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Someone throw a random whimsical writing prompt at me?



One I saw on Reddit:



You wake up one morning, walk to your mirror, and see no reflection in it. After a moment, your reflection comes racing into frame, apologizes for being late, and proceeds to mimic your every move as usual.

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One I saw on Reddit:



You wake up one morning, walk to your mirror, and see no reflection in it. After a moment, your reflection comes racing into frame, apologizes for being late, and proceeds to mimic your every move as usual.

Wow. I'm writing a book, but it's not THAT type of cool.
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Ok. If people want to keep throwing random story elements at me that would be very welcome.

there are only two people left on earth that are humans. The rest of the world looks like humans, aren't though, and you just found out. Oh, also, the overlord/ruler of the world wants you dead.

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there are only two people left on earth that are humans. The rest of the world looks like humans, aren't though, and you just found out. Oh, also, the overlord/ruler of the world wants you dead.

Hmm I might make that the spaceship and tie it in.

For context, this is a warming up writing exercise. Haven't written anything real in a while so silliness is good to keep things going.

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Ok. If people want to keep throwing random story elements at me that would be very welcome.

Take something mundane, or a story from your child hood, something you found weird back then but is actually pretty banal and make it terrifying.


The enigma of locked doors, The Grey Man and Ck'zunoday are based on things that has actually happened to me, then twisted around to the fantastical. Of course you dont need to make it terrifying, you could just take something normal and make it weird.


Something I should be working on at the moment is a collection of tiny shorts about how ridiculous things end the world.


Like skeletons getting tired of being covered in flesh and just deciding to walk out of the bodies that hold them.

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And I just got snapped at because I sounded "snippy" when I told my mom I didn't feel any better. My mom played the victim and everything. 


So….they can go out to lunch and not bring me anything, and I'm expected to be in a good mood when they get home? Even if I'm actively doing chores when they walk through the door, despite feeling like crud. 


Great Noodly One, I hate my family right now. <_<

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Well, I'm not very good at them myself, but check out springhole.net, particularly here or here.

A neurotic transwoman becomes a potion with an absurdly large amount of marmalade.

Wish I had the skill for this one:

A punctual bookworm liberates a bobby pin and a roll of duct tape and gets a city.

Edited by Ookla the Fierce
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And I just got snapped at because I sounded "snippy" when I told my mom I didn't feel any better. My mom played the victim and everything. 


So….they can go out to lunch and not bring me anything, and I'm expected to be in a good mood when they get home? Even if I'm actively doing chores when they walk through the door, despite feeling like crud. 


Great Noodly One, I hate my family right now. <_<

Well Twi, can you blame your mother for immediately assuming the worst case of you being a liar even though you aren't there was no reason to think so and it wasn't actually the case?...Of course you can!

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Ok. Brace yourselves.



The voice was smooth and buttery. Unsuprising in that it came from her stick of butter. Surprising in that why was the butter talking?

Kylie cleared her throat, glanced left and right, and when none of her fellow astronauts looked up from their various activities of cleaning their nails, yawning, or knitting, she stared back at the offending milk product with knitted brows.

"Astronaut. Eat me."

She blinked. She hadn’t thought she was hungry to the point of hallucination. Then again, she did often get caught up in her work and didn’t realise she was not just a brain that could function on it's own self-generated power like the sun, or like the motor running her spaceship.

She shrugged. Way to overthink food. And she took a large bite.

Well, a gulp, of a grossly texture liquid thing, because food apparently wasn't important enough for NASA to invest billions into it.

She blinked.

It wasn't butter. What was she even thinking?

Clearly, she was hungry. Kylie choked down the rest of her food, and it made her feel warm inside like alcohol. She eyed the package suspiciously again, then shrugged and looked out at the solar system. Jupiter approached. The moons were beautiful and icy. The country was large, and lit by tiny green dots that moved and swirled in the atmosphere.

Huh. That wasn't previously observed scientific fact. I wonder what those could be.

Kylie squinted and took another step closer to the window.

The clearish figure of an astronaut raced towards Kylie. She jumped back, automatcailly tensing. The others were behind her. Busy with mundane tasks. She wasn't under attack. What was going on with her today?

