who was pushing for Wilsons death before she revealed herself is probably a traitor as well.

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Alvron how are ya? Little is known except for the fact that you have a Kandra supposedly sending information through you but I had the same with a Forger and we know how that turned out :P


STINK, you might want to rephrase that question if you want a game-relevant answer. Just sayin', Alvron can literally be.....too literal.  :P


I'm going to vote for Alfa. I've seen him viewing the thread a bunch of times, but I don't think he's posted since the first Day. In my PM with him, I've only received one short response from him on the first Night. I don't know why he's been so quiet and would like to know what his thoughts on the game have been so far.


Also, good work Mistborn. Seriously though, both of them did something good. If Kaid had used his ability then we would've practically known he was a Voidbringer which would have practically cleared him.


Edit: changed vote

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Alvron how are ya? Little is known except for the fact that you have a Kandra supposedly sending information through you but I had the same with a Forger and we know how that turned out :P



STINK, you might want to rephrase that question if you want a game-relevant answer. Just sayin', Alvron can literally be.....too literal.  :P

How could you just ruin my fun like that Lopen? :(


To answer your question Stink, I am fine. :P   How are you? :P  Sad to hear about your Forger.   Do hope things look up for you soon.


With Regards

Alvron :P



I shall not be saying anything about what I may have learned from the Kandra for about another 12 hours to give them time to post if they haven't already.  I would also like it if all villagers that haven't said anything do so.  It can be anything you want even if it's not game related.  Hopefully if enough people post it will help hide the identity of the Kandra as well as the code I asked them to use.


Of course if you are a traitor then feel free to not post anything.

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How could you just ruin my fun like that Lopen? :(


How could I not warn a potential victim of literality? This potent form of sarcasticity can be dangerous and is highly contagious. If it is allowed to go unchecked, who knows how many casualties we will have? I do what I do for the greater good.  ;)

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Adavantos-> -Dowanx- Kaid (4:52) (My reasons are my own)


That doesn't look at all suspicious, Ada :P


But, given that you seem to be some kind of contact hub for this game, it wouldn't surprise me if you found out his role.


Note that Bort's name appears twice on the lynches for confirmed innocents. I think that this is suspicious, at the very least.


I think that makes me less suspicious, not more, especially since I was the one that put forward Creccio's name for the lynch. Far too high profile for most Eliminators. You may also note that I was voting for BB on Day one until I read Shallan's post.


I don't have any real suspicions, but I do have a niggling thought bouncing around my skull about that day one vote. It's a little audacious, but I could see the players involved try to pull it off to build trust with the Loyalists. BB was a Traitor, we know that now, and so was Wilson. Wilson started the voting on Shallan to offer an alternative to lynching BB. Kipper very quickly jumped onto that vote using the same reasoning as Wilson (so did I, but I know I'm a Loyalist - up to you if you believe me or not). What if Kipper is a Traitor too?


I know, all the arguments would say that isn't possible. No two players so experienced would team up like that on day one to save one of their own. But what if it is all a colossus manipulation on their part? That is something I could see Wilson and Kipper trying to pull off, all using the argument "But I can't be an Eliminator. No Eliminators would be stupid enough to team up like that to save another Eliminator."


Kipper could even have the defense of "But I started the lynch train on Wilson," which is true (although with no visible reasoning beyond 'She's the ultimate evil'), but by then Wilson had already been discovered, which they may have already known if the Kandra (or someone they are connected to)  had mentioned it in a PM (which we know they did as multiple people have come forward and said they knew).


Given my current track record, I'm probably way off base here, but all of this looks too neat to me, almost designed to foster trust in Kipper. So, Kipper, you're it until you're dead or I find someone better.


PS. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes," Obi Wan said, absolutely.

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This is the last time that I'm going to address this subject.


I don't like that I feel I have to do this, as it's not related to finding the traitors, but I feel that the situation has got to the point where I cannot, in good conscience, not speak out.
Adavantos. It is fantastic that you have proven instrumental in rooting out Bridge boy.
However, there comes a point where winning is no longer worth it. In my mind, we cross that Rubicon when we sacrifice the fun of players as a whole to win the game.
Now, I'm not necessarily saying you have done this deliberately, but it is indisputable that you have become a mayor within this game, holding a significant amount of information, are trusted, have protection, and it seems killers to do your bidding.
This game is no longer ‘The Crew’ vs ‘The Traitors’. It has become ‘Adavantos’ vs ‘The Traitors’. There seems little point in our involvement if everything is orchestrated from above, with scans, kills and protections centrally planned. There exists a partition between those villagers you seem fit to be part of your inner circle, and the rest of us.
And it hurts the game as a whole.
How valued will new players feel, if they can have no impact on a game? What motivation is there for inactive players to return, when their involvement will have little impact?
Instead of everyone having to pull their weight, there is a sense that one can just lay back, and have everything sorted. And that is not why I play SE.
Our meta isn't perfect, by any means. But centralising information and creating barriers to full involvement just makes it worse.


