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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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1 hour ago, Elf said:

I think i need help 

But i don't know how to ask for it 

I find myself barelling more and more down a path of self destruction everyday 

And im scared


*Triple Hugs* Everybody has that feeling. You can get through this. I believe in you.

Why do you feel you are barrelling down a path of self destruction?

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8 hours ago, Elf said:

I think i need help 

But i don't know how to ask for it 

I find myself barelling more and more down a path of self destruction everyday 

And im scared

Elf, I'm really sorry. *hugs*

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to ask for help, so you're already on the right track. If you're serious about wanting help, feel free to message me and I'd totally be happy to help you find any help you need. I know things seem really hard right now, but I promise you there's a light at the end of the tunnel. You can do this. We believe in you and we're here for you always. And I'm definitely not alone in saying that I hope things take a turn for the better.

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On 8/20/2022 at 10:03 AM, Elf said:

I think i need help 

But i don't know how to ask for it 

I find myself barelling more and more down a path of self destruction everyday 

And im scared


*hugs hugs hugs hugs hugs*

I'm so sorry.

Asking for help can be hard, but i believe in you. 

Something that has helped me is making a goal. Just a small one, one you can reach easily and feel accomplished for having done. Then you might think, "that was definitely a step off of the path that i'm taking that i dislike." It could be cleaning your room, or taking a walk, or drinking some tea. Anything that you will feel better after having done. Doing something like that when i feel awful has helped me, and maybe it's not for everyone, but i would try it.

If you want to vent or go into more details, please don't hesitate to pm me <3

Edited by Szeth's Facepalm
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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a bad day but just a ‘this coworker is being frustrating’ thing.

This particular coworker acts like everyone, and I mean everyone, is giving too much ice cream away. I was trained that you fill up the cup and for cones have 3 swirls on top but she thinks that’s too much ice cream. She even gave a ‘demonstration’ on how much and she even said it was still too much. I could understand if it was just our area but every single venue that has ice cream? Heck the Harry Potter area has 4/5 swirls as their standard for cones and she was livid at that one. What made it worse is she thinks her standard applies to places not even owned by Universal itself like McDonald’s and Disney World.

Theres another coworker and she always acts like a jerk. One venue it had been a few months since I was there for closing so I needed a moment to remember all the steps of what was needed and that was unreasonable for her. Heck I was squeegeeing the excess water towards a drain and she had a problem with that. When emptying the shake machine for cleaning she got on me for not getting big enough containers for the shakes even after telling her I got the biggest ones available.

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*Hugs* I know it doesn't really help, but some people are just annoying. You have to learn to live with them, even if they really, really get on your nerves. Also, sometimes people act like that because they are really stressed about something, or are having a rough time. Regardless, *Hugs again* you'll do fine, you will persevere. I believe you will.

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So our city was already under lockdown, but a couple days ago our entire neighbourhood became a high-risk area. Nobody is allowed out of their apartments, and there's mandatory testing every day. Food has to be delivered.

It's irritating, but not a huge inconvenience to me, since I don't go out much anyway. It does feel a little dystopian sometimes though - there was a knock on the door today, and it was a bag of vegetables from the government.  dystopian. hah. that's not dystopian. Being woken up at twelve in the night to do COVID testing is dystopian.

China's Zero-Covid Approach Explained as Chengdu Lockdown Is Extended - The New York Times

Edited by Robin Sedai
vegetables are nice
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On 9/10/2022 at 9:25 AM, Robin Sedai said:

It's irritating, but not a huge inconvenience to me, since I don't go out much anyway. It does feel a little dystopian sometimes though - there was a knock on the door today, and it was a bag of vegetables from the government.


How are you handling it?

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

How are you handling it?


It's going well! Only a little bit sick of each other, and on the whole it hasn't affected me much. Something crazy though - and I swear to G-d this is true - for the last few nights they decided to do mandatory COVID testing at twelve o'clock in the night. I have no idea why. Bureaucracy, probably.

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Just now, Robin Sedai said:

for the last few nights they decided to do mandatory COVID testing at twelve o'clock in the night. I have no idea why. Bureaucracy, probably.

That sounds rough.

Just now, Robin Sedai said:

Yeah, I hope so too. It's 9 PM, so hopefully it'll have died down by bedtime.

8 AM over here 

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I'm sorry  for the double post 

It is a Sunday night. It is currently 11:46 pm. I need to get up at 5:30 am for school 

I have been trying to sleep but i am experiencing an intense sensory overload because my older sister has been chattering away on the phone to someone for the past 4 hours. Non stop. The lights are also on and now every little noise feels....horrible and she's still talking away and i mean even the feel of the sweater against my skin feels far too much and the cold is intolerable and i have nowhere to go to escape this. I feel highly irritable and just overwhelmed and i really, really want to sleep but i am unable to 

I really don't want to be sleepy at school tomorrow 


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6 hours ago, Elf said:

I'm sorry  for the double post 

It is a Sunday night. It is currently 11:46 pm. I need to get up at 5:30 am for school 

I have been trying to sleep but i am experiencing an intense sensory overload because my older sister has been chattering away on the phone to someone for the past 4 hours. Non stop. The lights are also on and now every little noise feels....horrible and she's still talking away and i mean even the feel of the sweater against my skin feels far too much and the cold is intolerable and i have nowhere to go to escape this. I feel highly irritable and just overwhelmed and i really, really want to sleep but i am unable to 

I really don't want to be sleepy at school tomorrow

That sounds horrible, Elf. *virtual hugs* I hope it got better.

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19 hours ago, Elf said:

I'm sorry  for the double post 

It is a Sunday night. It is currently 11:46 pm. I need to get up at 5:30 am for school 

I have been trying to sleep but i am experiencing an intense sensory overload because my older sister has been chattering away on the phone to someone for the past 4 hours. Non stop. The lights are also on and now every little noise feels....horrible and she's still talking away and i mean even the feel of the sweater against my skin feels far too much and the cold is intolerable and i have nowhere to go to escape this. I feel highly irritable and just overwhelmed and i really, really want to sleep but i am unable to 

I really don't want to be sleepy at school tomorrow 


Oh boy. I know it's now a lot later, but I hope you are doing okay. *hugs* I know what it's like to have to get up really early for school, and it is rough.

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

My dog passed away

It was in a really sad way

She's been in my family since before i was born, ane even though she was really old, she was in good health and it was very unexpected

I'm really sad :(

*Hugs* I'm so sorry. What kind of dog was she?

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8 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

My dog passed away

It was in a really sad way

She's been in my family since before i was born, ane even though she was really old, she was in good health and it was very unexpected

I'm really sad :(

I'm sorry to hear that.  It's so tough to lose a beloved pet.

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