The figure skidded to a halt, pressed up against the reinforced glass window, standing opposite her. Kylie took a wary step back. So did the figure. She waved slowly, and it waved in tandem.

Sorry. Running late today. It was the same buttery voice as before. This is terribly embarrassing. We're so close to the colony now, I got distracted. I will carefully shadow your every move. I will never make such a mistake again.

Was that her reflection…babbling? Kylie ran a hand through her hair. She had never read symptoms like this in the psychological journals of NASA, and she had read through every one she could get her hands on before accepting this first piloted mission to Jupiter. Talking food? Talking shadows that were independent?

She glanced at her watch. Clearly nothing important was happening now. She had time to go take a nap. This must just all be symptoms of overwork and overtiredness. A good sleep and she would be fine. That's what she told herself, anyway.    

Edited by Ookla the Fierce
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Ok. Brace yourselves.



The voice was smooth and buttery. Unsuprising in that it came from her stick of butter. Surprising in that why was the butter talking?

Kylie cleared her throat, glanced left and right, and when none of her fellow astronauts looked up from their various activities of cleaning their nails, yawning, or knitting, she stared back at the offending milk product with knitted brows.

"Astronaut. Eat me."

She blinked. She hadn’t thought she was hungry to the point of hallucination. Then again, she did often get caught up in her work and didn’t realise she was not just a brain that could function on it's own self-generated power like the sun, or like the motor running her spaceship.

She shrugged. Way to overthink food. And she took a large bite.

Well, a gulp, of a grossly texture liquid thing, because food apparently wasn't important enough for NASA to invest billions into it.

She blinked.

It wasn't butter. What was she even thinking?

Clearly, she was hungry. Kylie choked down the rest of her food, and it made her feel warm inside like alcohol. She eyed the package suspiciously again, then shrugged and looked out at the solar system. Jupiter approached. The moons were beautiful and icy. The country was large, and lit by tiny green dots that moved and swirled in the atmosphere.

Huh. That wasn't previously observed scientific fact. I wonder what those could be.

Kylie squinted and took another step closer to the window.

The clearish figure of an astronaut raced towards Kylie. She jumped back, automatcailly tensing. The others were behind her. Busy with mundane tasks. She wasn't under attack. What was going on with her today?

The figure skidded to a halt, pressed up against the reinforced glass window, standing opposite her. Kylie took a wary step back. So did the figure. She waved slowly, and it waved in tandem.

Sorry. Running late today. It was the same buttery voice as before. This is terribly embarrassing. We're so close to the colony now, I got distracted. I will carefully shadow your every move. I will never make such a mistake again.

Was that her reflection…babbling? Kylie ran a hand through her hair. She had never read symptoms like this in the psychological journals of NASA, and she had read through every one she could get her hands on before accepting this first piloted mission to Jupiter. Talking food? Talking shadows that were independent?

She glanced at her watch. Clearly nothing important was happening now. She had time to go take a nap. This must just all be symptoms of overwork and overtiredness. A good sleep and she would be fine. That's what she told herself, anyway.    

So our reflections are actually alines. Interesting. :ph34r:

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Well Twi, can you blame your mother for immediately assuming the worst case of you being a liar even though you aren't there was no reason to think so and it wasn't actually the case?...Of course you can!

And my dad took me out for coffee so he could give me the whole "move to Spokane" spiel. It actually didn't get too bad until we were in the car on our way home, when he delved into full-on "You've been snippy, you've been ignoring us, and you're shooting yourself in the foot because the jobs your mom and I give you are perfect, and if something goes wrong and you're in Timbuktu, we won't be able to help you" territory.

Just...someone tell me I'm not being an idiot? That parents should support their kids no matter what, not insult them for not moving close to home? That I'm not wrong for resenting their treating me like crem and expecting adoration in return? :(

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And my dad took me out for coffee so he could give me the whole "move to Spokane" spiel. It actually didn't get too bad until we were in the car on our way home, when he delved into full-on "You've been snippy, you've been ignoring us, and you're shooting yourself in the foot because the jobs your mom and I give you are perfect, and if something goes wrong and you're in Timbuktu, we won't be able to help you" territory.

