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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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10 minutes ago, CalanoCorvus said:

not really a bad day...

but it's been an interestingly kinda sorta rough three days.

got my wisdom teeth out tuesday, which means pain meds, which means no driving, which means can't do anything or see anyone because it's spring break so everyone is busy.

so i've been alone at home for three storming days.

i'm losing it.

thankfully, i see my beloved DoomslugLuna tmrw to just hang out :DDDD

but yeah

rough three days :3

Hope you get better! at least you don't have make up work from school right? I hope you have a fun day tomorrow!

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My cat, Ivan, passed away today. It was extremely sudden.

I got home from school and he was yowling. He's old(16)... and I knew it was coming at some point.

Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

Sorry, I got distracted, not making sense. He was old, and he didn't do much but poop in the wrong places and puke on the carpet. But... he was snuggly.

We got him to the vet, and they said he had either a stroke or a mass in his brain. He was disoriented, and he couldn't walk. So they said the kind thing to do was put him down. 

So... he's gone now. I'll be okay. It was just so sudden, and... 

I don't know. I'll be okay, but it's sad now.

Edited by Shallan Stormblessed
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25 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

My cat, Ivan, passed away today. It was extremely sudden.

I got home from school and he was yowling. He's old(16)... and I knew it was coming at some point.

Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

Sorry, I got distracted, not making sense. He was old, and he didn't do much but poop in the wrong places and puke on the carpet. But... he was snuggly.

We got him to the vet, and they said he had either a stroke or a mass in his brain. He was disoriented, and he couldn't walk. So they said the kind thing to do was put him down. 

So... he's gone now. I'll be okay. It was just so sudden, and... 

I don't know. I'll be okay, but it's sad now.


This hits close to home because I have two cats and I know this will come eventually. But...I suppose it means that we can rescue two other kittens and give them a good life and home. Doesn't remove them or the pain of their passing, but you get to help another feel that same love.

*Hugs again*

Edited by The Wandering Wizard
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14 minutes ago, Shallan Stormblessed said:

My cat, Ivan, passed away today. It was extremely sudden.

I got home from school and he was yowling. He's old(16)... and I knew it was coming at some point.

Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

Sorry, I got distracted, not making sense. He was old, and he didn't do much but poop in the wrong places and puke on the carpet. But... he was snuggly.

We got him to the vet, and they said he had either a stroke or a mass in his brain. He was disoriented, and he couldn't walk. So they said the kind thing to do was put him down. 

So... he's gone now. I'll be okay. It was just so sudden, and... 

I don't know. I'll be okay, but it's sad now.

I'm so sorry, Shallan. I can kind of relate to this as my 2 year old cat passed away early 2021 from a sudden sickness.


Just... sometime later. Tomorrow. Not today.

This is the best way I've ever heard anybody put the shock of somebody's death. 

*lots and lots of hugs*

I'm really sorry and I hope that you can find peace. 

We all love you. <3

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1 hour ago, The Wandering Wizard said:


This hits close to home because I have two cats and I know this will come eventually. But...I suppose it means that we can rescue two other kittens and give them a good life and home. Doesn't remove them or the pain of their passing, but you get to help another feel that same love.

*Hugs again*


1 hour ago, Kajsa :) said:

I'm so sorry, Shallan. I can kind of relate to this as my 2 year old cat passed away early 2021 from a sudden sickness.

This is the best way I've ever heard anybody put the shock of somebody's death. 

*lots and lots of hugs*

I'm really sorry and I hope that you can find peace. 

We all love you. <3

Thank you both. I'm glad to have this community. I love y'all too!

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I know it's not that serious, but i'm literally obsessed with frogs, and the first frog item that i've owned is a little scraggly stuffed animal frog that i got from my old best friend right before i went to Boystown, which is basically a youth mental hospital. This happened in November of 2021. Anyway, it has a lot of sentimental value to me. I've recently moved back in with my grandparents, and I can't find it anywhere. i've looked practically everywhere for it and i can't seem to find it. So now I'm worried that my mom's boyfriend's stepdaughter has it, because she would come stay with us every weekend and she would always ask me if she could sleep with my frog. she also tends to take my stuff without asking first. im not necessarily blaming her, im just worried that it got stolen or that it maybe got lost in the process of moving things

