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Sharders React to their First Few Posts


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Okay, so I thought this would be fun, especially for some of us old cards who have been around for a while.  Those of you who, like me, spend more time than they would like to admit watching vlogs on youtube are probably aware of a game where vloggers play their first youtube video, and react to it.  Since posts are considerably shorter, I thought viewing our first few posts, rather than just one would be fun.  


Rules are simple: go back in time as far as you can, and quote the first posts you can find, and then react to them.  TWGers can feel free to go back to the archive.


So anyways, here's the one's I can find.  I actually joined TWG, deleted my account, and then rejoined a year or two later, so it was hard to figure out and find all of my posts, but here's the ones I found: 


EDIT: Minor Mistborn Spoilers


I recently have played some reeally exciting board games, that i think are a lot of fun, and i just wanted to see how many other people have played them, and what they thought.  All three of these games can be purchased at the dragons den game store, or probably other places, settlers and bonanza (beananza in english) orginate in germany.

I have also played cities and knioghts as well as seafarers, but ithink cities and nights is better than seafarers.  Cities and Kniughts is lots of fun, and the abilities granted by advancing are awesome, but when played a lot over and over, i think i still prefer regular settlers, which is surprising because I much prefer godstorm to regular risk.

Note: Ehlers amusingly responded to this post by pointing out: " I am amused that you spelled "knights" three different ways in that paragraph, and none of them were correct."  :blink:  To which I responded: 

Well, SaintEhlers, I realize now that I did spell "knights," three different ways.   I am afraid to inform you that I am a rather chronic typo user.  It is not my fault, I was infected by the typo gnome disease.  For my honour and the well being of all typo-shy denizens of this forum, I will try my hardest to proofread my messages.  I am sorry for the inconvenience.

As for Gemm, I'm sorry to admit that most games of Catan are kind of high on the price range.  I don't know any way around this, but in my estimation it's worth it as a game, and it makes a good birthday present


P.S.  SaintEhlers, just so you know, in reality, I do know how to spell "Knights", I am sorry for forcing you to read such a poorly typed post.  I just fixed another potential typo- the "reality" above was spelled "realikty."  I am getting better you see.  I hope you don't take this post as offensive, because it was not meant to be.

I was rereading the log book entries in book one, and something jumped out at me.  In one of the entreis Alendi states that Rashek think that "I wear the piercing of the hero unjustly"  Alendi has peircings that mark him as a hero, vin's mother stabs an earing into her ear and calls her a queen, coincidence??


Also in the log book, Alendi sees a lake that has a metalic sheen, and when Fedik, his friend goes to drink form it, the mist spirit attacks him,  could this be where the metal that makes allomancers comes from?  Just my two cents.


Sorry if I spelled coincidence wrong.

The way you said that ten soon was questioning his beliefs reminds me of Hrathen from Elantris, when at the end he is question ing his faith.


And I think that voice was just Sazed talking to himself, personally, but I could be wrong.


And just for fun, the earliest post I could find on 17th Shard:


TWG is up.  Also, this excercise is open to anyone?  Also, the stuff is due sunday?  Also, are there any other stipulations we should know about?

[Me asking about an open writing exercise in 2010].  


Anyways, now for my reactions.


1.  The first post I could find was dated in June of 2007, which means I was 16 and The Well of Ascension was about to be released.  I see that I had an atrocious level of typos and mispellings in most of my posts.  To be fair, I am still pretty horrible at checking my posts over, but it seems like I am better at self-editing on the fly (I hope).  

2.  I also remember being VERY worried (like most teenagers) about what people on the site were thinking of me, and you can see that in my interactions, I think.  That said, I'm still pretty apologetic and accommodating (blame it on my Canadian-ness), so maybe I haven't changed much in that regard either.  

3.  I really liked board games.  Still true.  

4.  I vaguely remember the eureka moment of finding that quote about the 'piercings of the hero' .  I might be embellishing things, but in my memory it's pretty awesome.  A lot of my theorizing happened between books 2 and 3 of Mistborn, so all of the Hero of Ages speculations have a special place in my heart.  

5.  My failure to properly capitalize and the extra space in 'ten soon' makes me cringe.  Then again, I probably still make a lot of errors like that, so I guess I can't complain.  


And that's all I've got for now.  If this sounds like something fun to you (even if you've only been a member for a short time), feel free to jump into the conversation.

