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Brandon's teaching

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Okay, so I know Brandon teaches one class per term or so on writing at BYU. That is awesome. I would die if I could take that class. But alas, I live in Missouri and have no hope of making out there for that long. I think it would be awesome if he could put together an online course. I am doing my undergrad in Creative Writing online so I know this type of course can be taught in this type of class setting. Would anyone else take a class like this? It would obviously cost money and all that. But you know, he could throw one together with all that free time he has, right?!?! :rolleyes:

Edited by Endra kin'Fox
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Okay, so I know Brandon teaches one class per term or so on writing at BYU. That is awesome. I would die if I could take that class. But alas, I live in Missouri and have no hope of making out there for that long. I think it would be awesome if he could put together an online course. I am doing my undergrad in Creative Writing online so I know this type of course can be taught in this type of class setting. Would anyone else take a class like this? It would obviously cost money and all that. But you know, he could throw one together with all that free time he has, right?!?! :rolleyes:

apparently you live in the same state i do.

Anywho, i would probably sign up for something like that, if i were taking some sort of writing degree courses.

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also Endra: planning to threaten Brandon with a Shardblade to get him to teach a course? :D

:D I want that class! But I suppose it would be an empty threat. I wouldn't use it on him, considering my respect for him. But threats are within my power.

Edited by Endra kin'Fox
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You may think he has free time, but I'm pretty sure you would be wrong. There's a reason he only teaches one class a year.

Haha. My mention of his free time was in complete sarcasm. It's just a little hard to convey tone of voice through type. This man sounds like the busiest person I can think of.

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BYU is the biggest Nazi of Brandon's classes too as of late. They put him in a smaller classroom each month with less seats making it so if you aren't in the class you can't sit in it. Which is funny because there are a ton of classes where you can just go sit in and learn.

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BYU is the biggest Nazi of Brandon's classes too as of late. They put him in a smaller classroom each month with less seats making it so if you aren't in the class you can't sit in it. Which is funny because there are a ton of classes where you can just go sit in and learn.

Honestly, it kinda makes sense, if you ask me.

Before when he was small time, he probably had a handful of people who wanted to come around and sit in. But now that he's gained in popularity, they probably don't want 500 people just "happening by" and coming and sitting in on his classes.

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The funny thing is that BYU supposedly allows non-students to sit in on classes. As long as you aren't a distraction. I was suprised that they did that sort of thing to even begin with. They've slowly been making his class rooms smaller and smaller. But alas it would be a free class for a lot of people too though.

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The funny thing is that BYU supposedly allows non-students to sit in on classes. As long as you aren't a distraction. I was suprised that they did that sort of thing to even begin with. They've slowly been making his class rooms smaller and smaller. But alas it would be a free class for a lot of people too though.

yah but as Eero says, even a large number of people not being a distraction can detract from those who are actually paying to be there. It'd be nice if they could like livestream/podcast it or something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A lot of universities tend to assign as small a classroom as they can, as well, especially with certain classes. Both my Bilingualism and Semantics classes were actually overcrowded and the professor had to request a bigger room, while Phonology was packed. They want to have room for the classes they know will be filled with paying students, and the rest will get shoved off to the side. So if Brandon asked for smaller class sizes - which makes perfect sense, given his schedule - they'd automatically give him a smaller room because of that.

However, the idea of podcasting classes - even select snippets - is a great idea, especially since it gives those of us who live farther away a chance to "sit in". I wonder if he'd be up for that?

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Zas, Brandon asked for a bigger room, and they ignored his request. He asked a lot too.