Just...someone tell me I'm not being an idiot? That parents should support their kids no matter what, not insult them for not moving close to home? That I'm not wrong for resenting their treating me like crem and expecting adoration in return? :(



You are far, far from being an idiot. You have been mistreated, are being mistreated, and will continue to be mistreated until you either leave or things change in that household. You have every right to be vexed by their nagging, and you have every right to want well away from them.


And I doubt very seriously that things will go so far south on you that you'll wish those self-righteous numbskulls were there to help you.

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You are far, far from being an idiot. You have been mistreated, are being mistreated, and will continue to be mistreated until you either leave or things change in that household. You have every right to be vexed by their nagging, and you have every right to want well away from them.

And I doubt very seriously that things will go so far south on you that you'll wish those self-righteous numbskulls were there to help you.

Thanks. :) And he trotted out the "future friends and boyfriend" card. "You don't communicate with us, and if you don't communicate with friends, roommates, etc., you're not going to do well."

Literally all I could think was "I'd communicate with you if you'd LET ME, but when I say "It bugged me when you did this," you tell me why I'm wrong for feeling that way. I've actually learned more about conflict management working through plot snags in the Reckoners RP than from a hundred lectures from the genetic predecessors. :ph34r:

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Twi, your parents can't deal with the fact that they can't dictate your every move and there's nothing they can do about it. So they're trying to twist your arm and guilt trip you and every other crazy psychological tactic they can come up with to make you do what they want. And it's backfiring and that's probably confusing them even more.

They should not be treating you like crem. If they disagree they should do so respectfully.

You should never put up with being treated like crem no matter who you're dealing with. Never. Even if for now that means recognising. To yourself every single time that this is wrong. This is not normal. You shouldn't have to accept this.

Raise your head and throw back your shoulders and go take the world by storm! You are an absolutely wonderful human being and you deserve kindness and respect and goodness showered on you from everyone in your life.

And even if you want to entertain the thought for one second that you're not a wonderful human being - you're a person and you deserve love and respect anyway. No matter what.

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Thanks. :) And he trotted out the "future friends and boyfriend" card. "You don't communicate with us, and if you don't communicate with friends, roommates, etc., you're not going to do well."

Literally all I could think was "I'd communicate with you if you'd LET ME, but when I say "It bugged me when you did this," you tell me why I'm wrong for feeling that way. I've actually learned more about conflict management working through plot snags in the Reckoners RP than from a hundred lectures from the genetic predecessors. :ph34r:



That's a terror tactic more than anything else. DO WHAT WE SAY OR YOU'LL DIE SAD AND ALOOONE, OOOOH!



...Just to be clear, you know you can't resolve conflicts by trapping people in tar pits, right? :ph34r::P

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That's a terror tactic more than anything else. DO WHAT WE SAY OR YOU'LL DIE SAD AND ALOOONE, OOOOH!

...Just to be clear, you know you can't resolve conflicts by trapping people in tar pits, right? :ph34r::P

You can't? :mellow::P

Thanks again, both of you. :) I'm actually getting rid of the safety net on purpose, so I won't be tempted to move back home unless I really do have no other choice. I want to force myself to be independent, and prove to myself I can do it. But I can't tell them that, or they'd assume the worst.

And, no, I don't want them to have "We helped you when you could've been homeless!" hanging over my head either. <_<

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It is almost like they find helping and taking care of their offspring to be something weird, like they think you just have children so you can manipulate them and use them as accessories, but of course they understand thats not how things work, right?

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Yeah, real family does not treat their own like that.


My mother's side of the family is all over the United States, we are easily separated by hundreds and perhaps thousands of miles (since my aunts do love to travel). When my grandmother had hip surgery, my mother and aunts did not pull a "ah, gee... we don't live close enough to help!" There were plans dropped and schedules made so someone would always be around to help my grandmother recover. That's how sane, well-ordered loving families work: you let everyone live their lives and distance is not a limit on what you can do to support. 

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