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How can she be so close, yet still so wrong?

I wish I knew. -_- And honestly, she's studied the Bible. She's memorized stories about a deity who came to Earth for the sole purpose of teaching us to be nice to each other. This should be easy for her to grasp, but....it's not. And I don't know why. :(

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Well, I believe you need a hug.


And if I had a Tardis, you would hear a very familiar wooshing sound as soon as I finish these ribs, alas, I do not have a Tardis.


... does anyone want to steal a Tardis and travel all of time and space?

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Well, I believe you need a hug.


And if I had a Tardis, you would hear a very familiar wooshing sound as soon as I finish these ribs, alas, I do not have a Tardis.


... does anyone want to steal a Tardis and travel all of time and space?


I think a more appropriate question is, "Who wouldn't want to steal a TARDIS and travel all of time and space?"


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I think a more appropriate question is, "Who wouldn't want to steal a TARDIS and travel all of time and space?"


People who apparently believe that they have something better to do?


I wonder what my Tardis would look like if the chameleon circuit broke...

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Almost 2,000 posts and doing well in roughly keeping to my 1-2 upvote ratio goal! :D (with 100 points of leeway).

Yes, I have one of those, doesn't everyone? :ph34r:


I am slowly working my way towards that same ratio myself!  It's taken time, but I am edging closer and closer every week.  (No, you're not the only one.)

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See, as inexorablePanda, I was young and foolish, and my post-rep ratio was TERRIBLE. Then when I made my second account as Kipper (because various reasons), I had a FANTASTIC post-rep ratio. Then...Comatose merged the accounts and destroyed my ratio again. I'm slowly working towards a 1:1...

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Had my interview for the MA programme yesterday. Lots of trolling went on, but there's this thing which I can't understand:
Basic Logic (so, classical and modal) prof basically told me that he doesn't want me to be a teaching assistant for Logic, and I agree, because I'm pants at formal Logic. Don't get me wrong; I drill hard so I know how to solve problems the way you can drill yourself into being good at maths. But to teach, you need to be able to explain why given formulations are wrong. Because you can bet there's gonna be a bunch of undergrads who'll do every single permutation and combination possible except the correct one. (Hint: that used to be me.) So, I can't do that.
...Advanced Logic prof (multi-value logics, etc) told me he wants me to be his teaching assistant.


I don't even...The contradiction is too much for me. Better adopt paraconsistent logic... o.O

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I guess there are just some poor ordinary people that can't even get a 1-1 ratio. -_- Maybe I should simply post more fun stuff where more people can see it. :ph34r:



I remember my early days, when I was mostly posting on the Mistborn board and I struggled to make that 1:1 ratio and eventually lost the battle.


Then I discovered the General board and the Creator's Corner board and started posting things like my cosplay stuff and a few itty-bitty writing tidbits and everything just sort of went BLOOP.

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I remember my early days, when I was mostly posting on the Mistborn board and I struggled to make that 1:1 ratio and eventually lost the battle.


Then I discovered the General board and the Creator's Corner board and started posting things like my cosplay stuff and a few itty-bitty writing tidbits and everything just sort of went BLOOP.


I started out just boppin' along, posting random things, getting all excited every time I got an upvote….and then I started the Reckoners RP, and before long I'd passed Brandon Sanderson in rep. :mellow: 

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Do it...The student learns more when the student is the teacher. *gong sounds*

Now I want an eggroll, thanks Kasmir!

To be honest, I just don't feel comfortable teaching students when my grasp of that particular subject matter is so poor. In comparison, I'd be happy to teach another area I don't specialise in, like analytic metaphysics, because I have a better grasp on the material than I do multi-value logic. I feel like you need a certain basic level of proficiency before you teach something as important as logic.


Also, I missed the reference, I'm sad to say... :P

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Missy and a Dalek explain Internet disagreements:




Quota can go [CENSORED]


Anyways, regarding my rep ratio... It's been just over 1:1 for a while, with like a 100 post buffer, but it's slowly inching towards 1:1. Which is still pretty impressive. Still don't get how you all manage to actually like me. :P

Edited by Slowswift
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It's surprising Mistborn is one of my favourites among Sanderson's books when it was the book I was reading when I got hospitalised :P

I always think that SA is my favorite. Then I reread Mistborn and remember that it's the one I love the most. :P


See, as inexorablePanda, I was young and foolish, and my post-rep ratio was TERRIBLE. Then when I made my second account as Kipper (because various reasons), I had a FANTASTIC post-rep ratio. Then...Comatose merged the accounts and destroyed my ratio again. I'm slowly working towards a 1:1...

At least you weren't around back in the days when having 50 upvotes was quite the accomplishment. :P I sat at 10-15 for months, back in the day. I still haven't recovered from then.

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