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I'm particular about mac and cheese. I'm fine with kraft, I despise velvetta in all its forms, but some of the best was when I used mayo instead of milk...but I don't do that anymore, I'm not nearly that active :)


And the secret to a good mac and cheese is butter! Lots and lots of butter!

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Stop right there. I am the Pasta Knight, defender of pasta's honor in all of its forms. Whether it is spaghetti or penne or lasagna or macaroni or linguini or ravioli or tortellini or any of the noble food's other shapes, I will be here to prevent its name from being blasphemed by the impure.


It is come to my attention that the most venerable meal Macaroni & Cheese is being insulted on this thread. To this I must insist, no more! No more shall I tolerate this grievous slight against pasta.


If you would dare criticize pasta on this thread, I dare you to meet the blade of the Pasta Knight in single combat! A fight to the death, until the water boils and red sauce flows! If ye villains truly feel so strongly against my most favored of foods, then prove thy zeal against my arms.

Edited by Kobold King
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To clarify stuff, I despise boxed types of mac n cheese, but my mom has this homemade recipe that we always have with peas and applesauce and mmmmmmmmmm . . .

Darn it, now I'm hungry and it's too late at night for me to get out of my bed. <_<




The Pasta Knight accepts your supplication and wishes you heartfelt condolences on being hungry.

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I've heard some of their stuff, and I like some of it, but my tastes tend more toward the grungier sort of grunge. Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots....that sort of thing.


Fair enough. :P 


Did you see that thing where ~1000 Italians performed some Foo Fighters to invite them to do a concert there?

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