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Player List:

1. Mailliw73 - Maill (The Cobbler)
2. Haelbarde - Edrab Leah (Author)
3. Seonid - Senn Conrad (Minor Nobleman) Village Regular 
4. IrulelikeSTINK - STINK (Glitched AI in the Shape of a Horse) Village Tineye
5. Herowannabe - Herwynbe (Terris Steward)
6.  OrlokTsubodai - Locke Tekiel (Estranged Son of a Noble House)
7. Kasimir - Kassien Estvaril (Apothecary) Village Smoker
8. Bort - Bartholomew the Blind (Knight Awkward)
9. Wyrmhero - The Surprisingly Mediocre Amazing Wyrm (Traveling Magician) Village Tineye
10. Ripplegylf - Clara Lepinceau (Former Noblewoman)
11. Venture Mistborn - Alexander Venture (Mute Beggar) Village Regular
12. Mark IV - Unknown (Amnesiac)
13. WeiryWriter - Riew (Skaa Courier)
14. Hellscythe - Hellscythe (Madman who thinks he's a ghost) Village Smoker
15. Adavantos - Gidomara Grae (Professional Procrastinator) Village Smoker
16. Araris Valerian - Aralis (Skeptical Elderly Grump) Village Regular
17. Phattemer - Exisa (Small and Paranoid)
18. Madashar Mistborn - Kilven (Blacksmith)
19. Creccio - Inor Haze (Mortician/Taxidermist)
20. Shallan Kipper - Citona Vinid (Bellringer)
21. Alvron - Vron (Alchemist and all around resurrected guy)
22. Lightsworn Panda - Jain (Panda, of course)
23. Sart - Slart (Quiet Hunter)
24. TheMightyLopen - Lippen (Head of the Sewing Circle) Spiked Lurcher
25. Elkanah - Kane (Florist)
26. Elbereth - El (Apprentice Apothecary)
27. Luckat - Lu (Town Busybody)


Well, seems Meta didn't opt for making both tineye's Spiked, like I wondered if he might. Also seems Hellscythe was wrong about Wyrm too. So what now? We have a large number of (semi) inactives. Do we start lynching them? Or are there existing suspicions. Wyrm was suspicious of Hero, wasn't he?

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First off, I told you-


oh wait, Maill already said that.  :P


@Haelbarde: Yes, Wyrm was fixated on me for the last few cycles, mainly because, said he, that my recent posts were lacking in substance. And he was right about that last bit at least- I haven't had as much time to devote to this game as I was hoping. Even now it's currently 1:16 in the morning and I should be in bed because I have work in 7 hours.  :rolleyes: But honestly, if my posts lacked substance it was because I had nothing of substance to put in them. I've had very few suspicions, and the whole game I have only participated in PMs with 4 people, 3 of whom are now dead: Kas, Stink, Wyrm, and Kipper. In every case they instigated the PM with me. Nothing much of significance was discussed in any of them, save for Kippers, where we briefly discussed our thoughts on a few players- most of whom are now dead.  <_<



Anyway, I am going to start by putting my vote on Maill. This whole thing from last cycle: 



And, since two new people posted, here it is: Hellscythe was checked by a Seeker and is good. I'm currently a proxy for a proxy. I wanted to see who would follow my lead and how votes would follow. So, now vote as you will.


doesn't sit very well with me. It could be true, but it could also be all too easy of a move for an Eliminator to pull to try to gain some trust and stir up some confusion at the same time, because the Eliminators already know who all the good villagers are. And this post came too late in the cycle for Hellscythe to be saved.


On it's own, it wasn't enough to warrant a vote, but then there was this from last night:

Lurchers, if I could request protection from one of you, that'd be great. 



If you were just a proxy for a proxy for a seeker, then your own role must not have been very important, right? So what was the point of publicly asking for Lurcher protection? It doesn't make sense. Unless you were a spiked trying to draw Lurcher protection away from the person you wanted to target- aka Wyrm, the last Tineye. Then it makes perfect sense.

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I'll come forward as a proxy for a Seeker as well. Still waiting on a read for this cycle via code, but I can say definitively that my Seeker did not check Hellscythe.

Maill, we mentioned a player by name in our PM. I ended a message by saying something like, "Thanks for that piece of information." Is that player the Seeker you are currently a proxy for a proxy for?

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First, I'm sorry for my inactivity over the last couple of cycles. I just started a new job and it has been a little hectic. I've been able to keep up with the thread and a few pm's, but I still don't have any solid suspicions.

I thought I was sure that Hellscythe was spiked. I was also suspicious of wyrm for his early claim. I was clearly wrong on both.

That being said, I'm most suspicious of Maill right now because he led a lynch train and got off at the last minute claiming to know that the lynchee was innocent.

