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  1. Haelbarde: Doesn’t know if he’ll keep up his Quick Links and Player Lists but posts them before reading the write up. “Well, at least we didn’t lose any roles to the eliminators.” An obvious comment to make; could be read thankful or bitter. Claims having two Tin Eyes is redundant, which I strongly disagree with. PMs are dangerous for eliminators so the more buffers we have between them being taken out of this game the better. Votes for Lopen (a now confirmed Spiked) for not posting Night One. Asks him if he’s busy and if he has any thoughts on how the village should use their roles. My theory is that this was him trying to reel in an inactive member of his team with a poke vote, either as a reminder for him to get in the doc or to open up an avenue for him to begin discussion as sometimes eliminators don’t want to seem inactive but have trouble coming up with anything to say. Given how fast Hael was to try to instigate discussion through poking a so-far-inactive instead of the messages left behind the Tin Eyes, for example, leads me to believe this is more likely.

This was the only post of my you commented on, I think, so I assume it is the root of your suspicions. 


"Well, at least we didn't lose any roles to the eliminators. " I could point you to previous games where I've said something similar (and usually got in trouble for it... I should really stop). It's always sorta annoying to die early in the game, and cycle 1 is sorta harsh. I like to comment on it, is all. 


"Yay for redundancy." It looked like you took that to say that I didn't think we needed two Tineye. On the contrary, I meant the exact opposite. The 'Yay' was genuine not sarcastic. Redundancy is a good thing, as it means if one fails, you have a backup. I guess people use 'redundant' in the sense of 'what's the point in having two?' That was not how I was using it.


You mention that I don't discuss the Tineyes. I don't really care to know exactly who the Tineye's are, nor do I care to publicly discuss that, unless we were deciding to Lurch them. PMs are a valuable tool for the Village, and so I'd rather not help the Spiked out by discussing their identities in thread. So acknowledged their presence, and moved on. 


Finally, there's my vote on Lopen. In prior games, we've had been discussions about day one lynches and poke voting and the such like. In the past, people have just arbitrarily put poke votes on people. "I'm going to poke Gamma". That sorta thing. If you're lucky, you get them to post some nothingness, and that's that. So I try and make a point of asking the person I poke a question. I started with Lopen because he had yet to post in the AG, but had just posted in the MR, and he usually has something useful to say.


Hopefully that addresses some of your concerns.

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I have been debating about whether or not I should post this but what the chull.


I was contacted by someone claiming Lurcher D1.  They claim that they will be protecting me each night as they don't think they will be attacked anytime soon.  I initially thought they were Spiked trying to gain my trust but now that Lopen is dead and revealed as a Spiked Lurcher I feel they are probably telling the truth.  So I am going to make an offer to any Seekers who wish to use me to reveal their scans.  Feel free to scan me tonight if you wish, I have nothing to hide.  This would also allow the Seekers to know who else has been scanned so they don't end up wasting a night scanning someone twice.

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Me: Just going off of a pure feeling of the game I'd say you're one of the good guys. And as such I'd like to stay in contact with you as long as the Tineye allows us to!

Merry Christmas  :D



Asks me if I'm psychic.   :o

Asks me why I think he's good even though he hasn't posted. 

Mentions that he'd love for the Tineye to stay alive because he likes PM's. Mentions he had 30 in LG15.

Merry Christmas to you too!   :lol: (Even though it's the day after Christmas for me, we can justfudge the facts.   ;))

Then asks me if anything interesting is going on in the game.


Me: Nope. Except someone started a list of what each role should do and Wilson didn't start a lynch train on them hahahahaha.



Mentions that it's a good thing for those players that she's not playing.

Mentions that the advice from Luckat seemed good, (Also mentions Shallans did too, but people jumped on her for that too O.o)


Me: I ask him what he thinks about the Tineye messages. Lopen doesn't respond.

*Lopen dies*

Me: Gosh my pure feelings suck. Not using those again.


If anyone has any questions or concerns about this post please don't hesitate.


So basically you stuck your neck out for a player your gut told you was good before he even said anything to you at all? The logic in that is incredibly fallible... but okay.


This was the only post of my you commented on, I think, so I assume it is the root of your suspicions. 


"Well, at least we didn't lose any roles to the eliminators. " I could point you to previous games where I've said something similar (and usually got in trouble for it... I should really stop). It's always sorta annoying to die early in the game, and cycle 1 is sorta harsh. I like to comment on it, is all. 