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Hello there, friends of the 17th Shard! Over the past few years I have metamorphosized into a slightly obsessive fan of Brandon Sanderson's, reading the majority of his published work, regularly visiting his website in search of updates, and ambushing unsuspecting passerby so I might chatter to them about the Cosmere.


Naturally my ever-growing need for Sanderson information led me to this incredible forum--indeed, I've spent a great deal of time reading through old discussion threads and familiarizing myself with the site. I desire nothing more than to participate in the lively and intelligent conversations I have observed, and hopefully add some comments of my own into the mix.


Looking forward to talking with you!   :D



This is a perfectly adequate first post--or it would be, IF IT WEREN'T SO UNBEARABLY DULL. The way I string long words and sentences together makes it sound like I'm writing an application for joining the High Society of Intellectual Snobbery, not a laid-back fan forum that I'd spend most of my time joking on.


6/10, would greet past self as a newcomer with a raised eyebrow and a tentative upvote.


WOR spoilers:


Hello there. This is my first main board post, so don't hesitate to correct me on any rookie errors I might make.


WoR spoilers follow, so please be advised.


OK, here goes. Take a look at this quote from the epilogue:


In the center of it appeared Jasnah Kholin, standing tall.

Her clothing was ragged, her hair formed into a single utilitarian braid, her face lashed with burns. She'd once worn a fine dress, but that was tattered. She'd hemmed it at the knees and had sewn herself a glove out of something improvised. Curiously, she wore a kind of leather bandolier and a backpack. He (Hoid) doubted she'd had either one when her journey had begun.


As a bandolier is specifically an item meant for carrying cartridges of firearm ammunition, the presence of one in the possession of Jasnah Kholin is quite odd. My interpretation of this is that she has used the Surge of Transportation as a means of travelling to Scadrial. The Stormlight Archive is roughly contemporary with The Alloy of Law, and so she would easily be capable of procuring a gun while she was there. Hoid's thoughts that she had picked it up while on her vaguely defined travels seem to support the idea, at least in my own mind.


Has anyone else noticed this? Do you have any other supporting evidence, or perhaps a rebuttal of the theory?




I actually came up with this theory before joining the forum, and joined in part because I wanted to share it and see what people thought of it. I'm still not 100% convinced it's false, no matter what our compendiums of WoBs and legions of Cosmere scholars say. :ph34r:


6.5/10. Alright.



My only Cosmere dream wasn't nearly as awesome as the rest of these. I dreamed I was a Mistborn who got stuck on the Shattered Plains and was eaten by whitespines.



I remember that dream. 





Scadrial during the AoL time period sounds like a fairly nice place to live, all things considered. I would like to live in the Roughs--away from large cities, but still with access to a couple of luxuries like books. Even though there wouldn't be any easy way to gain access to Investiture, a pretty good living could be made. Imagine setting up an old-fashioned farmhouse, maybe hiring the local Pewterarm to do a few chores...


Unless a clan of koloss comes and murders you. But hopefully the likelihood of that is pretty slim.   ;)



Reasonable enough, but not much humor. Nice enough tongue-in-cheek remark at the end, which salvages the post and earns its meager three upvotes.





STORMS yes. Having one's personality and soul stripped away in exchange for vaguely defined semi-divine powers sounds like a spectacular deal. It would all be worth it as long as I get my own magic system.  :)

In all seriousness though, Cultivation sounds like a pretty good Shard to hold from what we've heard.



This is way better. Snarky while still making an effort to reply to the conversation in a meaningful way.





Sorry, but I just had to. You practically asked for it.


The Silent Gatherers--

We do what we must, because, we can.

For the good of all of us, except the ones who are dead--

But there's no sense crying over every mistake,

You just keep on slicing till the Rattles dissipate,

Now the Diagram is done

And the Everstorm has come

For the people who are still alive!


Ahem. The Misborn suggestion is cool too, and the "drive-thru" necromancy made me laugh.  :)



From my own zombie apocalypse thread, the first thread of mine to really take off. It includes my first forum song parody, and the first post of mine to pass five upvotes.


9/10, would have been better if I hadn't ruined it by adding more stanzas a few months later.







The noob Kobold King was not yet certain what his niche on the forum would be. Was he a dim-witted clown? Was he a stiff and uptight scholar? Was he a happy-go-lucky intellectual type?


Once I figured out that I was the forum Wit who only occasionally blurts out something halfway profound, I did a lot better for myself. :ph34r:

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I'm just going to do my first one for now.

How *very* original.... I posted this on a thread created be me called "I'm new".

