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On 1/8/2021 at 8:44 PM, Spren of Kindness said:

I watched the entire first season of Red vs Blue.  It was... interesting.  I understand it escalates quite a bit from the (season one)

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Somewhat goofy tank and jeep shenanigans.  That's something that happens often, though, so I have some patience, especially since I can watch a full season in three or so hours, taking breaks.

I actually think it's pretty fun, and the characters are surprisingly fleshed out for five-minute videos, which is good, because they all look pretty identical save for the armor colors and I am baaaaad with remembering characters.

If anyone else has watched it, any advice?

My favorite character is Agent Washington, and I gotta say that I stuck with that show for a long time, but I've kinda dropped off from it. I still love the characters and how they interact, I just have lost interest in the new stuff.

If you don't want to deal with all of the cussing, there's a guy who went through and edited it out on YouTube.

Edited by The Ward's Guard
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Watched a few international films lately. Ringu, Le Ballon Rouge, Torment (Hets), Crisis (Kris), Port of Call (Hamnsted), Thirst (Törst) and To Joy (Till Glädje). The last five are early works by Ingmar Bergman and they were fascinating to watch since watching them right after each felt like seeing life evolve since we start with a high school senior going into the world (Torment), a naive kid who sees the world as it is in the city (Crisis), a young couple that have a rough patch before marrying (Port of Call), a marriage that’s on the rocks before the two decide to give it another chance (Thirst) and a marriage that was starting to get a second chance but tragically ends before that can happen (To Joy).


Next up is going to be five films by Yasujiro Ozu: Early Spring, Tokyo Twilight, Equinox Flower, Late Autumn and the End of Summer.

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The Sanderstream!  Very enjoyable to just have on in the background. 

I'm also through the 14th RvB season.  I did have a few thoughts on that, and the Chorus arc as well.

  • I wasn't expecting to be saddened by Doyle's death.  Up until that episode, I was actually really annoyed with him.  I believe my thought was that was he was 'incompetent', but then he gets some character depth.
  • I think Felix and Locus might be two of my favorite villains so far.  I was kind of expecting Felix to have an Azula-level breakdown, which kind of happened, I guess?  The confetti gun and his 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE' was an incredible moment.  Jumping forward to the Season 14 episodes about them, I found those really interesting, seeing where they came from and knowing where they'll go.  Cyrus was a really interesting character as well.
  • Epsilon's death was another moment I wasn't expecting to get emotional about.  It really felt final.
  • Also, Caboose's Guide to Making Friends was one of the best things ever.


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Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush, both the original 1925 silent version and the 1942 ‘definitive’ version. If you love old school slapstick then give this film a shot since it’s hilarious. This was my first actual Chaplin film I’ve ever seen but I had seen slips of some of his work before this. I have to agree that his voice doesn’t seem right for the Tramp at all.

I read a little on Chaplin and it’s sad how his career went after he made The Great Dictator to the point that Orwell accused him of being a communist because of his stance to fight fascism speech in that film. That almost sounds backwards since typically people accused of communism are also considered fascist so I don’t understand Orwell’s thought process here but considering Orwell’s list also named Michael Redgrave, Orson Welles, Katharine Hepburn and George Bernard Shaw as communists in more inclined to think he was being senile or was doing a case of “I hate these people so they MUST be communists”

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I watched the pilot of Resident Alien and I’m 100% onboard for now. This was fantastic and I very much hope the rest of the season maintains the humor/quality of ep 1.

SyFy has been replaying the hell out of it since Wednesday so y’all have plenty of chances to still see it before ep 2 hits. 
I reco it.

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Doing a bit of a binge of Dragon Ball GT. Don’t know how people can watch an entire show in one sitting since it’s a pain to sit through a couple hours of a show, let alone 5+ hours, without a break. At least GT has the saga structure going for it to know when a logical break should be but I still have to break after a few episodes since a show like Dragon Ball can have a fight last 5 episodes and nothing else will be happening, though it’s been a while since I’ve seen GT but I think the entire back half of the Baby Saga is just one continuous fight and the last 9 or 10 of the Shadow Dragon Saga is one fight. At least this show is shorter than both DB & DBZ were.

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I am binge re-watching Star Vs the Forces of Evil. I haven't really revisited it since I watched it during its original run, but so far it's holding up very well to marathon watching. I went ahead and stopped 


When Star flat out murders Toffee with a vacant smile

since that's a good spot to stop and go to bed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finished Akudama Drive. It was really, really good, I didn't expect it to be half as good as it was, it's easily one of the best shows I've seen in a while. I do wish I can watch a version with uncensored battles at some point though. Those black bars covered half the screen sometimes.

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4 minutes ago, Eluvianii said:

Finished Akudama Drive. It was really, really good, I didn't expect it to be half as good as it was, it's easily one of the best shows I've seen in a while. I do wish I can watch a version with uncensored battles at some point though. Those black bars covered half the screen sometimes.

Yeah there will likely be a Blu-Ray release that will uncensor it. That's usually how it goes. They have to censor it for the television release, and then when they get it on Blu-Ray, they remove the censorship. 

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9 minutes ago, aneonfoxtribute said:

Yeah there will likely be a Blu-Ray release that will uncensor it. That's usually how it goes. They have to censor it for the television release, and then when they get it on Blu-Ray, they remove the censorship. 

I'll probably look for a way to buy it when that happens. Also, I read that they'll add 5 minutes to the ending in the blu-ray release. That would be nice. I really liked the final scene as it is, but I wouldn't say no to even a few seconds of epilogue. 

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