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Possible theory about Dawnshards


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Ok so the truth about what the Dawnshards have been bugging me for a long time. I have finally come up with what may be something considerable. So Brandon once said that Shards can create spren intentionally. He stated that Adonalsium prior to his shattering came to Roshar and left some of his spren there. Now Adonalsium was the amalgamation of all shards. What do we know about the Dawnshards? ' known to bind any creature whether voidish or of Honour'(not completely accurate but the host is there). Now if a power has to have authority over some being it must be able to compel it. Adonalsium's sprens would have that ability. So my theory is that the Dawnshards are the spren of Adonalsium.

Feel free to destroy this theroy

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Ok so the truth about what the Dawnshards have been bugging me for a long time. I have finally come up with what may be something considerable. So Brandon once said that Shards can create spren intentionally. He stated that Adonalsium prior to his shattering came to Roshar and left some of his spren there. Now Adonalsium was the amalgamation of all shards. What do we know about the Dawnshards? ' known to bind any creature whether voidish or of Honour'(not completely accurate but the host is there). Now if a power has to have authority over some being it must be able to compel it. Adonalsium's sprens would have that ability. So my theory is that the Dawnshards are the spren of Adonalsium.

Feel free to destroy this theroy


Do you mean that the Shards can create Splinters intentionally?  Spren being Splinters (or at least Honorspren are Splinters of Honor), this would mean that mankind still had Dawnshards, whereas Honor was distressed that mankind's outlook was bleak without them.  I'd guess they were greater than that.  It's possible that Honorblades were Splinters or Honor, so perhaps the Heralds themselves were the Dawnshards (as they were the beginning [Dawn] of the Radiants, who carried Shardblades and Plate).  This would make sense, as the Heralds held back the Desolations, and Honor was expressing these concerns at his own splintering (presumably the breaking of the Oathpact).  But even that's unlikely.

Given the epitaph itself, where it seems that the person referred to in the Poem of Ista is carrying the Dawnshard up the steps "crafted for Heralds," I'd say it's reasonable to believe that the Dawnshards were something related to the Heralds.  Coppermind claims that they are not the same as Honorblades, but the evidence is a throwaway line by Shallan where she speaks of them separately (ironically in a Chapter titled Errorgance), but this epitaph makes clear that there isn't much information about them.  Definitely not enough that modern scholars like Shallan could know they were separate.  Pairing them this way may even be Brandon's way of foreshadowing this.  It makes sense that early scholars would discuss them frequently, but they'd fall out of favor.

It's made pretty clear that anybody that bonds an Honorblade can use its powers.  The "mortal or voidish" aspect here may refer to that property. (In this case, it makes sense -- the use of Dawn, as a beginning, and Shard, as the phrase used by Roshar's residents to refer to the blades and plates). 

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Given the epitaph itself, where it seems that the person referred to in the Poem of Ista is carrying the Dawnshard up the steps "crafted for Heralds,"

I remember it as referring to the steps that were crafted for Heralds.

I like the theory, and would definitely complement their being able to be bound indiscriminately. It would also suggest they were important enough to tip the balance.

Overall though, there's not a lot of info about dawnshards. It wouldnt take much to twist all our assumptions about them.

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 Adonalsium's sprens would have that ability. So my theory is that the Dawnshards are the spren of Adonalsium.

Feel free to destroy this theroy

"Spren" is the plural form as well as the singular. Just sayin'. Cool theory. Anyways, we still have 8 more book to find out what they are. As long as he doesn't die or something before finishing them *cough* GRRM. That would royally suck.

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"Spren" is the plural form as well as the singular. Just sayin'. Cool theory. Anyways, we still have 8 more book to find out what they are. As long as he doesn't die or something before finishing them *cough* GRRM. That would royally suck.

Hey man, [Winds of] Winter is coming.  It'll be right after all of the Cosmere books, the sequel trilogy to Weeks' Night Angel trilogy, and Half-Life 3.  It'll still beat Season 2 of Firefly by a week, though.

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Hey man, [Winds of] Winter is coming.  It'll be right after all of the Cosmere books, the sequel trilogy to Weeks' Night Angel trilogy, and Half-Life 3.  It'll still beat Season 2 of Firefly by a week, though.

Now I'm sad again.  :(

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Hey man, [Winds of] Winter is coming.  It'll be right after all of the Cosmere books, the sequel trilogy to Weeks' Night Angel trilogy, and Half-Life 3.  It'll still beat Season 2 of Firefly by a week, though.

If that means season 2 does in fact happen.  I'm still happy at that point.  Mal may be using a walker,  but you can't win them all.

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