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7 hours ago, Ookla the Archer said:

Does it count as a peeve if it's a seriously issue?

Either way, bisexual erasure bothers me. A lot.

The thing that's triggered my sudden posting of peevishness? I read an article which described one of the leads of DC's Legends of Tomorrow's a lesbian. Apparently the author decided to ignore the fact that the character in question had a romance sub-plot with two male characters over the course of the show(s) in addition to her female love interests.

Sloppy research, and contributing to the notion that bisexuality isn't really a thing. Let's make that two pet peeves.


Bi erasure really makes me upset. That, and how many bi and lesbian female characters have been killed off on popular TV shows within the last year or so.

Like, for example, The Walking Dead


Denise, Tara's girlfriend

died last season and I'm still upset about that. 



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1 hour ago, Ookla the Cat Lord said:

My comment on Judaism, Christianity and other religions from the family of "10 Commandments". Isn't the first commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", in a way admitting that there are other gods? 

Not the way I was brought up to understand it. As I was taught, there is only one true God, but allowing something else to take his place of importance in your life--be it a deity from another faith or something material like money--violated that commandment. Worshipping a different god didn't necessarily mean that said god was real; it just meant that you were putting them ahead of God in your life. 

At least, that's what I was taught. Others might have learned differently. 

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There actually is a large amount of extant evidence that Judaism is an offshoot of a much older, polytheistic religion.  The Garden of Eden was just Y's little corner of Creation; the other gods had their own places and their own people.  This is actually where the "who did Adam and Eve's sons marry?" plot hole came from.

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6 hours ago, bleeder said:

Bi erasure really makes me upset. That, and how many bi and lesbian female characters have been killed off on popular TV shows within the last year or so.

Like, for example, The Walking Dead

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Denise, Tara's girlfriend

died last season and I'm still upset about that. 



Corollary to that, I dislike the fact that bisexual males have...Let's say "limited" screen presence?

It's something I've been complaining for a while about. Bi!guys have to be one of the most under-represented slice of society.

(Bisexuality, in general, is poorly served, but I get the impression female bisexual characters are easier to find than males ones)

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Archer said:

Corollary to that, I dislike the fact that bisexual males have...Let's say "limited" screen presence?

It's something I've been complaining for a while about. Bi!guys have to be one of the most under-represented slice of society.

(Bisexuality, in general, is poorly served, but I get the impression female bisexual characters are easier to find than males ones)

This is true; as a Bi!guy, we are kind of underrepresented.

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23 hours ago, Ookla the Chibi said:

Ooh yes I've been in those classes. I had a teacher say ancient Egyptians wore robes and I was like uum no the guys wore miniskirts and the women wore a bunch of transparent layers it was freaking hot, and she mumbled and stumbled and kept going because facts ruined the religious point she was trying to make. 

Im all for religious lessons and differing opinions, but it does nobody any favours to be intellectually dishonest in order to make your point. 

149028.jpgits not a dress, it's a tunic!


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On 02/12/2016 at 7:56 PM, Ookla the Mythical said:

There actually is a large amount of extant evidence that Judaism is an offshoot of a much older, polytheistic religion.  The Garden of Eden was just Y's little corner of Creation; the other gods had their own places and their own people.  This is actually where the "who did Adam and Eve's sons marry?" plot hole came from.

An answer I've been given is "they married their sisters and genetics wasn't an issue because genes hadn't had time to mutate". 

I don't know that I like that answer. It's still incest. But it's a answer  

I have not yet read that Wikipedia page; I am loath to trust Wikipedia over y'know, the ancient traditions of my ancestors, no big deal or anything. :P 

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Chibi said:

An answer I've been given is "they married their sisters and genetics wasn't an issue because genes hadn't had time to mutate". 

I don't know that I like that answer. It's still incest. But it's a answer  

I have not yet read that Wikipedia page; I am loath to trust Wikipedia over y'know, the ancient traditions of my ancestors, no big deal or anything. :P 

It's a quickie summary with links to other sources, and there's ample evidence all over the place about the nature of the subject.  And people have never perpetuated distortions of their past before.

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@The Ooklent One - you're kind of off base on Asherah/Yahweh; Judaism didn't grow out of polytheistic Ba'al worship, but it did spend several centuries where the two religions were syncretically mixed. 

