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Kobold, for your reference, I found this quote from the erstwhile Chouta.

...(I had it as part of my grand villainous plan after I unseated Kobold as the person with the most reputation.)...

I believe we have supervillain and family in chains confirmed now. :ph34r:
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I'm just surprised that it's superman.

Also Kobold, for a good few minutes there I thought your picture was some kind of whale creature on a red planet. I didn't realise it was Mr Monsters chin. :P.

As in, neck = supporting arms, black= shorts and for some reason he doesn't have feet.

Edited by Ookla the Fierce
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This thread is interrupted to bring you an urgent PSA from TwiLyghtSansSparkles. 






Greetings, parents. We at Funtimes, Inc. know that you work hard to teach your children the importance of obedience and respect toward their elders. And we agree with this. After all, if you don't teach your children to be polite and respectful, you could very well end up with this little twit: 



And no one wants that, especially the child. Because if they act like Peter Pan at his most irritating, they could very well be punched in the face by random strangers. No one wants to be punched in the face by a random stranger. Even the stranger, who may find the initial blow satisfying on a deep and spiritual level, will eventually be filled with regret when charges are filed against them for striking a prepubescent pipsqueak. And charges are not fun. They really ruin your Thanksgiving, or your Canada Day, or your Arbor Day, or whatever Day it happens to be when you hit a child for being annoying. So—yes, teach your children to be polite, for the good of everyone. 


However, there is a flip side to this. 


You see, the pursuit of respectful children can become an end in itself. And when it becomes an end in itself, it becomes an obsession. Obsessions are rarely good things, and an obsession with polite and respectful children is no different. It taints your vision, coloring every aspect of your life, until you can no longer enjoy a commercial for tiny tangerines built around a wickedly clever Godfather reference. 



What could have been an opportunity for chuckles will quickly devolve into a mutual rant about disrespectful children. Rather than shake your head in admiration at a seven-year-old with the business sense of a Mafia don, you will lament the impending demise of a culture that celebrates disobedient and demanding children! Or something like that. Twi, our CEO, says that's the gist of what she heard her parents say before she got sick of it and plugged in her headphones. 


So let this be a lesson to you, dear Sharders. Pursue respectful children, but not to the extent you can no longer enjoy clever Godfather-themed commercials. 


Thank you and happy Thanksgiving to those of you in the US. To those of you outside the US, have a happy day. 

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Your parents are complaining about the demise of a generation?

Eh, sound like every older person in the history of ever.

You listening to anything good?


After watching a clever commercial. Seriously, anything can set them off, especially kids they perceive as "bratty." Which is every child who dares contradict their parents ever. <_< 


Not listening to anything at the moment, but I was listening to some MCR. Don't judge me. :P 

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Your parents are complaining about the demise of a generation?

Eh, sound like every older person in the history of ever.

You listening to anything good?

It's funny how each generation thinks the next one is ruining everything.

"Saturn is fallen, am I too to fall? Am I to leave this crystal pavilion, these pure vanes of all my lucent empire? The blaze, the splendor, the symmetry? I can not see but darkness...death and darkness!"

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It's funny how each generation thinks the next one is ruining everything.

"Saturn is fallen, am I too to fall? Am I to leave this crystal pavilion, these pure vanes of all my lucent empire? The blaze, the splendor, the symmetry? I can not see but darkness...death and darkness!"


No kidding. 


What's that from? 

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If I ever have children (Not too far away I hope) I hope that they contradict me as much as possible. Questioning authority figures is how you learn the difference between what are merely personal opinions and what are actually facts. Not to mention that inquisitive and curious children grow up to be smarter.

Naturally this does not extend to their decision that they don't need to do the dishes of course. :P

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So, to anyone who's interested, I posted an excerpt of Swift as Steel up on the Nano thread.  It's still got a couple of problems, but the second draft version is definitely superior to the first.


In related news, I think I need to make some sort of appeasement offering/bribe to the Word Repetition Fairies to get them to leave me alone.  It's amazing how completely invisible that stuff is to me when I'm in the process of writing.  And then I go back and read, and the blips fly out and bite my nostrils.


I would've gone with an annoy-a-tron, but that works too


I...would never actually do something that evil to anyone I liked.  Or worked with.  Or worked near.  The level of sheer evil necessary to deserve the horror of one of those devices has not yet been matched by any mere mortal in this office.

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