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Cool. I'll vote for Biggoron and Alfa for similar reasons.

Wait, what?

You want to kill a hemalurgist?  :(

Paranoid King


(I'll green your name once you change your vote.)

We should play Settlers of Catan. See, it's based off of this mystical place where Shards don't exist...


EDIT: Retracted voted on PK

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Cool. I'll vote for Biggoron and Alfa for similar reasons.

Paranoid King, Other than the fact that you voted for a known hemalurgist (which is odd no matter what side you are on) there is still the matter of you picking the two more active of the inactives. Why would you choose Alfa over Zed when Alfa has posted as recently as two days ago? Protecting an inactive teammate hoping they come back?


I will also add a vote for Zed since it's been over two weeks since he has even been on the shard. Biggoron on the other hand has been on recently so perhaps we can try and get him to participate again. After all it is is first game so we can maybe give him a little leeway. 


EDIT: colour

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I much prefer games based upon history than space games. I have had enough of space just being out here surrounded by it. That's why the only board game I brought was Mistborn: House war.

We're always surrounded by space. It's awesome.





I figured it out fairly easy, so I'm sure that the traitors did too. Better that I make sure an Elantrian knows as well so they can keep him safe and you on our side.


Anyway, since no one else has kicked it off already, I'm going to nominate Orlok for the Kandra scan due to the fact that if he is a traitor he may have been saved by one of his teammates by voting for Honey, and so that we can clear the air about his alignment as the only real reason anyone is suspicious of him is due to his interactions with me, which I don't think warrants death over some other players.


I nominate Biggoron for the Mistborn kill on the grounds that he has been inactive so far and I would really like him to come and speak up. I've seen him view the thread a few times and am concerned he's a traitor intentionally lurking to stay out of the limelight. For similar reasons I am going to vote for Zed as well. Since we know there are two Mistborn, I would say that the top two voted for players should be attacked; the Mistborn who has been in contact with me since N1 should go after the #1 pick while the one who hasn't claimed to me attack the #2.


Kandra Vote Tally

(1) Orlok: Adavantos (1)


Mistborn Vote Tally

(1) Biggoron: Adavantos (1)

(1) Zed: Adavantos (2)


While I can't disagree with you over my inactivity, I'd just like to beg forgiveness for it on the grounds that I'm completely new to this level of organized strategy. I'm seriously blown away by (almost) everyone of you and your in-depth analyses and just general great mind-stuffs, and so come away feeling inadequate. When I finally think I have something to bring to the table, someone will have inevitably already brought it, along with the finest wine available. I also am horrible at keeping a frequent check on this game, as everything else I've ever kept tabs on usually only has updates atleast hours apart, whereas here they can, and do, sometimes come seconds apart. And that's that for my poor self's defense. Thankyou, and goodnightcycle(or is it turn...and the entire day and night make up the cycle?? or...help??)

But also...hey!! I don't wanna die!!





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All that white space at the end. I expected there to be an in-depth analysis in white text. :P

But a post is a post, so I'm retracting my vote on Biggoron and replacing it by one on Zed

Edit: also, Biggoron, you don't always need to contribute something new. Just keep an eye out and form your own suspicions. If your ideas match someone else's, support them. Just hang in there so we know you're an asset to the village. ;)

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One(or more  :ph34r: ) of my suspects voted for Honey, so I think scanning Orlok is a good idea.


Clanky, why do you think PK should be scanned?


Zed would also be fine for the Mistborn target I suppose. I need to read through everything to try to get some more suspicions(and to try to solidify some suspicions) before I put another name up for killing.

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All that white space at the end. I expected there to be an in-depth analysis in white text. :P

But a post is a post, so I'm retracting my vote on Biggoron and replacing it by one on Zed

Edit: also, Biggoron, you don't always need to contribute something new. Just keep an eye out and form your own suspicions. If your ideas match someone else's, support them. Just hang in there so we know you're an asset to the village. ;)

lol sorry to disappoint x3

and thanks for the tips bruh.

also i'm actually sorry to everyone for not speaking up about wilson

i'd been hugely suspicious of her since the beginning, but barely made it known at all since i can't seem to find even mildly decent reasoning for my suspicions. thanks to everyone who made her be dead. that was a cool thing of you.

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One(or more  :ph34r: ) of my suspects voted for Honey, so I think scanning Orlok is a good idea.


Clanky, why do you think PK should be scanned?


Zed would also be fine for the Mistborn target I suppose. I need to read through everything to try to get some more suspicions(and to try to solidify some suspicions) before I put another name up for killing.


Just because I am still a bit suspicious of his choices for mistborn kill votes  not enough to want him killed but enough that I think he could use being scanned


EDIT: Also 500th post on the Shard! It feels like yesterday when I first joined my first SE game here. Oh, how time flies when you're getting murdered!

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I'm going to throw my own vote on Alvron, although I would not be opposed to being scanned myself.

Alvron is 1) Still alive, and 2) Feeding us information from what he claims to be a kandra. Wyrm is not beyond putting Wilson and Alvron on the same team, by any means.

As I recommended with Adavantos, I shall repeat for Alvron. If he is evil, it is worth the Kandra revealing their identity to have him lynched.

