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Let's look at the facts.

#1: Alfa is a known hemallurgist, but has not been killed by the eliminators yet.

#2: Alfa appears to be "lying low" and relying on her role to keep her alive.

#3: Alfa has many supporters. Are any of them villagers? Certainly. Could any be eliminators? It is very likely.

#4: Ripple voted on Alfa and was killed next turn, for no apparent reason.

Every one of these facts points to Alfa being an eliminator. If she posts, I will remove my vote.

#1 Alfa was only publicly outed as a hemallurgist Day/Night 4.  During N4 Adavantos said that Alfa was going to be protected so killing Alfa wasn't an option.

#2 The same could be said for several players.

#3 See #2.

#4 I can see several reasons for Ripples death.  The traitors could've thought Ripple had a vital role.  Or maybe a Traitor let something slip in a PM.  Or you are right.  Or it could be something else entirely.

And your last line basically says that your vote is a poke vote.



Stink were you forged into Kandra?

I would also like to know that as well as what night you were Forged.

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Rae didn't remember too much of the night's events. She had a fuzzy memory of attending the wake of... Drego Bahar... no, Badger Honey something, no, Brega Daghar... and then something to do with board games... and maybe some funny-tasting Caprisun... it had been sour, almost like wine... or maybe it had been Caprisun Soulcasted into wine...


Rae clenched her head and groaned. Even thinking hurt. She didn't want to get off of her comfy standard issue cot and get breakfast.


Although her cot was much harder than usual. Rock hard, almost. Rae turned her head and noticed that there was another cot, next to hers. Wierd. It hadn’t been there last night.


Wait. That was her cot. So what was she doing… on the floor? With a bright red monopoly piece clenched in her hand?


“Oh, storm it,” she muttered. She needed to see if the medics had any hangover treatments.


Two Hours Later


The cafeteria was crowded as usual. People squashed themselves on a few metal picnic tables, almost on top of one another as they ate breakfast. Rae noted that there was almost half a table left empty for Tigger, who was stuffing its (his? their?) face with a pot of honey.


Rae’s head started hurting again. She rubbed her arm, which had a red stamp on it. The Resealer had claimed that there was no way to Forge someone out of a hangover, but it was possible to Forge that person’s past so that they hadn’t drank whatever caused the hangover.


The Resealer had then started to blab on about the history of Forging with the Maipon people in Sel, and about someone named Shai something or other, and how it hadn't been accepted in other places... yawn. In the end, the Resealer gave her a stamp and told her to reapply it every 15 minutes.


Of course, it hadn’t been able to Forge away the effects of staying up all night, or the stress of being on a shardship with traitors for crewmates…


“Alfa! You doing good on this fine day?” John, the replacement janitor shouted. “Or are you just happy that somebody’s dead?”


Oh, goodie. More accusations and paranoia. Today looked like it would be a long,headache-filled day.



@Araris. I see your reasoning, so I'll take my vote off of STINK.
EDIT: has anyone here ever had a hangover before? I had to google hangover symptoms for this bit of RP, and I'd like to know if I've gotten it right.
Edited by Arraenae
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I don't remember what Ripple was posting, so if someone could put them up here, that would be helpful. Ripple was right about Wilson, so maybe she was suspicious of another traitor. I doubt that Alfa, a hemalurgist, would be a traitor though.

Maybe the traitors thought that Ripple had an important role?


Btw: here's the quick links if anyone wants to use them
Ripple's posts that involved votes or her opinions on any player:
Day 2:
Voted for wilson, but retracted it later:
At this point in time, I distrust Wilson not only because of this exchange, but because of his vote on Shallan yesterday. It seemed very much like the Ripple Effect all over again, or even the first day of MR8, where an eliminator was spared due to a last-minute lynch train instigated by an eliminator. Shallan probably didn't have much time to make any good analysis, so she did what she could, and got killed for it. The sudden vote on her doesn't seem right in my mind. If Day 1 lynches are supposed to promote discussion, how does killing someone at the very end of the cycle help?
Day 3 vote: I told you so. Wilson.
Night 3: Voted for a scan of BB: I think a scan of Bridge Boy would be helpful. I don't really have any major suspicions other than him yet, but I'm not sure how good it is to publicly vote who the Mistborn should kill. No one.
Also speaks out against the mistborn kill: Just because the general consensus is to lynch them doesn't mean that they're an eliminator or that they deserve to die. Quite often, they're not guilty. By having a Mistborn vote, we simply make it easier for the Mistborn to be killed, which is one of the more valuable roles the village has.
Day 4: Sorry, I haven't been able to post lately. I think Kipper's innocent, if only for the fact that he was ninja'd by Wilson. If the eliminators were trying to start a bandwagon on Shallan, they would likely coordinate who would post first.
However, Alfa's response that he is "not a traitor" doesn't sound very comforting.
This is in response to Alfa posting this:
In response to the accusation before:
"Well,  I am not very active. In fact I am very inactive in the last time; with university and "Wheel of Time" I do not have exactly much time for the 17th Shard. Be it as it be, I only can assure you that i am not a traitor knowing exactly that is not much to say.
I vote for Kipper, since the Shallan affair still seems suspicious for me."
So. Ripple really hasn't said too much- 24 posts during the game. She voted for Wilson and Alfa, and voted for BB's scan, and said she trusted Kipper.