Facepalm for "originality". Luckily my second post got 10 upvotes, so that made up for it :)



Mine only got 3 at first. Probably because I sounded like I fell out of the loquaciousness tree and hit all the branches on the way down.

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He has to have some sort of unnatural power.  He seems to know about Kaladin and stealing his stormlight, even though he says he is refering to bridgemen being thieves.  I dont think this is buy chance.  However I am confused, why he does not do anything when Talenal shows up at the end.

I think this is my first post; had a little trouble with the search function.  Im not sure what exactly I was thinking when I wrote it, but my grammar was terrible.
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Isn't there a search option directly listing all of our posts? I can only see those I got upvote/downvoted on... They may not be the first one... y first posts were terrible  :ph34r:

There is, but it only goes back to mid 2014.  You have to choose advanced search and then search by member name for a specific date range.

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Only links me back to October 2014...  :(


I believe this is it.  


Am I the only one who would be utterly disapointed if Elhokar turned out being a Radian??? I mean the guy is a whinny wimp with bad judgement call and a tendancy to loose his temper. How can he qualify for Knight Radianhood? Being broken cannot be the only requisite.

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Spoilers from WoK, HoA, Cosmere

I don't know if this has been suggested or disproved yet, but I thought I'd put this out there.


Ym describes his religion (the Iriali religion) to the boy he's fitting with shoes. He says talks about One, which was once One, but is now Many. The reason for being many was to gain experiences that could only be experienced by the Many being in different circumstances, some better, some worse.

I was wondering if this has any link with Adonalsium.

We know that Adonalsium split into 12 16 shards (Thanks Gamma), each which embodies a particular Intent, which were then went throughout the Cosmere, settling on planets, and investing themselves, sometimes even creating life/consciousness. They then (or as a result of the previous) influenced the world with their Intents, rewarding actions that resulted in particular ways. 


I believe it has been wondered what the point of Adonalsium would be before it split. Each shard has an intent, but add them all together and what do you get? Adding two opposing Intents (or their interpretations by their wielders) resulted in Harmony in the case of Sel(?) Scandrial. Is this not likely to also be the result of all intents being One? 


If I've missed something, or if this sounds like rubbish, or WOB has already ruled this out, please tell me!




So I start off with a theory post (actually linked to in my sig!), and immediately make two mistakes - I say 12 shards, not 16, and I say Sel not Scadrial (and I say Scandrial...). 


To this day, I still get Scadrial and Sel mixed up (well, more I keep calling Scadrial 'Sel'. I don't think I've ever called Sel 'Scadrial', though it's not impossible).


My first 16 posts were all WoK/WoR related theory stuff, and then I jumped into Timebubble and FTL stuff...


I'm not quite so much a theory guy any longer. More lots of RP...

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This hardly is my first post....


Edit: In retrospect it nearly is my first post... on Elhokar  :unsure: but here what seems to be my first post, in the Adolin thread  :D



Posted 15 April 2014 - 07:38 PM

trevorwilliam, on 01 Apr 2014 - 2:32 PM, said:snapback.png



Who has the power and WILL to 'banish' Adolin, anyway? Dalinar, maybe? He vows to unite instead of divide. Does that mean it has to be peaceful unity? Does removing the cancer count as a sect of division?


I think Adolin's actions will cause a rift in the Kohlin's family. Dalinar, for one, will definitely not be OK with his son's actions once he founds out, not after spending a whole book claiming how such a good son he is. I believe Dalinar may be forced to choose between his so desired "unity" or his son. He cannot ask everyone to follow the code and yet ignore the rules when it comes to his son.




Dalinar won't have a choice to trial and sentence Adolin. He won't have a choice to banish his own son and that won't sit well with the rest of the family. I can almost see the scene where Dalinar ask Adolin to yield his shardblade and brake the bond (how great would it be if the sowrd suddently starts screaming more badly then the others when that happens?). I do not think Renarin and Navani will agree to this decision. I would love to see calm and quiet Renarin loose temper on his father for having sent his brother away on a one way ticket. I would also love to read a grief stricken Dalinar having a hard time living with the fact he basically lost one of his sons by his own decision. Hard.


As for Adolin, well, I think he is in for the roller-coaster of his life. If I were Odium, knowing that Dalinar is leading the Radians, I would want to oppose him the one person he cannot beat, the one person who may be an equivalent tactical genious, the one person he knows Dalinar won't want to kill: his own son. I do think Odium will try hard, very, very hard to get Adolin on his team and with Adolin being exiled, alone and away from everyone he loves, well.... Brandon would be crazy not to explore this avenue.