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As I recommended with Adavantos, I shall repeat for Alvron. If he is evil, it is worth the Kandra revealing their identity to have him lynched.

If I was evil, the Kandra would already be dead.  I have no problems being scanned.  As I told the Kandra, they are free to scan me if they wish, I have nothing to hide.  Or do I...... :ph34r::P:ph34r:

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Day 5: The Haunted Stars


Captain's Journal, 02/02/513 AK, Day Shift


The funeral was... Well attended, as much as an event like that can be called as such. Aside from those who were working at the time, and admittedly there were a large number of those still on duty, I believe only two did not make it.


It was as close to a burial back on one of the worlds as could be, out here. We have no priest of any kind on the ship (particularly since we would need so many in order to cover all the religions of the known worlds), but words were spoken by me on the occasion. As Captain, and closest thing to a priest within several light-years, I took the role, as well as giving the eulogy to a hundred people who had only known him for a few weeks. Then, we sent his body into space. He is now with all the others who have suffered at the hands of this paranoia and our foe.


But the two that have not turned up for the funeral worry me. It makes me concerned that either something has happened to them, or that perhaps they have happened to each other.


Captain Wurum Heron


Haede Heatherlocke Incident Report, 02/02/513 AK, Day Shift

Report Author: Haede Heatherlocke, Head of Security

Officer: [Redacted]

Deceased: Osmann

Occurred At: Approx 3AM, ship time.

Officer's Remarks: The deceased was apprehended while off-shift during the Night Shift. The officer demanded an explanation as to why the deceased was not attending the funeral. No sufficient explanation was forthcoming, and the officer took fatal action.

Author's Remarks: The officer does not paint a flattering report of themselves, and as such I am inclined to believe it. It has been noted that Osmann has not been of the same general mind as the rest of the crew, looking for our enemies. The Captain is of the mind that a lack of effort in this sense is as good as an admission of guilt. The officer shall therefore go unpunished for this.


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission.

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) - T-I-Double-Guh-Err

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook. - Forger

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities - BioChromancer

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  18. Kaid (Kaid) - Voidbringer

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx) - Surgebinder

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed)

  28. Bort (Bort)

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf) - Uninvested

  31. Bovinus (The Cow)

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Gylf (RippleGylf) was a loyal crewmember!

Osmann (Zed) was a loyal crewmember!


Day 5 has begun! It will end at 8PM GMT on Monday. PMs may not be sent.


Shift Clock

Well, last night was fun. Try not to have too much of a hangover from the wake if you're in charge of machinery.


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So, Ripple told me she was role-blocked last Night. I'm thinking it was probably a Traitor BioChromancer that did it, seeing as she's good. I'm not sure why they would block her and then kill her the same Night though, unless they thought she was a Voidbringer. Maybe someone hinted to a Traitor that she had a good role, so they decided they would block her, then kill her? I looked through her posts, and didn't see any kind of hint that might cause them to think she had a good role, so if they did kill her because they thought she had a good role, I think it would be because of something that was said in a PM. I guess they could've killed her for a different reason, but I'm not sure what that could be.


Edit: I accidentally didn't put "she" in the first sentence.

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Alfa. You doing good on this fine day?

What is it with people trying to kill our hemalurgists? STINK (until that vote gets retracted).


I don't get why the traitors would want to kill Ripple. She was roleless and didn't seem like an extremely active poster. Her last votes were:

D1: no one

D2: Wilson

D3: Wilson

D4: Alfa


I don't remember what Ripple was posting, so if someone could put them up here, that would be helpful. Ripple was right about Wilson, so maybe she was suspicious of another traitor. I doubt that Alfa, a hemalurgist, would be a traitor though.

Maybe the traitors thought that Ripple had an important role?


EDIT: greened STINK's name

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Alfa being a Hemalurgist doesn't mean they can't be evil, unless I read the rules wrong?


Won't even bother to think about what a GM would do with that role but I personally would make an evil Hemalurgist. 

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Let's look at the facts.

#1: Alfa is a known hemallurgist, but has not been killed by the eliminators yet.

#2: Alfa appears to be "lying low" and relying on her role to keep her alive.

#3: Alfa has many supporters. Are any of them villagers? Certainly. Could any be eliminators? It is very likely.

#4: Ripple voted on Alfa and was killed next turn, for no apparent reason.

Every one of these facts points to Alfa being an eliminator. If she posts, I will remove my vote.

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@Arraenae: It is possible that the elimiantors are suspicious of quiet players as the ones with stronger roles like mistborn and elantrian. I support this suspicion of Alfa, and agree that we can't assume that Alfa is good. However I'm not sure if it is worth us making the lynch, although I suppose we could probably guess whether the HI changes sides if Alfa is good. It is possible that we might want to wait and scan Alfa, since this is a case where the player being alive is fairly beneficial if they are actually on team good (although this isn't quite as true since Alfa has been fairly quiet).


I kind of wanted to vote for STINK but I agree with his posts this cycle so I will hold off on that, and I don't really have enough time right now to go find new suspicions. I am going to look at the list of people who Kandra voted for BB tomorrow, and hopefully glean a vote off of that.

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