"Yay for redundancy." It looked like you took that to say that I didn't think we needed two Tineye. On the contrary, I meant the exact opposite. The 'Yay' was genuine not sarcastic. Redundancy is a good thing, as it means if one fails, you have a backup. I guess people use 'redundant' in the sense of 'what's the point in having two?' That was not how I was using it.


You mention that I don't discuss the Tineyes. I don't really care to know exactly who the Tineye's are, nor do I care to publicly discuss that, unless we were deciding to Lurch them. PMs are a valuable tool for the Village, and so I'd rather not help the Spiked out by discussing their identities in thread. So acknowledged their presence, and moved on. 


Finally, there's my vote on Lopen. In prior games, we've had been discussions about day one lynches and poke voting and the such like. In the past, people have just arbitrarily put poke votes on people. "I'm going to poke Gamma". That sorta thing. If you're lucky, you get them to post some nothingness, and that's that. So I try and make a point of asking the person I poke a question. I started with Lopen because he had yet to post in the AG, but had just posted in the MR, and he usually has something useful to say.


Hopefully that addresses some of your concerns.


It does. I still don't trust you, but it's enough to sate my curiosity for now, especially since I advocated your death in MR10. Right now I'm more suspicious of Hellscythe's random defense of Lopen than I am of your vote and subsequent retraction against him. But even then, none of this is really damning evidence, just things I think are worth feeling out.


I have been debating about whether or not I should post this but what the chull.


I was contacted by someone claiming Lurcher D1.  They claim that they will be protecting me each night as they don't think they will be attacked anytime soon.  I initially thought they were Spiked trying to gain my trust but now that Lopen is dead and revealed as a Spiked Lurcher I feel they are probably telling the truth.  So I am going to make an offer to any Seekers who wish to use me to reveal their scans.  Feel free to scan me tonight if you wish, I have nothing to hide.  This would also allow the Seekers to know who else has been scanned so they don't end up wasting a night scanning someone twice.


INB4 the Lurcher is a Spiked Burnt Spaghetti (and yes, I realize she isn't in this game, but still. I find this highly suspicious but see no harm in a Seeker scanning you).

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It does. I still don't trust you, but it's enough to sate my curiosity for now, especially since I advocated your death in MR10. Right now I'm more suspicious of Hellscythe's random defense of Lopen rather than your vote and subsequent retraction against him. But even then, none of this is really damning evidence, just things I think are worth feeling out.

That is fair enough. I'd appreciate not getting coinshoted though, if you're not really sure. I'd sorta prefer to not die N2 twice in a row, if our coinshots are going to act on our night votes.

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I have been debating about whether or not I should post this but what the chull.


I was contacted by someone claiming Lurcher D1.  They claim that they will be protecting me each night as they don't think they will be attacked anytime soon.  I initially thought they were Spiked trying to gain my trust but now that Lopen is dead and revealed as a Spiked Lurcher I feel they are probably telling the truth.  So I am going to make an offer to any Seekers who wish to use me to reveal their scans.  Feel free to scan me tonight if you wish, I have nothing to hide.  This would also allow the Seekers to know who else has been scanned so they don't end up wasting a night scanning someone twice.

I'd like to mention that Lurchers can not protect from the lynch in this game and thus are not as overpowered on the Spiked. So while I agree that he's more trustworthy now that a Spiked Lurcher has been revealed, I wouldn't discount the idea of two Spiked Lurchers, or put full faith into this person considering the fact that they might not even be a Lurcher to begin with.


So basically you stuck your neck out for a player your gut told you was good before he even said anything to you at all? The logic in that is incredibly fallible... but okay.

Yeah. Sorry. My bad. Like I said "Gosh my pure feelings suck. Not using those again."

If it makes you feel any better I wouldn't have protected him if he was my Spiked teammate. Especially when he's the closest to dying.


Edit: To the lurcher protecting Alvron, if you can find another Village Lurcher you two can live infinitely I think since there's no role blocks.

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I'd like to mention that Lurchers can not protect from the lynch in this game and thus are not as overpowered on the Spiked. So while I agree that he's more trustworthy now that a Spiked Lurcher has been revealed, I wouldn't discount the idea of two Spiked Lurchers, or put full faith into this person considering the fact that they might not even be a Lurcher to begin with.

