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The Pasta Knight accepts your supplication and wishes you heartfelt condolences on being hungry.

Thou art gracious in thine noodliness, Sir. I am grateful for thine consideration.

And I made myself a late night toaster pastry, so I'm good, now. :P

Edited by The Honor Spren
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*super dramatic gasp* :o I'm sorry we just can't be friends anymore. :P

I used to love mac 'n' cheese. Used to pile my plate high.

The last time I had mac 'n' cheese, I barfed eight times the next day and my idiot brain blamed what was probably just a totally unrelated stomach bug on the mac 'n' cheese. Now I can't look at the stuff or even think about it without experiencing a visceral, nauseous reaction. Y'know, that feeling right before you expel the green stew. So thanks for talking about it, I guess.

Then I took an arrow to the knee.

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Here's some upvotes to speed you on your way. :P


That is...appreciated, though hardly necessary.  :)


Stop right there. I am the Pasta Knight, defender of pasta's honor in all of its forms. Whether it is spaghetti or penne or lasagna or macaroni or linguini or ravioli or tortellini or any of the noble food's other shapes, I will be here to prevent its name from being blasphemed by the impure.


It is come to my attention that the most venerable meal Macaroni & Cheese is being insulted on this thread. To this I must insist, no more! No more shall I tolerate this grievous slight against pasta.


If you would dare criticize pasta on this thread, I dare you to meet the blade of the Pasta Knight in single combat! A fight to the death, until the water boils and red sauce flows! If ye villains truly feel so strongly against my most favored of foods, then prove thy zeal against my arms.


I miss the days of being able to eat mac & cheese with impunity.  Alas, foul genetics have cursed me with lactose intolerance!  My gastronomical life is truly a thing to be pitied.

Edited by Kaymyth
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Me, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in:



That didn't work... Let's try.... *shifts*


One more time...


Seriously, how does one aggravate their chin in a bed? It's made out of soft things!

Also, noodles are amazing.

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Me, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in:



That didn't work... Let's try.... *shifts*


One more time...


Seriously, how does one aggravate their chin in a bed? It's made out of soft things!

Also, noodles are amazing.

I remember my younger days, when trying to get into a comfortable sleeping position included making a semi headstand. I had some weird sleeping habits. :ph34r:

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Okay so

The game last night

It was against our big rivals; we always play them in the playoffs and no joke, its the best game of the season. Always.

This game tho. THIS GAME.

so we're a big band, and when we play, we play loud. To distract the other team. So we're playing. All is good. Then the ref comes on and says "the band cannot play when-"

We didn't hear the rest. Because the crowd starts screaming. Booing the ref, making noise, basically drowning out any and all other sound in the stadium.

And let me tell you about our town's loyalty to the team. At home games, the entire town shows up. At away games, the entire town follows. So it was about 3,000 people, screaming at the top of their lungs.

They didn't stop for the entire game.

Now, the refs in these games are.. terrible to say the least. But its only when we play this specific teams. The entire game was full of totally crap calls on our players. And everything that should have been a penalty for the other team was ignored. We had a player get his helmet ripped off and his face slammed into the turf, but none of the refs said anything.

We end up winning by one point. Because in the last touchdown they made, they missed the field goal. And then they gave up with 15 seconds on the clock.

Needless to say, I can still hear my ears ringing, I have no voice, and I got no sleep last night.

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Stop right there. I am the Pasta Knight, defender of pasta's honor in all of its forms. Whether it is spaghetti or penne or lasagna or macaroni or linguini or ravioli or tortellini or any of the noble food's other shapes, I will be here to prevent its name from being blasphemed by the impure.

It is come to my attention that the most venerable meal Macaroni & Cheese is being insulted on this thread. To this I must insist, no more! No more shall I tolerate this grievous slight against pasta.

If you would dare criticize pasta on this thread, I dare you to meet the blade of the Pasta Knight in single combat! A fight to the death, until the water boils and red sauce flows! If ye villains truly feel so strongly against my most favored of foods, then prove thy zeal against my arms.

You'll......fight with a blade of pasta that will be cut through at the first impact.

Infallible plan.

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I just went to a chess tournament. In the middle of the third round, a player rage-quitted, knocked his table over (which had another game playing on it) and started throwing chess peices.


On the bright side, I won four out of five games, so it was a positive experience. :)

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I don't know man

I just woke up and the bulb had literally fallen off of the actual light and

I was like "i don't want to deal with you right now do not"

It is obviously trying to state its independence from the shackles of mankind, too long have they been just light sources, but no more, no more I say, the age of the light bulbs is here! THE ERA OF RADIANCE!



I just went to a chess tournament. In the middle of the third round, a player rage-quitted, knocked his table over (which had another game playing on it) and started throwing chess peices.


On the bright side, I won four out of five games, so it was a positive experience. :)

Ah, chess, the game for smart people that I never manage to win... did you get hit?

Im better at shogi, at least against a low level computer...

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It is obviously trying to state its independence from the shackles of mankind, too long have they been just light sources, but no more, no more I say, the age of the light bulbs is here! THE ERA OF RADIANCE!



Ah, chess, the game for smart people that I never manage to win... did you get hit?

Im better at shogi, at least against a low level computer...

I dodged the rook that was thrown at me.


I want to play Shogi so bad, it looks so fun! What do you play it on?

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