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Pet Peeves


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  • 2 weeks later...

You know what really, really pisses me off? When a teacher acts all self-righteous, saying she doesn't pick favorites, and then proceeds to do exactly that. And ruins my friends days. It pisses me off that I know my dad would treat this talent infinitely better, but instead talent gets blatantly ignored in favor of those kids who kow-tow to her. This is exactly why I didn't bother with the show this year, but for the sake of my friends, it still pisses me off. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Okay... I'm not one to complain, but I have a pet peeve that just drives me absolutely psycho crazy insane! And you want to know what it is? It's the storming misconception about sushi! So sushi is one of those things that people either love or hate, personally I love it. What bugs me is the misconception/assumption that sushi has raw fish. I have constantly heard people say that they don't like sushi because they don't like raw fish. But nine times out of ten sushi doesn't even have raw fish, in fact sushi with raw fish is not even sushi! When there is raw fish it is called SASHIMI NOT SUSHI! Therefore saying you don't like sushi because you don't like raw fish is like saying you don't like apples because you don't like oranges, they're not the same thing! 

In conclusion: I hate it when people act like sashimi and sushi are the same thing. They are not.

Also in conclusion: Sashimi is gross, sushi is amazing. (Personal opinion.)

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32 minutes ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

Okay... I'm not one to complain, but I have a pet peeve that just drives me absolutely psycho crazy insane! And you want to know what it is? It's the storming misconception about sushi! So sushi is one of those things that people either love or hate, personally I love it. What bugs me is the misconception/assumption that sushi has raw fish. I have constantly heard people say that they don't like sushi because they don't like raw fish. But nine times out of ten sushi doesn't even have raw fish, in fact sushi with raw fish is not even sushi! When there is raw fish it is called SASHIMI NOT SUSHI! Therefore saying you don't like sushi because you don't like raw fish is like saying you don't like apples because you don't like oranges, they're not the same thing! 

In conclusion: I hate it when people act like sashimi and sushi are the same thing. They are not.

Also in conclusion: Sashimi is gross, sushi is amazing. (Personal opinion.)

Sushi literally means "sticky rice" in Japanese - it's referring to the method of presentation with rice. Sushi can have raw fish, or cooked fish, or be completely vegetarian.

Sashimi is the raw fish without the rice.

All of it is delicious. :P

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3 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Sushi literally means "sticky rice" in Japanese - it's referring to the method of presentation with rice. Sushi can have raw fish, or cooked fish, or be completely vegetarian.

Sashimi is the raw fish without the rice.

All of it is delicious. :P

That is true, I was thinking more my personal connotative definitions. I'm half Japanese so I grew up with the knowledge that if you want sushi with raw fish you order it with sashimi.  :)Even then, sushi in America (where I live) rarely has raw fish (unless you buy it from an Japanese restaurant), so it still stands that people should not judge sushi on a basis of raw fish.

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3 hours ago, TheVillageIdiot said:

That is true, I was thinking more my personal connotative definitions. I'm half Japanese so I grew up with the knowledge that if you want sushi with raw fish you order it with sashimi.  :)Even then, sushi in America (where I live) rarely has raw fish (unless you buy it from an Japanese restaurant), so it still stands that people should not judge sushi on a basis of raw fish.

I'm honestly not sure where you're getting sushi outside of a restaurant. Unless, like, you're talking about grocery store sushi. Which...well. Y'know. :ph34r:

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I also get annoyed at the 'sushi has raw fish' thing. I love sushi, and just don't understand why people seem so squeamish about it.
Sashimi, being raw, I can understand a little better. But a lot of people who seem to dislike sushi or sashimi don't seem to have actually tried it before...or much.
And our local woolworths actually does a decent sushi. Not as good as some other places, but decent.

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Was watching the recording of the opening ceremonies of the Pyeongchang Olympics and my mom pretty much became the female example of "oh there's grandpa spouting racist stuff" which gets on my nerves. She couldn't understand why the two Koreas were going under a unified flag and said those athletes from NK would be under guard at all times so as not to 'corrupt' the other athletes and she couldn't understand why Kim Jong-Un didn't smile for the athletes during the parade when she was waiting to see her people walking through the stadium.

