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I write things.


I...I'm not actually sure whether they're really good or not.  They're not bad, at least.  I suppose I'll get a better idea once I've finished the second draft of my Mistborn fanfic and sent it off to the beta readers.  :ph34r:

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I don't really know about my writing's quality. All I know is that is has improved. A lot.

Seriously, my first worldbuilding was a Harry Potter ripoff called Tricera (named after Triceratops, seriously).

Then my first NaNoWriMo was 50,000 words of nothingness.

I actually have plots now, which is a lot better.

I just spent 15 minutes away from writing to create a name for my evil church. It literally means "don't sorcery" in Quenya (Elvish, that is).

...So, not totally wonderful yet.

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I started writing that thing I based of my dream, then I realized that I dont know how to outline, and I need to read up on hunter-gatherer tribes and I have 4 magic systems that I should probably try to combine into one and seriously, someone teach me how to outline.


Storms... doing horror shorts is like "Is this scary/really weird? Good, lets write it." And then I improvise them together and at least ten people liked them so I must be doing something right.

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You're both on the right track, but it's actually a direct quote from something. Problem is, I'm not sure if there are enough people around here familiar enough with the old-school portion of that fandom to get it.

See I associate that with Space Quest... 4? The one where you get to pilot a ship. And now that I think of it, I recall there being a can of Primordial Soup on one of the planets.
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So, in my french class, we have "un chanson de la semaine," (a song of the week), and this week's song is very entertaining, even if you don't know French. I present to you, Moustache.


For those of you who don't know French, it talks about this person who has everything any one could dream of...

except a mustache. 

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See I associate that with Space Quest... 4? The one where you get to pilot a ship. And now that I think of it, I recall there being a can of Primordial Soup on one of the planets.


Yup - at the beginning, on Xenon.  You have to be very careful in picking it up... <sizzle sizzle melt>

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See I associate that with Space Quest... 4? The one where you get to pilot a ship. And now that I think of it, I recall there being a can of Primordial Soup on one of the planets.


I never played any of them.


Oh, fine, I'll give you guys the goods. :)


Classic Doctor Who episode called "Ghost Light".  They're sitting down to dinner with a bunch of creepy aliens.  The Seventh Doctor specifically says firmly to Ace, "Don't eat the soup!"  Because it totally is primordial soup created from broken-down human.

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Ghost Light is one of the few Seventh Doctor episodes on Netflix (if it's still there.)  It's... yeah, watch it paying a lot of attention, because it's a mystery that's not very well laid out.


The copy I had of it from the PBS broadcast had an awful sound mix, too.  Hopefully the official release is a bit easier to hear.

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I'm jumping in a little late here but -

Kobold, your writing is *amazing*. I'm actually kind of shocked that you don't know how to confident because you have more than enough reason to do so. Your longer writing-y posts (I think I'm looking for the word prose? :P) usually make me laugh, and you've got a beautiful way with words.

Please learn how to confident. Your writing is great.

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I present to you a dramatic reenactment of a scene from Hero of Ages.

TenSoon's trial, edited for brevity.

KanPaar: TenSoon of the Third Generation, would you like to explain why you suck so much?

TenSoon: No, not really.

KanPaar: So you admit that you suck.

TenSoon: No, I'd just rather talk about something more relevant.

KanPaar: Nothing is more relevant than your suckishness.

TenSoon: I actually don't think I suck at all.

KanPaar: Well, we do. Do you agree, or should we skip straight to sentencing?

TenSoon: This....this isn't how justice works....

KanPaar: Nothing really works in your life, TenSoon, get over it.

Edited by TwiLyghtSansSparkles
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I present to you a dramatic reenactment of a scene from Hero of Ages.

TenSoon's trial, edited for brevity.

KanPaar: TenSoon of the Third Generation, would you like to explain why you suck so much?

TenSoon: No, not really.

KanPaar: So you admit that you suck.

TenSoon: No, I'd just rather talk about something more relevant.

KanPaar: Nothing is more relevant than your suckishness.

TenSoon: I actually don't think I suck at all.

KanPaar: Well, we do. Do you agree, or should we skip straight to sentencing?

TenSoon: This....this isn't how justice works....

KanPaar: Nothing really works in your life, TenSoon, get over it.

:D Twi, you have a way with words.

I finally finally finally got Shadows of Self! I'm not done get, but so far I've gotten this impression:



Seriously, though, cut Wayne a break. He ain't never done nothin to you. Except maybe steal- I mean trade a few things. (And, in a few cases, kill your father/husband kind of on accident.) Don't you make him feel bad, he's awesome.

Edited by Mistrunner
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