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5 hours ago, shortcake said:

I know it's not that serious, but i'm literally obsessed with frogs, and the first frog item that i've owned is a little scraggly stuffed animal frog that i got from my old best friend right before i went to Boystown, which is basically a youth mental hospital. This happened in November of 2021. Anyway, it has a lot of sentimental value to me. I've recently moved back in with my grandparents, and I can't find it anywhere. i've looked practically everywhere for it and i can't seem to find it. So now I'm worried that my mom's boyfriend's stepdaughter has it, because she would come stay with us every weekend and she would always ask me if she could sleep with my frog. she also tends to take my stuff without asking first. im not necessarily blaming her, im just worried that it got stolen or that it maybe got lost in the process of moving things

If it's important enough to talk about, its serious is my rule of thumb.

But anyway, good luck getting your frog back. Do you have a pet frog?

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2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

If it's important enough to talk about, its serious is my rule of thumb.

that's a good rule to go by 


i was going to put "that's a good rule of thump to go by" but then i realized that you already used that term lol

2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

But anyway, good luck getting your frog back.

thank you <3

2 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

Do you have a pet frog?

sadly, I do not, since i'm only staying at my grandparents' house temporarily (even though i dont want it to be like that) so i don't have any pets, unless you count the two cats that belong to my grandmother and brother. but they aren't frogs lol

back at my mom's, i had gotten a couple betta fish, and we were getting ready to get me a frog, and then some... things.. happened, so now I'm back with my grandparents again

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2 minutes ago, shortcake said:

that's a good rule to go by 

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i was going to put "that's a good rule of thump to go by" but then i realized that you already used that term lol

thank you <3

sadly, I do not, since i'm only staying at my grandparents' house temporarily (even though i dont want it to be like that) so i don't have any pets, unless you count the two cats that belong to my grandmother and brother. but they aren't frogs lol

back at my mom's, i had gotten a couple betta fish, and we were getting ready to get me a frog, and then some... things.. happened, so now I'm back with my grandparents again

that is sad. one can always use a frog. I hope you get a frog!

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1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

that is sad. one can always use a frog.

very true; i agree fully with this statement ^

1 minute ago, Being of Cacophony said:

I hope you get a frog!

I'll probably end up getting one once i move out/get emancipated and can afford it (after i buy a phone, though (which will hopefully happen before i move out))

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Do you ever just wake up, and know today’s gonna suck?

Today sucks.

Life goes on, but I’m busy trying to get past every little mistake I’ve ever made.

I’m a little perfectionistic (if that’s a word), but not as much as some people.

Probably gonna delete this post.

Edited by TheAlpha929
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5 minutes ago, TheAlpha929 said:

Do you ever just wake up, and know today’s gonna suck?

Today sucks.

Life goes on, but I’m busy trying to get past every little mistake I’ve ever made.

I’m a little perfectionistic (if that’s a word), but not as much as some people.

Probably gonna delete this post.

yeah, that happens to me a lot

or like, you'll have one thing happen to you, and you just know that it's going to ruin the whole day

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More often, I pick on my little sister and she blows up and is mad the rest of the day. And it’s my fault. Every storming time. Why can’t I just figure out not to mess with her? I love her a ton but sometimes… she’s frustrating.

Edited by TheAlpha929
I screwed up some punctuation.
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4 minutes ago, TheAlpha929 said:

More often, I pick on my little sister and she blows up and is mad the rest of the day. And it’s my fault. Every storming time. Why can’t I just figure out not to mess with her? I love her a ton but sometimes… she’s frustrating.

It takes a lot of time and a lot of screwing up. But you can do it if you try. I haven't learned quite either yet. But you are a person and we love you. Hope that your day will improve


