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Theory: Tracking Hoid with Atium


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So, the theory is something that sparked my mind while making theories on Atium alloys in Mistborn section. It's actually a theory made on a theory, but I think it could sparkle some interest (if it haven't been already suggested or solved :P).



Atium/Bronze alloy can track Worldhopping.



1. What we know about Atium is that, when alloyed, it gives a temporal effect on the top of the original metal's effect.

2. Bronze allows one to hear not only Allomancy, but other sources of Investiture as well - as it could track down the Well of Ascension and the Mist Spirit.

3. Assuming that Bronze + Atium would give one enchancedtemporal effect of tracking Investiture, it seems possible for a man burning it to hear/sense the act of tearing timespace.

4. It would, therefore, allow one to sense Worldhopping, should any occur.


Theory 2:

17th Shard uses Atium/Bronze alloy to track Hoid.



1. We can eaisly assume that one of 17th Shard members is an Allomancer (Demoux).

2. It would be natural for organization such as this one that every member has a set of powers used to accomplish their goal, therefore - at least one of them would be assigned with tracking down Hoid.

3. When 17th Sharders appear on Roshar, they seem to be completely lost, as if they were able to tell exactly in which world Hoid appeared, but unable to find him once they get there.

4. ...just like they were able to determine the direction of Worldhopping, but lost track of him as he didn't repeat the act.



So, here it is, my first real theory on the forums. Hope you have some time with this one. :)


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Interesting idea. The scarcity of atium is a factor.


A thought on language. When Galladon speaks to Raoden in Elantris, he says "sule" and "kolo" in his own language. Yet in the interlude of WoK, his interjection sentences are in the local language, Selay, when he says, "Understand?" They also seem to have no trouble all three switching to a different language to talk where Ishikk can't hear them. And Thinker (Demoux) has a terrible accent.


So probably not the same magic that lets Taln speak perfect current Alethi. Have they really all just learned that many languages? And has Galladon broken the habit of saying "Understand" in his own language, but not the habit of saying "understand" period?


(("Vao" calls Galladon "Temoo"... Ishikk thinks these are fake names, but maybe that's just what a Yoleni saying a Dula name sounds like to a Purelaker)).


Sidenote: Demoux had a scar on his scalp that early in Hero of Ages is mentioned as being from a koloss sword. After Harmony's ascension, he fixed things like Cett's legs so the remaining humans would have their best chance to survive in this new world. Apparently either head scars aren't bad enough to warrant direct intervention, or he got a second scar in roughly the same place, giving him perhaps the least lucky scalp in existence.


EDIT: Typo

Edited by Darnam
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I think the scar wouldn't be fixed if Demoux didn't wish for it to be. And knowing him, I doubt he would ever want a battle-earned scar he got as a proof of his honor and devotion to ever disappear.

Come on, this dude is like a war martyr, except he is still alive and well. If he was to lose both arms fighting for Elend's sake, he wouldn't ever blink.

(He would want them back, though, it's kind of hard to serve when the arms are gone.)

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Not only that, Cett's disability was a functional disability while Demoux's scar is a cosmetic injury.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sazed fixed disabilities in order to give the survivors the best chance at continued survival.  With that in mind, fixing cosmetic things like scars would not likely be on the agenda.

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Not only that, Cett's disability was a functional disability while Demoux's scar is a cosmetic injury.  I wouldn't be surprised if Sazed fixed disabilities in order to give the survivors the best chance at continued survival.  With that in mind, fixing cosmetic things like scars would not likely be on the agenda.

I'm pretty sure he would make a few of his friends' faces prettier, if they wished for it. He made Spook mistborn, though it was hardly a necessity - it came in handy in estabilishing the government, but I guess it was more of a "hey kid, you did good, you deserve a little gift".


Another thing I've been wondering - what if said Allomantic bronze allowed them to track the Lerasium bead Hoid is carrying around, but that is a worse theory than the main one - wouldn't explain why they got lost on Roshar.

There was a "false trail" though. Perhaps he sent the Lerasium somewhere.

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I doubt he would send the Lerasium away, especially considering it is probably the last bead of it in existence. Besides, his Letter to his Dragon friend (yeah, I think were past the point were we can start feeling comfortable taking it for granted that he wrote it) kind of makes it sound like he's already consumed it:


Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say.


Also, we now have a word of that Atium isn't used for entering Shadesmar. That isn't to say it cannot be used to track someone Worldhopping, but it makes it seem less likely.

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Personally I take that quote to mean it's a metalmind, like an earring or a bracer piercing his skin like Rashek's atiumminds. (or whatever they were).

O_o !!!!!!!! I never thought of that! Plus, Brandon has let us know that it is a quirk of Feruchemy that lets him know where to go and when to be there.

Edited by Aether
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Interesting idea. The scarcity of atium is a factor.


A thought on language. When Galladon speaks to Raoden in Elantris, he says "sule" and "kolo" in his own language. Yet in the interlude of WoK, his interjection sentences are in the local language, Selay, when he says, "Understand?" They also seem to have no trouble all three switching to a different language to talk where Ishikk can't hear them. And Thinker (Demoux) has a terrible accent.


So probably not the same magic that lets Taln speak perfect current Alethi. Have they really all just learned that many languages? And has Galladon broken the habit of saying "Understand" in his own language, but not the habit of saying "understand" period?


(("Vao" calls Galladon "Temoo"... Ishikk thinks these are fake names, but maybe that's just what a Yoleni saying a Dula name sounds like to a Purelaker)).


Sidenote: Demoux had a scar on his scalp that early in Hero of Ages is mentioned as being from a koloss sword. After Harmony's ascension, he fixed things like Cett's legs so the remaining humans would have their best chance to survive in this new world. Apparently either head scars aren't bad enough to warrant direct intervention, or he got a second scar in roughly the same place, giving him perhaps the least lucky scalp in existence.


EDIT: Typo


Huh, I always thought that "Temoo" was Demoux, since they kind of sound similar, but I just looked that bit up and that doesn't seem to be the case.

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Personally I take that quote to mean it's a metalmind, like an earring or a bracer piercing his skin like Rashek's atiumminds. (or whatever they were).

Interesting thought. The question woud be what Kind of atribute that Coud be.

Maybe his instincs, and he just trusts them to tell him who is Important and who isn't, or he can store his "understanding" Similar to how Atium grants complete understanding of the situation if burned together with Duraluminium.

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O_o !!!!!!!! I never thought of that! Plus, Brandon has let us know that it is a quirk of Feruchemy that lets him know where to go and when to be there.

Luck I'd bet! Storing luck with Feruchemy can make you less likely to be involved in important events, the reverse is true when you draw on it. Also:rolling dice or spinning weapons ala Matt (Towers of Midnight) to decide where to go sounds like a very Hoidish thing to do.

Edit: actually, that would be an Atium piercing wouldn't it? Oh well, for all we know, he might have one of those too.

Edited by Aaradel
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