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Update on Mistborn: Birthright


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So the makers of the Mistborn video game just posted an update on their facebook.  We already knew about the pushed back release date thanks to Brandon but it is nice to know part of the reasons why.


Hi Mistborn fans...


First, we would like to apologize for the lack of updates on Birthright.


Here is a little background:

About a year and half ago we had just started full production on the game when half of the development studio working on Birthright got sold to another major publisher. Losing that many staff forced us to put the project on hold, but our expectation at the time was to immediately move to another developer and resume production.

We've now spent over a year trying to put all the pieces back together, so that we could give fans an meaningful update.

While there still isn't a lot of official detail that can be revealed at this time, here is what we can say:

- We are still very much committed to getting the game made, but it's important that we choose the right developer and deliver a game we can all be proud of

- We're staying with Brandon Sanderson's original storyline that he created just for the game back in 2012

- Due to the addition of new console platforms, we've made the decision to start over from scratch to support Xbox One, PS4, X360, PS3, and PC

- A new developer has been selected, but contracts are still in negotiation

- We're now targeting a Fall 2015 release date

We will definitely post more information as the project moves forward.


I for one would rather it be done well that to have them rush through it so I'm not to worried about the pushed back release.

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I for one would rather it be done well that to have them rush through it so I'm not to worried about the pushed back release.


Yes, I think we as Sanderson fans are used to "wait a few years for that sequel we're just dying for." Giving them another couple of years is worth it, if it means the game gets done right.

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Yes, I think we as Sanderson fans are used to "wait a few years for that sequel we're just dying for." Giving them another couple of years is worth it, if it means the game gets done right.

Actually as Sanderson fans, I'd think we'd be used to prolific results and new stuff every half a year roughly... but quality is never a problem.

I know if Sanderson put his name and time into it, it will be great. And it sounds like the team making it are really trying to preserve as much quality as possible, too and make it a spectacular game.

I for one don't mind waiting. Can't wait to see what they do.

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Yes, I think we as Sanderson fans are used to "wait a few years for that sequel we're just dying for." Giving them another couple of years is worth it, if it means the game gets done right.


In my experience, actually, it's fans of epic fantasy in general. Brandon breaks the rule and spoils us pretty hardcore with his frequent releases (though, in support of my original thought, it does take a look time between releases in the same world) :P


I am okay waiting year and a half for this. We know virtually nothing about it, so the hype hasn't kicked in just yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was reading through Mistborn today and I couldn't help but think that Mistborn would benefit highly from the Arkham treatment that Batman has been getting from Rocksteady. I'm worried that this game is gonna end up like a Devil May Cry clone that bombs harder than Little Orbit's Young Justice.

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I'm really happy that they've made a separate story and are not just redoing the books or waiting for the movie and basing it off that.

As to the game play and how it will work really had me worried at first, but now seeing what people are accomplishing with todays tech and hardware I cant help but think that this delayed release is only going to help us in the long run.


I'm also pretty sure I've seen some WoB somewhere saying that he wants the game to play out a bit like the Infamous Gameplay which could work really well when adapted for Allomancy


One of my biggest worries though is Little Orbit itself. Mistborn: Birthright is essentially their first big game and this could either make them or break them. I'm also not sure if they have the funds and the hardware to create the graphics and big explorable maps(maybe even openworld?) that has become the staple of todays big AA titles.

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I was reading through Mistborn today and I couldn't help but think that Mistborn would benefit highly from the Arkham treatment that Batman has been getting from Rocksteady. I'm worried that this game is gonna end up like a Devil May Cry clone that bombs harder than Little Orbit's Young Justice.



I didn't understand any of the things you just said.

Let me see if I can help here :) Just let me know if I misinterpreted anything Kev.


Kev is saying how he likes what Rocksteady, the company behind the recent batman videogames Arkham Asylum and Arkham city, has done with their batman games and he thinks that a similar style could work well for mistborn.


