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Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2 (from Tor)


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“Old Gavilar was the assassin’s first murder. We’ll just have to hope he’s done here. Either way, we protect Dalinar. At all costs.”

"Old" Gavilar?  Elhokar's infant son is my bet for "Young" Gavilar. Calling it. 


Welcome shadewolf! Have an upvote for joining us!

I ..

So any theories about why, Jasnah and her mother seem to be at odds?

Wildly speculating:

  • Forceful matchmaking involving Jasnah
  • Navani attempting to restrain Jasnah's travels.

Edit: add welcome

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She tried playing matchmaker with Jasnah, what else? :)


Jasnah sounded that something like this occured  when she talked about her mother to Shallan. Out of all thing she thinked that Shallan wouldn't take well a arranged marriage. Personal experience maybe ? After all nothing like have you mother say that will gonna stay for auntie to put you  down =)


Amaram are the best guess now for the trauma subject now, Gavilar said something in this way, and Navani are a matchmaker ( See Adolin and now Shallan examples) so she could have caused little trauma about this matter. Best intetion worst results.


I advocate that Jasnah didn't find her match so she simplelly choice to not take the easy path and marry the first sound political candidate that crossed her way. Like admit that she was atheist because she didn't believe in the devotaries. Stongminded indeed.


That also could explain the Shallan comentary that Jasnah keep track of her figure, she is just wainting for something happen.


Who would guess that miss Ice queen would have a soft heart inside =)


Just saying.=)

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Great start to the book. Anyone know when the next chapters will come. I'm hoping we get something weekly :)

Also I feel Shallan won't have a love triangle (sounds too much like dalinar and would be boring) but Jasnah might. The whole dark eyed vs. light eyed debate might be worth exploring.

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Re the engagement:


I would like to see Shallan marry Adolin sooner rather than later.


The reason:


I think far to much of fiction in general and especially fantasy is devoted to continuing the myth that 'getting together' comes only at the end of the story. It would be hugely refreshing to see the two of them acting together as a partnership whilst dealing with all of their emotional mess.


Also and this may seem ironic but it seems to me the best way of keeping Shallan active as her own character, not falling into the princess that Adolin and Renarin are competing to win character nor becoming a Jasnah clone. Instead she gets to be at the centre of things on the shattered plains and speak into multiple storylines in her own right.


Admittedly I doubt that she would become either of those things anyway so its not that I'm worried about it. But I don't want to see Adolin and Renarin going slop brained because Shallan turns up

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Personally i hope that we'll see more of Amaram. He has the potential to be a very interesting character ! In the sample chapters he was somehow connected with Gavilar and there's a good chance of history with Jasnah. He could the ' i want redemption for my sins '-guy, because unlike Sadeas he had a pretty good reputation in his Army and was described as honorable. I imagine he saw himself forced to his horrible doings, because of the corruption and alethi education in general .. he just couldn't understand how someone could give up such a precious thing and leave it to some unkown, less skilled soldier.Thinking he could save more lives than the other guy he took it for himself. The exact opposite of Journey before destination. Maybe after meeting a changed Dalinar and getting beaten up by Kaladin he realizes that there's another way.

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I think that WoB says that Adolin will probably get his own book, so I doubt that he will die, atleast not in WoR...


I think that was an early WoB.  Last I saw (a few months ago) someone listed out all 10 characters (subject to change) and Adolin wasn't one of them.  I don't have a source.

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I think that was an early WoB.  Last I saw (a few months ago) someone listed out all 10 characters (subject to change) and Adolin wasn't one of them.  I don't have a source.

I do not have time to go look for the actual list, but it has been quoted enough in the fora for me to be reasonable certain about things:


The first five-book cycle is more or less fixed with each book having flash-back sequences for one character:

  • Book 1, Kaladin, the Way of Kings
  • Book 2, Shallan, the Words of Radiance
  • Book 3, Szeth, Stones Unhallowed  (working title)
  • Book 4, Eshonai, Unknown title
  • Book 5, Dalinar, the Highprince of War (possible title)

The second cycle is more in flux, though Brandon has spoken of Jasnah, Taln, Gavilar and Adolin as possible flashed characters.


EDIT: I am second-guessing Gavilar. I'm not sure he has been suggested as a flashing character.

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He actually changed the title to ''Skybreaker'' ( Source https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17250961-skybreaker )

Well, it was a working title anyway. Thanks for the info. Thinking about it though, I originally thought "Stones Unhallowed" sounded a bit haughty, but I think I prefer that to "Skybreaker". It's too straightforward!

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I personally think Renarin will be spending alot of time with Kaladin in WoR. I feel that Renarin has developed an acute sense of politics that both his father and his brother lack, but due to his body, he has never tried to be a leader. Kaladin is a great leader, but has no clue of the ins and outs of high alethi society. So by pairing them together, they could learn from each other as well as cover the others flaws.


Also Kaladin still seem to have harbor a hatred for the lighteyes; Renarin could be used as a plot device to help Kaladin to sympathize and move on from his distaste.


So any theories about why, Jasnah and her mother seem to be at odds?


This is a good point. I also really think Renarin might remind Kaladin of Tien. Just saying. They are both, small, "weak", and somewhat out of place. So he might really see Tien on Renarin and bond with him in some way becasue of that.

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Well, it was a working title anyway. Thanks for the info. Thinking about it though, I originally thought "Stones Unhallowed" sounded a bit haughty, but I think I prefer that to "Skybreaker". It's too straightforward!

Also, it's the name of a popular blimpunk book by Kenneth Oppel.

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I doubt he is doing much writing of SA3 yet.  He said he needs to turn in Firefight at the end of the month.

Right, but I assume he is juggling like a mad man if he is going to get the next one out around a year later. Consider how big the book will be (I think we can safely assume over 700 pages) as well as the gap in time required to get WoR out (We have 2 months to go and he has been redrafting and editing for at least 2 months). 

Consider that if he is turning Firefight in at the end of the month and only finished editing his WoR drafts recently.... he was definitely writing both at the same time. I just wonder if his SA3 work was outlining or writing or just fact checking with his team. 

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As you might be aware, I will often be preparing for/writing one piece while I do revisions on another. I generally can only do new prose on one piece at a time, but I like to be revising and writing on two different things at once. So, for the foreseeable future, I’ll be writing Firefight and revising Words of Radiance."

- Brandon Sanderson in his latest "State of Sanderson" update.

In the same article, he has said that the next SA books will come at a frequency of every 18 months, or 24 at most. I am also quite sure that he's promised one big (SA sized) and one small (Alloy of Law sized) each year in the years hence.


EDIT: Misquoted the number of months.

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To kinda of change the argument; I was rereading chapter 1 of WoR, when I realized that the Jasnah/Shallan's trip took them through Longbrow's Straits.


""We’ll be leaving Longbrow’s Straits, curving around the eastern edge of the continent, toward New Natanan. There’s nothing of worth between here and the Shallow Crypts—and even that’s not much of a sight" is what the captain specifically states." is the quote in question, and I kinda wonder why this route, it puts them on the eastern side of the shattered plains, as well as the fact that they have mountains to travel through afterwords

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In the same article, he has said that the next SA books will come at a frequency of every 12 months, or 18 at most. I am also quite sure that he's promised one big (SA sized) and one small (Alloy of Law sized) each year in the years hence.

No, he said the Stormlight books would be every 18 to 24 months. However, I personally think that Stormlight 3 will come out in fall 2016. After that I expect every 24 months. We need to get the production time longer (between when Brandon finishes the book and it gets published) so we aren't running around like crazy.

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