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Wonder Woman 1984 tonight! Overall, I liked the movie, but I don't think it was as good as the previous WW movie. I'd give it a 7/10 or 7.5/10. To some that may be generous, but there are very few superhero movies that I don't like.

Wonder Woman 1984 is a weird thing. It's a mixture of true, heartfelt optimism, campy fun, brilliant ideas, and mediocre execution. It has a lot of things to like - the action scenes, while seemingly fewer than before, are sharper than ever; the side-characters have been trimmed down, allowing for more time and depth to be given to Diana; the villains are FAR more fleshed out than the previous movie (...which isn't saying much, but it counts), and the score has some really nice call-backs to other DC movies Snyder has worked on.

But this movie is far from perfect. The ending was bad. There's no two ways around it. It was a bad ending, both the resolution to the climax and the final scenes. The mid-credit scene was nice, but it also made me realize that I HATE winking towards the camera. It always creeps me out. The optimistic tone, while very needed for 2020, doesn't really fit the message of the previous movie and feels far more...hopeful than I feel Diana should be at this point in the main DC timeline. (I will address some of this later on in the "things I would have changed" part towards the end.) There were a couple of moments in several of the fights that reminded me of scenes in the Captain America trilogy also, although not nearly as well done there.

But again, there are good things too. Steve's return was very well done, and the jet scene was brilliant. Maxwell Lord's early uses of his powers was great, and I loved when it felt like there was a grounded explanation for the wishes. Cheetah was well-done as a villain, and felt very understandable and ultimately human, although certain parts were very on-the-nose.

Which leads into an interesting feeling I had about this movie. In a lot of my complaints about things, I always feel like there are scenes that were left on the cutting room table that should have been in the final production. Here, there were scenes that should have been cut out or shortened that were put in in their entirety. I personally didn't mind this, as I LOVE those sorts of scenes. They flesh out our characters and help us see the world they live in. But I would have understood if certain scenes were cut here. For example, Barbara - no, not THAT Barbara - and Diana go out for a (seemingly very) early dinner in the first quarter of the movie. We get a scene where Barbara explains her personality and her lonely background while asking Diana a few questions, eventually asking Diana if she's ever been in love. I think that we could have cut the first half of that scene. We would start with hearing (and not seeing) Barbara ask Diana if she's ever been in love, and do a shorter version of that dinner. We don't need to hear Barbara's feelings about herself because her awkward behavior and encounters with all of her coworkers show us that reality. What we needed was a separate scene where Barbara and Diana become friends, or at least feel like coworkers instead of the "meet my new best friend" dynamic they have. It reminded me a bit of Electro's dynamic with Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and I'm not sure I liked it.

My second fix for this movie would have been putting it in modern times, in a post-Justice League world. WW84 acts like it's trying to cash in on that 80s nostalgia, but quite frankly it does a terrible job of doing so. I think setting it in modern times could really help us realize how far we have to go as a culture at times, while also letting a more optimistic Wonder Woman truly shine. We also wouldn't have to worry too much about Diana's secret identity, the movie's message would be more striking, and Barbara's envy would make more sense. Besides, Steve's flabbergasted nature would be even funnier...and a lot more like another Steve we know and love. What if she was driven by what she saw of Diana and other women on social media? What if we tackled the dangers of appearances in a more approachable manner?

The movie could also do more with romance. For example, what if this was set in modern times, and Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne was involved, eventually being promoted to a sort of love interest by the end of the movie?* It'd be a nice throwback to the Justice League cartoon. Imagine if we see her turn down guys (and gals) asking her out for coffee, only by the end of this movie, asking Bruce out to get coffee, signaling that she's ready to move on.** Honestly there were more than a couple of times where it would have felt right for Bruce to be in the movie. All of that said, however, I can see why the chose NOT to set this in modern times. Some of the topics talked about may have felt too...on the nose, given how this year has gone.

Ultimately, if you're a fan of superhero movies and Wonder Woman, check this out. If not, then don't be afraid to skip this or come back when drunk (on friendship and good times).

*In my head, however, this spins out into a sort of Flashpoint storyline. Bruce's wish would be for his parents to come back, and him having to say goodbye to them again would probably overshadow anything Diana does. Then again, having in the movie maybe would work as a solid juxtaposition for Maxwell. Here you have Bruce, the man who seemingly has everything, not making a wish on one side; and you have Maxwell Lord, the man who is trying to make everything work but comes from nothing on the other side. Maxwell meeting and being even more motivated to succeed because of his background compared to Wayne's would be a really interesting motivation.
**Also in my head, it wouldn't necessarily be that Bruce didn't make a wish when given a chance, it'd be that he didn't have the chance to do so. He'd admit this to Diana at the end of the movie, claiming that her willingness to give up Steve makes her stronger than he could ever be. Diana would mention how there are probably those out there who didn't give up their wishes, and Bruce would respond that they'd deal with those people as a team if it comes to that end.