I did say that they are probably telling the truth.  I'm not one to blindly trust just because a Spiked was found with the same role.  Nor am I foolish enough to try and guess Metas role distribution.

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INB4 the Lurcher is a Spiked Burnt Spaghetti (and yes, I realize she isn't in this game, but still. I find this highly suspicious but see no harm in a Seeker scanning you).

Just pointing out that if the Spiked take it as a given that Alv is going to get seeked, they might smoke him to waste the Seeker's scan. (I'm assuming that the Spiked have a Smoker, because they had 1 in LG1, and 2 in AG1, and see no reason why they wouldn't have one this time.)

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Just pointing out that if the Spiked take it as a given that Alv is going to get seeked, they might smoke him to waste the Seeker's scan. (I'm assuming that the Spiked have a Smoker, because they had 1 in LG1, and 2 in AG1, and see no reason why they wouldn't have one this time.)


Well since you went ahead and gave them that idea, I'll go ahead and further this scenario so that this becomes a matter of I know you know / to keep the Spiked guessing. I've done some investigating since Hellscythe announced that there's four people who claimed Smoker. I now know all of their identities so I ask that if you claimed Smoker (I.E. Kas, the one who claimed to Mashadar, the one who claimed to STINK and the one who claimed to Hellscythe) you do not use your ability tonight (make sure to send the order into Meta to not cloud yourself or anyone else). The Seeker can then scan Alvron. If Alvron tells us by the second day of the next turn that he was never contacted by a Seeker that will either mean that the Seeker was inactive at the time of Alvron's reveal, did not listen or he was clouded, in which case I will reveal all Smoker's identities so that we can designate which one of them needs to have their votes affected by emotional allomancy. If their votes do not change then bam, we have our culprit, and if Alvron does not get clouded because they decide to not use their ability then he gets scanned by a Seeker and we now have a proxy for their reveals.



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Well since you went ahead and gave them that idea, I'll go ahead and further this scenario so that this becomes a matter of I know you know / to keep the Spiked guessing. I've done some investigating since Hellscythe announced that there's four people who claimed Smoker. I now know all of their identities so I ask that if you claimed Smoker (I.E. Kas, the one who claimed to Mashadar, the one who claimed to STINK and the one who claimed to Hellscythe) you do not use your ability tonight (make sure to send the order into Meta to not cloud yourself or anyone else). The Seeker can then scan Alvron. If Alvron tells us by the second day of the next turn that he was never contacted by a Seeker that will either mean that the Seeker was inactive at the time of Alvron's reveal, did not listen or he was clouded, in which case I will reveal all Smoker's identities so that we can designate which one of them needs to have their votes affected by emotional allomancy. If their votes do not change then bam, we have our culprit, and if Alvron does not get clouded because they decide to not use their ability then he gets scanned by a Seeker and we now have a proxy for their reveals.

You are assuming of course that a Spiked Smoker claimed.  Last AG there were 5 Smokers so it's possible that a Spiked one is still hidden and will Smoke me forcing us to waste a turn or more lynching Villagers.

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You are assuming of course that a Spiked Smoker claimed.  Last AG there were 5 Smokers so it's possible that a Spiked one is still hidden and will Smoke me forcing us to waste a turn or more lynching Villagers.


That tells us even more information, doesn't it? Four people who claimed Smoker are then proven to have not used their ability and if you end up clouded that means there's a fifth one out there who didn't claim and is most certainly Spiked and was online specifically after your reveal (unless premeditated with you).

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I would vote Panda get's coinshot, to be honest. I suspect that there's a Spiked Soother who wanted to tie the vote but did not anticipate Araris' vote being soothed too let alone the Riot of Hellscythe's vote from Panda to Lopen.

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Also, Ada, I think the Smokers are fine to Smoke themselves. Do we even know if you can Smoke others without smoking yourself? If Smokers only Smoke themselves, then we're fine. If a Smoker still Smokes Alv, you can reveal your list of Smokers and we can discuss which of them is most suspicious.

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In order to cloud another player a Smoker has to also cloud themselves. Therefore if Alvron is clouded but one of the Smokers is not it guarantees that they were not the one who did it and therefore saves us time debating their involvement.