So yeah, I am quite confused as to why she was targeted. If Alfa is a traitor then I guess then that would make sense (but I would definately prefer him scanned before lynched because when if comes to hemalurgists- better safe than sorry), but if he's not evil, then I would say it would have to be something to do with PM's. Do we know if she talked to many people through PM's ?
Edits: Formatting
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So I asked the HI to confirm the role of the Kandra, to make sure they were not at least lying about being one. Turns out they were telling the truth. Does that mean they are loyal? Not necessarily. Given the role was changed to scan both alignment and ability, it's possible the traitors were given one to throw us off. I am going to resign to trust him for now. Still waiting on the results of him scanning Orlok.


Also, supposedly Alfa claimed to be forged into a Kandra last night, but a turn before, which really makes no sense at all. There's no way the traitors wouldn't have tried to grab it N1 after we lynched Shallan, for fear of losing it to the loyalists again. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and made a suggestion to who he should scan, but hardly trust him, as I know a couple other players who don't as well. Is it possible there could be a traitor Hemalurgist? Yes. Is it possible that he could just be a traitor lying about being a Hemalurgist? Yes. The HI has yet to confirm if he is telling the truth or not.


I would like a more solid explanation from Alfa. I don't necessarily believe he is evil; in fact, I am more inclined to believe the players voting for him are traitors trying to get him lynched since they can't kill him themselves, so that they can turn the HI over to their side and gain all his information. But unless the third "Hemalurgist" is lying, I can ensure that doesn't happen by asking the Elantrian to protect them. I still would feel much more comfortable if the HI would scan those two to make sure it's true before we go trying to kill one of them.




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I've been suspicious of Alfa for the same reasons that Adavantos mentioned, as well as the fact that Alfa claimed to be a Kandra in a group PM, which is very bad idea. I'm not sure what his game is, but the story really doesn't add up.

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:l I guess so Phattemer. You're still suspicious :D!


Alfa before you're lynched would you like to tell us who you checked last night as a kandra?


Or would anyone else like to tell us that they were forged into a kanrda(and no longer are) to prove Alfa was lying?

Edited by Hellscythe
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Shallan was lynched Day one.

There is 99.99% chance that someone was forged Night one into a kandra.

Alfa claims he was forged into a kandra and asked who he should check. LAST NIGHT

Forges only last 2 cycles so if a Kandra was forged night one Alfa would no longer be a Kandra.


THE ONLY WAY Alfa is not lying is if NOBODY forged a Kandra night one. Which I doubt the eliminators would let slip by. And it is confirmed that they had at least one forger.


Ultimately I just want less inactivity and more information sharing. Alfa who did you check?


And so that there's actually a vote on a traitor througout this entire day Bort


Edit: New Theory: Alfa is telling the truth and BB, Orlok, and PK were all afk night one so they didn't forge anyone.

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And so that there's actually a vote on a traitor througout this entire day Bort

I agree with Hellscythe.


Bort put the third vote on Shallan lynch train, so he could be a traitor. He also put a vote on Creccio and Kipper. All of his votes were placed on lynch trains, two of which were successful.


So, Bort it is.

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Sorry guys, I said I would do some analysis, but I have been fairly busy this weekend, more than I thought originally. So this post doesn't have anything about my opinions on players (which I haven't really formed yet). But I do think that it is a bit dangerous how much voting has been going on this cycle without very much discussion. I know last cycle I said I was worried about the lack of votes, but we should be able to find a balance where we actually share what we are thinking about, then place a vote that fits that discussion, and not every vote is based on "I agree/disagree with x." Like I am planning to do, we should actually go back through previous cycles and see if there are any further patterns we can pick up based on the two eliminators we have found and in light of the recent deaths.


