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Well it was part me wanting to take a breather, part me trying to get ahead on all my work since I'll be off the next two weeks in Cape Town, and part because I thought it would help to see how important it is for discussion to be had in order to progress the game.


As for Ookla's, it's a 17th Shard holiday in honor of Peter's birthday.

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Day 6: Star Elantrian


In the infirmary aboard the Shardship, a place that no-one wants to visit but that everyone is glad exists, a solitary figure slept in one of the beds, covered in a thin, teal hospital sheet. While Ember was not hurt badly, and wasn't in fact ill but injured (a sprained wrist, the doctor on duty had told her), she wasn't going to miss the opportunity that it provided her to take a short break and catch up on some sleep.


And so, she drifted in and out of consciousness as she lay there, unaware of the figure creeping towards her bed, keeping to the shadows and cloaked and hidden as much as was possible. As they did, they drew a short knife, stolen from the kitchens, tossing it between their hands in a bid to keep themselves active and alert. The knife made little noise as it moved this way and that, muffled as it was by the gloves the figure wore.


Eventually, and as they found themselves next to the sleeping figure, they stopped their display of dexterity and clenched their fist around it. It would not be a quick death, or a clean death done with skill, but brute forced and violent. One which would remind the rest of the ship just exactly what they were dealing with. They drew the knife up, waiting until their aim was steady.


“I would not do that if I were you,” another figure said. In the darkness of the room, it was impossible to make them out, their face shadowed by the eerie glow of the air beside them. “This is Aon Daa,” they explained. “Or at least, the ship's equivalent. If I draw the final line, it will blast you through the wall and either incapacitate or kill you.”


The first figure licked their lips, half in anticipation, half as an aid to thought, a way to buy some time. “But if you do that,” they replied, lowering the knife and raising it up to Ember's head, resting above her temple, “then she will die anyway. A doctor shouldn't allow anyone to die, should they?”


“Call it preventative medicine. If she dies, then you die. One of us for one of you. I would say that's a pretty good trade, really. If it's a war of attrition, we definitely win. We simply outnumber you.”


“So it seems my choice is to kill her and die, or just die. Doesn't sound like much of a choice.”


“There is a third option,” The Elantrian said. “You walk away, and no-one gets hurt. I'll even dispel my Aon when you take a step back.”


“And what's to stop me killing her after that?” The would-be murderer asked.


“We Elantrians are pretty quick at drawing squiggles in the air. I wouldn't try it. So, shall we both just walk away?”


“...Fine.” The knife disappeared, stowed away somewhere inside the heavy cloak. “You can't protect her forever...” Then, as though stepping into the shadows themselves, though the Elantrian could feel the pull of the other Realms, they disappeared.



John grimaced as he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped grease of his hands. “Join the space corps, they said. It'll be interesting, they said. No-one ever said there would be this much dirt!”


His companion for today's night shift shrugged. “No-one said it would be clean either,” they pointed out. “This is essential work, anyway.”


“What?” John asked, incredulity creeping into his voice, “You think fixing the piping is important?”


“If we don't get the sanitation systems fixed, then the ship will just become overrun with disease. So it's essential work.”


John sighed. “I was told I could do something here. Make something of myself, like I had something special to do, instead of being the nobody I was back home. But it's no different up here as it was down there. As above, so below. Dead-end job cleaning up then, dead-end job cleaning up now. Nothing ever changes. All designed to keep honest, hard-working guys like me in their place.” There was a gurgling noise, and John rounded on his current object of fury, “And these useless pipes! These toilets never work!” He kicked one, and then immediately regretted it, hopping around on one foot. “Lousy, bloody, stinking-”


It's no good blaming the cistern,” his companion replied, in his uncaring way. “I'm done here. You?”


Nearly,” John replied, gingerly putting his foot back down and testing that he could still walk on it. “I'll catch you up.”


Right you are,” there was a nod, and then John was alone.


John took a wrench out of his toolbox and rounded on the piping. There was a creak. “What?” Another creak, a louder groan, and then a nut flew off and struck him in the head. “Ow! Dammit,” he put a hand to his head, rubbing the afflicted spot. Then the entire pipe followed it, striking him in the head, and knocking him to the floor. His vision went hazy, as blood started to ooze from the deep cut on his forehead. He lay there for some time, waiting for his colleague to return and come find him, but he didn't show up. Time passed, and, slowly, his vision faded, and then finally after who knew how long, everything went dark.