However, I do hope the ploy won't work and that Adolin will, somehow, escape Odium and screw his plans. I love the idea of him reviving his shard's spren (although, if he is banished, he most likely won't have his sword with him anymore) and I love the idea of him becoming a Dutbringer, but I think it will be a long and hard process. I do not know what the second ideal of the Dustbringers may be, but I could definitely see Adolin escape Odium by saying something along the lines: "I will protect those I love even at the expense of my life, I will not be Odium's champion", since this would be pretty much consistent with what we saw from him in the books.



Edited by maxal
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Ok, this is my first post but I've been reading these forums for weeks. Time to contribute!
First off is a question, would you be able to have atium alloys of other alloys? Also as has already been stated an alloy is always a pushing metal so if you can double alloy (atium alloy of another alloy) would it then be pulling, pushing or some kind of double pushing :S
Anyway as for my list, I tried to apply temporal effects as much as possible as atium itself seems primarily temporal.

Iron: see future 'shadow' lines for nearby metals (where they will be) and can exert a time-delayed pull (pull on where they WILL be)
Steel: As Iron but with a push tongue.gif
Tin: Full sensory perception of the future, so hearing as well as just shadows alternatively more like a prophetic vision instead of a constantly moving image of the future around you.
Pewter: Not entirely sure, Mental fortitude maybe? or just making you smarter? (would be awesome to combine with a zincmind.)
Zinc: Portal to Shadesmar?
Brass: Portal from shadesmar? not sure what else would work for these 2 other than time delayed riot/soothe (kind of useful for a longer effect maybe?)
Copper: Create a coppercloud which is more like the time bubbles, only thing I could think of, so doesn't move basically tongue.gif or create a time-delayed coppercloud? Or possibly centre a coppercloud around someone else, protecting them from emotional allomancy.
Bronze: Detect future pulses.
Gold: Already known
Electrum: Maybe as normal atium but see only 1 persons future, or maybe see their ultimate future? -This is the one that made me think it may not work to create a double alloy
Bendalloy: Let everyone in your bubble see the future (group atium=Pure carnage, however also needs to be used tactically or enemies will also see atium shadows)
Cadmium: Let everyone in your bubble see the past (group malatium? more likely group gold, good distraction for people who aren't prepared)
(May have got Bendalloy and Cadmium the wrong way around, trying to think it through still)
Aluminum: Time delayed Aluminum? or I really like the permanent destruction of allomantic ability, anti-lerasium tongue.gif
Duralumin: Not sure, Understand a metals abilities better? instant-savant anyone? or I also like the permanent boost
Chromium: As with Aluminum but for others
Nicrosil: create savants?
That's all i can think of for now.


I just kindof jumped right into the theorizing :P

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I am not going back and finding my first TWG post for a few different reasons. (Like that it was literally ten years ago. I found one that wasn't nearly that old and still nearly died of shame and embarrassment. I don't want to relive that time.)

Eric, not to be a bother, but could we also add the "go to last post" icons like TWG?  Please?  *looks cute so you don't want to kill her*

It's interesting to me to see exactually how much has changed and yet stayed the same. I would probably still use the asterisk for actions, but it's in personal conversations now, and not nearly as common. Aside from that, nothing really to say.

(For context to the don't kill me, Eric had been working like crazy to get the site and forums formatted, and I was asking for a change either in the middle of it, or else when he thought we were finally done.)

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I actually had a bit of a Snoopy/Kipper issue with my first account. I was originally TenSoon. Then stuff happened, and I wasn't able to log back in. After a few months demoted to lurker, I created a new account, in the form you see today (as the Young Bard).


The biggest thing about my old account is that I had this mask thing as my profile pic. Looking at it now, I think it's just creepy. To this day, I have no idea why I picked it.


Anyway. My first post.




I have a question.
When you flare cadmium/bendalloy, what does it do? Does it:
a ) speed up / slow down time even quicker in the bubble, or;
b ) increase the size of the bubble?


Hmmm... Apparently I went straight to the forum instead of posting an introduction post. (I thought I had actually, but never mind.) Anyway, I seemed to be a lot less Cosmere aware at that point. I hadn't actually read anything back then except Mistborn and then Elantris, and was reading Stormlight. Which feels strange now, seeing as I'm answering those same sort of questions when I see them now. The Wheel turns (WoT, another series I hadn't read... Was this really less than 18 months ago?)