Before I begin, does anyone apart from Orlok feel that I have sacrificed any players fun in order for us to win? I am curious if anyone other than him genuinely feel this way, because if so, I don't recall a single individual who has spoken up about it, either in public or via PM, except for the "he should be scanned because of how much he knows" comments, which is perfectly reasonable. If you are not happy with how I have handled things this game, you need to address it. I cannot fix myself if I do not know what I am doing is wrong, especially while I wholeheartedly believe I have caused no harm to anyone.


I am not a Mayor. A Mayor is someone who is confirmed good and demands that everyone tell them their roles or else he'll start killing them. Not only am I not confirmed good, but I have I not demanded anyone tell me any information, let alone ordered anyone to do anything. The most I have done is traded information - which everyone does - made requests, or proposed plans. I have made no decisions, only presented suggestions. I have given every player the freedom of choice, and never once threatened them that if they don't comply I will have them punished.


I have no inner circle. The only person I absolutely trust with my life and my information in this game is the Mistborn. And the reason I gave my information to them in the first place is so that they can make the decisions for themselves knowing what I know. I have never commanded them, or anyone else, to do anything. Only offered my advice.


Additionally, Orlok, you have literally challenged me on everything I've done so far this game. You challenge me now for "controlling the game," and challenged me when I suggested we take everything democratically. What exactly do you want from me? To not play at all? Because that is the only solution I see to this problem. I should not have to apologize for providing my input. That is the entire point of this game; for everyone to speak up and say what suspicions they have, what they have learned from their interactions with others, how they think the game should progress. I have no abilities to use on others but my words and my wit. What about me using that is so wrong?


I'm not going to say I've been the sole person responsible for this, but I have made more efforts than most to involve everyone in our discussions since Day 1. I have stated again and again and again that it is essential to the victory of the village that every player talks, that every player become involved in the game, that every player present who they are suspicious of and why, as everyone has their own unique perspective and might notice something that others don't.


As for the two traitors I've caught, my "schemes" - as some people want to put it - were never involved. I reasoned their guilt from pure analysis of their posts and actions alone, and presented it, out in the open, for everyone to see and for them to defend against. I was not the only person who had access to that information;  I was not the only person who could have figured it out but looking over everything that's happened so far with extra focus. I should not have to apologize for being the first to do it, nor being right.


Right now you are, intentional or not, advocating that players do not participate by making it seem like I have more knowledge and power than I really do. Every step of the way I have done the exact opposite of encouraging players to "lay back while everything is sorted." I have used every amiable tool at my disposal to get others to speak up, and I certainly don't have this all figured out. Even if I were able to determine with 100% accuracy (which I clearly haven't been able to do, as seen with Creccio) who the traitors are, I would not be able to do it without everyone's help.


What really frustrates me about the fact that you keep bringing this up Orlok is that I can't tell if you're a traitor trying to blow my actions out of proportion to make me look like a bad guy - hoping that you'll be able to instigate in me having you killed for challenging me, which I absolutely will not do because that is against my core values and will only serve to strengthen the misconceptions you are spreading about me - or if you are a genuine loyalist who feels discouraged to participate because you have this idea in your head that nothing you can do will be of use, which is both false and unfounded.


Araris brings up two good points, despite the fact that he's on my maybe a traitor list. First, no one has to listen to me. Everyone has the choice to ignore me. I do not have any power myself; any power that you perceive I have is provided by others. It was a gift, and I have a responsibility as a loyalist to protect the people who provided me their trust and to find those who wish to do my teammates harm.


You, like Bridge Boy, have repeatedly made a point to demonize the things I have done when I have only done what any one else should do in the situation I am in. And the fact of the matter is, by you being an avid supporter of the Kandra scanning me you are making the situation worse. As soon as my alignment is announced everyone will know I am loyal, unlike before when people at least had doubts about me, which is a part of the reason why I didn’t want to waste time on it and why I think alignment scans are broken in a game with protective roles.


Second, if the majority agrees that I have done more harm than good this game, that I have been a catalyst into making this game unfun, then you can always have me lynched. If that is the group decision I will bow my head and comply. But until I am dead or someone gives me a real reason to stop playing the way I have up until now, I am going to continue to do my best. And for me that means networking and analysis, as that’s the only real power I have to help.


I did not ask for the role I received. I did my best on Day 1 to instigate the Traitors into attacking me so that they would not kill a useful role. An unintentional side effect of that was that I gained a lot of players trust. Unfortunately they chose to kill a Hemalurgist who revealed themselves to the wrong player instead of me, and by the next day - either because Kipper told Wilson or because she / one of the other traitors figured it out on their own - they knew what my plan was and began to look for other threats, hence their kill on Kas.


