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59 minutes ago, Quiver said:

You've known me for more than twenty years.

How many more times do I have to tell you that if you're going to smoke in the car, roll down the window? I don't want to breath it in. 

Lighting up in the car - sounds like a good way to get banned from my car for life.  And from me ever riding in that person's car.  Even with all the windows wide open, that'd be a death sentence for me.

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@Quiver What Kaymyth said. If somebody started smoking in my car without permission (and I'd never give permission), I'd kick them out then and there. It's inconsiderate to endanger other people's health to feed your own destructive addiction.

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9 hours ago, Quiver said:

You've known me for more than twenty years.

How many more times do I have to tell you that if you're going to smoke in the car, roll down the window? I don't want to breath it in. 

I just don't hang around people who smoke tobacco.

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2 hours ago, bleeder said:

I just don't hang around people who smoke tobacco.

It's not always this easy.

I have asthma. Smoke in general is a trigger (so is perfume), but tobacco smoke is an extreme one.  One whiff from the breeze blowing it from someone 20 feet away and it's an instant coughing fit.  Prolonged exposure will send me into a full attack, and while I have a rescue inhaler, it's only really effective if I get away from the trigger.  I have to be careful at outdoor events.  No rock concerts.  Can't stick around many of the shows at the RenFaire.  No outdoor restaurant seating.  Hell, I can't even sit inside a restaurant that has a smoking section.  I'm not talking about sitting in the non-smoking section, I mean I can't stay in one with it at all, because no matter how far away I am, it will carry over and it will make me sick.

So even if I'm doing something as simple as walking through a parking lot, I have to keep an eye out.  And if I spot a smoker, I take a deep breath and hold it as I go past them.  And sometimes I can't hold it long enough.

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My coworker's need to be a part of EVERY conversation. We can be in the back room, at the other end of our shared desk, or in a corner of the department--doesn't matter where we are. If he sees two of his coworkers talking, he WILL walk up and ask what they're talking about. 

I know you want to be included, but....dude. 

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12 hours ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

My coworker's need to be a part of EVERY conversation. We can be in the back room, at the other end of our shared desk, or in a corner of the department--doesn't matter where we are. If he sees two of his coworkers talking, he WILL walk up and ask what they're talking about. 

I know you want to be included, but....dude. 

Bah, I feel like that everyday. Everyone's talking to each other about whatever. And there I am, just...there. Twi I think ur being really hard on him, seriously, something tells me he doesn't have any real friends, sometimes I don't think I do, cos everyone ignores me, or looks at me weirdly. Take it easy. 

I wish people could tolerate more, my father can't tolerate anything. Which includes me most of the time. Everyone I know can only criticise, which I hate, why can't anyone be positive??? 

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4 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Bah, I feel like that everyday. Everyone's talking to each other about whatever. And there I am, just...there. Twi I think ur being really hard on him, seriously, something tells me he doesn't have any real friends, sometimes I don't think I do, cos everyone ignores me, or looks at me weirdly. Take it easy. 

I wish people could tolerate more, my father can't tolerate anything. Which includes me most of the time. Everyone I know can only criticise, which I hate, why can't anyone be positive??? 

He'll leave the front desk unmanned to pop into the back room and see what two coworkers are talking about. Most of the time, this means having to say the same thing twice. I get that he wants to be a part of things, but that's not the way to do it. 

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On 4 November 2016 at 10:33 PM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

He'll leave the front desk unmanned to pop into the back room and see what two coworkers are talking about. Most of the time, this means having to say the same thing twice. I get that he wants to be a part of things, but that's not the way to do it. 

Have u approached him with those? He seems  socially awkward and a bitter. You've been complaining about him here for a while, and I get he annoys the heck out of you, but sometimes this sounds like backbiting. 

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5 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Have u approached him with those? He seems  socially awkward and a bitter. You've been complaining about him here for a while, and I get he annoys the heck out of you, but sometimes this sounds like backbiting. 

The guy scared me. At one point, I was considering reporting him to my supervisor for workplace harassment. Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not. He was making me nervous, and now, his behavior does annoy me. I'll shut up about him if it bothers you so much, but please consider that my opinion matters too. 

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8 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Have u approached him with those? He seems  socially awkward and a bitter. You've been complaining about him here for a while, and I get he annoys the heck out of you, but sometimes this sounds like backbiting. 


1 minute ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The guy scared me. At one point, I was considering reporting him to my supervisor for workplace harassment. Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not. He was making me nervous, and now, his behavior does annoy me. I'll shut up about him if it bothers you so much, but please consider that my opinion matters too. 

She is the one going through all this in "real life", after all. I think it's best for her to talk about it on here, rather than a ) don't talk about it at all, or b ) talk to him without getting a few opinions first. 

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On 5 November 2016 at 10:12 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

The guy scared me. At one point, I was considering reporting him to my supervisor for workplace harassment. Doesn't matter if it's intentional or not. He was making me nervous, and now, his behavior does annoy me. I'll shut up about him if it bothers you so much, but please consider that my opinion matters too. 

It doesn't bother me too much, continue ranting. And of course your opinion matters. But I think u should talk to him.

reminds me of that Seinfeld episode. The one about the "sidler" can't remember what it's called. It was the same one where Jerry drugs his girlfriend to play with her toys. 

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I'm really getting irritated with Wattpad—namely, the club mods. Apparently, agreeing to read someone else's story if they read yours is advertising. Mentioning your story outside the designated threads is advertising. Offhandedly saying you've written a story outside of a designated thread is advertising. 

And of course the mods close the thread before you can challenge their judgements from on high. <_< I know I'm probably being rash here, but I'm really, really thinking about leaving the site, because this is starting to piss me off. They put the rules in a pinned thread on all the clubs, but there seems to be so much leeway that the mods can interpret those rules any storming way they please. I've tried to follow them and failed, without even knowing I failed until the mod shut down the thread. 

Oh, and did I mention that when they shut down a thread, they call out the offenders by their handle? Yeah, they put you on a storming naughty list for everyone to see. Again, there's no way to challenge this. No way to defend yourself. No way to say "Sorry, I had thought the rules were interpreted this way instead of that way." Now everyone's going to lump me in with the authors who create threads just to advertise their stories—the ones who don't even try to follow the rules. 

Edit: I'll probably just leave the clubs, save for maybe a thread or two that seems safe. 

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Just completed a mini essay about Shakespeare's "Sonnet 116," (due tomorrow, might I add) in which I went extremely in depth, read wa-a-a-a-ay too deep into iambs, and used far too much personification, in under an hour, only to find that my printer is broken. <_<

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There is one good thing on History channel: Barbarians Rising. Do recommend.

59 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I move to rename it the Used to be About History Channel. :ph34r:

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