Crew Manifest

  1. John (IrulelikeSTINK) - A rules lawyer's client with a mission. - Hemalurgist

  2. Gaius Tekiel (Orlok)

  3. Adelor Ien Far-Astra (Alfa)

  4. Wynde Wilson (little wilson) - A woman afraid of airlocks. - Voidbringer

  5. Tigger (Kipper) - T-I-Double-Guh-Err

  6. James T Slade (Bridge Boy) - An ensign with delusions of Spook. - Forger

  7. Inor Haze (Creccio) - BioChromancer

  8. Pork (Paranoid King) - A pilot and board game fanatic.

  9. Miral (Mailliw73) - Excited to be exploring the Cosmere - Hemalurgist

  10. Cor Mordero (Alvron) - Petty Officer, in both rank and nature.

  11. Arandar (Araris Valerian)

  12. Rae Nova (Arraenae) - Possibly a death-seeker

  13. Brega Daghar (The Honey Badger) - A man looking for opportunities - BioChromancer

  14. Citoan Vinid (Shallan) - A naturally non-Allomancer who loves Allomancy - Kandra

  15. Obsidibus Caesis Dormiam (phattemer)

  16. Volke (TheMightyLopen)

  17. Davenar Leiken (Adavantos)

  18. Kaid (Kaid) - Voidbringer

  19. Doctor McClay (Clanky)

  20. Neil Weakarm (polkinghorndb) - Forger

  21. Elby (Elbereth)

  22. HELLSCYTHE (DeathClutch19) - Uninvested - HI

  23. Steph (QueenSteph)

  24. The High Priest of Elkanah (Elkanah)

  25. Dow (dowanx) - Surgebinder

  26. Sonder Kessligh (Kasimir) - Uninvested

  27. Osmann (Zed)

  28. Bort (Bort) - Uninvested

  29. Ember Ghetti (Burnt Spaghetti)

  30. Gylf (RippleGylf) - Uninvested

  31. Bovinus (The Cow)

  32. Biggoron (Biggoron)


Ember Ghetti was attacked, but was saved by an Elantrian!

John was a Hemalurgist!


Day 6 has begun! It will end at 8PM GMT on Friday. PMs may not be sent until the beginning of the next Turn (if then...).


Shift Clock

If you're well enough to read, you're well enough to work!


Edited by Wyrmhero
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For the record, the three Hemalurgists who Hellscythe told claimed to him were Mail, Alfa and a-player-who-was-not-Stink. @Wyrm, can we have clarification on whether or not that was Stink's actual role, or if he was just forged into a Hemalurgist? Also, if the remaining loyal Hemalurgists were to be Forged to another role, would that temporary gap of there being no Hemalurgist cause the HI to revert?


As for the Elantrian saving Spaghetti, she came to me claiming she was roleblocked just like Ripple had been done the previous cycle, and I wanted to test if that meant the traitors would be going after her, so I gave the Elantrian her name to prove both his role / the theory. Turns out I was right, which means there is most definitely a Traitor BioChromancer as I've suspected since N2.


Orlok was scanned as Loyal, by the way, and the Kandra agreed to scan Alvron last night to give me a piece of mind. Depending on the results of that scan and Stink's death, that means Kipper is the only remaining member of the "Old Guard" (aka the Original Traitors) who has not been confirmed and may very well be a traitor, as I had figured from Dowanx's death N3.

Edited by Adavantos
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Very well. So that means that either Alfa or the other Hemalurgist who claimed to him are most definitely evil. Unfortunately both have not been very vocal so no much can be gleaned from their alignments being revealed, but at this point I think it would be best to have one killed - and if they turn out to be loyal - go after the other. Yes, it'll be unfortunate that the identity of the Feruchemist and Kandra would reach the traitors hands, but now that I know a confirmed Elantrian I can make sure they protect the Kandra from now on, and honestly I could live without a player who can manipulate votes, especially since there's three of them running around.

Edited by Adavantos
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How would attacking those who claimed as Hemalurgists reveal who is a kandra and who is a feruchemist?

Can Mistborn be traitors? So far it's been 1 attack on a loyal crewmember per cycle. I find it hard to believe that a loyal Mistborn would kill so many innocents on accident.

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Because I asked the HI to scan two players, one a Feruchemist and one a Kandra. By killing the Hemalurgists he would revert to a Traitor and tell them everything he knows.


