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The Everstorm to be SERIOUSLY Delayed


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Known: The number ten is significant on Roshar.


Theory: The Everstorm is coming very soon as we are up to 99 odd.


I say, nay.  We need to wait a lot longer to get the Everstorm.  100 desolations, Ha! That is but ten ten's.  The real everstorm will not occur until desolation 10,000,000,000 (10^10).  Note that as an extra piece of "evidence" of this theory, if you split the notation into 1000's, there is a ten in front. :wacko:


I propose to you, ladies and gentlemen, who have stuck with the wild rambling of an unhinged mind this far, that this is the real reason the SA is being split into two five book series.

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“The love of men is a frigid thing, a mountain stream only three steps from the ice. We are his. Oh Stormfather…we are his. It is but a thousand days, and the Everstorm comes.”---Collected on the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash of the year 1171, thirty-one seconds before death. Subject was a darkeyed pregnant woman of middle years. The child did not survive.

This suggests that the everstorm will be one thousand days from the first day of the week Palah of the month Shash of the year 1171

Edited by jasonpenguin
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I hope Everstorm will come in first half of series. Everyone knows Everstorm is coming, its nothing special at this point and its always disappointing(at least for me) when heroes save the world before actually bad things start to happen. Not to mention that it would make second half totally unpredictable.

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It would be a neat trick if the Everstorm was in the first five books. I don't think Roshar will skip ahead centuries like Scadrial does, but getting a few books to explore the aftermath would be interesting. Mistborn was "What if the Dark Lord won?". It'd be cool is Stormlight was "What happens after the good guys win?"

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