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3 hours ago, Slowswift said:

I can't remember if I've mentioned it before, but oh well. If I have, then I'll gladly hide the post.

I've heard people talk about how stupid it is when villains monologue and basically outline their entire plan for the hero, so it's insanely easy for them to defeat the villain later. Annoying and stupid on the part of the protagonist, sure, but what I hate is when the hero, after successfuly apprehending the villain, gives them tips on exactly how they can improve their evil plan. 

For example: (Iron Man 2 spoilers)

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Like how after Russian McWhatsisface shows up at the race and is subsequently defeated and arrested, Tony visits him in prison and tells him where he went wrong with building the ARC reactor, and what he could've done to make it powerful enough to have actually succeeded in his attack.

Guess what happens after Russian McWhatsisface escapes from prison? Takes Tony's advice and almost kills him as a result.

It's your own fault you almost got killed now, idiot. <_< 


That *is* classic arrogant Tony though. 

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7 minutes ago, bleeder said:

True. Tony has always been bad at recognizing his own faults, since he's always been Millionaire Playboy Stark with a Family Secret that will Haunt Him Forever.

Read Secret History of Tony Stark, I liked it alot, a bit because it humiliated Tony and made him realise he isn't the biggest thing in the world. Or worlds I should say

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16 hours ago, Sunbird said:

Sorry for double post. Mobile is haVing seizures with quotes. What I was trying to say was this:

Same thing happened to me in class today. A girl sitting immediately behind me started eating a Starburst or a piece of taffy or something and chewing it like a cow, I kid you not: mouth wide open and making the most hideous slurping and smacking noises. After grinding my teeth through a few min of that and hoping she'd stop on her own, I finally turned around and said, "Whatever you're eating, could you please chew it with your mouth closed so it doesn't make that smacking noise?" And she looked at me like I'd just grown a second head. I can't think of any way I could've possibly phrased it any more politely, but she acted like I'd just asked her to stop thinking so loud. She stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "okaaayyyy..." as if humoring a crazy person just to make them calm down.

"Hey, uh, sorry to bother you, but would you mind not pulling my hair repeatedly?" 
*pulls hair again* 
"Seriously, we're in the middle of a test and it's really hard for me to concentrate with you pulling my hair." 
*pulls hair* 
"Please, please knock it off, or I'm going to ask the teacher to move us to different ends of the room." 
"Ugh, fine, if you're gonna be all mean about it." 

Basically the same principle. 

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People planning their own weddings... in high school. I know people who plan to get married to their current significant other as soon as they turn eighteen. They have names planned out for their three kids and everything.


Speaking of, we just watched 3 birthing videos in Family Life (basically sex ed) and it was terrible. 

I never want to have kids. Especially if I marry a woman. If I marry a man I might consider adoption, but childbirth was painful to even watch.

To all you females and other people with female parts out there... I am truly sorry. 

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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Speaking of, we just watched 3 birthing videos in Family Life (basically sex ed) and it was terrible. 

I never want to have kids. Especially if I marry a woman. If I marry a man I might consider adoption, but childbirth was painful to even watch.

To all you females and other people with female parts out there... I am truly sorry. 

Ironically, it was those sort of things—not videos, but "miracle of life" books and Twimom's frank talks about pregnancy and childbirth—that squicked me out of having kids. And they were presented as "oh, look at this, it's *sniff* so beautiful," but my mind was just going "Nope nope nope nope nope." 

Maybe I'll adopt. Maybe. 

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23 hours ago, bleeder said:

People planning their own weddings... in high school. I know people who plan to get married to their current significant other as soon as they turn eighteen. They have names planned out for their three kids and everything.


Speaking of, we just watched 3 birthing videos in Family Life (basically sex ed) and it was terrible. 

I never want to have kids. Especially if I marry a woman. If I marry a man I might consider adoption, but childbirth was painful to even watch.

To all you females and other people with female parts out there... I am truly sorry. 

I've had friends looking up wedding dresses and they don't have a significant other. It's just a weird thing girls do sometimes. 

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I went and voted early yesterday and was peeved when one of the questions on the ballot asked if I was in favor of amending the state constitution to modify the oaths taken by elected officials, but it neglected to say anything about how the oath would be modified if the proposal succeeded.