Also, Stink brought up that exact point before he was killed by the Mistborn I am in contact with. I scoffed at it because given the fact that there has only been evidence of a single Elantrian and only two proven Loyal Voidbringers, I personally believe that the Traitors would not be given a second night kill as we don't have nearly enough protection to balance that out. However you bring up a good point. If the group wants, we could vote to have the Kandra scan the Mistborn I've been in contact with since N1 tonight to make sure.

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How would attacking those who claimed as Hemalurgists reveal who is a kandra and who is a feruchemist?

Can Mistborn be traitors? So far it's been 1 attack on a loyal crewmember per cycle. I find it hard to believe that a loyal Mistborn would kill so many innocents on accident.


Have you looked at the result of the lynches arranae? Loyal players kill loyal players all the time. With a Mistborn it is often more likely that they kill loyal players since it is only one persons opinion and not something that is discussed and argued by everyone in the thread. 


EDIT: Added quote and ninja'd by Ada


EDIT to avoid another post in a row. The problem we have now Ada is that since the Traitors have a Biochromancer they can just role-block the Kandra every night if the HI turns and tells them who it is. I say we don't kill either of the claimed Hemallurgists until they have been scanned. If they learn the identity of the Kandra then the Kandra become useless.

Edited by Ookla the Cranky
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So for everyone's review, here is a list of all the roles we know from deaths and what roles have been claimed to me, in addition to how many players have not claimed to me or I have not yet found out their role through third party means. Upon considering all this information my guess at the traitors composition can be found at the end of this post.

  • (4?) Voidbringers: Dead Loyal Voidbringer, Dead Traitor Voidbringer, Living Confirmed Voidbringer, Living Claimed Voidbringer

  • (2?) Surgebinders: Dead Loyal Voidbringer, Living Claimed Surgebinder

  • (1) Elantrian: Living Claimed Confirmed Elantrian

  • (2) Forgers: Dead Loyal Forger, Dead Traitor Forger

  • (3) Feruchemists: Living Claimed Confirmed Feruchemist, Living Claimed Confirmed Feruchemist, Living Claimed Confirmed Feruchemist

  • (2) Mistborn: Living Claimed Confirmed Mistborn, Living Confirmed Mistborn

  • (2) Kandra: Dead Loyal Kandra, Living Claimed Confirmed Kandra

  • (3) BioChromancer: Dead Loyal BioChromancer, Dead Loyal BioChromancer, Living Unclaimed Traitor BioChromancer

  • (4?) Hemalurgist: Dead Loyal Hemalurgist, Dead Loyal Hemalurgist, Living Claimed Hemalurgist, Living Claimed Hemalurgist

  • (7?) Uninvested: Dead Loyal Uninvested, Dead Loyal Uninvested, Dead Loyal Uninvested, Dead Loyal Uninvested, Living Claimed Uninvested, Living Claimed Uninvested, Living Claimed Uninvested


  • (3) Players who have not claimed to me: assuming no one above who is not confirmed has not lied about their role, one is a Mistborn, one is a BioChromancer, and the last is unknown.



  1. Traitor Hemalurgist (could just be a claim and not actually a Hemalurgist)

  2. Traitor BioChromancer

  3. Traitor Feruchemist

  4. Traitor Uninvested

  5. Traitor Uninvested

Edited by Adavantos
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It's nice to have some of that info you have been gathering in the open Adavantos. 


1) There were two Mistborn kills on one night right? (Or am I going insane?) That confirms that there are at least two mistborn around and with the few people who haven't claimed and the apparent lack of Elantrians I doubt there would be a third one hiding.


2) Does anyone know if Dow was the Surgebinder who posted the "Wilson did it" message?


3) Only one Elantrian seems low for a game with this many people. I guess with the Voidbringers around it shouldn't be surprising but I still am to hear it. 


4) Your list has 33 roles but only 32 players are in the game. Is the mistake in forgetting to remove an unclaimed when you added the Living Traitor Unclaimed Biochromancer?


5) There is more likely than not a surgebinder on the traitors team

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1) Yes, there were two Mistborn kills in a single night, which is why I counted 2 Confirmed Mistborn. Only one has claimed to me.


2) The same player who is still alive and claimed to me to be a Surgebinder also claimed to have posted the Wilson did it message.


3) I think it's a bit odd too, but for the moment I have no evidence to suggest otherwise. If there is another it's either one of the three who have not yet claimed to me or one of the players who have but lied.


