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Just now, Deliiiiiightful said:

Well, I'm sure glad you're not in charge of making laws or anything.

What are you talking about? The world would have a 100% less humans if I was in charge, that would make the world a much better place.

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Just now, Deliiiiiightful said:

And you get to be Cthulhu? How does this work?

If no one has children there wont be more humans, which is going to fix all of humanities problems, that are mostly caused by there being people in the first place.

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Just now, Zathoth said:

If no one has children there wont be more humans, which is going to fix all of humanities problems, that are mostly caused by there being people in the first place.

I mean....humanity can have no problems if humanity doesn't exist. Its like a story ends when the main plot threads are tied up or when everyone dies.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Sunrise Watcher said:

How come people still don't get you, @Zathoth? You are not exactly hiding your lovecraftian views... :ph34r:

Anyway, to sound less morbid, instead of banning reproduction try to kick-off a Worldwide Sex Abolishment Movement.

I don't know, it was a funny little comedy act though.

That would just be just banning fun though, I'm not evil.

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This Hebrew teacher of mine. She's one of those people who can never admit fault, even when she explains a word by mistranslating into English and four English speakers tell her she's wrong. 

To look down on someone is not the same thing as underestimate. My friend actually clarified "so you mean to not see the potential in someone?"

"no. to think they're less than. To underestimate"

You don't applicate for something. You apply. 

Another one: [hebrew word] means when you just want pleasure and don't care about anyone else. In English, 'decadence'  

you mean hedonist? 

No decadence.

decadence is like, extravagant.

no it's not. It's when you just think about yourself.

To clarify; I have zero problem that she doesn't speak perfect English. I just wish she'd stop pretending she does and using it as a teaching tool. 

Edited by Deliiiiiightful
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17 minutes ago, Orlion Determined said:

Harry Potter events taking up one's Barnes & Noble. Grumble... 

I may or may not have considered going to one of those held in my city….but then I remembered that Harry Potter = wildly popular = lots of fans = bookstore jammed with people stealing my introvert energies like a bunch of cheerful and colorfully dressed dementors. 

Besides, Barnes and Noble doesn't allow dogs, and what's the point of going to a Yule Ball if I can't bring Bruce along as my suspiciously natural-colored and squeaky Patronus? :P 

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53 minutes ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I may or may not have considered going to one of those held in my city….but then I remembered that Harry Potter = wildly popular = lots of fans = bookstore jammed with people stealing my introvert energies like a bunch of cheerful and colorfully dressed dementors. 

Besides, Barnes and Noble doesn't allow dogs, and what's the point of going to a Yule Ball if I can't bring Bruce along as my suspiciously natural-colored and squeaky Patronus? :P 

You do have an oddly squeaky and incredibly cute Patronus. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I may or may not have considered going to one of those held in my city….but then I remembered that Harry Potter = wildly popular = lots of fans = bookstore jammed with people stealing my introvert energies like a bunch of cheerful and colorfully dressed dementors. 

Besides, Barnes and Noble doesn't allow dogs, and what's the point of going to a Yule Ball if I can't bring Bruce along as my suspiciously natural-colored and squeaky Patronus? :P 

You pretty much hit the nail on the head. 

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"I have access to an entire world of information and technology in good condition, and an entire building full of people with fancy degrees, ready and willing to help me at a moment's notice--for free! I'm going to throw a hissy fit when I'm told I owe them money for keeping their materials past the due date and punish them for my easily avoidable mistakes!" #LibraryPatronLogic

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Guys, I'm triggered.

So you know how I teach college students, right? Well, I gave my final today, and I want to complain.

You see, as an instructor my goal with exams is for students to show what they know. I don't believe in ridiculously hard exams that are curved like crazy. I like straightforward exams where students can show off that they do know things.

To this end I made sure this final had problems that were stated very clearly. "Use Green's Theorem to compute this". "Use Stokes' Theorem to compute this." "Use the divergence theorem to compute this." I am basically instructing them onto the path on how to do the problem.

Do teachers somewhere else phrase things this way, but students just think that's there to trick them? Because when I tell you to freaking use the theorem, that's because the problem is way way easier if you do it this way. It's the difference between a three line, standard problem, and you doing a full page problem. I am telling you what to do to save you time! That's like if I cooked people free food and they slap it away because they want to cook the exact same meal themselves, just because. Don't you want free food!

There is even a problem where part a of the problem has you compute a quantity, and in part b, we say, "Compute this using your result from part a." And yet, people totally ignore this even though they usually compute the first part totally correctly. It is mind blowing. 

Shockingly, you'll never guess what happened. Because people spent their effort doing things the directions explicitly told them to not do, the exam seemed too long. Whoa! Maybe we should have read the instructions or something. 

I'm dying a little inside. 

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