He is also saying that he is concerned that the mistborn game might be made in a fashion much more similar to the devil may cry games and might fail as being a substandard game of that type. He is also noting that Little orbit's recent game Young Justice Legacy did not go well and he is worried about mistborn being even worse if it was made in a similar style to Devil may cry.


(Sorry if I got anything wrong/am out of line here/iterated over stuff you already know.)

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Let me see if I can help here :) Just let me know if I misinterpreted anything Kev.


Kev is saying how he likes what Rocksteady, the company behind the recent batman videogames Arkham Asylum and Arkham city, has done with their batman games and he thinks that a similar style could work well for mistborn.


He is also saying that he is concerned that the mistborn game might be made in a fashion much more similar to the devil may cry games and might fail as being a substandard game of that type. He is also noting that Little orbit's recent game Young Justice Legacy did not go well and he is worried about mistborn being even worse if it was made in a similar style to Devil may cry.


(Sorry if I got anything wrong/am out of line here/iterated over stuff you already know.)

I think the problem is not that we can't extract that information, it's that we don't know why Devil may cry is inferior to Arkham. Is the problem the controls? The plot? The look of the game? The linearity or openness of it?

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I think the problem is not that we can't extract that information, it's that we don't know why Devil may cry is inferior to Arkham. Is the problem the controls? The plot? The look of the game? The linearity or openness of it?



Yes I have played not any of those video games. Can someone tell me what about Arkham was good, and what about the Justice game was poor?

I can openly admit that I have not played any of those games, namely because they simply don't fit my tastes. All 3 are spectacle fighters (I don't mean that as an insult to the games, just as a general description of them. I do know that many many people who enjoy that sort of game really like the batman games, they did well critically as well. As for young justice legacy, a quick scan of reviews finds a lot of criticism mainly talking about poor graphics, badly designed and inconsistent and unresponsive controls. But not having played any of them there is really nothing else I can contribute here, sorry :(


Back on the original topic I see it getting pushed back as more of a good thing than a bad one, making a good mistborn game (especially mechanically) is no small task (I spent a fair amount of time considering the possibilities and difficulties of such a game even before Birthright was announced :P). I sincerely hope that it goes well.

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It was nice of Brandon to write out the magic system's rules as something nice and specific, wasn't it? You've got a system that contains objects that push you away and objects that you push, made of things that would not conceivably be lying everywhere but are common enough to put them wherever you want without it looking silly. Compared to standard telekinesis, that makes for a much more plausible way to only let the player interact with the things you want them to.

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I think the problem is not that we can't extract that information, it's that we don't know why Devil may cry is inferior to Arkham. Is the problem the controls? The plot? The look of the game? The linearity or openness of it?

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Devil May Cry, its a flashy action game that is good at what it does, but it mainly shuffles you down corridors killing enemy after enemy until you reach the end of a stage. I think to follow the same model for a Mistborn game wouldn't really bring out the fun of having allomantic powers. I just mention it, because Orbit seems to make games like Young Justice that are more in line with that type of style.


I'd prefer to play a game that involves;


1) An open world (doesn't necessarily have to be Luthadel) which would allow you to Push/Pull your way through a giant city. You could have different missions which require you going into manors or buildings.

2) Puzzle elements that make use of your Allomantic Powers

3) A variety of enemys/mistings/haze killers that require different strategic approaches in combat.

4) Some form of free flow combat that highlights how a Mistborn is supposed to move and fight. 

5) Some kind of activity that is not combat related which requires you to do noblemenly things (Possibly making a deal for your house, spying on a rival, making alliances with other houses and other subterfuge)


When I think about a Mistborn, I think of a medieval superhero, to me the best superhero games in the past five years have been Batman and inFamous. 

Edited by KevThinker
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I would rather they make it an excellent game than a rushed one, the story line should be very interesting since it was written by Brandon, however we have no idea what the gameplay is going to be like (other than the fact that it will include allomancy :P ). Hopefully it will be an open world game sort of like the latest assassins creed.

(Parkour + allomancy sounds epic!)

Edited by Leonardus
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