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9 hours ago, Sunbird said:

I went and voted early yesterday and was peeved when one of the questions on the ballot asked if I was in favor of amending the state constitution to modify the oaths taken by elected officials, but it neglected to say anything about how the oath would be modified if the proposal succeeded.

My state had the proposed constitutional amendments written out for voters…..in legalese that also barely managed to convey what the amendment would do. You could basically translate most of them to "This amendment would do a thing that's different from the thing the previous amendment did."

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12 hours ago, Sunbird said:

I went and voted early yesterday and was peeved when one of the questions on the ballot asked if I was in favor of amending the state constitution to modify the oaths taken by elected officials, but it neglected to say anything about how the oath would be modified if the proposal succeeded.

My sister early-voted yesterday too. Then we went and got Japanese food. 

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A couple of days ago someone I know from choir mentioned something about how she's kind of a therapist for her friends. She said "but they don't have your kind of problems, though."

I've never talked to her about any of my problems. I don't care if her friends do have different struggles than I do. It's not nice to make assumptions.

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32 minutes ago, Mistrunner said:

A couple of days ago someone I know from choir mentioned something about how she's kind of a therapist for her friends. She said "but they don't have your kind of problems, though."

I've never talked to her about any of my problems. I don't care if her friends do have different struggles than I do. It's not nice to make assumptions.

Rude! You've probably heard the saying, "ASSUME makes a [chull] out of U and ME," but in this case it was definitely just her who was made a chull.

29 minutes ago, bleeder said:

These kinds of people are best left alone. 


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Getting cornered by people who spill their entire emotionally scarring backstories in uncomfortable detail. 

Now, don't get me wrong: I am always willing to lend an ear. If someone needs to talk, be it a good friend or a near-stranger, I will listen. This happens….more often than you might think, since I guess I have one of those faces that says "TELL ME YOUR SECRETS." But I know that if someone is in so much emotional pain that they're willing to spill their entire story to a stranger, then they really need someone to listen, so I'll be that person if I need to be. 

But when you follow me into the dog park and sit there, rambling at me for 40 minutes straight about a backstory that stretches credulity, when I stand up and you hold me in place talking about your allegedly horrible daughter for another five minutes, when you follow me to the gate rambling the whole time, then I don't feel like I lent an ear to a soul in need. I just feel used. 

And, to make matters worse, there were cute girls my age that I didn't get to flirt with. 

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4 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

Large-ish, I hear. New Orleans is fairly queer-friendly, as cities go. 

That must be nice. 


Le Twi and Supreme Canine Overlord Bruce at dog park sidling up to attractive young female with dog

"So... come here often?"

"Yeah this is a municipal dog park."

"Cool, cool... got a special someone? Boyfriend... girlfriend...?"

"Nope just a dog."

"That's hot."

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4 minutes ago, bleeder said:

That must be nice. 


Le Twi and Supreme Canine Overlord Bruce at dog park sidling up to attractive young female with dog

"So... come here often?"

"Yeah this is a municipal dog park."

"Cool, cool... got a special someone? Boyfriend... girlfriend...?"

"Nope just a dog."

"That's hot."

That's almost how I flirt, except more like this: 

"Yeah, this is a municipal dog park."
"Cool, cool. So…um….do you like bread?" 


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10 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

That's almost how I flirt, except more like this: 

"Yeah, this is a municipal dog park."
"Cool, cool. So…um….do you like bread?" 


At least you can flirt. There's no one around me worth the time/effort to flirt with.

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52 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

That's almost how I flirt, except more like this: 

"Yeah, this is a municipal dog park."
"Cool, cool. So…um….do you like bread?" 


I mean... I'm sure you can lead bread into a sandwich innuendo, so at least it has that going on for it.

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10 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

If the weather suddenly turns and you're caught in freezing rain (like my siblings and I were one Halloween—thank you, Wyoming) then I can see driving from house to house. But in temperate weather, there's just no excuse. 

See, in your case, I could understand, but otherwise... Laziness, plain and simple. :P

Can't even take care of a tan Corolla.

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