I am only one living factor among 23, 17 of which should be loyal along side me. Some of those were just as suspicious of Wilson and Bridge Boy as I was, and they should feel equally as proud as I do about being right about them. The only thing that sets me apart from anyone else is that I had a chance to gather the evidence from the threads and presented them for all to see. And I have - in a few instances - even tried to delegate that out. A perfect example is on page one of this very turn where I asked if someone else could make a post with timestamps and summaries of all the Kandra scans, and one player, PK, stepped up to do just that.


Long story short, I have done far less harm (if I’ve truly done any) than good for the crew, while it seems that to me that you, Orlok, have only twisted my efforts into something evil, which screams to me that you’re a traitor trying to get me killed the only way I can - via lynch - or discredited so people will stop listening to me. So if you are a traitor I just want to say congratulations for using my weaknesses against me. By offending my character and accusing me of being a tyrant, you have driven me to do exactly what the opposite of a true dictator would do, which would be to take you out of the equation for simply opposing me.


On this matter I am done defending myself. I have wasted far too much of my time writing this; time that could have been allocated towards the benefit of the crew. Instead I am now in a poor mood and will likely spend the rest of this turn to cool off, as the last thing I want to do is spread bad vibes or hurt any feelings.

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That doesn't look at all suspicious, Ada :P


But, given that you seem to be some kind of contact hub for this game, it wouldn't surprise me if you found out his role.



After I made a post in thread that any other player who is actually a Voidbringer is basically guaranteed good since I highly doubt they would have more than just Wilson night immune, Kaid sent me a PM saying that he was a Voidbringer and that he wanted me to ask the HI to scan him to confirm. I personally thought that would be a waste of the HI because only a traitor would lie about being a Voidbringer as a means to prove they were innocent, so I saw no harm in voting that Kaid getting attacked / explaining why to the Mistborn, because if he survived that meant he was good and if he died he was very likely to have been evil. But for some reason he died anyway, which confuses me because he did not claim to be roleblocked when I told him why I was asking the Mistborn to attack him. So either that means he retracted his order on his own or a Mistborn kill will supercede Voidbringing, which doesn't make sense because then what would be the point of Wilson being one.


I agree that you should be scanned because like it or not, you are playing a fairly important part this game. But I don't think you are taking the fun out of the game.


Also thank you. Given how often and adamant Orlok has been in opposition of me, I was worried that I was doing something wrong, which is the last thing I want. I feel much better knowing at least one person is on my side.

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Also thank you. Given how often and adamant Orlok has been in opposition of me, I was worried that I was doing something wrong, which is the last thing I want. I feel much better knowing at least one person is on my side.


I'm going to have to go back and read through Orlok's posts, but from your descriptions of them, it sounds like he contradicts himself from time to time in his complaints of you. Trying to sow mistrust in the person doing probably most of the talking?


Also, can we please find out who was scanned? I want to know if we can definitely trust Ada.


Edit: With regards to Kaid, would he have known if he was roleblocked that night? I don't think he would have. He would have just died, with maybe a comment about him being blocked in his death note from Wyrm.


The question I would take away from this is, who else knew Kaid's role? Who knew to role block him?


Edit 2: Has this Mistborn of yours been confirmed good? I know it is unlikely that the Traitors have a Mistborn, but if there are (or were) 8 of them, it is possible. If they are not confirmed, it is possible they shared their target with the Traitors (either willingly or unknowingly).

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I'm going to have to go back and read through Orlok's posts, but from your descriptions of them, it sounds like he contradicts himself from time to time in his complaints of you. Trying to sow mistrust in the person doing probably most of the talking?


Also, can we please find out who was scanned? I want to know if we can definitely trust Ada.


The way I describe them is just my point of view, so it could definitely be biased in that regard. I would appreciate it if you did read through all his posts and made an opinion of your own, however, because while they certainly feel contradictory to me, I am conscious of the possibility that my perception is skewed due to being on the receiving end of the criticism and need a third party to weigh in so that I might have greater perspective.


Normally I would assume that no traitor would risk their neck so far out to do what he has up to this point, but given the circumstances I guess I couldn't blame them for trying. Vocal players who frequently try to instigate discussion are always a high priority for eliminators, given it is their bane of existence, and so long as I am not role blocked - or even when I am that I have an Elantrian to protect me - they can't do anything to get rid of me.


For the Kandra's protection, Alvron will wait until at least the second day of the turn to reveal the results, assuming that the Kandra did end up scanning me at all. That way it will be difficult for the traitors to figure out which player dropped the necessary code word hinting to my alignment. The sooner all players post the sooner it’ll get released, too, because then they’ll have less people to narrow down their search.

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