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Is it possible that the letter was written from Hoid to Harmony (Sazed)?


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I was reading the letter that most seem to think was written by Hoid in WoK and i had an idea that he was writing it to Harmony. The reason i thought this was for several reasons. One reason being that one of men looking for Hoid at the Purelake is Demoux who knew Sazed before he became Harmony and likely became one of his agents. Reason two is that Hoid writes about keeping an element safe. I believe this is a bead of lerasium that he picked up at the Well of Ascension which comes from the same world as Sazed/Harmony. The last reason is that in Alloy of Law it was made clear that Sazed does not like interfering with anything but allows his agents to do so sometimes. This would be why he must be asked by Hoid to help against Odium and not automatically take arms against him. On a side note Harmony would probably be a strong ally since he has two shards. Please post thoughts on this theory

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The dragon is from Dragonsteel though, which takes place on Yolen. But it's entirely possible that he's no longer on Yolen. But that's where he originated.


Currently, yes.  But non-canonically since it has not been published and there will be substantial changes to the story.

Edited by Shardlet
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Currently, yes.  But non-canonically since it has not been published and there will be substantial changes to the story.


Actually its canonicity would depend on what part of the book the character is in because some parts of it are still "canon".  If the Dragon is part of the Shattered Plains arc then yes, it isn't canon.  If he is part of Hoid's arc, it could be canon.



Q: Will Hoid be make a reappearance in Words of Radiance?

B: Yes.

Q: I also heard he was part of your unpublished Dragonsteel.

B: He is.

Q: And is that a series you are going to be publishing?

B: I will eventually rewrite it, it is not up to my current standards.  I consider the events that happen in it basically to be canon.  With some exceptions, like for instance when I originally wrote Dragonsteel the Shattered Plains were there and Dalinar was there and I split off Way of Kings into its own book.  I took half of what had been Dragonsteel and made it into the Stormlight Archive and I split half of it off onto a separate planet.  If you were to read it, you can check it out from BYU, half of it will be a less well-written version of the Shattered Plains sequence of Way of Kings and the other half is Hoid’s story. And Hoid’s story stuff is still kind of canon but the rest…



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Actually its canonicity would depend on what part of the book the character is in because some parts of it are still "canon".  If the Dragon is part of the Shattered Plains arc then yes, it isn't canon.  If he is part of Hoid's arc, it could be canon.


True.  But, until we know which events, parts, and characters will be preserved...

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That is lovely and all.  Yes there is much of Dragonsteel that is canon and there are parts that are not.  Can you honestly say that you know which parts are and which aren't.  I very much doubt it.  My only purpose in making the distinction is so that we don't lock our minds into a particular way of thinking that may very well turn out to be incorrect.  Fact is, Brandon hasn't written Dragonsteel as it will be.  Things change from draft to draft.  How much more so may things change on a full rewrite?  I agree that, as it currently stands, the dragon to whom the letter is written to you is/was on Yolen.  But until it is published or we have direct WoB on the issue, can we say with any certainty that it is canon?

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That is lovely and all.  Yes there is much of Dragonsteel that is canon and there are parts that are not.  Can you honestly say that you know which parts are and which aren't.  I very much doubt it. 


Who, specifically, are you talking to? Personally, I was referencing Weiry, who spoke of whether or not the Dragon was part of the Shattered Plains part of the book. Since we've established that there were no dragons in the Shattered Plains part of the book, all I'm saying is, it was likely in the non-Shattered Plains part of the book.

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I was speaking to pretty much everyone between my comments that seemed to indicate that the dragon being on Yolen was canon.


I got the impression that the Shattered Plains was a significant setting and feature of the story (much as it is in WoK).  However, I doubt that much of the characters and events of Dragonsteel that were set in the plains or revolved around the plains were brought into WoK.  Since, a key setting and feature for some of these things has been extracted from Dragonsteel, I would expect there to be a substantial rewrite of many characters and their actions.  And, since WoK is vastly different from WoK Prime (i.e., a substantial rewrite), I would not count on the final published Dragonsteel being particularly close in details to Brandon's thesis Dragonsteel.  That is not to say that it won't be; just that I would not rely on it to be.