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I haven't gone on here in a while, but I've been having a real rough time lately. I don't even know why. I don't feel as suicidal though. just more of a passive dislike of existing. So I don't even know where to start. Everything just feels so hopeless. I wake up, go to school, go home, I screw up even trying to do homework, I can't focus because of ADHD(ugh, that just sounds like a stupid excuse) I can't focus on anything. I can't do anything. Then I just wake up and repeat it all again. The only reprieve I get is at night where I can just retreat into my private world. But that just leads to really unhealthy amounts of sleep. By that I mean I regularly stay up until three in the morning. I'm always tired during the day, no matter what. I can't focus on school, I can't even do school. Then there's my mom. I love her so much, but she is probably the cause of the majority of my self worth/anxiety/whatever the heck is wrong with me. I have no freedom. I don't know how accurate it is, but it feels like I have subconsciously developed some sort of thought process that my mom will just do things for me if I don't. She's more invested in my grades than I am. I want to get good grades and do well in school, I really do, but it doesn't feel like it's my initiative or motivation or whatever that is actually getting me to do things. It just feels like something my mom really wants for me, and won't let me do it my own way. I don't know how much of my failure to do anything is on me, but on the rare occasions I do get things done without her breathing down my neck, I am able to get things done. I'm just such a failure and disappointment. 

oh well, I guess my rant is over now

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3 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I haven't gone on here in a while, but I've been having a real rough time lately. I don't even know why. I don't feel as suicidal though. just more of a passive dislike of existing. So I don't even know where to start. Everything just feels so hopeless. I wake up, go to school, go home, I screw up even trying to do homework, I can't focus because of ADHD(ugh, that just sounds like a stupid excuse) I can't focus on anything. I can't do anything. Then I just wake up and repeat it all again. The only reprieve I get is at night where I can just retreat into my private world. But that just leads to really unhealthy amounts of sleep. By that I mean I regularly stay up until three in the morning. I'm always tired during the day, no matter what. I can't focus on school, I can't even do school. Then there's my mom. I love her so much, but she is probably the cause of the majority of my self worth/anxiety/whatever the heck is wrong with me. I have no freedom. I don't know how accurate it is, but it feels like I have subconsciously developed some sort of thought process that my mom will just do things for me if I don't. She's more invested in my grades than I am. I want to get good grades and do well in school, I really do, but it doesn't feel like it's my initiative or motivation or whatever that is actually getting me to do things. It just feels like something my mom really wants for me, and won't let me do it my own way. I don't know how much of my failure to do anything is on me, but on the rare occasions I do get things done without her breathing down my neck, I am able to get things done. I'm just such a failure and disappointment. 

oh well, I guess my rant is over now

i can relate to you and how you feel with this. I'm not going to go into a huge amount of detail, but I'm actually of going through something very similar to your experience. Have you tried talking to your mother about how you feel? I know it's not going to change anything right away, but maybe if you talk to her about it, the two of you can work on discussing a compromise in the way you do things. keep in mind though, that things like this take time, and, if your mother is anything like my grandmother, she may not yet be willing to change for the possible betterment of you and your life. it's all just trial and error for me. my grandma and i tend to argue, so recently we've been trying something where if one of us (or both of us) gets upset/aggravated/irritated with another, we try and reset out attitude once we've calmed down, and then we apologize to each other, but in a way that is specific to that occasion and that is genuine. anyway, yea. that's my advice.

Also, I don't think I'm the only one when I say that I don't think your a failure /g*

Plus, you're an amazing artist, so don't give that up <3


* (tone indicator)


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8 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I haven't gone on here in a while, but I've been having a real rough time lately. I don't even know why. I don't feel as suicidal though. just more of a passive dislike of existing. So I don't even know where to start. Everything just feels so hopeless. I wake up, go to school, go home, I screw up even trying to do homework, I can't focus because of ADHD(ugh, that just sounds like a stupid excuse) I can't focus on anything. I can't do anything. Then I just wake up and repeat it all again. The only reprieve I get is at night where I can just retreat into my private world. But that just leads to really unhealthy amounts of sleep. By that I mean I regularly stay up until three in the morning. I'm always tired during the day, no matter what. I can't focus on school, I can't even do school. Then there's my mom. I love her so much, but she is probably the cause of the majority of my self worth/anxiety/whatever the heck is wrong with me. I have no freedom. I don't know how accurate it is, but it feels like I have subconsciously developed some sort of thought process that my mom will just do things for me if I don't. She's more invested in my grades than I am. I want to get good grades and do well in school, I really do, but it doesn't feel like it's my initiative or motivation or whatever that is actually getting me to do things. It just feels like something my mom really wants for me, and won't let me do it my own way. I don't know how much of my failure to do anything is on me, but on the rare occasions I do get things done without her breathing down my neck, I am able to get things done. I'm just such a failure and disappointment. 