Any other thoughts about it would be welcome.

Edit fixed autocorrect

Edited by Elkanah
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Kipper, yes, that is the one, I think. I'm intentionally out of the loop, so I can't be sure. Speaking of, if your Seeker ever got around to checking them, that would've been nice. If not, if you can communicate to them that that player is top priority to be checked, that'd be prime.


Elkanah, I've already explained my vote to you. I didn't lead a lynch train, actually. I was the second vote on Hellscythe. Then once two more were added, I removed it and explained why: I wanted to see who would follow whose votes. There were 3 people on who were voting for Hellscythe who could've changed it: Elbereth, Luckat, and Haelbarde. Any of them changing their votes would've at least resulting in a tie. 


Now, to my proxy for my Seeker: Way to get the plan's blame shifted to me. While having me as a scapegoat is ideal for you, I suppose, I have to say, it's getting a bit annoying. If we ever get a Mistborn with Tin, contact me yourself, please. I'm reluctant being your fall guy unless I know what I'm doing when I do it. 



This is my suspicions list, in order:







Hael? If so, Alv is also a possibility.

Kipper? If so, his Seeker is evil. 


Edited by Mailliw73
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You're right Maill, you have explained what you were going for. What's suspicious to me was that it ended up killing someone you knew was innocent.

Part of the problem is that you are one of very few who are active and that's how I've been analyzing. We've seen in MR 10 and QF11 that inactivity is a good place for eliminators. I'm not usually the one to start a crusade, but my guess is that's where they are. alvron, what do you think?

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You're right Maill, you have explained what you were going for. What's suspicious to me was that it ended up killing someone you knew was innocent.

Yes, I've realized that my plan was executed a couple hours too late. That was my bad, sorry.

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Maill, could you explain to me what this plan was, exactly? Because I'm starting to have creeping suspicions about this proxy that you answer to.



In case you weren't aware of this already, my Seeker is the player that I pretended to not know in the PM. And he did not scan Hellscythe at all. I am unaware of any of the trusted members of the group making claims about HS to anyone. This would imply that either you or the proxy is making unsubstantiated claims about the Seeker in question.

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Kipper, I'm also quite worried if that's the case. Granted, my proxy didn't tell me much. I was making an assumption. But either way, I've suspicions that either our mutual acquaintance or my proxy is evil. Something doesn't feel right about it.

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Kipper, I'm also quite worried if that's the case. Granted, my proxy didn't tell me much. I was making an assumption. But either way, I've suspicions that either our mutual acquaintance or my proxy is evil. Something doesn't feel right about it.

Did they explicitly say, "The Seeker Scanned HS"? Or did you infer that. I'd still like to know more about what went on. And also who this proxy is.

At this point, I think that one person (possibly two) in you, the other proxy, or the Seeker is evil.

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 alvron, what do you think?

About what exactly?  If you want to talk about pearl diving in Borneo or the night life in Heraklion then I sorry to tell you that I have no knowledge of what you ask. :P


If it's about the game and who the Spiked are, I'm similarly clueless there. :(  I thought I was on to something with Venture but that turned out to be false and my only other suspicion is that of Mark and that's only because they seem to be very active.  However it is their first game so I have no information to compare it to.


What I do think is that killing off our active and talking players isn't something we should be doing.  The Spiked will do that for us.  So instead we should be asking those that are borderline inactive.  Those that have been on the Shard but not posting here.  Like me. :o  So to that end, Jain, how are ya?