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If it helps us find the Spiked, yes. An innocent Smoker implicating themselves by Smoking doesn't help us at all, in my opinion. I've explained this in PMs but I guess I'll add my input on the matter here too. If an innocent Seeker scans someone who is clouded, especially this early, it only makes that player suspicious. It puts their alignment into question instead of them establishing a connection with another innocent. They can then both put their minds together in PM to discuss strategies for finding the Spiked as opposed to both of them being clueless. Plus I think it's more beneficial for us as a whole to get an idea of how many Soother and Rioters there are out there rather then thwarting them. If we get vote manipulation confirmation on how many of them there are we have solid information to use in determining role distribution and which most likely belong to the eliminators. On the Spiked Smokers side of it, they protect themselves from being found out as well as one of their team mates or instead can cloud an innocent player to make them look bad. This early there's really no reason for a Smoker to cloud someone else, so if someone ends up clouded when the claimed innocent Smokers are proven to not have used their power then we are that much closer to figuring out who the real culprit is. Also, this early, chances are if a Spiked Seeker scans someone and they're clouded that either means that they themselves are the Smoker or one somehow established contact with an important role and consider said player accordingly, which more or less defeats the purpose of the clouding in the first place unless it was an innocent Smoker framing someone they know is a Regular to waste their time, which is kind of a cruel move in my opinion unless the Regular consents.

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To be honest it's a good thing that the Spiked Smokers have to consider using their abilities on a villager leaving their allies open to be scanned. Oooooh sucks to be you Spiked Smoker. There's another IKYK option for you. Have fun with that one. Feel free to smoke me as well. I love the smell.... Ah who am I kidding those things smell terrible.

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Day 2: As Solid As A Dream

I suggest reading this first.

Aralis sat on his front porch in his favorite chair as the remnant rays of light from the sun slowly gave way to the coming night. He didn’t fear the mists anymore. When you lived as long as he had, they were more like a constant companion than a force to be afraid of. Besides, he had never believe in those fanciful stories people told about Mistwraiths. Just a lot of mumbo jumbo if you asked him and so he liked to sit out here on his porch and greet the mists as they seemed to pour out of the ground.

He sat there rocking in silent contentment for awhile, just feeling the cool caress of the mists after the heat of the day. Those youngins might fret about riches or relationships, but Aralis knew that it was the simple things in life that really mattered.

He didn’t hear the figure approach from behind him, but he knew them to be there.

“The Koloss are coming,” said the voice….

Aralis woke up with a start.

“It was only a dream,” he told himself as his heart rate steadily decreased. He was still on his porch and still in his favorite chair. He wasn’t even outside. Instead, he was staring out at the cold, winter night through the windows of his home.

Beyond that, today had been a good day; one in which they had caught a murderer amongst them. He didn’t put much stock in the whole crazy notion of Mrs. Lippen being something as ludicrous as one of them Spiked that every believed in these days, but he’d heard her confess from her own two lips and that still meant that she was a killer that needed to be dealt with.

The fire had started to burn down and a chill was starting to touch the air inside his home. The cold tended to make his joints ache. With the help of his trusty cane, he grunted a bit as he hauled himself to his feet and made his way to the fire place. He’d had the same cane for as long as he could remember needing one and he was just a little proud of it. It was made of one solid piece and had never warped or cracked in over 20 years time. It wasn’t like he had been soft on it either. The amount of bumpings and beatings he’d used the cane to dish out over the years was staggering. The fact that it still held up was a testament to hardy craftsmanship.

When he reached the fire place, he grabbed the poker and started stirring the logs around. It didn’t take long at all before flames again began to flicker across their surface and spilling warmth throughout the cottage.

“The Koloss are coming,” someone behind him, on the other side of the room, said in a raspy voice.

Aralis froze. Even with the fire right in front of him, he felt like he’d been doused in ice water. He clenched his eyes shut, his grip on the poker in one hand and the cane in the other tightened.

“There’s no such thing as Koloss,” he whispered, only half believing it himself. How did this person seem to know about his dream?

He heard footstep as the person slowly walked across the floor.

“There are too such a thing as Koloss.”

They said it slowly, drawing it out. It was the next phrase he’d heard in his dream except now it just sounded menacing where before, it almost sounded childish.

This couldn’t be happening! How? Aralis forced himself to let out a shuttering breath. He knew how this ended. That didn’t mean that he’d just give up. He looked down at both the poker and the cane in his hands; deciding which one he’d use against the sword that he somehow knew the stranger was carrying. At the end of the day, he trusted the cane more than the poker, even knowing that the poker was made of metal. The footsteps were getting really close now.

