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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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4 hours ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

This is why i hate my birthday

Today I went out to celebrate it with my friends cause yesterday they were all busy and i was so excited cause it was the first time i was allowed to go out to celebrate 

And you know i got a new haircut. I got bangs like Wednesday Addams and every single body made fun of them. Said i looked creepy and like a drunkard and a drug addict.  

And i was also told my face is "puffy" and called "chubby" many times today

And then we were going to a restaurant to have dinner and my best friend ditched me for her new boy toy. I got in huge trouble with my mom today cause she insisted that i come over to her house so she could do my makeup. I told her no and she still called up my mom and asked her. And my mom went off at me saying that i shouldn't ask my friends to talk to her when i literally told this girl not to 

So she ditched me. And the later she did end up coming but spent the entire time talking with her boyfriend. And none of the conversation included me. They all just basically ignored.me

I'm always ignored. Always the outsider. I thought i was fitting in finally. But no, I'm always the loser. 

My birthdays always go horribly. And for the first time i thought it wouldn't, but no. Of course not. 

*Hugs* I am not sure how to follow what was said so eloquently. However, if I may try l will say the following, if this is how "Friends" act with respect to whatever their friendship with you was I would question their right to call themselves friends of yours. That behavior is not how friends behave. Frankly, you are smart, well-read, and amazing in more ways than I could count in a day. They are unworthy of you! They are the losers for ignoring the treasure in front of them!! You are incredible they should be ashamed!  You will be extraordinary whether they are here or not. Your birthday ought to have been about you. That it was subverted by their actions is disheartening, but never lose sight of the gem that you are. Here is a poem that I hope can bring with it a little light. If you need to talk my PM's are open as well.


Brilliant splashes glow.
In darkness opal paint burns.
Dawn over fresh snow.

Edited by Nathrangking
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7 hours ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

This is why i hate my birthday

Today I went out to celebrate it with my friends cause yesterday they were all busy and i was so excited cause it was the first time i was allowed to go out to celebrate 

And you know i got a new haircut. I got bangs like Wednesday Addams and every single body made fun of them. Said i looked creepy and like a drunkard and a drug addict.  

And i was also told my face is "puffy" and called "chubby" many times today

And then we were going to a restaurant to have dinner and my best friend ditched me for her new boy toy. I got in huge trouble with my mom today cause she insisted that i come over to her house so she could do my makeup. I told her no and she still called up my mom and asked her. And my mom went off at me saying that i shouldn't ask my friends to talk to her when i literally told this girl not to 

So she ditched me. And the later she did end up coming but spent the entire time talking with her boyfriend. And none of the conversation included me. They all just basically ignored.me

I'm always ignored. Always the outsider. I thought i was fitting in finally. But no, I'm always the loser. 

My birthdays always go horribly. And for the first time i thought it wouldn't, but no. Of course not. 

I'm am so sorry. I don't have great advice (as per usual) but I'm sorry. *Hugs* I feel like I'm the outsider all the time. You're amazing!!!

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7 hours ago, Elf of Ooklas said:

This is why i hate my birthday

Today I went out to celebrate it with my friends cause yesterday they were all busy and i was so excited cause it was the first time i was allowed to go out to celebrate 

And you know i got a new haircut. I got bangs like Wednesday Addams and every single body made fun of them. Said i looked creepy and like a drunkard and a drug addict.  

And i was also told my face is "puffy" and called "chubby" many times today

And then we were going to a restaurant to have dinner and my best friend ditched me for her new boy toy. I got in huge trouble with my mom today cause she insisted that i come over to her house so she could do my makeup. I told her no and she still called up my mom and asked her. And my mom went off at me saying that i shouldn't ask my friends to talk to her when i literally told this girl not to 

So she ditched me. And the later she did end up coming but spent the entire time talking with her boyfriend. And none of the conversation included me. They all just basically ignored.me

I'm always ignored. Always the outsider. I thought i was fitting in finally. But no, I'm always the loser. 

My birthdays always go horribly. And for the first time i thought it wouldn't, but no. Of course not. 

That feeling of being ignored…of feeling like you don’t matter…frankly, it’s the worst feeling I can imagine. I’ve heard the metaphor that if a parent took 2 kids into the grocery store, they’ll hold the hand of the crazy, bad kid who will run around screaming, not the one who’s good. 
That’s the issue with being the good kid. They don’t get that just because you don’t need someone to hood your hand doesn’t mean you don’t want it. 

If life is a game, then love is the prize. It hurts to be playing the game and not getting the prize. You deserve it. It isn’t fair that the world sees us a certain way and we can’t change it. Even if the world doesn’t recognize you as beautiful, smart, and exactly who you are meant to be, those are all facts. The world’s perception of beauty changes so fast. I know logic doesn’t make it better; that doesn’t make you stop wanting the friends, the people who care, all these things that you deserve. I’m so sorry you’re in this situation. My PM’s are open, and I’m always willing to listen, even if I’m not the best at giving advice. 

