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Szeth and Spren

18th Shard

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Szeth doesn't seem to attract bindspren with his lashings, nor any spren at all. There are two ways to explain this: Shinovar doesn't have spren and Szeth is fom there, or ... just as the mists stay away from hemalurgists, the spren are staying away from something of Odiu's, whether it is the Surgebinding, Blade, or the Dark Sphere from Gavilar. Thoughts?

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We don't actually know that he doesn't Kalladin only sees them when stops and looks closely.


I think its more likely they are there, simply because thats what we've seen in the world so far.



Edit:  Ninja's and their Ninjaing

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Actually... this doesn't seem terribly far off. Shouldn't he attract angerspren, hatredspren... some kind of spren? The guy's tearing himself apart on the inside with strong emotion, SOMETHING should be attracted to that.


It's quite probable he did attract something. It'd be interesting if Shallan were to draw him.

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We know Shallan can draw spren, but we don't know that she always draws them. The spren she's drawn thus far have been luck spren, which I believe are visible to all, and cryptics, which may have been trying to be noticed by her.

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Shallan is able to draw the cryptics because she has a "special bond" with them which is what allows her to draw them.  I'm not sure that ability would extend to other spren choosing to be invisible.  (I used to be a supporter of this belief but the WoB seems to indicate against it)


quote for sake of context



Q: Why can Shallan draw the Cryptics without seeing them, and can she do the same for other invisible (to her?) spren?


A: Shallan and the Cryptics have a "special connection" that allows her to draw them.

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I'd like to restate what Vortaan said. Something should  be attracted to him: angerspren, painspren, etc. but they aren't. As far as we know, most spren can't choose to be invisible. They can't choose in general. Only spren that have bonded with someone have shown any kind of ability to choose whether or not to appear. Szeth should have spren exploding around him with the emotional trauma and pain he feels as he kills, yet he doesn't.

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I'd like to restate what Vortaan said. Something should  be attracted to him: angerspren, painspren, etc. but they aren't. As far as we know, most spren can't choose to be invisible. They can't choose in general. Only spren that have bonded with someone have shown any kind of ability to choose whether or not to appear. Szeth should have spren exploding around him with the emotional trauma and pain he feels as he kills, yet he doesn't.


This really does seem important.  


Do we ever see other spren repulsed by Szeth?  Does his presence drive them away, or do they just completely fail to notice him?


Did we see any Spren around the other Shin when the traders visited Shinovar?  I seem to recall there were almost no spren at all.  Unfortunately that leaves me with the question of whether or not all Shin would be without spren when they wander the world, or if this is something unique to Szeth.  Have we seen other Shin going through strong emotions outside of Shinovar?

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Did we see any Spren around the other Shin when the traders visited Shinovar?  I seem to recall there were almost no spren at all.  Unfortunately that leaves me with the question of whether or not all Shin would be without spren when they wander the world, or if this is something unique to Szeth.  Have we seen other Shin going through strong emotions outside of Shinovar?


No.  Rysn points out that she doesn't see any spren.  However I think that has more to do with the fact that there aren't any spren in Shinovar rather than spren are repulsed by the Shin.  I don't really buy into the "spren are repulsed by Szeth" theory; just because spren haven't been described being attracted him doesn't mean he doesn't attract them. 


Also spren do still appear in his presence.  He doesn't create a zone of no-spren around him.

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No.  Rysn points out that she doesn't see any spren.  However I think that has more to do with the fact that there aren't any spren in Shinovar rather than spren are repulsed by the Shin.  


It may be that Rysn associates the broad appearance of plant-life (such as right after a highstorm) with the presence of lots of spren (lifespren in particular).  Thus, in Shinovar, she sees verdant grasses everywhere, but does not see spren that she expects to see with the appearance of that life.  This does not necessarily mean that spren aren't there (which I suspect they are at least rare, by the way).  It may be that they are only readily apparent after a rain similar to how they appear outside of Shinovar.

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Still seems odd that we never see painspren around Szeth, when we do see them during battles. I actually don't recall Szeth ever mentioning seeing spren though, now that I think of it. I might be wrong on that, but if anyone feels like checking... can Szeth even see spren? And if not, what the heck would that indicate?

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Still seems odd that we never see painspren around Szeth, when we do see them during battles. I actually don't recall Szeth ever mentioning seeing spren though, now that I think of it. I might be wrong on that, but if anyone feels like checking... can Szeth even see spren? And if not, what the heck would that indicate?


He can see spren, he points them out in the prologue.

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Another possibilty is Shin see so many Spren that they don't feel the need to comment on them in general (it is a POV).  Like I see a lot of cars everyday but don't really mention it.

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