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Pet Peeves


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Peeve: Modern worship songs. They're absurdly catchy, to the point where I'll be browsing a random site and see a handful of words that happen to be the title of a worship song, and all of a sudden that song will be in my head. It doesn't matter that I haven't heard these songs in months (or, in the cases of songs that went out of style when the early 2000s ended, years). When I see those words, the song is there, as though it's been waiting. 

And there's no removing it. Not by ordinary means. Once a worship chorus is in your head, it's there for the long haul, my friend. 

Edited by Ookla the Pug-whisperer
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1 hour ago, Ookla the Pug-whisperer said:

Peeve: Modern worship songs. They're absurdly catchy, to the point where I'll be browsing a random site and see a handful of words that happen to be the title of a worship song, and all of a sudden that song will be in my head. It doesn't matter that I haven't heard these songs in months (or, in the cases of songs that went out of style when the early 2000s ended, years). When I see those words, the song is there, as though it's been waiting. 

And there's no removing it. Not by ordinary means. Once a worship chorus is in your head, it's there for the long haul, my friend. 

The only surefire way to remove an earworm is to replace it with an even more annoying and catchy earworm.

That's right.

"Yellow Submarine" is your only salvation.

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29 minutes ago, Ookla the Mythical said:

The only surefire way to remove an earworm is to replace it with an even more annoying and catchy earworm.

That's right.

"Yellow Submarine" is your only salvation.

I always found I Am The Walrus catchier.

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21 minutes ago, Ooklasaurus said:

I always found I Am The Walrus catchier.

I don't really find "I Am the Walrus" to be an earworm because it's so weird and nonsensical that I can't ever remember enough of it to get stuck in my head.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Flighty said:

I don't really find "I Am the Walrus" to be an earworm because it's so weird and nonsensical that I can't ever remember enough of it to get stuck in my head.

Look up The Chasers War On Everything 'I Am Thesauras'. 


You're welcome :D 

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5 hours ago, Ookla the Flighty said:

I don't really find "I Am the Walrus" to be an earworm because it's so weird and nonsensical that I can't ever remember enough of it to get stuck in my head.

That is exactly  why I find it so catchy.

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A huge pet peeve for me is choices that aren't real. 

My school is Catholic, and thus, we have religion class. I used to enjoy it because the teacher would let people debate, and ask questions if they didn't think something sounded right. I recently started a new trimester, however, and the new teacher is very fond of telling instead of debating. For instance, today she was talking about saviors in different religions and had the class form groups and present from a list of different "saviors". The problem was, all the "saviors" besides Jesus on the list were not really saviors in their respective religions. Buddha, Prometheus, and Thor were a few of the choices, and the class was supposed to find how the "saviors" would save humanity and what they promised for the afterlife. The problem was, none of these fit those criteria at all! It just felt so rigged.

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44 minutes ago, Ookla the Voidish said:

A huge pet peeve for me is choices that aren't real. 

My school is Catholic, and thus, we have religion class. I used to enjoy it because the teacher would let people debate, and ask questions if they didn't think something sounded right. I recently started a new trimester, however, and the new teacher is very fond of telling instead of debating. For instance, today she was talking about saviors in different religions and had the class form groups and present from a list of different "saviors". The problem was, all the "saviors" besides Jesus on the list were not really saviors in their respective religions. Buddha, Prometheus, and Thor were a few of the choices, and the class was supposed to find how the "saviors" would save humanity and what they promised for the afterlife. The problem was, none of these fit those criteria at all! It just felt so rigged.

Thor saved us from the Ice Giants :P




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52 minutes ago, Ookla the Voidish said:

A huge pet peeve for me is choices that aren't real. 

My school is Catholic, and thus, we have religion class. I used to enjoy it because the teacher would let people debate, and ask questions if they didn't think something sounded right. I recently started a new trimester, however, and the new teacher is very fond of telling instead of debating. For instance, today she was talking about saviors in different religions and had the class form groups and present from a list of different "saviors". The problem was, all the "saviors" besides Jesus on the list were not really saviors in their respective religions. Buddha, Prometheus, and Thor were a few of the choices, and the class was supposed to find how the "saviors" would save humanity and what they promised for the afterlife. The problem was, none of these fit those criteria at all! It just felt so rigged.

Ooh yes I've been in those classes. I had a teacher say ancient Egyptians wore robes and I was like uum no the guys wore miniskirts and the women wore a bunch of transparent layers it was freaking hot, and she mumbled and stumbled and kept going because facts ruined the religious point she was trying to make. 

Im all for religious lessons and differing opinions, but it does nobody any favours to be intellectually dishonest in order to make your point. 

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50 minutes ago, Ookla the Voidish said:

A huge pet peeve for me is choices that aren't real. 

My school is Catholic, and thus, we have religion class. I used to enjoy it because the teacher would let people debate, and ask questions if they didn't think something sounded right. I recently started a new trimester, however, and the new teacher is very fond of telling instead of debating. For instance, today she was talking about saviors in different religions and had the class form groups and present from a list of different "saviors". The problem was, all the "saviors" besides Jesus on the list were not really saviors in their respective religions. Buddha, Prometheus, and Thor were a few of the choices, and the class was supposed to find how the "saviors" would save humanity and what they promised for the afterlife. The problem was, none of these fit those criteria at all! It just felt so rigged.

The "savior" label is already framing things in Christianity.

Buddha?  No afterlife in Buddhism, just a repeated cycle of lives (and "All life is suffering.")  The proclamation was one of being able to escape this endless cycle.  How?  Varies a lot by which branch of Buddhism.

Prometheus?  Well, "not freezing to death" is a sort of saving humanity, I guess, but the afterlife in Greek myth was already an absolute.

Thor?  This is just an attempt to ridicule other religions.

And Jesus?  The "savior" concept there is that God had to trick the devil into allowing people's sins to be... absorbed, I guess is the word?  Into hell.  Really, this part was a retcon of the whole cosmology of Judaism, at a time when Judaism had already retconned its polytheistic past (look up Asherah some time.)

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Does it count as a peeve if it's a seriously issue?

Either way, bisexual erasure bothers me. A lot.

The thing that's triggered my sudden posting of peevishness? I read an article which described one of the leads of DC's Legends of Tomorrow's a lesbian. Apparently the author decided to ignore the fact that the character in question had a romance sub-plot with two male characters over the course of the show(s) in addition to her female love interests.

Sloppy research, and contributing to the notion that bisexuality isn't really a thing. Let's make that two pet peeves.


Edited by Ookla the Archer
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11 hours ago, The Ooklent One said:

And Jesus?  The "savior" concept there is that God had to trick the devil into allowing people's sins to be... absorbed, I guess is the word?  Into hell.  Really, this part was a retcon of the whole cosmology of Judaism, at a time when Judaism had already retconned its polytheistic past (look up Asherah some time.)

I'm curious as to what you mean by Judaism's polytheistic past. According to the Torah, an Asherah is a tree which has been (or is being) used in pagan worship. What does this have to do with Judaism?

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My comment on Judaism, Christianity and other religions from the family of "10 Commandments". Isn't the first commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me", in a way admitting that there are other gods? 

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