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On 1/2/2021 at 0:19 PM, Truthwatcher at the Rim said:

Working on The Mandalorian season 2, as well as Phineas and Ferb and Brain Games (all on Disney plus :P)

I honestly can't count how many times I've seen Phineas and Ferb, such an excellent show when you just want something playing on the TV. I'll be honest, I watch it completely for Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus.

Already watched through Mando season 2 cause I'm a nerd and I enjoy watching it on the consistent schedule for release.

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17 hours ago, The Ward's Guard said:

I honestly can't count how many times I've seen Phineas and Ferb, such an excellent show when you just want something playing on the TV. I'll be honest, I watch it completely for Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus.

Already watched through Mando season 2 cause I'm a nerd and I enjoy watching it on the consistent schedule for release.

Years ago, I had to monitor some servers overnight for a few hours. I decided to turn on the TV and there was a Phineas and Ferb marathon going on. 

Hearing "Curse you, Perry the Platypus!" frequently kept me sane and helped me keep track of time! 

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I finally got around to watch Chihayafuru Third Season. I'm constantly amazed by how good the character development is in this show. I mean sure, it was like that since the first season, but by this one the cast is enormous and it keeps growing, and it still manages to give each and every one the time they need to grow.

During a game it's common to see the point of view of like five characters and in the span of two minutes all of them all of them get good development triggered by the same small thing that just happened. It doesn't feel rushed, or cramped. It's so natural I can't believe the author manages to keep it up for so long. Because that is not a rare occurrence. That's what you see in most of the games during the story.

Also, I don't know much about sports stories, but I'm really impressed by the amount of different motivations we get. At first I thought it would be as simple as a cremload of episodes with dozens of characters simply competing to be the best, but only a handful of characters are actually trying to achieve that, and even among those, the reasons are vastly different. Beyond that, the rest of the characters have objectives as varied as you can imagine. People playing for fun, for their family, to escape their lives, to fulfill an old teenage dream, for other obscure reasons we are still discovering, you name it. There is this one girl whose entire character at first was literally "I will only play to get close to my crush", and with only that she gets enough growth to be one of the most interesting characters later on. The story doesn't leave anyone behind.

The ending to this season was somewhat bittersweet. The series seems to be reaching its climax. Probably one or two seasons more to go which I am now seriously excited about. Though, the second season came out in 2013, so that's seven years between that one and the third. So that has me a little worried, but I am sure the wait will be worth it, even if it's a long one.

Edited by Eluvianii
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I watched the entire first season of Red vs Blue.  It was... interesting.  I understand it escalates quite a bit from the (season one)


Somewhat goofy tank and jeep shenanigans.  That's something that happens often, though, so I have some patience, especially since I can watch a full season in three or so hours, taking breaks.

I actually think it's pretty fun, and the characters are surprisingly fleshed out for five-minute videos, which is good, because they all look pretty identical save for the armor colors and I am baaaaad with remembering characters.

If anyone else has watched it, any advice?

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1 hour ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

I just finished Akudama Drive. It was absolutely incredible. 

Ooh, I'm watching that one. So far (first 3 episodes) I love it. The animation looks amazing for a show without previous seasons backing it. 

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12 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

Ooh, I'm watching that one. So far (first 3 episodes) I love it. The animation looks amazing for a show without previous seasons backing it. 

Just you wait for episode 6. Its one of the best episodes of anime I've ever had the pleasure of watching and its all for the animation of the fight scene. 

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1 hour ago, Ooklara said:

Now I'm watching Clone Wars (the series).

I rescind my critique of the Last Jedi involving Poe's actions resulting in the sizable loss of the Resistance fleet. Seems like "get a bunch of your allies killed so you can learn a lesson" is a proud  Star Wars storytelling tradition. 

I seem to recall that happening once... never actually finished the series.  Who did that happen to?

As for what I'm watching:

I hit episode 70 of Critical Role Campaign Two.  I have the lead.  Now, even as new episodes come out, I have a ten episode lead.  I'd go post in the CR thread about that, but I was the last person to post there, so that's a nope.

I'm also done with Red vs Blue season eight and working through the MIA mini series.  Spoilers below:


I'm really loving the more intense plot.  The comedy was and is fun, but stuff like that tends to not keep my attention as well, for whatever reason.  And the animation that got added is amazing!  It looks super cool!  The slo-mo and shifting angles look incredible!

Agent Washington is my favorite character at the moment.  I'm not biased at all.  


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8 hours ago, Spren of Kindness said:

I seem to recall that happening once... never actually finished the series.  Who did that happen to?

Anakin constantly loses several Republic cruisers in season one and there's one episode where Ahsoka was leading squadron that was nearly whipped out which allowed her to learn about leadership. 

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Watched the extended versions of The Lord of the Rings for the first time. It was quite the experience, and an amazing one. Next objective, watch them on the same day. That will have to be carefully planned though, and I won't do it for at least a year.

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