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*Kills it with fire and serves the unicorn meat to everyone in the thread*

Um... It tastes like chicken? :huh:

Also, did y'all know that in addition to sweet, sour, etc. there's a recently classified taste?

...it's chicken. :mellow:

Edit: wait, no, don't call PETA. Just... Not them.

Edited by Slowswift
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*returns unicorn meat and requests braised pineapple instead*

*also calls PETA*

*Kills PETA with fire and throws them in the trash*



Um... It tastes like chicken? :huh:

Also, did y'all know that in addition to sweet, sour, etc. there's a recently classified taste?

...it's chicken. :mellow:

Edit: wait, no, don't call PETA. Just... Not them.

I figured unicorns would taste like rainbows and evil.

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Um... It tastes like chicken? :huh:

Also, did y'all know that in addition to sweet, sour, etc. there's a recently classified taste?

...it's chicken. :mellow:

Edit: wait, no, don't call PETA. Just... Not them.

You mean "umami?" Imagine the hilarity that must have ensued when someone named that.

Food Scientist One: Hey look, I discovered a new taste!

Food Scientist Two: What is is?

Food Scientist One: I don't know, how 'bout "Umami?"

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist Two: Oh yeah?! Well YO Mama's so big that when she goes to the movie theater, she sits next to EVERYONE!

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist One: No...I was saying that I actually discovered a thing, a new, previously undiscovered thing that your tastebuds can detect, and I decided to name it "umami."

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist Two: Oh, you didn't hafta go there...YO MAMA'S SO...  

*Kills PETA with fire and throws them in the trash*

Dang bruh, you can't do that.
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You mean "umami?" Imagine the hilarity that must have ensued when someone named that.

Food Scientist One: Hey look, I discovered a new taste!

Food Scientist Two: What is is?

Food Scientist One: I don't know, how 'bout "Umami?"

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist Two: Oh yeah?! Well YO Mama's so big that when she goes to the movie theater, she sits next to EVERYONE!

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist One: No...I was saying that I actually discovered a thing, a new, previously undiscovered thing that your tastebuds can detect, and I decided to name it "umami."

Other Food Scientists: OHHHHHHH

Food Scientist Two: Oh, you didn't hafta go there...YO MAMA'S SO... 

Not to ruin your joke (Who am I kidding, totally to ruin your joke), umami is japanese and has bee recognized as a flavor for over a hundred years.

 Dang bruh, you can't do that.



Just did 51956uth.gif



Ten thousand (ish) years of human civilization and we still don't know why we yawn. I'd call naming fat a flavor progress. :P

Or why we dream, or what ice is slippery. That is indeed progress XD


... I just accidentally made an Edgedancer joke...

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So it has been an interesting couple of weeks for the west coast of little old NZ. First there was a couple of flat motel things that were set on fire, could have been a murder attempt ( which failed because the guy, who was the town creep, was out of town for the weekend ). If it was an attempted murder I just want to point out that the person who lit the fire was a complete idiot. The creep was the only person in the flat things so it wouldn't have been hard to look at the windows and see if he was home. *SMH* If this was an attempted murder I can see what Miles Hundred lives was talking about. Amateurs. Not saying I'm an expert because I have currently never killed anyone. But if I had to I would like to think that I would be better than that.


Also today someone decided to hold a milk tanker up at gunpoint, which begs the question of 'why?' I mean what could he possibly get from a milk tanker? What a stupid waste of a crime. There was very little gain and enormous risks. So say he succeeds, cool he now has a milk tanker. But if the tanker doesn't return within 5 hours and no-one has heard from it then the authorities are alerted and a search is started. So the guy has 5 hours to hide a tanker and get away with around 40,000 litres of milk. *SMH* 


In conclusion the west coast is full of idiots.

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Bambambam Another one bites the dust


Now I have that stuck in my head...


i wonder if we could cosmerify songs...



For some reason, "Bohemian Rhapsody" seems best suited to Lightsong. 



I had a dream last night

There was a boat and there were waves

Something 'bout a watery grave 


Please don't raise your brow at me

I've got to know, I've got to see

If it's an ancient memory...

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For some reason, "Bohemian Rhapsody" seems best suited to Lightsong. 



I had a dream last night

There was a boat and there were waves

Something 'bout a watery grave 


Please don't raise your brow at me

I've got to know, I've got to see

If it's an ancient memory...

i was thinking Kaladin


Just killed a man

He was a sharbearer

He killed all of my friends

Stabbed his face and he was dead


Or something like that.

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