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Aside from all that, the phrasing of the letter pretty strongly indicates that the recepient was alive when Odium trashed the Shards on Sel, and that was very old history during Elantris, which itself is set prior to every other released book by a fair margin.

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Is there a source for this dragon? I find it hard to believe Brandon using a standard fantasy animal, he's invented all of his own so far, that I'm aware of.

Although it is in the name Dragonsteel....hmm

Maybe dragons are not dragons as such, but a race of dragon-like people, or perhaps the magic and setting on Yolen was much closer to traditional fantasy, given the mishmash of magic said to have existed there. Also, it was written quite early in his career.
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Is there a source for this dragon? I find it hard to believe Brandon using a standard fantasy animal, he's invented all of his own so far, that I'm aware of.

Although it is in the name Dragonsteel....hmm

Confirmation about it being a dragon:


I just a got a call from my husband. I told him to ask "If the recepient of Hoid's Letter in Way of Kings is a Dragon?". I really expected Sanderson to RAFO it, but instead he confirmed it!! Apparently he said that no one has ever asked him that before and that it was right on the money and from an unpublished book (Dragonsteel, I'm sure). Assuming the hubby asked correctly, that confirms both that the recipient is a Dragon and Hoid is the writer. Great catch!!!



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Confirmation about it being a dragon:





It's worth pointing out that my friend suspects this might be trolling, unless and until we hear independent confirmation from someone else. I personally suspect it's true, but that's not a universal opinion, thought it might be a popular one.

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Sanderson doesn't seem the type to troll, though I think there are many reasons to think that the letter is addressed to Sazed.  He says that the recipient "saw what happened" to Ati, the holder of Ruin.  He also suggests that the recipient was once mortal, but is no longer.


Still, he directly calls him an "old reptile".  That raises a question... was the dragon on Scadrial to have witnessed what Ruin did to Ati?

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It's worth pointing out that my friend suspects this might be trolling, unless and until we hear independent confirmation from someone else. I personally suspect it's true, but that's not a universal opinion, thought it might be a popular one.

I don't feel that it's wise to say that someone is trolling. If they give information that seems consistent with information we are given, then I don't think there's any reason to dispute its validity. A lot of info we get is from just one source, and that's okay.

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Sanderson doesn't seem the type to troll, though I think there are many reasons to think that the letter is addressed to Sazed. He says that the recipient "saw what happened" to Ati, the holder of Ruin. He also suggests that the recipient was once mortal, but is no longer

First of all, Sazed did not "see" what happened to Ati. The whole argument was that "Ati was once a kind and generous man", but that the Shards Intent changed that. Sazed did not observe - or probably does not even know of - that change. He has only seen the end result.

Also, the point about being a mortal no longer would presumably be true for all of the Shardholders, and really does not count in favour for Sazed specifically.

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I don't feel that it's wise to say that someone is trolling. If they give information that seems consistent with information we are given, then I don't think there's any reason to dispute its validity. A lot of info we get is from just one source, and that's okay.


You are right, I should have been more careful how I phrased that. It was needlessly provocative and insulting.


I personally agree with you; I find the odds that someone would post this erroneous information to be infinitesimally slim.


But... most of our "just one source" information, unless I'm mistaken, is backed up by audio transcripts or online chats with Mr. Sanderson himself. This is a single question which presumably no one else on these fora heard, which was then paraphrased from a man to his wife, and she then posted what he told her in a thread, herself admitting that she was taking it on faith that he even phrased the question properly. (Unless there's more to back it up than I've read, which is possible.)


Again, let me say that I personally believe it, at least until it gets directly contradicted, but I don't blame my friend (or anyone else on this forum who wishes to take this with a pinch of copper) for remaining skeptical.

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