oh well, I guess my rant is over now

I’m not much good at advice but I can give you virtual hugs. *hugs*

So today some people came to my school to run a sort of chapel/concert/event thingy with fog machines and light displays and crazy loud speakers. It was … crazy. I tried to just chill while they were doing it but then they were like “woo let’s mosh” and I was like ‘argh panic attack, sensory overload, too many people I have a headache, I fell like I’m about to puke, help’ so… that was terrible and I’m really embarrassed because I was crying and I cried infront of all my friends and I didn’t even have a reason. It was just too overwhelming. Ughhh I’m just really frustrated at myself for getting upset. It doesn’t even make sense why I was upset. .-. Gahhhh

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12 hours ago, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I haven't gone on here in a while, but I've been having a real rough time lately. I don't even know why. I don't feel as suicidal though. just more of a passive dislike of existing. So I don't even know where to start. Everything just feels so hopeless. I wake up, go to school, go home, I screw up even trying to do homework, I can't focus because of ADHD(ugh, that just sounds like a stupid excuse) I can't focus on anything. I can't do anything. Then I just wake up and repeat it all again. The only reprieve I get is at night where I can just retreat into my private world. But that just leads to really unhealthy amounts of sleep. By that I mean I regularly stay up until three in the morning. I'm always tired during the day, no matter what. I can't focus on school, I can't even do school. Then there's my mom. I love her so much, but she is probably the cause of the majority of my self worth/anxiety/whatever the heck is wrong with me. I have no freedom. I don't know how accurate it is, but it feels like I have subconsciously developed some sort of thought process that my mom will just do things for me if I don't. She's more invested in my grades than I am. I want to get good grades and do well in school, I really do, but it doesn't feel like it's my initiative or motivation or whatever that is actually getting me to do things. It just feels like something my mom really wants for me, and won't let me do it my own way. I don't know how much of my failure to do anything is on me, but on the rare occasions I do get things done without her breathing down my neck, I am able to get things done. I'm just such a failure and disappointment. 

oh well, I guess my rant is over now

I feel you on the sleep front, because it's nice to be the only one around sometimes. 

You aren't a failure. We think you are amazing! *hugs*

3 hours ago, Cinnamon said:

So today some people came to my school to run a sort of chapel/concert/event thingy with fog machines and light displays and crazy loud speakers. It was … crazy. I tried to just chill while they were doing it but then they were like “woo let’s mosh” and I was like ‘argh panic attack, sensory overload, too many people I have a headache, I fell like I’m about to puke, help’ so… that was terrible and I’m really embarrassed because I was crying and I cried infront of all my friends and I didn’t even have a reason. It was just too overwhelming. Ughhh I’m just really frustrated at myself for getting upset. It doesn’t even make sense why I was upset. .-. Gahhhh

I've felt such feelings before with large groups of people. Sensory overloads are not fun. Just say you have to leave for a bit and try to go somewhere quiet and calm to just desensatize if you can.

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It feels like my body hates me for being anxious. I can't sit comfortably and no matter what I do my back is in constant pain and discomfort. And I'm so tense just in general that even if I could figure out how to fix that then it doesn't really do anything. And being tense makes me really tired. And I feel bad for getting so anxious all the time but I can't stop it. And I don't know how to make it any better. So I just have to let it run its course and hope it doesn't last for too long. 

Also to anyone else who's been having a rough time with anything recently I send you lots and lots of hugs.

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1 hour ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

It feels like my body hates me for being anxious. I can't sit comfortably and no matter what I do my back is in constant pain and discomfort. And I'm so tense just in general that even if I could figure out how to fix that then it doesn't really do anything. And being tense makes me really tired. And I feel bad for getting so anxious all the time but I can't stop it. And I don't know how to make it any better. So I just have to let it run its course and hope it doesn't last for too long. 

Also to anyone else who's been having a rough time with anything recently I send you lots and lots of hugs.

have you gotten it checked out by a doctor? I have scoliosis, and my neck and back usually hurt all the time. It could be that. I'd recommend getting it checked out, as the longer it goes, the more painful it will get (plus it'll take longer to fix).

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