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Every year, the coolness of fall approaches.  Every year, Halloween comes.  And (almost) every year, my friends embark upon a post-Halloween tradition...


Pumpkin Katana Baseball!



This is exactly what you think it is, minus any actual baserunning or scored points.  We just mostly use it as an excuse to swing swords, spears, crowbars, pickaxes, and even 2x4s at our spent jack-o-lanterns in order to chop them into mulch.  It's fantastically fun.  (Kids join in with wooden swords and the like, but are generally not allowed near the edged weaponry.)


The tradition holds a special place in my heart, as Pumpkin-Katana Baseball 2008 was my first date with the man who became my husband.  :wub:   So, yeah.  James's first day with me involved swinging swords at flying pumpkins whilst I was wearing a fantastic corset.  It was awesome.


I took some pictures this year, and now I shall share them with you.


Behold!  The condemned line up to await their doom!



My weapon protrudes triumphantly from my first victim!



James a split second after bisecting a pumpkin.  Between the angle and the blur, it's kind of hard to see the blade, but it's there.



The bloody aftermath!


Edited by Kaymyth
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:D Twi, you have a way with words.

I finally finally finally got Shadows of Self! I'm not done get, but so far I've gotten this impression:



Seriously, though, cut Wayne a break. He ain't never done nothin to you. Except maybe steal- I mean trade a few things. (And, in a few cases, kill your father/husband kind of on accident.) Don't you make him feel bad, he's awesome.

I always felt sorry for Wayne while reading SoS. First the daughter of the guy he killed and then the daughter of the guy she thought he killed get mad at him. But now Wayne has depth on top of his hilariousness. 


The only way that could be better is if the teddy bear were a Soonie pup.


Edited by WayneSpren
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I am proud to announce that the hall I'm living in has had it's first broken bone of the year! A few guys had the ingenious idea of getting two sets of boxing gloves and duking it out. One thing led to another, and someone's nose got broken! 

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I remember seeing. A thread for this and now I can't find it.

I just finished Inside Out. I cried. I'm so impressed by what they did with a story of a child moving city. It's so wonderfully different from the usual action or romance oriented film. By the end, I literally wanted to reach through the screen and give Riley a massive hug. that was beautiful.

the imaginary boyfriend was hilarious, particularly when Joy just called him "haircut".

And please tell me I wasn't the only one thinking Shadesmar when they fell into the chasm of forgotten memories?

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And because of that irony dictates that they would take you application. :ph34r:


From the first listing: 


"Individuals who do not want experience transforming an urban library, leading a talented staff, and making a proven impact on the community need not apply." 


Well, that rules me out, then. wanted to become a librarian so I could sit in the bathroom and think about life all day. :rolleyes: 


(Seriously, though, there's no specific requirements listed, but I've been to that library. It's the biggest one in the city, in downtown Spokane, the one that can easily serve over a thousand people per day. There is no storming way they'd hire a twenty-five-year-old fresh out of grad school, whose only managerial experience comes from trying to force a bunch of shiftless layabouts to stop gossiping and do the job they were hired to do at a department store.) 

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I remember seeing. A thread for this and now I can't find it.

I just finished Inside Out. I cried. I'm so impressed by what they did with a story of a child moving city. It's so wonderfully different from the usual action or romance oriented film. By the end, I literally wanted to reach through the screen and give Riley a massive hug. that was beautiful.

the imaginary boyfriend was hilarious, particularly when Joy just called him "haircut".

And please tell me I wasn't the only one thinking Shadesmar when they fell into the chasm of forgotten memories?

I actually did think of Shadesmar, but I originally likened it to the remnants of the Everstorm.

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