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Now I want to know what happens when metal from Scadrial in awakend, worst case scenario the investure in the metal works as a kind of battery, best case the allomatic programed investure allows the awakend metal to emulate allomantic abilitys depending on a metal.

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Awesome! Thanks! So does this mean Feruchemy might be e native magic of Yolen?

Well Yolen is/was the original world of Adanolasium, which is the origin of all the Shards, from how i understand it. The logical conclusion is that Adanolasium could create all the magic systems and someone that came I contact with Adanolasium might have SDNA that allows them to use every magic system or at the very least have the potential to "learn" them all. Also Hoid seems to be a very special case.

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Ooh, Ooh! I just had a thought thing. What if the jury rigging part is hemalurgy? If Demoux gets a little bit of breath breathing in from some other Rosharan, then he could get the Stormlight in.


Of course, there are moral problems, but I'm sure that they would probably try to avoid those.

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Hemalurgy can only be performed by Scadrians (I think? I think the WoB on this is vague), so it doesn't really seem feasible for it to be Hemalurgy. I certainly hope it isn't, either, because Hemalurgy basically required Shardic intervention to know what to do.

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Hemalurgy can only be performed by Scadrians (I think? I think the WoB on this is vague), so it doesn't really seem feasible for it to be Hemalurgy. I certainly hope it isn't, either, because Hemalurgy basically required Shardic intervention to know what to do.


Hemalurgy can be performed by anyone who's trying to do it.

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Someone like Taravangian could easily research Hemalurgy, if he had a reason to suspect something like that. He must be working on it, because Parshendikoloss.


Researching Hemalurgy is hard. Like, TLR ran Hemalurgy labs for a thousand years and never figured out anything hard. Taravangian's smart, but not that smart. :P

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Researching Hemalurgy is hard. Like, TLR ran Hemalurgy labs for a thousand years and never figured out anything hard. Taravangian's smart, but not that smart. :P

TLR was a sad person in a way... Dude lived 1000 years, had god-level knowledge and whole empire but he chose to keep it in stone age. He could at least try to worldhop. Now that I think about it... What if he did worldhop?

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Probably not.




How cosmere-aware was the Lord Ruler? If a Returned waltzed into Kredik Shaw, would he have any idea what was going on? Or at least be able to recognize 'hey that guy seems endowmenty'.



Aware enough to know he wasn't alone, but not so aware that he'd know specifics. He didn't hold the power long enough to explore outward very far.

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Someone like Taravangian could easily research Hemalurgy, if he had a reason to suspect something like that. He must be working on it, because Parshendikoloss.


There is one niggling detail about hemalurgy that Brandon has not given us the answer to:  Can you only make viable hemalurgic spikes from Scadrian metals?  He's RAFO'd it twice.  So, it is possible that even if Taravangian new about hemalurgy, it would be very difficult for him to get the necessary metals.


Researching Hemalurgy is hard. Like, TLR ran Hemalurgy labs for a thousand years and never figured out anything hard. Taravangian's smart, but not that smart. :P


This is not quite accurate.  TLR truly wasn't able to discover any other hemalurgic creations (e.g, Kandra or Koloss).  However, he probably gained a fairly complete understanding of viable bindpoints for allomantic and feruchemical abilities as well as perhaps some more mundane abilities as well.  


As to Taravangian, there would be much that Taravangian would theoretically be able to discover if he had access to the needed resources (i.e., shardblade, surgebinders, people who had viited the old magic, etc.).

Edited by Shardlet
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  • 3 months later...

I think Aether makes a good point. I don't think this means anyone can any ability. Makes more sense to me that a coinshot could use possibly use stormlight or something else as a replacement for steel, but he would still be a coinshot

I think this it the pivotal point to remember.

each magic system has a two main parts: 1-effects, 2-fuel.

the effects are determined by the system itself, but the fuel (apparently) is much more flexible, and usually world-specific.

We all assume Nightblood can consume stormlight instead of Breath, but I think he can only do so if the person holding him has a spren-bond. (brandon has revealed that Nightblood 'is a shardblade' and therefore a spren, which means that Szeth can just bind with him.)


I wonder if an Elantrian could power their AonDor just by having infused spheres around them.

I would say "yes" they can. but you have to give them the ability to breath in stormlight first.

I also think this is what Sanderson was talking about when he said "juryrig" a magic system.


(The question is, can you really fill it by converting charges from other metalminds? The MAG seems to say you can.)

The MAG suggests that this is the ONLY way a normal ferrochemist can fill a nicrosil mind. If I read correctly, the game suggests that a nicrosil mind can only be filled by taking investature from an active source that the ferrochemist has access to. thereby, if the ferrochemmist gains Biochromatic Breath, he can store it in a nicrosilmind. if he has physical strenght, weight or health, he can transfer this to an appropriate metalmind, and then directly to his nicrosilmind. (same for stormlight, etc. you need marginal access to the other magic source)

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I am very much with entropicscholar, Aether, and Demandred on this. I think it's a very important piece of information that expands opportunities a vast amount, but it doesn't mean that everyone on every world can have any power they want if they just give it their best go and study real hard. I think it's totally feasible that someone on Roshar would have to posses the same/similar qualities as someone on Scardial to be a Mistborn versus a Misting, for example. I would assume that would have to do with the makeup of their sDNA.

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