When the commentators were giving their commentary on Korea she was all 'Who cares!' and fast forwarded to the post parade performance.

She also couldn't understand the country order at all. I had looked it up and told her it's in order of the Korean alphabet but she still couldn't understand why the US was in the M's with the B's coming next. For context USA is called Mi Guk so makes sense to come after Mong Al in Korean.

Pretty much she does this stuff when East Asia and the Middle East are concerned since she, for some reason, has a low opinion of both these regions. The Middle East I can understand because of 9/11, I've gotten over that years ago so I don't blame Middle Eastern people for that at all, but the Asia part is completely unwarranted. She tries to use Tianamen Square and North Korea's craziness as her reason but that doesn't give a good reason to include Japan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Indochina and Singapore since she never uses Vietnam War, Korean War and WWII as reasons to hate them. 

What makes her attitude really sad is she sometimes talks about when she was young and she was very much the opposite of being racist. She gets upset about black folks to the point that she'll use derogatory names to describe them, but never to their face, but when she was a little girl she was one of the few white kids who would be friends with black kids and even invited them to swim in their pool. The racism here is not something she got from her parents because they were the type to be passive aggressive towards the racists, like when someone complained to my grandma about having black kids in her pool she would say 'Why? Is something going to wash off?' as her passive way of saying 'It's my pool and I'll let anyone I want to swim in it so it's none of your business', so it's something she learned as she got older. Kind of sad when someone is accepting of others when young but unaccepting as an adult. Because of her general attitude I'm conflicted over whether to have her meet my gf or not since she's most definitely not white.

The only things that surprised me over the ceremony itself was seeing Kosovo having a team considering how Serbia is about them applying for everything like EU, UN, Eurovision and independence and also VP Mike Pence not standing up for the Korean team. That is pretty disrespectful not to stand and cheer for the host nation of the Olympics. It'd be like if when the LA Olympic Games comes around and nobody stood and cheered our team. 

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Olympic pet peeve? All the news commentators acting like the North Korean cheerleaders are this amazing thing when in reality they're being forced to smile and dance or else they and/or their families will be killed and it's never mentioned. All this touchy feely stuff only lasts so long as you stay ignorant to the methods of the scary scary totalitarian dictator.

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Here's a literary/cinematic trope that gets on my nerves: they mentioned their parents but didn't say who they were? Important!!!

It gets so annoying when fans assume the heroes, or anyone, unnamed parents have to be vastly important to the overall plot. Whenever I see people speculating all I think is 'who cares who their parents are? Can't they just be random people who just happened to birth the chosen one?'

Heck I haven't seen Star Wars 8 yet but I got spoiled on the Rey's parents one and it was one of my two ideas of who they were: either students of Luke's or just nobodies who happened to have a Force sensitive child and what do you know, I was right!

Most of this peeve stemmed from the whole 'Who is Jon Snow's mother?' question that got on my nerves. Before that got revealed on the show I didn't really give a flip who she was, especially when it was put up as high as 'who will win the Iron Throne?' and 'when will winter arrive?' So unless George pulls a retcon I'd say that stupid question is finally over now.

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Yeah @Draginon. What I hate most about it is not only the obsession, but people will be genuinely upset if they are wrong and use it as an excuse as to why the movie/book is bad. 

Star Wars and A Song of Ice and Fire have issues, but not conforming to your fan fiction or head cannon? That's not one of them. 

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7 hours ago, TheOrlionThatComesBefore said:

Yeah @Draginon. What I hate most about it is not only the obsession, but people will be genuinely upset if they are wrong and use it as an excuse as to why the movie/book is bad. 

Star Wars and A Song of Ice and Fire have issues, but not conforming to your fan fiction or head cannon? That's not one of them. 

This about sums up my entire issue with certain fan reactions.

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