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After making use of the Coppermind and the 17th Shard for a few months, I thought it was about time I introduced myself. I started reading Brandon's Cosmere books this year with Mistborn, so having a place to discuss, theorise and point out all the little details I missed has been great. Looking forward to crackpot theories with you guys.


Hah. Silly Quiver. You've been here for almost two years, and in that time, you haven't produced ONE theory. Just ponies.


Lots and lots of ponies...

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  • 7 months later...
On May 28, 2015 at 8:30 PM, The Honor Spren said:

What are cookies?

:lol: I had to start with that. I was so young and innocent . . .

So, I figure I've been here long enough, right? It's been over a year. I think people generally like me, or at least if they dislike me, they haven't told me so. Anyway . . .

On May 29, 2015 at 4:26 PM, The Honor Spren said:

My favorite Surge? Gonna have to go with either gravitation or progression (can't decide! :) ) 

Oh! I just realized that I never put my favorite character!


I mean he's awesome. You just cannot beat a funny, mysterious person who is older than he looks and travels through time and space . . . wait. :huh: Have I seen this some where before?

Did I know the names of those surges off the top of my head, or did I have to check the coppermind?  But I give myself extra points for Doctor Who references. Even though I was still on season 2 at this point. 

On June 1, 2015 at 7:15 PM, The Honor Spren said:


Posted Yesterday, 03:14 PM

I take it you enjoyed Alcatraz, then?

Why yes, I am rather fond of Alcatraz

"So instead of fighting, you can bribe the ninjas with some soy sauce, and send them to attack your younger siblings instead. That way, you can get rid of some unwanted soy sauce. See how easy it is to avoid violence?"

I cringe. I'm cringing so much right now. Not only does this one have no quotation whatsoever (I couldn't find that button at the time.) But this is also the second post of a double post. Why.

On June 2, 2015 at 8:40 PM, The Honor Spren said:

So. . . I really need to know, is White Sands going to happen?

I mean, I know that the graphic novel will be published someday, but will the NOVEL novel ever come out? I also know that you can send him an email asking for it. Also, is that an unfinished draft, or a story for only "The Most Elite of Cosmeronauts"?

Those of you who know,PLEASE tell me, and refrain from saying any spoilers, because I know that Brandon has vetoed that. Thank you!!!!!

I didn't know how to italicize. And why did I have that many exclamation points?

WoR spoilers

On June 6, 2015 at 2:46 PM, The Honor Spren said:

What do you think will happen when Kaladin goes back home?

I have a few ideas about what will happen, but I don't have any reason for them, other than my own fantasizing.

• his parent(s) could be dead. That's just the way his life goes, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened, only devastated :(

• Some sort of combination of these events: Roshone is dead of old age, Laral is pregnant with his child, or Laral is bonded to a spren.

• If his parents are alive, will they be happy or disappointed in him? Probably happy, they are parents after all.

Comment below with your theories! I don't really care how far fetched they are, I just want to hear them! Thank you!

I think I was ending all my posts with thank you at this point. I still wonder about these things, but for some reason, I don't really like this first theory of mine. Maybe it's the bullet points. Or the bad capitalization. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I have a tragic confession: I can't find my first posts. 

They don't seem to be stored, or anything else. I suspect it is due to WHEN my first posts were - I first registered/posted 6 years ago when the forums were first opened up. We had just moved from the TWG forums, and I joined the move. I guess the post tracking doesn't go back that far. I certainly can't remember what I commented on....

And then, for whatever reason, I disappeared. Pretty sure I got busy right at the time when there was a lull in Sanderson's work, and never got back to here. Until this January/February. So hey! It's nice to be back. 

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On 27 November 2015 at 6:56 PM, The Young Bard said:

I actually had a bit of a Snoopy/Kipper issue with my first account. I was originally TenSoon. Then stuff happened, and I wasn't able to log back in. After a few months demoted to lurker, I created a new account, in the form you see today (as the Young Bard).


The biggest thing about my old account is that I had this mask thing as my profile pic. Looking at it now, I think it's just creepy. To this day, I have no idea why I picked it.


Anyway. My first post.

  Reveal hidden contents


Hmmm... Apparently I went straight to the forum instead of posting an introduction post. (I thought I had actually, but never mind.) Anyway, I seemed to be a lot less Cosmere aware at that point. I hadn't actually read anything back then except Mistborn and then Elantris, and was reading Stormlight. Which feels strange now, seeing as I'm answering those same sort of questions when I see them now. The Wheel turns (WoT, another series I hadn't read... Was this really less than 18 months ago?)

