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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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9 hours ago, Szeth's Facepalm said:

My dog passed away

It was in a really sad way

She's been in my family since before i was born, ane even though she was really old, she was in good health and it was very unexpected

I'm really sad :(

*Hugs* I'm sorry, I've never lost a pet that was close to me before, but we almost lost one of our cats a couple years ago and it was terrifying. We are all hear to talk if you need to.

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Thanks for the hugs. It just feels worse the longer she's gone. But i drew some stuff and i'm reading my favorite books and i did some minor key cello improv w/ my cello teacher and that's helping.

She's been with us my entire life, every single day, and i keep thinking she's in her dog bed or that a noise is her sniffing around in the living room but then i remember she's buried in the backyard and it hurts so much

On 9/28/2022 at 8:04 PM, Ranryu said:

*Hugs* I'm so sorry. What kind of dog was she?

She was a yorkshire terrier.

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On 9/29/2022 at 8:03 PM, Szeth's Facepalm said:


She's been with us my entire life, every single day, and i keep thinking she's in her dog bed or that a noise is her sniffing around in the living room but then i remember she's buried in the backyard and it hurts so much

Ouch, I bet it does. 

I'm so sorry.

*Hugs some more*

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1 minute ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Basic math:

ADHD + bullies in school + being behind on work - chatting with friends = Unintelligible screaming noises.


I have second hand experience of the first one, none with the second, and first hand experience with the third and fourth.

First of all *hugs*, I know it might not seem like much, but remember that you are loved. Second, bullies are dumb as they don't realize that bullying someone else doesn't change their situation. Third, try to get some work done....I also have some work I need to get done after this. 

Fourth have a cat!


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14 minutes ago, The Wandering Wizard said:

I have second hand experience of the first one, none with the second, and first hand experience with the third and fourth.

First of all *hugs*, I know it might not seem like much, but remember that you are loved. Second, bullies are dumb as they don't realize that bullying someone else doesn't change their situation. Third, try to get some work done....I also have some work I need to get done after this. 

Fourth have a cat!


Thank you for the kind words, double thanks for the hugs, and quadruple thanks for the cat.

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Not bad, just a ‘why??!!’ moment. I had ordered something off Amazon and it arrived but it was the wrong item. The only option given to me was a refund, not even a replacement or sending me the correct item. Then I went to the store to get some iced tea and they were all out. I then went to grab something to eat and get tea there and they were out too.

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On 10/3/2022 at 7:21 PM, NerdyAarakocra said:

Basic math:

ADHD + bullies in school + being behind on work - chatting with friends = Unintelligible screaming noises.


I'm so sorry. I feel so bad for you. *Hugs* Life sure is rough sometimes, isn't it? I'm so sorry those things have and continue to happen to you. You will come out of this stronger than you were before, and trust me on this, you are doing great.

3 hours ago, Draginon said:

Not bad, just a ‘why??!!’ moment. I had ordered something off Amazon and it arrived but it was the wrong item. The only option given to me was a refund, not even a replacement or sending me the correct item. Then I went to the store to get some iced tea and they were all out. I then went to grab something to eat and get tea there and they were out too.

*Hugs* That's not fun. I've had days like that too, where it just seems like nothing is going right. I don't know what to tell you, so I will just give a good piece of general advice that helps me when I'm in a bad mood. (Though I don't often follow it) Get some sleep, you'll feel better soon.

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I’ve been looking for this one notebook format, because I fell in love with it and mine is almost full. But I can’t find it anywhere—I’ve scoured the Internet—and I think it’s been discontinued. It’s such a stupid little thing to make such a big deal out of, but I still… it’s still so sad to me.

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1 hour ago, The Halcyon Girl said:

I’ve been looking for this one notebook format, because I fell in love with it and mine is almost full. But I can’t find it anywhere—I’ve scoured the Internet—and I think it’s been discontinued. It’s such a stupid little thing to make such a big deal out of, but I still… it’s still so sad to me.

Oh no! Do you know what kind it was, the brand or anything?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well my friends gf and them had a nice romantic halloween then i started venting about how frustrating it is to have a girlfriend who's always busy...

ok i can't explain this well myself.

i'll let the text messages do it for me.



i dunno y'all..

im worried for her, and my friend offered good advice, but i still worry for her.

i love her to death, and i don't want her to burn herself out, you know?

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1 hour ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Well my friends gf and them had a nice romantic halloween then i started venting about how frustrating it is to have a girlfriend who's always busy...

ok i can't explain this well myself.

i'll let the text messages do it for me.

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i dunno y'all..

im worried for her, and my friend offered good advice, but i still worry for her.

i love her to death, and i don't want her to burn herself out, you know?

It's because you love her that you worry for her.

And the best advice I have is to be there for her and to care for her, and let her know that you care.

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9 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Well my friends gf and them had a nice romantic halloween then i started venting about how frustrating it is to have a girlfriend who's always busy...

ok i can't explain this well myself.

i'll let the text messages do it for me.

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i dunno y'all..

im worried for her, and my friend offered good advice, but i still worry for her.

i love her to death, and i don't want her to burn herself out, you know?