All: He's said he has considered it in the past, but he doesn't think BYU would approve of it. And he's very loyal to them. He's been offered to teach at the other local uni, and has considered it (they would pretty much say "Yes, Mr. Sanderson, sir. Would you like a nice supply of free everything at the same time? Someone to shine your shoes? Any dry cleaning to pick up?" Well, not quite, but you get the idea.) This year with the smaller room he might actually consider leaving, but he also may just decide it's time to give up the class. BYU has a thing it seems against the scifi/fantasy community (LTUE has been getting a similar treatment of "Of the devil"), and he has so very little time any more. Currently the only reason he has taught the class this year is he feels it would be too sad to see such a class disappear (since, if he stops teaching it, the class would more than likely never be revived.)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live in provo, the same town with both of those unis in it lol. they are UVU and BYU. i currently go to UVU and i will tell you this, if Brandon were to change he would be opened with OPEN ARMS!!!!!!!

I am a polisci major, and i would take his creative wrighting course as an elective in a Heart beat if it were an intro course!!!!

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  • 4 months later...

Zas, Brandon asked for a bigger room, and they ignored his request. He asked a lot too.

All: He's said he has considered it in the past, but he doesn't think BYU would approve of it. And he's very loyal to them. He's been offered to teach at the other local uni, and has considered it (they would pretty much say "Yes, Mr. Sanderson, sir. Would you like a nice supply of free everything at the same time? Someone to shine your shoes? Any dry cleaning to pick up?" Well, not quite, but you get the idea.) This year with the smaller room he might actually consider leaving, but he also may just decide it's time to give up the class. BYU has a thing it seems against the scifi/fantasy community (LTUE has been getting a similar treatment of "Of the devil"), and he has so very little time any more. Currently the only reason he has taught the class this year is he feels it would be too sad to see such a class disappear (since, if he stops teaching it, the class would more than likely never be revived.)

That's really sad to hear. BYU is one of the two schools I am considered transferring to and at least 30% of the reason I would go would be to get into Brandon's class...

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BYU has a thing it seems against the scifi/fantasy community (LTUE has been getting a similar treatment of "Of the devil

I think just about every university english department has 'a thing' against so called 'paraliterature'. So I believe BYU's dislike of scifi/fantasy has more to do with snobbery than it being 'satanic' or anything like that. Anyways, I would love to take one of Brandon's classes on writing, if they could make a few of them into a free podcast or something like that. I've watched all of Brandon's lectures from cons that have been posted on Youtube, and they are not enough. I can't attend his classes at BYU for a variety of reasons, nor can I afford to go to a bunch of conventions, so being able to experience even one class as a free podcast would be awesome, and in my opinion better than an online course because you don't have to pay for it and you can still get all of the lectures, in some cases.

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I know that he's said in a few different q&a's he's done that most of what you would learn from the class you can pick up from Writing Excuses, and it's rather true (I've sat in on the class a couple of times now.)

The basic structure of the class is that Brandon lectures for about an hour, and then you break off into writing groups. The lectures are things like world building, creating characters... I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but I agree that most of it comes up in WE.

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Yeah, I've been amazed at how much I've learned from Writing Excuses. It's my ritual to listen to a couple before I sit down to write/worldbuild. It repeats itself sometimes and other times it isn't exactly related to my stages of writing, but listening to people talk about writing never fails to get me in the mood to write.

Also, stuff about world building, pacing, characters, and magic are all relevent to my work and almost never touched upon in my current Fiction Workshop (full of serious writers).

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Yeah, I've been amazed at how much I've learned from Writing Excuses. It's my ritual to listen to a couple before I sit down to write/worldbuild. It repeats itself sometimes and other times it isn't exactly related to my stages of writing, but listening to people talk about writing never fails to get me in the mood to write.

Also, stuff about world building, pacing, characters, and magic are all relevent to my work and almost never touched upon in my current Fiction Workshop (full of serious writers).

I do this too! I've been working on character and plot development lately so I review a couple of the podcasts every day as I start to work and it helps immensely.

I'm in a Creative Writing class right now and when we are workshopping pieces sometimes I just want to beg people to go listen to Writing Excuses so I can stop repeating everything the same advice over and over and over...

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