Wait you're Kipper?

Didn't I have some massive argument with you about Godwins Law way back when? :huh:

*searching for old posts will be back*

also @Kobold King that theory was your first? I remember you messaging it to me and asking my opinion but I thought you were well, not a noob then.  

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I don't know how to multi quote into an edit so apologies for the double post. 


So I'm pretty sure my first ever post was looking for clues to the shardhunt, which was a 17th shard equivalent to the steelhunt that at the time was unlocking secret content on Brandons website. Super cool. 

And I never made an intro thread, so.

What I *could* find, in no particular order:


On 16 January 2014 at 2:50 PM, Delightful said:

You're right about it being the same person, who also appears in the Lift interlude:

There's has been speculation about his identity here http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/4885-darkness-identity/?p=80048 

Also more speculation about him here: http://www.17thshard.com/forum/topic/5025-theory-darkness-has-experienced-odious-corruption/?p=82635 and here:

I was super helpful....

On 14 February 2014 at 4:09 PM, Delightful said:

Can't. Breathe. Literally have my mouth hanging open.

I don't know whether that was an extremely kind or extremely cruel thing to do. Certainly cruel for those of us who don't live in Utah. :(

Or America. At least we're all on earth. I believe.

(This was in reaction to someone in Brandons class being handed a copy of WoR the week before its release).

So. Insane fangirl and All Of The Hype. But that's ok, this is WoR we're talking about.

On 9 February 2014 at 1:54 AM, Delightful said:

Ssshhh shhh we have 10 books, it'll be okay. It will all be okay. <insert lullaby>


Besides, I don't think brandon is physically capable of not writing, so we'll have good stuff for at least another 50-odd years. And even then, mysterious manuscripts in unmarked boxes will arrive on Tor's doorstep in the middle of the night...

Silliness! Also @Quiver replied about a High Imperial lullaby - oh right, I was super into High Imperial then, along with @ScottLeft. That was fun :)

On 26 January 2014 at 1:46 AM, Delightful said:

Your interpretation sounds pretty plausible to me.


About AonDor - I don't think we know enough about people who become Elantrians (I forget the proper terminology) to say. You could hypothesise that Galladon has a broken soul because of his father dying, not being a normal Duladen guy etc. And Raoden might have a broken soul from always disgreeing with his father...or maybe from the joy of marrying Sarene. Hmmm and maybe Dilaf can access Dakhor because of the bone-disfiguring process of becoming a monk would be horrifying enough to make someone snap. Which then makes me wonder why Hrathen couldn't use it - unless he had the ability to but not the training because he left before that. Not sure if this is making sense.


The joy thing is interesting. It suggests that it's not just horrible *breaking* per se that makes room for Investiture, but rather some kind of life-changing incident in general.

I was way more into theory back then. Hurrah for past Delightful. Now I just hang around and hand out hugs and stuff....although in my defense I stopped theorising after WoR when a bazillion prople joined and I just couldn't keep up...

There we go. Nothing super insane in my old posts (I think?). 

There was also a lot of bad puns and jokes I'd rather not go looking for .;)

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  • 8 months later...

Thought I'd necro this. Cos I was looking back at my first post heh


You r meant to die

o_O I'm confused XD

Huh weird, some of my old posts won't show up. Anyway


Hello, I am a new Brandon Sanderson fan and intend to read his other books considering that the Stormlight Archive Book 1is one of the best books I have read this year. Unlike most books people read, this ones set in an entirely different dimension where the Almighty looks down upon us and Shardbearers walk the land. Best thing that has happened ever since I read The Book of Lies Trilogy by James Maloney ( That was 5 weeks ago btw). It's very exciting and I read in every free moment I have. Whenever people see me reading it they come up to me and go " What are you doing reading a dictionary", but then again Way of the Kings is 1000 pages long. I can't wait to read the rest and dearly hope that some smart person decides to make a tv show out of it. ⚡️⚡️May the storms bless you⚡️⚡️


I, that. makes me sound very energetic. I guess the lights have gone off inside of me heh.

Alooot of retarded crap. Alooot of downvotes XD this is so cringey Imma go off myself..uurgh I can't read this.

My god this is morbidly enticing. I can't make myself stop reading it.

I'm not reading anymore


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