“Nope!” Aralis hollered as he dropped the poker and spun around swinging.

The cane swished through the air in a downward swing towards the stranger’s head, just as he had done a hundred times to some pesky, bratty children. Except this time, he put forth all the strength he could muster.

The stranger brought the sword up to block and cane and sword clashed together. Amazingly, the cane still held and Aralis couldn’t help but have a slight swelling of pride towards it. 20 years and it still had never let him down.

That was until the stranger kicked him in the stomach. It knocked the air out of him and threw him into the fireplace.

The stranger stood there waiting until the screams stopped.

“Yeah-huh.” They said, as they turned and disappeared into the night.

After such success yesterday, the Villagers went again to the Canton of Finances building for their meeting. When they arrived, they found two notes tacked to the doors, one for each door.

The left side one read:

My name is Unknown.
Is that a hint?
Surely he wouldn't reveal like that
The truth comes out.
Basically who knows?
Only he knows.
Right or wrong
Never neutral

Before you ask, yes,no,maybe.

It's possible to make up PMs with someone to prove that you weren't talking in a doc.
AKA HS is evil.

Am I dead?

And the right one read:


Password's obvious'.

Everyone had almost finished gathering when someone spoke up. “Hey, anyone seen Aralis?”

“The old fool is probably sleeping in,” said someone else.

“Well someone go wake him. Then we’ll get started.”

Day 2 Begins! You have 48 hours until the end of the turn.

Aralis Valerian was a Regular Villager!

Current Player List


Happy Hunting!

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Hey! I am not evil! Storm you Wyrm! Or other Tineye who I don't know yet. Also what does MISTBORN have to do with anything? Did you get Tineye two nights in a row?


There goes my theory about Araris being the Rioter who killed Lopen.


Well. Since we can vote now. And I'm the only here for now...... Orlok how have your holidays been?


Also coinshots I think it's great you're not randomly killing but you could go after your suspicions just a little. Unless you're all just inactives.

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Quick Links:

Player List:

1. Mailliw73 - Maill (The Cobbler)
2. Haelbarde - Edrab Leah (Author)
3. Seonid - Senn Conrad (Minor Nobleman) Villager Regular 
4. IrulelikeSTINK - STINK (Glitched AI in the Shape of a Horse)
5. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Terris Steward)
6. OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel (Estranged Son of a Noble House)
7. Kasimir - Kassien Estvaril (Apothecary)
8. Bort - Bartholomew the Blind (Knight Awkward)
9. Wyrmhero - The Surprisingly Mediocre Amazing Wyrm (Traveling Magician)
10. Ripplegylf - Clara Lepinceau (Former Noblewoman)
11. Venture Mistborn - Alexander Venture (Mute Beggar)
12. Mark IV - Unknown (Amnesiac)
13. WeiryWriter - Riew (Skaa Courier)
14. Hellscythe - Hellscythe (Madman who thinks he's a ghost)
15. Adavantos - Gidomara Grae (Professional Procrastinator)
16. Araris Valerian - Aralis (Skeptical Elderly Grump) Village Regular
17. Phattemer - Exisa (Small and Paranoid)
18. Madashar Mistborn - Kilven (Blacksmith)
19. Creccio - Inor Haze (Mortician/Taxidermist)
20. Shallan - Citona Vinid (Bellringer)
21. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist and all around resurrected guy)
22. Lightsworn Panda - Jain (Panda, of course)
23. Sart - Slart (Quiet Hunter)
24. TheMightyLopen - Lippen (Head of the Sewing Circle) Spiked Lurcher
25. Elkanah - Kane (Florist)
26. Elbereth - El (Illusionist)
27. Luckat - Lu (Town Busybody)


@Hellscythe: Re: Coinshots - Well, we've been told to not try guess Meta's role distribution. Maybe he made most people smokers (apparently we've got 4 around?), and made no one a coinshot?


@Tineye #2: I'm not finding the passwords either easy, or obvious. Just so you know...

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I was just reading night two's thread, and there, I read HS' post about alvron's lurcher and another one surviving indefinitely. So, I was wondering, if, supposedly, in the end, we had 2 non-spiked lurchers and a Spiked soother, would the game end in a tie? (I'm not specifically referring to any game, circumstance or prior knowledge. Just a hypothetical situation)

Also, Meta, is the initial quotation mark included in the cryptic message or did you put it there?

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