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A general lack of misophonia awareness. If I could tell someone, "I have misophonia, so if you could please either stop cracking your gum/smacking your hard candy/chewing that fruit with your mouth wide open or find another attendant, you'd receive better service," it would do wonders for my sanity. As it stands, if I did that, they'd either do it louder and think they were very funny, or call for my manager. 

Because seriously, it's tough. A patron smacking hard candy will have me almost in tears, but if I ask them to stop, I'M the rude one. 

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2 hours ago, Delightful said:

Beurocracy. And anything resembling bearocracy. And spelling brurocracy! I'm not kidding I can't spell! 

I just spent an entire day organising and have got to the evening exhausted with nothing achieved.  

Bureaucracy? Like DMV offices? I hate the DMV.

2 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

A general lack of misophonia awareness. If I could tell someone, "I have misophonia, so if you could please either stop cracking your gum/smacking your hard candy/chewing that fruit with your mouth wide open or find another attendant, you'd receive better service," it would do wonders for my sanity. As it stands, if I did that, they'd either do it louder and think they were very funny, or call for my manager. 

Because seriously, it's tough. A patron smacking hard candy will have me almost in tears, but if I ask them to stop, I'M the rude one. 

I have some friends with misophonia. It bothers me how inconsiderate people can be sometimes, y'know?

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12 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Bureaucracy? Like DMV offices? I hate the DMV.

I have some friends with misophonia. It bothers me how inconsiderate people can be sometimes, y'know?

Those people who get offended when asked to stop making loud noises with their mouth-holes are essentially saying "It's rude of you to ask me to stop something that is causing you almost physical pain." It'd be like getting offended when asked to stop slapping someone in the face. 

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Bureaucracy? Like DMV offices? I hate the DMV.

I have some friends with misophonia. It bothers me how inconsiderate people can be sometimes, y'know?

DMV. Banks. Government offices. Any offices. Paperwork and waiting and more paperwork and more waiting and walking out without getting what you wanted done. 

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31 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


People like us, to be more accurate?

And yes, that video sums it up pretty well, just minus the electric shock therapy used on some gay teens to try and "shock the gay out of them".

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Just now, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

It'd be awesome if being LGBT came with actual superpowers. As it stands, I've got the power to shut down all conversation at family dinners, the power to give my grandmother a heart attack, and….that's about it. 

I've got the power to... make other dudes extremely uncomfortable, and confuse everyone with my unfathomably complex sexuality?

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5 hours ago, Oversleep said:

@Delightful, I think you are an aspiring anarchist :ph34r:

No....I'd just appreciate efficiency. :P

4 hours ago, Mestiv said:

@Delightful from what I have gathered from your recent posts here and there I came to a conclusion that you've left Australia and are now getting some formalities done somewhere else for a longer stay. Is that right? :ph34r:

How perceptive of you. *twiddles moustache*

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41 minutes ago, Delightful said:

How perceptive of you. *twiddles moustache*

Now, maybe I'm perceptive, but I didn't expect you to have mustache :P unless, your twiddling someone else's mustache...

Back to topic: 

I hate it that it's so hard to clean up after using electric trimmer to cut my beard. Those little pieces of hair are everywhere :/

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9 hours ago, Mestiv said:

Now, maybe I'm perceptive, but I didn't expect you to have mustache :P unless, your twiddling someone else's mustache...

Back to topic: 

I hate it that it's so hard to clean up after using electric trimmer to cut my beard. Those little pieces of hair are everywhere :/

I could have a moustache. You don't know. :ph34r: 

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When a client sends back one of our Monster Repelling Devices* covered in spiderwebs, rodent feces, or other types of filth. WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING WITH OUR TECHNOLOGY



*They don't really do this. They're much more mundane than that. Probably. :ph34r:

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On Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 10:40 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

A general lack of misophonia awareness. If I could tell someone, "I have misophonia, so if you could please either stop cracking your gum/smacking your hard candy/chewing that fruit with your mouth wide open or find another attendant, you'd receive better service," it would do wonders for my sanity. As it stands, if I did that, they'd either do it louder and think they were very funny, or call for my manager. 

Because seriously, it's tough. A patron smacking hard candy will have me almost in tears, but if I ask them to stop, I'M the rude one. 

UGH YES. Basically this same thing happened to me 

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Sorry for double post. Mobile is haVing seizures with quotes. What I was trying to say was this:

Same thing happened to me in class today. A girl sitting immediately behind me started eating a Starburst or a piece of taffy or something and chewing it like a cow, I kid you not: mouth wide open and making the most hideous slurping and smacking noises. After grinding my teeth through a few min of that and hoping she'd stop on her own, I finally turned around and said, "Whatever you're eating, could you please chew it with your mouth closed so it doesn't make that smacking noise?" And she looked at me like I'd just grown a second head. I can't think of any way I could've possibly phrased it any more politely, but she acted like I'd just asked her to stop thinking so loud. She stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "okaaayyyy..." as if humoring a crazy person just to make them calm down.

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I can't remember if I've mentioned it before, but oh well. If I have, then I'll gladly hide the post.

I've heard people talk about how stupid it is when villains monologue and basically outline their entire plan for the hero, so it's insanely easy for them to defeat the villain later. Annoying and stupid on the part of the protagonist, sure, but what I hate is when the hero, after successfuly apprehending the villain, gives them tips on exactly how they can improve their evil plan. 

For example: (Iron Man 2 spoilers)


Like how after Russian McWhatsisface shows up at the race and is subsequently defeated and arrested, Tony visits him in prison and tells him where he went wrong with building the ARC reactor, and what he could've done to make it powerful enough to have actually succeeded in his attack.

Guess what happens after Russian McWhatsisface escapes from prison? Takes Tony's advice and almost kills him as a result.

It's your own fault you almost got killed now, idiot. <_< 


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