You are loved. You were made for this. We care about you. 

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On 12/1/2022 at 11:09 AM, Elf of Ooklas said:

This is why i hate my birthday

I'm so sorry :(

I would've thrown you an awesome murder mystery birthday party if i was there. (I know that doesn't help much, but i mean it with all my heart.)

Edited by Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat
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sorry to double post, but i really need this thread right now. i'm currently waiting for my covid test results, as today at dinner and especially afterwards when i realized i couldn't smell my toothpaste, i realized i am unable to smell or taste correctly, which is a huge symptom. i looked up other symptoms and realized that most of the stuff i have been attributing to a dying case of whooping cough may actually be covid-19. i'm really really scared and upset and sad, because this would quite literally be the worst time for me to get it, as my grandmother was just at our house and is going to be with my aunt who is about to give birth to my new cousin, and she can't endanger the baby and will probably have to stay away from him and my aunt if i have it. I also have a cello recital and two choir concerts in the next three days, all of which i have sacrificed a lot for (time and otherwise) in order to be ready and prepared for that i will have to miss. i was so, so excited for them. i am really upset. i hope the test is negative but it is seeming unlikely.

edit: first test is negative!!!!! i am going to take another, though, because i cannot smell or taste correctly and i don't understand why that would be.

Edit2: second test negative!!!!!!!!! I'm elated!!!!! I must still be sick, though, because i, ya know, cannot smell or taste, but my choir only requires proof that you are covid-free, so i can just wear a good mask. Yes!!!!

Edited by Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat
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41 minutes ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

sorry to double post, but i really need this thread right now. i'm currently waiting for my covid test results, as today at dinner and especially afterwards when i realized i couldn't smell my toothpaste, i realized i am unable to smell or taste correctly, which is a huge symptom. i looked up other symptoms and realized that most of the stuff i have been attributing to a dying case of whooping cough may actually be covid-19. i'm really really scared and upset and sad, because this would quite literally be the worst time for me to get it, as my grandmother was just at our house and is going to be with my aunt who is about to give birth to my new cousin, and she can't endanger the baby and will probably have to stay away from him and my aunt if i have it. I also have a cello recital and two choir concerts in the next three days, all of which i have sacrificed a lot for (time and otherwise) in order to be ready and prepared for that i will have to miss. i was so, so excited for them. i am really upset. i hope the test is negative but it is seeming unlikely.


Welcome to my world! :P

But really, I hope you feel better and can have the mental fortitude to focus during your concerts!

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I just had the worst concert of my life. The guys (I'm a part of this section, but didn't make this mistake) all came in in the wrong spot, I nearly blanked during my solo (I remembered just in time, whew) and during the middle of the "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" chorus, a special needs girl burped really loudly. and we were out of tune because the men's chorus threw us off (i'm in the most advanced choir) and several other bad things happened. This was all devastating to me because I worked really hard, but apparently most others didn't. *sigh* Here's hoping my next concert goes better.

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23 minutes ago, Ookla the platypus said:

I just had the worst concert of my life. The guys (I'm a part of this section, but didn't make this mistake) all came in in the wrong spot, I nearly blanked during my solo (I remembered just in time, whew) and during the middle of the "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" chorus, a special needs girl burped really loudly. and we were out of tune because the men's chorus threw us off (i'm in the most advanced choir) and several other bad things happened. This was all devastating to me because I worked really hard, but apparently most others didn't. *sigh* Here's hoping my next concert goes better.

*hugs* That sounds incredibly disappointing and frustrating.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the platypus said:

I just had the worst concert of my life. The guys (I'm a part of this section, but didn't make this mistake) all came in in the wrong spot, I nearly blanked during my solo (I remembered just in time, whew) and during the middle of the "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing" chorus, a special needs girl burped really loudly. and we were out of tune because the men's chorus threw us off (i'm in the most advanced choir) and several other bad things happened. This was all devastating to me because I worked really hard, but apparently most others didn't. *sigh* Here's hoping my next concert goes better.

*Hugs* It sucks when others don't take things seriously when they should.

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15 hours ago, Ookla the 3 Frogs ina Coat said:

edit: first test is negative!!!!! i am going to take another, though, because i cannot smell or taste correctly and i don't understand why that would be.

Edit2: second test negative!!!!!!!!! I'm elated!!!!! I must still be sick, though, because i, ya know, cannot smell or taste, but my choir only requires proof that you are covid-free, so i can just wear a good mask. Yes!!!!

That's a relief! I'm happy for you! It still sucks to be sick though. Get better soon!

