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Theory: The book that present the PoV of DEAD character....


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Gives us Gavilar..

I know, I said the same thing when it occurred to me, as well.

But, it does make sense. We know almost nothing about him and he had a pile of information that I am sure will be important.

I am now CONVINCED that if Dalinar dies, it won't be until very late in the 1st cycle of SA..

Thoughts? Can I get a Negative Rebuttal?

Edit: Negative Rebuttal is in reference to my Debate team days.. Im not looking for negativity.

Edited by IllNsickly
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I can't recall where I saw it, but I think someone got a hold of a list of all the flashback characters, and I don't recall Gavilar's name being on it. Now normally this would prompt me to spend an hour hunting that list down, but I actually don't want to know this particular bit of information (I'm doing a pretty good job of forgetting it so far ;)), so I'll leave finding it to someone else.


Beyond that, we haven't had it outright stated that there will be a book whose flashback character is already dead. Brandon's said that it's a possibility, but there are those who think that's a red herring so that we don't assume Dalinar/Szeth is going to live at least up until the point where each gets "their" book.


So that's my NR, I suppose. That's from LD, I'm guessing? Good times...


EDIT: Fixed massive abuse of the common apostrophe.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Beyond that, we haven't had it outright stated that there will be a book who's flashback character is already did. Brandon's said that it's a possibility, but there are those who think that's a red herring so that we don't assume Dalinar/Szeth is going to live at least up until the point where each gets "their" book.

So that's my NR, I suppose. That's from LD, I'm guessing? Good times...

HAHA!! I was Lincoln Douglas.. my mouth ran off way faster than my brain and got me in trouble once.. Teacher said, " You know, you may want to check out LD".. Good call my friend. Good call.

But I still think the best way to get the info Gavilar had would be Flashbacks. And I honestly think what he knew is crucial in one way or another to the story ahead.

Additionally, I really want to see Dalinar and Szeth around for a while to come. Both are still primed for massive Epiphany moments, and I don't want them to be deathbed moments.

Edited by IllNsickly
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I don't know about this...


Gavilar is definitely an interesting conundrum but I think his story can be told though other characters.


His early and mid life can be covered by Dalinar's flashbacks.


His interactions with the Parshendi at the shattered plans can be covered by POVs from Dalinar, Jasnah and Eshonai.


Szeth, Dalinar and Taln? I believe these are the other flashback characters in he current cycle... can't remember.

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I would be surprised if Taln got a flashback sequence in the current arc, just because I feel that it would reveal too much about Odium and the second cycle. I could see Gavilar being the flashback character in the 5th book because I think that the first cycle will mainly be about sorting out Roshar, while the second will be focused more on the impending apocalypse. Gavilar was central to how current affairs are in Roshar (the reunification of Alethkar, communicating with the Parshendi, etc.), so it would be fitting if he had a flashback sequence at the conclusion of the events he set into motion.

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I think that between Eshonai and Dalinar we can pretty much cover everything that Gavilar knew. I'm guessing Jasnah will get some random flashbacks throughout the books as well, or possibly some mention of something in her past she discussed with Gavilar. Eshonia's comment about having Gavilar killed to prevent him from doing something is quite telling as well.

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The first arc is Kaladin, Shallan, Szeth, Eshonai, and Dalinar.  The second has Taravangian, Taln, another Herald and who knows who else.


I thought he only indicated that there would be POVs from the second Herald, not that the second Herald would also get a book.

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The list I remember reading somewhere is:

Arc One:






Arc Two: (in no particular order)





Another Herald

I do remember Brandon saying somewhere that he was considering another Kaladin book, but it sounded extremely unlikely to me.

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I like this idea. I remember what Kirk said, only that he had around eight of them chosen and was considering characters, be it repeats or more minor than the other eight.


Kirk is Sanderson fan, now? :D

I for one hope for Szeth or Tarvangian to be the one.

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