The Israelites came into Canaan with the Pentateuch and with a monotheistic deity; Asherah was a goddess of pre-Israelite Canaan. What happened is that over the centuries the Israelites adopted many of the pagan religious practices of the Canaanites; this often led to syncretic practice where Yahweh would be mixed with local Canaanite gods and religions. 

This syncretic practice is what 90% of the Old Testament prophets railed against. 


For the record, one of MY pet peeves is the JEDP hypothesis which claims that it was someone in Ezra or Nehemiah's time who wrote the Pentateuch. This came up in the 19th century because people didn't believe writing was invented until around the 8th century BC. Which is nonsense. 

Unfurtunately, the hypothesis has stuck around despite historical and archeological evidence (for example, the Pentateuch is structured in the form of a 15th century Hittite suzerainty treaty, something Moses, educated at a Hittite influence Egyptian court would have known, but Ezra or Nehemiah were born 9 centuries too late to see...) 

Edited by Ookla the Incorrigible
Realized that what I said sounded like a sharp rebuke - not intended.
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4 hours ago, Ookla the Chibi said:

An answer I've been given is "they married their sisters and genetics wasn't an issue because genes hadn't had time to mutate". 

I don't know that I like that answer. It's still incest. But it's a answer  

I have not yet read that Wikipedia page; I am loath to trust Wikipedia over y'know, the ancient traditions of my ancestors, no big deal or anything. :P 

Admittedly, I tend to look at any and all religions (including my own) in terms of their historical origins, development, and interaction with different cultures over the centuries.  Religious traditions change because it's in human nature to constantly question and reinterpret things.

It's actually kind of frustrating; there's a lot we don't know about the ancient Egyptian religion and its history.  Millennia of change and absorption of different cultures and incorporating those traditions into their own pantheon - there's a rich depth of knowledge that we've simply lost because so little that was written survived to this day.  Just imagine how much more we'd know - not just of the Egyptian culture, but every ancient culture - if the Library of Alexandria hadn't been torched.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Mythical said:

Admittedly, I tend to look at any and all religions (including my own) in terms of their historical origins, development, and interaction with different cultures over the centuries.  Religious traditions change because it's in human nature to constantly question and reinterpret things.

It's actually kind of frustrating; there's a lot we don't know about the ancient Egyptian religion and its history.  Millennia of change and absorption of different cultures and incorporating those traditions into their own pantheon - there's a rich depth of knowledge that we've simply lost because so little that was written survived to this day.  Just imagine how much more we'd know - not just of the Egyptian culture, but every ancient culture - if the Library of Alexandria hadn't been torched.

The torching of both Alexandria and of Baghdad - two of the grafter historical tragedies of learning :(

Stupid library burning jerks. 

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One of my pet peeves, is people saying one thing, and doing another.

My sisters fiance is like this.  He'll suggest something to do, to hang out.  Then I invite him to a thing I'm going to he's said he's enjoyed, and he'll cancel at the last minute.  If you don't want to hang out, that's fine.  But don't say you do, then cancel at the last minute.

That annoys me to no end.

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@Ookla the Pony UGH YES. I used to live in the end of a cul de sac, and visitors to our neighbors' houses would always park perpendicular to the curved curb so that the rears of their cars were blocking our driveway. Like seriously? Parallel parking in a cul de sac is the easiest parallel parking you will ever do, and you had to be a chull and roadblock us from getting in or out of our own house??

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22 minutes ago, Zathoth said:

Babies on public transportation should be illegal.

They should also be banned from certain upscale restaurants.

And if parents let there spawn run around in undesignated areas, they should be kicked out. I shouldn't have to constantly watch out for underfoot gremlins because people can't be bothered to be responsible.

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39 minutes ago, Deliiiiiightful said:

And women should be chained barefoot to their kitchens?

No women can do what they want, just don't bring little Shriekzoor where I need to hear it.

25 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

They should also be banned from certain upscale restaurants.

And if parents let there spawn run around in undesignated areas, they should be kicked out. I shouldn't have to constantly watch out for underfoot gremlins because people can't be bothered to be responsible.

You see in restaurants you have an obvious solution, not so on a bus.


Actually, babies should just be illegal in general.

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1 minute ago, Zathoth said:

No women can do what they want, just don't bring little Shriekzoor where I need to hear it.

You see in restaurants you have an obvious solution, not so on a bus.


Actually, babies should just be illegal in general.

So whenever she wants to leave the house she needs to hire a babysitter? Or leave her child unattended? That's ridiculous. 

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