4) Keep in mind that the HI is not included in there, so the number is 33 vs 31. What this means is that either one of the players who has claimed to me is lying and is actually the second Mistborn or Traitor BioChromancer and the other one is Unclaimed or that both lied about their role and there are two unknowns out there. The three unclaimed players are a separate count.


5) I have something to say about this but it would end with us losing PMs one way or another, which as I think about it now I am okay with but I would rather not tackle this conversation unless the Crew agrees we are okay with limiting this game to thread only.




EDIT: Saying what I did above, my guesses for the traitors are:

  1. Kipper
  2. Lopen
  3. Phattmer
  4. Alfa
  5. Cow

I would be willing to alternate Kipper for Alvron, Phatt for PK and Cow for Steph. Keep in mind these have been jumbled to protect roles.

Edited by Adavantos
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Great. Glad to see you're still on my side, Ada.

I'm Kipper, by the way. :P

How much do you trust the Elantrian and Burnt Spaghetti Ada? Don't rule out the possibility that this could be a plot to have one of them soft-confirmed as an Eliminator. I've been minorly suspicious of Burnt for quite some time, but not enough to place a vote just yet.

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Sorry but, with Stink now being confirmed good I am very sure either you or Alvron are evil. It's the only reason why I think Dowanx would have been killed N3. I trust the Elantrian if only because they are the only Elantrian who I have caught wind of this entire game and they kept their role a secret from everyone until I was confirmed good. As for Spaghetti, it could have certainly been them attempting a WGG, but even so I'm not implying I trust her. I just don't think it's a lead worth pursuing, especially since she has yet to vote for anyone anyway. To me it makes more sense to lynch players who have been more involved in the game as it gives us more information to go off of based on their votes and interactions.

Edited by Adavantos
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Also, if the remaining loyal Hemalurgists were to be Forged to another role, would that temporary gap of there being no Hemalurgist cause the HI to revert?



I'm not Wyrm, but the role description for Hems says "When all loyal Hemalurgists are dead or have had their abilities removed by Forgery, the HI will go rogue and join the Traitor team. If a Hemalurgist is Forged after this, they will be informed that the HI is subverted."

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5) I have something to say about this but it would end with us losing PMs one way or another, which as I think about it now I am okay with but I would rather not tackle this conversation unless the Crew agrees we are okay with limiting this game to thread only.


I personally think losing PMs would be fine, and would encourage more discussion within the thread, which has been sadly lacking. And we would still have two more cycles after the last Surgebinder died, because their role would be Forged, correct?

Very well. So that means that either Alfa or the other Hemalurgist who claimed to him are most definitely evil. Unfortunately both have not been very vocal so no much can be gleaned from their alignments being revealed, but at this point I think it would be best to have one killed - and if they turn out to be loyal - go after the other. Yes, it'll be unfortunate that the identity of the Feruchemist and Kandra would reach the traitors hands, but now that I know a confirmed Elantrian I can make sure they protect the Kandra from now on, and honestly I could live without a player who can manipulate votes, especially since there's three of them running around.

I would be much more comfortable with scanning the claimed Hemalurgists, rather than killing them immediately. That just seems the smarter thing to do.

And wasn't there another claimed Hemalurgist, last cycle? Phatt, I think? Was that a fake claim, or what? I'm a bit confused.

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1) Yes, there were two Mistborn kills in a single night, which is why I counted 2 Confirmed Mistborn. Only one has claimed to me.


2) The same player who is still alive and claimed to me to be a Surgebinder also claimed to have posted the Wilson did it message.


3) I think it's a bit odd too, but for the moment I have no evidence to suggest otherwise. If there is another it's either one of the three who have not yet claimed to me or one of the players who have but lied.


4) Keep in mind that the HI is not included in there, so the number is 33 vs 31. What this means is that either one of the players who has claimed to me is lying and is actually the second Mistborn or Traitor BioChromancer and the other one is Unclaimed or that both lied about their role and there are two unknowns out there. The three unclaimed players are a separate count.


5) I have something to say about this but it would end with us losing PMs one way or another, which as I think about it now I am okay with but I would rather not tackle this conversation unless the Crew agrees we are okay with limiting this game to thread only.




EDIT: Saying what I did above, my guesses for the traitors are:

  1. Kipper
  2. Lopen
  3. Phattmer
  4. Alfa
  5. Cow

I would be willing to alternate Kipper for Alvron, Phatt for PK and Cow for Steph. Keep in mind these have been jumbled to protect roles.


What makes you say that? I'm having a hard time following your reasoning.

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