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I'm still not quite sure what to think about everything that has happened. I'm a bit suspicious of Maill. Or the proxy. But really, without more information it's hard to have a clue what is going on. When I talked to Maill about it, it lessened my suspicions of him a bit, but I'm still not sure. It makes some sense to see what people do without knowledge of a scan, but as I told Maill during the night, I think letting us all know earlier would have given us the opportunity to have a more fruitful discussion about Seekers' and proxies' trustworthiness and whether lynching a Seeking target is worth it rather than having to make a last minute decision about whether to trust some fishy-sounding information. I hope that in the future any information that is key to the lynch at hand is shared early enough that everyone is able to see it and have time to respond to it (around the 1/2 or 3/4 mark of the cycle instead of near the end).
Maill, I think it would help if you shared more about what went on in your PM with the proxy. At this point, too many secrets are more likely to harm us than help us against the Spiked. In particular, could you answer the questions Kipper asked?
As for who to lynch, I'm really not sure at this point. We don't really want to lynch someone who is active without relatively strong suspicions. I feel like we need a bit more information out there for those, but maybe there will be something by the end of the cycle.
Lynching someone who hasn't been on for 1+ cycles (Creccio, Bort, or Jain) won't really gain us anything other than knowledge of their role and alignment, which doesn't tell us much beyond what the distribution is. They aren't likely to get on to help us, but they also aren't sending in orders for the Spiked so they aren't harming us if they are left alive. To be honest, with inactives like those, I think it is best to just consider them as dead and likely villagers when thinking about numbers relating to lynch-or-lose. Weiry is an interesting case in that his expected future activity level is about the same as those previously mentioned, but he's obviously still going to be on the Shard. He theoretically could be sending in actions, but I doubt he is. The information gained from lynching any of these is minimal, but probably better than no lynch if we can't decide on another target. I doubt poke votes would accomplish anything on any of them since it is unlikely any of them are following the game.
Other than those, the biggest inactive is probably Ripple. She hasn't posted in several cycles. However, I PMed her last cycle and she said that, while she has been busy, she will hopefully be able to be more active later this week. She said she will likely be able to pay more attention to the game on Wednesday, so I think it would be best to give her until then before anyone tries to prod her.
There's not anyone else that I would consider really inactive at this point. At the very least, I think we can count on everyone else to vote if we are in a dire situation. However, I do hope that everyone who hasn't gotten around to posting yet this cycle makes an effort to do so.
Anyway, here's a vote tally:
Hael (0): Maill1
Maill (2): Hero, Phatt
Hero (1): Maill2
Alv (1): Elkanah
Jain (1): Alv

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Did they explicitly say, "The Seeker Scanned HS"? Or did you infer that. I'd still like to know more about what went on. And also who this proxy is.

At this point, I think that one person (possibly two) in you, the other proxy, or the Seeker is evil.

I had woken up to Hellscythe's proclamation that Wyrm must be evil and voted for him. I then voted for HS. I checked my PMs and saw that the proxy had messaged me. They said "Hellscythe is good" so I told them I voted on him. They got back to me later dismissing it and telling me that the group had come up with the plan that I used.

Granted, I probably waited too late in the cycle for it to work as well and it backfired on HS.

I still don't think I'll reveal my proxy yet, though. I'm not sure which, if any, of these two Seekers is evil.

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If it's about the game and who the Spiked are, I'm similarly clueless there. :(  I thought I was on to something with Venture but that turned out to be false and my only other suspicion is that of Mark and that's only because they seem to be very active.  However it is their first game so I have no information to compare it to.


Me? Active? I barely get 4 hours anymore, out of which, I'm busy for 2 hours, eating dinner for half an hour, and so, I get 1 and a half our to myself. That's very less amout of time, by my reckoning atleast.

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El sighed, climbing up the last really steep hill between her and the town. She bore a hefty sack with her, the result of two days' labors.

She had been mostly focused on the plants for the past days, making sure she had everything she needed for basic injuries, and as much as she could easily gather for more serious wounds.

But now she was walking, there weren't any other herbs nearby, and she'd gone over the recipes for every potion and poultice that she could possibly think of, twice. There was nothing left to think about.

Nothing but Kassien. Kassien's smell, that pine and juniper and other herbs, a wide mix of smells that no one else had. She lifted her arm and inhaled into her cloak. The scent was fading, now. It smelled more of freshly picked mint, and antiseptic, and horsetail.

Kassien's smile, as she discovered new ways to make potions. Kassien's little wave goodbye, as he blew out the candle beside her bed. Kassien's arms as they picked her up and whirled her around when she'd taken care of her first serious wound.

Kassien's blackened bones, lying on the cold stone.

She cried for a while. But she found herself growing angry, suddenly, like she hadn't been before, as she crested the final hill and looked down on her precious town. Angry at these Spiked. They threatened the village. They had brought the koloss. They had murdered Kassien!

And they would die in return.

I got a little distracted for the past day, but I have returned.

This has kind of developed into a mess. The spiderweb bas collapsed into a mess of strings, and the spiders are hidden among those strands.

Mark, you are active. At least you're posting at least once a turn, which is more than can be said for some people.

I do have some slight suspicion of Mail for the same reason others have said, but I haven't decided whether to believe his story yet.

I'll likely be back to place a vote when I don't have to go to class.

Edited for in-character wording.

Edited by Elbereth
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Kipper, how is that a good idea? If they're good, I just reveal a prime target for the Spiked. I say we either reveal all the Seekers and go from there, or reveal none of them.

I still suspect Hero very much, but I'm going to vote for Jain.

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Sorry to interrupt your daily slaughter, but I need to deliver a PSA:


The site Info Encrypt will not be allowed for creating codes to communicate in any form from this point on. This includes communication in writeups, PMs, or codes in the thread, not only for this game, but all games going forward. There are a couple of different reasons for this. 1. Players should be using ways to communicate that they create or think of rather than using a program that someone else wrote, and 2. No matter the code you're using, you should be able to encode or decode it long-hand, which is not an option with info encrypt. If you'd like to discuss this more, PM me and/or Meta (since Alv is playing in this game and Gamma is busy with real life stuff still currently) and we'll be happy to explain it to you more.