If I may be so bold, I'll reiterate what was said and add some more. If you did not love her then you would not be as worried as you are right now. You have a big heart and loyalty which are noble things. Being there for her and letting her know that you are there for her are critical things. She should know that you are there to listen if she ever wants to talk. It is important that you are there, but not pushing her to move faster than she is ready for. There is this urge to protect and to make all of the troubles and pain go away. However, sometimes that desire blinds us and makes us act rashly. The best thing that you can do is be a comfort without smothering her. This is not an easy thing, but it is essential.

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I agree with what has been said above, Calano. You worry for her because you love her, and I do think that the best thing you can do is just be there for her. You're a good boyfriend, there should be more people like you in the world. 

And now sorry to add on but. 

I kinda feel like I'm losing sight of myself, you know. I miss myself; i miss who I used to be. I miss the girl who stayed up till 3am reading The Secret History and listening to the rain outside. I miss the person who listened to Lacrimosa while reading The Song of Achilles and cried. I miss the one who watched Howls Moving Castle and who's nights were filled with books and tea and music. And for whom words flew like water from her fingers; who didn't find it so difficult to craft worlds and stories, and spent hours writing poetry. I don't do most of those things anymore and I feel like I'm losing my core. And I'm worried I'll never get that girl back. 

In the the tumultuous change of time, how do you not lose yourself? 

The Earth will eat us all in the end; all our work, all our efforts; buildings, machines. Surely the Earth will eat the birds too, when they tire of flying. We are a brief flicker in the undying eternity of the cosmos: Stardust come alive; the universe begging for a chance to understand itself. How do you make the most of life, if you don't even know who you are anymore?

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54 minutes ago, Elf said:

In the the tumultuous change of time, how do you not lose yourself? 


If I may be so bold I will explain what I know of how not to lose yourself.

For me my anchor is Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They keep me anchored because through the gospel I have learned that I am a son of god and he wants me to come back to him. I know that you are a daughter of god and he loves and cares for you Elf. He is always there and his hand is stretched out continually, waiting for you to accept it and come back to him. I know that god lives, that Jesus Christ is his son and that he has a plan for you.

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@Elf a non-religious point of view, in case you want it, although I do agree with Wizard.

Think of it like this.

You say that if at some point, the universe will swallow us in it's infinite blackness, if the void will eventually smother us in it's vice-like grip, than what's the point? How do you not lose yourself?

Well, you live every day like you'll die tomorrow. Of course, you obey the rules, to an extent. After that extent, whatever you want to do, you can do. After all, what does it matter? This might not be the best advice, but it's freeing.

And to everyone else, thank you for your kind words and advice. It pains me to see her bottle up her emotions in her work and activities, but the best I can do is support her, and I will continue to do so.

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6 hours ago, Elf said:

I agree with what has been said above, Calano. You worry for her because you love her, and I do think that the best thing you can do is just be there for her. You're a good boyfriend, there should be more people like you in the world. 

And now sorry to add on but. 

I kinda feel like I'm losing sight of myself, you know. I miss myself; i miss who I used to be. I miss the girl who stayed up till 3am reading The Secret History and listening to the rain outside. I miss the person who listened to Lacrimosa while reading The Song of Achilles and cried. I miss the one who watched Howls Moving Castle and who's nights were filled with books and tea and music. And for whom words flew like water from her fingers; who didn't find it so difficult to craft worlds and stories, and spent hours writing poetry. I don't do most of those things anymore and I feel like I'm losing my core. And I'm worried I'll never get that girl back. 

In the the tumultuous change of time, how do you not lose yourself? 

The Earth will eat us all in the end; all our work, all our efforts; buildings, machines. Surely the Earth will eat the birds too, when they tire of flying. We are a brief flicker in the undying eternity of the cosmos: Stardust come alive; the universe begging for a chance to understand itself. How do you make the most of life, if you don't even know who you are anymore?

If I may, Elf, What you are feeling can hurt worse than any wound. It has kept me up at night and forced tears from my eyes. Changing and not being who I used to be terrified me. In a way, my current relationship with the love of my life represents this in ways that nothing that came before ever has. The cold fear is potent and the world itself seems to stand against me. The truth is that in the end, you are the only one who can say who you are. It may take time, but you will find yourself because the truth of who you are is not so far away. It is hidden within you, buried, and yet very much there for you to find. The cosmos in its inevitability can be that which moves you to find yourself. If everything ends then before that time comes don't you owe it to yourself to look in the mirror and ask who you want to be and who are you now that you have changed? Know that you are awesome Elf and my Dm's are open if you need to talk.

Edited by Nathrangking
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I don't have anything to add on to what everybody else has already said, but I will second everything that has already been said. My PM's are also open if you need someone to talk to. 
Perhaps I can say that if you are worried about change, make sure that the person you are becoming is someone you want to be. Maybe you can't go back, but you can move upward, not down.

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I am so sick right now, it's miserable :(:( my immune system is very hardy and i usually never get sick but it's 1 AM and i can't sleep cause of how congested i am, i had cough drops and nyquill and everything but i can't breath through my nose and swallowing feels like my throat is being stabbed with needles. and whenever i sneeze it feels like my nose is gonna launch across the room (very painfully).

Sorry for the rant, i know getting sick is normal and i'm being a crybaby but it's just so miserable ahhh

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