And I am on break starting Tuesday night, so start voting for me if I don't put out a substantial post by then or sometime on Wednesday.


Also, it is possible that Alfa just didn't realize that they had lost their forging powers. Just would like to point that out in absence of any posts from Alfa.

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So I asked the HI to confirm the role of the Kandra, to make sure they were not at least lying about being one. Turns out they were telling the truth. Does that mean they are loyal? Not necessarily. Given the role was changed to scan both alignment and ability, it's possible the traitors were given one to throw us off. I am going to resign to trust him for now. Still waiting on the results of him scanning Orlok.


Also, supposedly Alfa claimed to be forged into a Kandra last night, but a turn before, which really makes no sense at all. There's no way the traitors wouldn't have tried to grab it N1 after we lynched Shallan, for fear of losing it to the loyalists again. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and made a suggestion to who he should scan, but hardly trust him, as I know a couple other players who don't as well. Is it possible there could be a traitor Hemalurgist? Yes. Is it possible that he could just be a traitor lying about being a Hemalurgist? Yes. The HI has yet to confirm if he is telling the truth or not.


I would like a more solid explanation from Alfa. I don't necessarily believe he is evil; in fact, I am more inclined to believe the players voting for him are traitors trying to get him lynched since they can't kill him themselves, so that they can turn the HI over to their side and gain all his information. But unless the third "Hemalurgist" is lying, I can ensure that doesn't happen by asking the Elantrian to protect them. I still would feel much more comfortable if the HI would scan those two to make sure it's true before we go trying to kill one of them.


First, you're assuming throughout your whole post that the HI is loyal. Unless you have information that this is true (in which case, ignore this), at least be aware that you're making that assumption. That doesn't mean he isn't loyal, but we should remember that he might not be.

Second, why can't the traitors kill Alfa themselves? He's (probably) not a Voidbringer. If it's because they're being protected by an Elantrian, then why did you tell the thread that?

Also, it is possible that Alfa just didn't realize that they had lost their forging powers. Just would like to point that out in absence of any posts from Alfa.


I'm confused by your statement here. Alfa isn't a Forger. He's a Hemalurgist turned kandra (maybe). What are you trying to say?

Edit: New Theory: Alfa is telling the truth and BB, Orlok, and PK were all afk night one so they didn't forge anyone.

Why are you assuming that Orlok and PK are Forgers? Do you know this? How? You didn't scan them N1, 2, or 3, so at most you could have scanned one of them. I'm confused.
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  I'm confused by your statement here. Alfa isn't a Forger. He's a Hemalurgist turned kandra (maybe). What are you trying to say?

I think Araris was saying "he lost his forging powers" as in he lost the role that he had been forged into.

Edit: Ninja'd by Araris himself.


I don't really see why Alfa has so many people suspicious of him? What did he do? I've read all of the posts up until now and I didn't notice anything very suspicious. Of course, I've read the posts throughout scattered times so that I could catch up, so I haven't really pieced stuff together very well, but I'm going to have to review his previous posts before I give my thoughts on him.


Bort was my first suspicion this game because of the first lynch train, but I'm going to review his posts as well before I start placing votes.

Also.... something about Lopen makes me feel uneasy idk what it is.......  :ph34r:  I will post better explanations of all of my thoughts once I review some posts. (hopefully I'll have time before the end of this cycle)

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Edit: New Theory: Alfa is telling the truth and BB, Orlok, and PK were all afk night one so they didn't forge anyone.

I'm a forger now? When did this happen? Why did this happen? Why wasn't I informed that this had happened? And how can I abuse the power that I apparently had since night one?

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Ok so let me get this straight, Alfa is a hemalurgist but was forged into a kandra?? I'm a bit confused. Also, I don't understand why everyone's voting for a hemalurgist?? unless he's a traitor hem. of course. He doesn't really seem  that suspicious, he's barely even posted, has he viewed the thread a lot and just not posted?

(Sorry if you guys have already answered these questions I'm just tryna get up to speed.)


Tryna get a read on Bort but he posts so much I'm too tired to read them LOL I'll post again later w either higher suspicions or lesser suspicions on him. 

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I voted for him because last cycle when people talked about Alfa being evil, Ada swooped in with the whole 'Hem though!' which made everyone go 'Alright then' so it was like an awareness kind of thing.

Also, I am no longer what I was Forged into for you Mathematicians out there.

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