Thank you, and get back to murderizing each other!

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As the late afternoon turned to evening, El returned to the town. For the moment, she returned to the Canton, in search of a place to sleep, and potentially somewhere to hide her herbs.

She didn't manage to find anyone who wanted to take her in (at least, no one she could tolerate living with), but she did find a space to store her herbs. While everyone was either sleeping or discussing in the Canton, she climbed the great tree that grew in the town square, and hid her bag in a hole in the trunk. Not very easy access if she had to treat someone, but for the moment safety was the priority. There wasn't anything to deal effectively with life-threatening injuries in there, anyway, and a few moments wouldn't permanently injure anyone less seriously wounded. She grabbed a few herbs from the bag before she climbed back down, so she could begin mixing a few poultices- beginning with one for burns, given the Spiked traitors' primary method of destruction so far.

She returned to the Canton, using a borrowed old washbasin to pound the herbs in. It wasn't exactly the beautiful stone pestle that she hadn't been able to find after the fire, but it would do.

As she listened to the discussion, it seemed that nothing was being done. She wanted to help, but she had to deal with her basic necessities first. Survival before accusation.

"I just wish I had somewhere to sleep," she said in frustration.

Mark, there's your opening, if you want to do any of the RP we discussed.

What I wouldn't give for a Coinshot... Mistborn (if you exist, which I hope), if you roll Coinshot, I'd advise not even going after your primary suspicion. At the rate this is going, all of the active players will lynch each other and the only people on either side will be inactives. So definitely go after an inactive, I'd say. Obviously up to you, but that's my take.

That doesn't mean I think we should be lynching inactives, though. I don't know. I mean, it's pretty likely that many of the eliminators are hiding in inactivity (or are actually inactive). We could go on a huge inactivity spree for the next few lynches. Problem with that is that the eliminators will be killing good, active players, and we'll only be killing at best somewhat inactive Eliminators. So that doesn't really work. So I'd suggest we confine lynches to active or at least semi-active players, who have a chance of responding, and who we can learn at least something from.

With that said, I think your excuse for your late reveal is a little bit flimsy, Mail. I know there's not much more you can say about that, but I'm of the opinion that it's not very good.

I may do a reread of the thread, and potentially take my vote off you if I find someone more suspicious. Until then, it stays.

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Vote Tally thus far:


(0) Hael: Mail

(3) Maill: Hero, Phatt, Kipper, Elbereth

(0) Hero: Maill

(1) Alvron: Elkanah

(4) Jain: Alvron, Maill, Hael, Hero


Well, Maill is still one of my biggest suspicions, but I find myself being swayed by statements such as these:


We've seen in MR 10 and QF11 that inactivity is a good place for eliminators. I'm not usually the one to start a crusade, but my guess is that's where they are.

What I do think is that killing off our active and talking players isn't something we should be doing.  The Spiked will do that for us.  So instead we should be asking those that are borderline inactive.  Those that have been on the Shard but not posting here.  Like me.  :o  

At the rate this is going, all of the active players will lynch each other and the only people on either side will be inactives. So definitely go after an inactive, I'd say. 



I am the founder of the Contribution Crusade. So to that end, even though I still have suspicions towards Maill, I'm going to vote for Jain and hope that vote shenanigans don't thwart us. 


Also, for the record, if I get killed soon or whatever, I am also starting to suspect the following:


Haelbarde: His behavior this cycle- a few posts, not contributing much, and then jumping on a lynch once it was already going.

Elbereth: Lots of posts, lots of RP, not a whole lot else. Possibly an Eliminator hiding behind RP?

Phattemer: Active enough to post once this cycle and cast a vote, but not active enough to attract any attention. Good place for an Eliminator to be.

Maill (still): As stated, his tactics from last cycle don't sit well with me. 


None of those suspicions are very strong, but there you go. 


So why am I voting for Jain? Because I would rather spend the rest of the day talking with the Eliminators and trying to see through there schemes than spend the rest of the game not talking with anyone because they're all inactive. I mean, we're only 6 cycles in. That's way too early for the conversation to be drying up.  <_<


edit: formatting

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Elbereth: Lots of posts, lots of RP, not a whole lot else. Possibly an Eliminator hiding behind RP?

I just want to remind you that I said I would be RPing a ton this game, before it even started. (Note that you can take this as in-game if you want, it's just OOC, kind of, for me. Out of playstyle, I guess?) Actually, I was going to do entirely RP, but that was impractical, so I just limited it to RP for every time I wanted to post analysis/discussion.

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