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I've been in the process of auditioning for the school musical(Annie). I was really excited, except callbacks were announced, and since I'm on the older side among the other auditioners(is that a word?), I thought I'd be considered for some of the lead roles, especially considering that other people thought that I might too... but it seems like I haven't been. They had me read and sing for the orphans; not as much as other people. So I don't think I'm getting any very big roles. I'll probably get one of the orphans.

I feel stupid because I did this exact same thing last time. I thought I was going to be LeFou, but I ended up being a Silly Girl, and was disappointed. I had a blast anyway, though.

But I'm really disappointed now. And I thought that they gave me a smaller role last time because of my age. But here I am, again.


The cast list hasn't been announced yet, though. Maybe I'll still get a larger role. But they had all the considered orphans leave callbacks early, along with me. And most of them were younger than me.

Stupid emotions don't make sense.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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4 hours ago, Ookla the Pencil Taxi said:

I've been in the process of auditioning for the school musical(Annie). I was really excited, except callbacks were announced, and since I'm the oldest grade, I thought I'd be considered for some of the lead roles, especially considering that other people thought that I might too... but it seems like I haven't been. They had me read and sing for the orphans; not as much as other people. So I don't think I'm getting any very big roles. I'll probably get one of the orphans.

I feel stupid because I did this exact same thing last time. I thought I was going to be LeFou, but I ended up being a Silly Girl, and was disappointed. I had a blast anyway, though.

But I'm really disappointed now. And I thought that they gave me a smaller role last time because of my age. But here I am, again.


The cast list hasn't been announced yet, though. Maybe I'll still get a larger role. But they had all the considered orphans leave callbacks early, along with me. And most of them were younger than me.

Stupid emotions don't make sense.

That sounds super disappointing. It always sucks to know you'll get a side role when you gave it your all. I hope you do get a lead role but if not, then maybe ask the director/whoever runs the show? I don't really know how the musicals are run, but if it's possible, maybe you could negotiate for a role you want more. Whatever role you do get though, I can only say to give it your best and have fun (but I think you're talented enough to get a lead role). Hope this all works out for you.

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I have influenza A and it is better than the Norovirus which is what I got last Christmas. But today is my sister's 8th birthday. And she's getting baptized today and I won't be able to go because I'm sick. And it's finals week so I'm going to have to make up for almost all of my finals when I get back to school or eventually.

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20 minutes ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have influenza A and it is better than the Norovirus which is what I got last Christmas. But today is my sister's 8th birthday. And she's getting baptized today and I won't be able to go because I'm sick. And it's finals week so I'm going to have to make up for almost all of my finals when I get back to school or eventually.

That sucks! I really hope that you can get feeling better soon, because it is a very special moment when you see your siblings get baptized and you are going to miss it and it hurts when you have to miss moments like that.


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23 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have influenza A and it is better than the Norovirus which is what I got last Christmas. But today is my sister's 8th birthday. And she's getting baptized today and I won't be able to go because I'm sick. And it's finals week so I'm going to have to make up for almost all of my finals when I get back to school or eventually.

I'm so sorry that's happening to you. I hope you get better and will be able to do something to celebrate it with her and make up your finals. 


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I’m scared for a friend. I live far away, so I can only text, and I know she’s struggling and suicidal, and I’m trying to help, but I don’t think it’s working and I’m so scared for her. I don’t know if anything I can say will help her. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time, and I feel so helpless.

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1 minute ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

I’m scared for a friend. I live far away, so I can only text, and I know she’s struggling and suicidal, and I’m trying to help, but I don’t think it’s working and I’m so scared for her. I don’t know if anything I can say will help her. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time, and I feel so helpless.

I'm sorry. That sounds terrible. I wish I could say exactly what to do, but the best I can suggest is to talk to her and, if you are really concerned, contact someone trusted about the situation.

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36 minutes ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

I’m scared for a friend. I live far away, so I can only text, and I know she’s struggling and suicidal, and I’m trying to help, but I don’t think it’s working and I’m so scared for her. I don’t know if anything I can say will help her. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time, and I feel so helpless.

*hugs* That's scary! All I can do is mimic what Inverted said. 


I'm gonna put that on my seminary prayer board if that's okay with you.


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11 hours ago, Ookla the BlowUpperOfStuff said:

I’m scared for a friend. I live far away, so I can only text, and I know she’s struggling and suicidal, and I’m trying to help, but I don’t think it’s working and I’m so scared for her. I don’t know if anything I can say will help her. I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time, and I feel so helpless.

There's this one hotline thing you can text or call and get help with helping suicidal friends. I would suggest using this if you're okay with talking to knowledgeable strangers about it. The strangers will never know who you are. You're not required to tell them anything about you or your friend IIRC. I don't remember it, but I could probably find it for you if you want, or you could probably find it just by looking it up.

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